Ahmadinejad's speech at UN (because your media won't tell you)

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Ahmadinejad's speech at UN (because your media won't tell you)


Here it is. A magnificent speech and very true. Of course, none of the media here noticed this event, though otherwise they're very quick to report everything about Iran we ever wanted to ask but were afraid to. And I guess so it is with your media in USA and elsewhere. I got this information thanks to the network of our group. Please, if you too think that Iran and it's president are being denigrated or censored in media, spread this.

Of course, he must put a lot of Allah and monotheism into his speech, but I think it's a lip service to the ayatollahs keeping him in office and he softens that by diversity of cultures and tolerance. His real concern is a global peace and justice and he correctly points out that it is totally ignored. As always, I wish I'd have such a president, he's one of the most enlightened politicians at the moment, though in a very diffcult position.
I think that doing what Ahmadinejad (and other people like him) say is the only effective way of dealing with all world's problems, including the religious extremism. Being hostile and deaf to Iran and Palestine just makes it worse.

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Luminon wrote: And I guess

Luminon wrote:
And I guess so it is with your media in USA and elsewhere.

Not sure what you mean there. I had no trouble finding the full text or the complete clip myself. ( http://www.zaplog.nl/zaplog/article/ahmadinejads_speech_bij_de_vn#first_comment )

I saw him on the news too. He got a few soundbites, like the others. Should they have shown the whole thing ?

Luminon wrote:
Of course, he must put a lot of Allah and monotheism into his speech, but I think it's a lip service to the ayatollahs keeping him in office

What makes you think that ?

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Big Brother's speech at Airstrip One

Luminon wrote:


Here it is. A magnificent speech and very true. Of course, none of the media here noticed this event, though otherwise they're very quick to report everything about Iran we ever wanted to ask but were afraid to. And I guess so it is with your media in USA and elsewhere. I got this information thanks to the network of our group. Please, if you too think that Iran and it's president are being denigrated or censored in media, spread this.

Of course, he must put a lot of Allah and monotheism into his speech, but I think it's a lip service to the ayatollahs keeping him in office and he softens that by diversity of cultures and tolerance. His real concern is a global peace and justice and he correctly points out that it is totally ignored. As always, I wish I'd have such a president, he's one of the most enlightened politicians at the moment, though in a very diffcult position.
I think that doing what Ahmadinejad (and other people like him) say is the only effective way of dealing with all world's problems, including the religious extremism. Being hostile and deaf to Iran and Palestine just makes it worse.


Here it is. A magnificent speech and very true. Of course, none of the media here noticed this event, though otherwise they're very quick to report everything about Oceania we ever wanted to ask but were afraid to. And I guess so it is with your media in USA and elsewhere. I got this information thanks to the network of our group. Please, if you too think that Oceania and Big Brother are being denigrated or censored in media, spread this.

Of course, he must put a lot of "evil Goldstein" into his speech, but I think it's a lip service to the Party keeping him in office and he softens that by words of peace, plenty and tolerance. His real concern is a global peace and justice and he correctly points out that it is totally ignored. As always, I wish I'd have such a president, he's one of the most enlightened politicians I have ever encountered.
I think that doing what Big Brother (and other people like him) say is the only effective way of dealing with all world's problems, including the religious extremism. Being hostile and deaf to Big Brother, doublethink and Ingsoc just makes it worse.


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Anonymouse wrote:Luminon

Anonymouse wrote:

Luminon wrote:
And I guess so it is with your media in USA and elsewhere.

Not sure what you mean there. I had no trouble finding the full text or the complete clip myself. ( http://www.zaplog.nl/zaplog/article/ahmadinejads_speech_bij_de_vn#first_comment )

I saw him on the news too. He got a few soundbites, like the others. Should they have shown the whole thing ?

He wasn't on the news in local media and also not on local news websites. There are "news" like that a spider had been crawling on the pope, quality leather imitation can't be recognized from a real leather, and so on.
I assumed that the global response wasn't big either. Of course, I'll have to check the national channel today in the evening, if there will be some late remark.

Anonymouse wrote:
Luminon wrote:
Of course, he must put a lot of Allah and monotheism into his speech, but I think it's a lip service to the ayatollahs keeping him in office

What makes you think that ?

