Godless Billboard Moved after threats.

CINCINNATI -- In the wake of multiple, significant threats, the downtown billboard that says “Don’t Believe In God? You are not alone” came down early Thursday morning.
The billboard had gone up Tuesday afternoon at Reading Road and 12th Street, one block south of Liberty Street and it is being moved to a new site Thursday at the Sixth Street Viaduct.
The group that funded the billboard, the United Coalition of Reason, was contacted by Lamar Advertising of Cincinnati. Lamar reported that the landowner of the site had been threatened over the billboard's message and wanted it taken down.
"We weren't given the landowner's identity or precise details," reported Fred Edwords, national director of the United Coalition of Reason. "Nor did we pursue them. It was sufficient to learn that multiple, significant threats had been received and that Lamar would act quickly to alleviate the problem. Lamar was most apologetic to us regarding the situation. It was a development they hadn't expected. Nor had we. Nothing like this has ever happened to us before."
"Everything that has happened shows just how vital our message is," said Shawn Jeffers, co-coordinator for the Cincinnati Coalition of Reason. "It proves our point, that bigotry against people who don't believe in a god is still very real in America. Only when we atheists, agnostics and humanists come together and go public about our views will people have a chance to learn that we too are part of the community and deserve respect."
The new location on the 6th Street Expressway, U.S. Highway 50, is owned by Lamar and therefore isn't subject to landowner restrictions. The billboard will face east, visible on the left to traffic traveling west out of the city across the viaduct toward the suburbs of Delhi and Price Hill.
"The sign is saying there are godless people in Cincinnati. We are your friends, neighbors, we might be your policemen, firemen, postmen, whatever and we want to take our place at the table and have our say," said John Welte with the Cincinnati Coalition of Reason.
Lamar Advertising's general manager tells 9News the owner of the property received threats and asked for its removal.
"Apparently they were vicious threats of some kind. I don't know the exact nature of the threats but yes," said Welte.
The billboard was moved to a location now viewed by drivers heading west on the Sixth Street viaduct. Some say they find it offensive.
"My thoughts? I think the sign needs to come down. Its atheist. Its going to cause problems around all the churches, not just catholic, but lutheran, baptist, all of them," said Jack Jones of Downtown.
The billboard campaign began in Philadelphia last April. Its also featured in Cleveland and Columbus. The group says this is the first time one has had to be relocated.
"We are dealing with it the best way we can. We are not going away so talk to us," said Welte.
Theism is why we can't have nice things.
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Disgusting. It just makes me stronger in my convictions as a Militant Atheist.
Those billboards piss me off. I had no idea they had them up like that. I've never been through the bible belt though. New England is a lot less religious thank bob.
Thanks for providing the anti-humanism billboard, I have my next blog post ready to go. PADAM!
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Don't forget the commercials too.
I've been overseas for the past 3 years and don't have TV, so I've been lucky enough to not be subjected to them anymore.
Clockcat, here's what I came up with.
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Hmm. A take on people that dodge the term atheist.
Well, I can't say I entirely disagree with that. I'm a little bit more peturbed by the people that talk about "new atheism" though.
Theism is why we can't have nice things.
I like the term new atheism... you like or no?
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No. It is often used in a pejorative fashion by people who are trying to escape being targeted by theist propaganda.
Basically, attempting to shift what they think is blame. Usually it is cited with reference to Dawkins, Hitchens, and any outspoken or active atheist.
It essentially infers the only acceptable atheist is a quiet atheist.
Theism is why we can't have nice things.
I see it completely different. But maybe that's because I'm proud to be part of something new, add fresh and cutting edge to the mix. I like the notion that I'm differentiated from pussy wimp old fashioned atheists.
But.... I'm still an atheist. I'm also a humanist and bright and non-believer and...
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Diagoras of Melos is a new atheist too, under the way it is being termed.
It has nothing to do with what is "new" or not. It is being used under the same idea anything deemed "neo" attempts to make it sound somehow extremist.
Theism is why we can't have nice things.
The words 'new' and 'atheism' together do not automatically create a bad combination.
My main objection to 'new atheism' is that it is vague at best and inaccurate at worst. Someone who has not had the term explained to them will think, "What's new about them? They don't seem that new. In fact, they just seem arrogant and insulting. That must be their whole schtick; be rude and strident, just like the fundamentalists they oppose! Ha! Those shrill and militant new atheists!"
The term was bound to lead people astray. How are they supposed to know that the 'new' really only means that we have recently changed our stance from quiet to outspoken, from deferential to unapologetic? It takes quite a bit of historical context to figure that out.
Hence my advocacy for the more accurate term 'unapologetic'. Why not just skip that whole confusing tangent about what the 'new' in 'new atheism' really means, and get right down to the point? Why waste time? Why fight the same battles over and over.
