Irrational fears/phobia

So I was at the doctor the other day and saw a sign for $20 flu shots. I have never had a flu shot before because I have an irrational fear of needles. Its like Kryptonite to me. If I see them being used my arms and legs go weak I start to breath erratically and sometimes even forget to breath. I had a surgery back in 06 and when they had to put the needle in me I stopped breathing until I was unconscious. It's not when they are used on me, it could be anyone even if they were on TV. I have no idea why I have this fear.
So I thought why not tell everyone here that I have an irrational fear. Does anyone else have one and is willing to share?
Sounds made up...
Agnostic Atheist
No, I am not angry at your imaginary friends or enemies.
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I have a phobia of spiders on me. Walking into an invisible web makes me freak out.
Theism is why we can't have nice things.
I have an irrational fear from worms and caterpillars. Everything about them seems to me incredibly disgusting. Back at school, when the biology teacher showed to us a tapeworm in a jar of alcohol, I had to close my eyes preventively.
I'm OK with spiders and other kinds of dry and multi-legged insects.
I have no idea where that fear came from, because I remember that when I was small, I could handle earthworms without problem. I often helped my older brother to find the bait for his fishing.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
The fear probably came from tapeworms in jars at your school.
Theism is why we can't have nice things.
Mostly water, like beaches, lakes etc... I even prefer baths over showers, because I don't like a steady stream of water in my face.
Mostly water, like beaches, lakes etc... I even prefer baths over showers, because I don't like a steady stream of water in my face.
Now this one ive never heard. I have to ask, can you elaborate a little. A lake is motionless like a bath, why does that scare you???
What is it about the water that scares you, this one really interests me.
I am certainly afraid of open ocen water, i could barely attempt surfing when i travelled to auz because it requires to go into ocean water where you cant see the bottom. Once i cant see the bottom my instincts kick into gear and i freak out and swim back. I dont really find this irrational though because i know their are significant dangers in that water. So an irrational fear of mine, hmmmm? Id say clowns i guess, i have no rational reason to fear clowns, except for they creep the hell of me. I dont think i could stay in a room full of clowns for very long. I also cant stand realistic dolls, i cant have them around me, they disgust me, i have no idea why. Maybe because they are to accurate a representaiton of a real person, those beady eyes, and little fingers, EEEEWWWWW!!!!! haha man sounds kinda rediculous when you spell it out.
Great posted topic, we all need to exercise a little humilty and poke fun at ourselves.
Here's how to use the quote function
Anyway, a lake is bigger and deeper than a bath tub. And I don't go into pools even though I can see the bottom
Well i guess i could admit that when i was wakeboarding at a lake in vancouver well known to be extremely deep and exploerers had troubles
finding the bottom with all the cliifs and caves. I remember falling in the water and waiting for the boat to come back and i was afraid of
the samethings in the lake as the ocen even though i know they didnt exist their. That was certaingly an illogical fear i had, a great white shark or giant octopus in a lake.
Thanks i was thinking today id learn how to quote properly, this is my first time on any forum. ever.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Tornados...Twister may have been the scariest movie I ever saw...
“Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.”
For me, the irrational fear is any kind of a platform where I cannot see how it is supported from underneath. If I am on some type of a raised surface and I can't comprehend how it is held up, then I start to worry.
For example, the Boston mass transit system has an outdoor station where the powers that be had to stick a ramp where they could fit it. So here I can stand on the second level in a large enough area that I don't mind but to get to the lower level, there is a ramp that runs straight away from the platform something like a hundred feet, does a U turn and comes back to the lower level. It looks like it is hanging from nothing. If you see the thing from underneath, it is supported by a line of concrete columns but to go down from the upper floor, you can't see them.
Another example is two of the escalators in my local mall. Whomever designed them decided to hang them over a seating area that is a pit with benches around it, sort of like a Roman theater. So they are not just hanging over a bare floor but the floor drops away under them. If one of them was to fall, the drop would be a dozen or more meters.
Theism is why we can't have nice things.
For me it is a fear of flying. I have been in airplanes before, and probably will sometime again in my life. I typically pop a Clonazepam before I jump onboard ... side effect is I am no good for the entire day.
Another 'fear' I have is open spaces. Not like Dixie Chicks 'wide open spaces' , I love the outdoors. More like... stadiums and malls. Maybe it is more the crowds that freak me out ~ the number of people packed into one place...but I am also afraid of heights so that may add to my discomfort of being on the upper level of a 3- story mall or the bleacher seats in the stadium.
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Well, there goes a lucrative career in porn.....
How can not believing in something that is backed up with no empirical evidence be less scientific than believing in something that not only has no empirical evidence but actually goes against the laws of the universe and in many cases actually contradicts itself? - Ricky Gervais
When ever I'm congested and I'm trying to go to sleep, I'll suddenly snap awake because I feel like I'm drowning; I'll literally start freaking out because of the snot in my nose.
Eden had a 25% murder rate and incest was rampant.