Because he's not a fundie, he doesn't think that a faith alone will save the world. He emphasizes the need to make real changes in all areas of human life, everywhere, like economy, military, politics, or that not all nations have an equal voice in UN and Security council... He's an idealist, but a practical one. And says practically the same things like Ben Creme. The topics, phrases and expressions are very similar. Trust me, I've read almost all of Creme's books and many of his articles, and I must say the similarity is obvious. It's like a Creme's text, just Allahized.


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Fifth;Our nation has

Our nation has successfully gone through a glorious and fully- democratic election, opening a new chapter for our country in the march towards national progress and enhanced international interactions. They entrusted me once more with a large majority this heavy responsibility.

Much of the world disputes this assertion.

Nobody I know was brainwashed into being an atheist.

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One of the only things the

One of the only things the Harper administration has done that I agree with was walking out on that nut. Before anyone else did.

I really don't care what he said.

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geirj wrote:Fifth;Our nation

geirj wrote:

Our nation has successfully gone through a glorious and fully- democratic election, opening a new chapter for our country in the march towards national progress and enhanced international interactions. They entrusted me once more with a large majority this heavy responsibility.

Much of the world disputes this assertion.

Me too, actually. But the same thing I do with last three American elections, so why should I criticize? And I have no idea what else should he say.


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Luminon wrote:Anonymouse

Luminon wrote:

Anonymouse wrote:

Luminon wrote:
And I guess so it is with your media in USA and elsewhere.

Not sure what you mean there. I had no trouble finding the full text or the complete clip myself. ( http://www.zaplog.nl/zaplog/article/ahmadinejads_speech_bij_de_vn#first_comment )

I saw him on the news too. He got a few soundbites, like the others. Should they have shown the whole thing ?

He wasn't on the news in local media and also not on local news websites. There are "news" like that a spider had been crawling on the pope, quality leather imitation can't be recognized from a real leather, and so on.
I assumed that the global response wasn't big either. Of course, I'll have to check the national channel today in the evening, if there will be some late remark.

Anonymouse wrote:
Luminon wrote:
Of course, he must put a lot of Allah and monotheism into his speech, but I think it's a lip service to the ayatollahs keeping him in office

What makes you think that ?

Because he's not a fundie, he doesn't think that a faith alone will save the world. He emphasizes the need to make real changes in all areas of human life, everywhere, like economy, military, politics, or that not all nations have an equal voice in UN and Security council... He's an idealist, but a practical one. And says practically the same things like Ben Creme. The topics, phrases and expressions are very similar. Trust me, I've read almost all of Creme's books and many of his articles, and I must say the similarity is obvious. It's like a Creme's text, just Allahized.



That explains much - He spreads the same brand of woo-woo as one of your fave woo-woo artists so you like Ahmadine-Bush.

When will you start calling him Maitreya?

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Yes Israel has a lot to

Yes Israel has a lot to answer for in that region, but suicide bombers are also an evil.

And of course the economic setup in the US is deeply flawed, as we have just seen.

But he most certainly does not have the answer.

He still thinks that the supreme source of morality is from the 'divine messengers' - 'The Prophet', Jesus, Moses, etc, which is evil nonsense. He wants a Theocracy.

Let's see how serious he is in addressing the oppression in his own borders, of women for a start.

The peaceful demonstrators against his 'fair' election were brutally suppressed by armed thugs.

I am not impressed.

I understand his speech was rather over-shadowed by being followed by a 94 minute insane rambling from Colonel Gaddafi.

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Luminon wrote:geirj

Luminon wrote:

geirj wrote:

Our nation has successfully gone through a glorious and fully- democratic election, opening a new chapter for our country in the march towards national progress and enhanced international interactions. They entrusted me once more with a large majority this heavy responsibility.

Much of the world disputes this assertion.

Me too, actually. But the same thing I do with last three American elections, so why should I criticize? And I have no idea what else should he say.



Riiiiiiiight and your 'elected' officials being so honest huh

People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.

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Luminon wrote:I got this

Luminon wrote:
I got this information thanks to the network of our group.

How many are muslim?

Luminon wrote:
 Being hostile and deaf to Iran and Palestine just makes it worse.

What palestine? Gaza should be bulldozed.


People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.

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jcgadfly wrote:That explains

jcgadfly wrote:

That explains much - He spreads the same brand of woo-woo as one of your fave woo-woo artists so you like Ahmadine-Bush.

When will you start calling him Maitreya?

Maitreya is not Ahmadinejad. My information is, that he lives in London under his unique identity with a British citizenship and Pakistani origin.

But my information speaks of an unidentified group of people, who have different origins, but they all respond to the same idea. They, as the most able individuals in all fields of human activity, will naturally find themselves at the right moment in the correct places and institutions, and they will shape the world according to their shared vision. This is being done by the principle of inner, intuitive guidance and not by any formal identification with a movement or ideal. So whenever someone like that shows up, he is being recognized according to that one enlightened vision of the world he has.

You see, I feel unsafe in the world which is rapidly progressing towards it's destruction and I'm highly interested in those who will show people the way to fix our civilization. Saving our collective human ass is a real need and the time is running.

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jcgadfly wrote:When will you

jcgadfly wrote:

When will you start calling him Maitreya?

[shudder] c'mon, man, that's just outta line.  don't slander maitreya like that.


"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
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Luminon wrote:jcgadfly

Luminon wrote:

jcgadfly wrote:

That explains much - He spreads the same brand of woo-woo as one of your fave woo-woo artists so you like Ahmadine-Bush.

When will you start calling him Maitreya?

Maitreya is not Ahmadinejad. My information is, that he lives in London under his unique identity with a British citizenship and Pakistani origin.


But my information speaks of an unidentified group of people, who have different origins, but they all respond to the same idea. They, as the most able individuals in all fields of human activity, will naturally find themselves at the right moment in the correct places and institutions, and they will shape the world according to their shared vision. This is being done by the principle of inner, intuitive guidance and not by any formal identification with a movement or ideal. So whenever someone like that shows up, he is being recognized according to that one enlightened vision of the world he has.

You see, I feel unsafe in the world which is rapidly progressing towards it's destruction and I'm highly interested in those who will show people the way to fix our civilization. Saving our collective human ass is a real need and the time is running.

I understand your feelings. I don't understand why you'd believe a man as beholden to religious wacknuts as GWB was in the US to do anything he promises.

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
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Luminon wrote:But my

Luminon wrote:

But my information speaks of an unidentified group of people, who have different origins, but they all respond to the same idea. They, as the most able individuals in all fields of human activity, will naturally find themselves at the right moment in the correct places and institutions, and they will shape the world according to their shared vision. This is being done by the principle of inner, intuitive guidance and not by any formal identification with a movement or ideal. So whenever someone like that shows up, he is being recognized according to that one enlightened vision of the world he has.

You see, I feel unsafe in the world which is rapidly progressing towards it's destruction and I'm highly interested in those who will show people the way to fix our civilization. Saving our collective human ass is a real need and the time is running.

Are all you idiots planning a coup d'état of the mental ward?

People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.

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jcgadfly wrote:I understand

jcgadfly wrote:

I understand your feelings. I don't understand why you'd believe a man as beholden to religious wacknuts as GWB was in the US to do anything he promises.

It's not up to him to do what he promises, it's up to all governments to do it. And logically, governments like USA, satisfied with leading position in the world will be certainly more afraid of changes than a poor middle-eastern country that has little to lose.


aiia wrote:

Are all you idiots planning a coup d'état of the mental ward?

Nope. It will look like a coincidence, within natural order of things.  By the way, these idiots you mean are all kinds of people, including those you would admire. The most able scientists always have an intuitive guidance, this has nothing to do with being religious, wacknut, or whatever, quite opposite.



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Luminon wrote:jcgadfly

Luminon wrote:

jcgadfly wrote:

I understand your feelings. I don't understand why you'd believe a man as beholden to religious wacknuts as GWB was in the US to do anything he promises.

It's not up to him to do what he promises, it's up to all governments to do it. And logically, governments like USA, satisfied with leading position in the world will be certainly more afraid of changes than a poor middle-eastern country that has little to lose.


aiia wrote:

Are all you idiots planning a coup d'état of the mental ward?

Nope. It will look like a coincidence, within natural order of things.  By the way, these idiots you mean are all kinds of people, including those you would admire. The most able scientists always have an intuitive guidance, this has nothing to do with being religious, wacknut, or whatever, quite opposite.



And as he is beholden to the religionists that run his government (you don't actually believe he has a say in things do you?), nothing will come of his words.

Oh, and how is woo-woo a part of the natural order of things? I'm still waiting for when Creme reveals himself as Maitreya - I'll feel kind of sad for you when that happens.

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin

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Vastet wrote:One of the only

Vastet wrote:
One of the only things the Harper administration has done that I agree with was walking out on that nut. Before anyone else did. I really don't care what he said.


He even spent it at Tim Hortons