Even if 'unapologetic' eventually gets burdened with the same stereotypes, its very accuracy brings those stereotypes into question, and challenges them directly.
It's easier to respond to "Those rude, strident, unapologetic atheists" with, "Well, how exactly is "I don't believe in your God" rude or strident? You haven't proven your case. We're innocent until proven guilty. That's why we're unapologetic, because there's nothing wrong with merely being an atheist." It's a lot more tricky to go this road with 'new', precisely because it's vague and can mean whatever the person wants it to mean, as in, "Oh no, I'm talking about the *new* atheists, you know, the ones who are rude and arrogant." They get to bypass the challenge to their stereotypes. The only way to challenge them is to bring up the concept of unapologetics anyway. So you might as well start there in the first place.
That's my take on it.
New atheism was an adequate placeholder for a while. But it was never accurate and clear.
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You know clock, whether I disagree or not, this whole discussion would lead us down a path to state... we should just use the word atheist.
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Well, yes. That is kind of my point, I just find that the whole "throwing each other under the bus" thing to escape persecution as disturbing.
Also, "fundamentalist atheism" is still being used a lot as well. Which doesn't really many any sense at all.
Theism is why we can't have nice things.
Let's dip into the comments page...
..see you're not the only one who can talk s**t now are ya ya f**kin moron!"Fundamentalist atheism" is like claiming fundamentalist Galileoism. Once someone has told you the earth rotates around the sun, they can scream how much you hate them, but that doesn't mean the sun rotates around the earth because they don't like what they hear.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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I have never seen quite such an attack as that one bill board saying that anit-god is anti-american.. This damn guy needs a lesson in history to see that our forefathers NEVER wanted religion in our legislation and were very much against any and all organized religions. George Washington would roll over in his grave if he was to see this. What an idiot!!
"There is no God higher than truth." -Mahatma Ghandi
This "Reverend" uses the term "civil war" in his idiotic message. I wonder if that means that he wishes the Civil War never happened? I do feel that we're a a crossroads and something has to give. These fundamentalists aren't ever going to be tolerant or practical and we can no longer stand by and let them run this country like we have ever since the 1800's. It's time to take this stand against religious intolerance and ignorance and try to educate people. This stupid reverend is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. We need this for all of mankind, not just our country, but it just so happens that our country is the most religious per-capita in the world. We also have the biggest guns and the most money.. There's something not quite right there.. Or ALL right.. (wing that is)
"There is no God higher than truth." -Mahatma Ghandi
Now im not American and this is somewhat off topic but why does it matter what the founding fathers wanted. They are long dead, the people alive are not. As I see it what some long dead people wanted should have no bearing. The founding fathers also went the yay slavery route... thats not a reason for slavery today. So just because the founding fathers didn't want religion and the state to mix that isn't a reason for them to not to mix today. Don't get me wrong the State and religion should never mix but I always get confused when people bring up the founding fathers.... they are irrelavant.
Now back on topic..... those bill borders are funny they would never be allowed up here in south africa i don't think... But mostly you won't find them here because... why on earth would you pay to get those put up? Just confirms my view that some people have to much money and not enough sense.
Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
No animal shall wear clothes.
No animal shall sleep in a bed.
No animal shall drink alcohol.
No animal shall kill any other animal.
All animals are equal.
I think it's because our founding fathers were a heck of a lot more intelligent and had much better education than hardly any of us now in this day and age. This is especially true for our present day government. Back then they were inventors, philosophers, eloquent writers, visionaries.
Now we have people like Bush Jr mangling the English language all to hell and Obama, don't get me wrong I support him, but he probably spends his days texting people like his wife in this manner: "hey wut r u doin 4 dinner".
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
I think you will find they also had abit of crazy stupidity in them its just they have been built up and up and up to what they are viewed as today. Only the good is remembered. Atleast that is what I suspect. I mean look at Nelson Mandela... what have you heard about the man? He was quite an extermist in his youth but that sure as hell isn't remembered, only the good he did is. He won't be remembered as someone who tried to blow some building up (parlament buildings i think, not sure) but rather as the father of a nation. This is not to say these people are not smart, good people etc. but its that they are made better by societies that idolise them, they are built up to be better than they actually were.
Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
No animal shall wear clothes.
No animal shall sleep in a bed.
No animal shall drink alcohol.
No animal shall kill any other animal.
All animals are equal.
Naw, we remember that stuff. Benjamin Franklin was a whore and George Washington once ambushed and killed a troop of french soldiers that were carrying an official offer of peace. Hamilton died in a duel over a perceived insult by Aaron Burr. Pretty stupid shit. No one is immune doing stupid things occasionally or having disagreeable traits.
But to compare our founding fathers to any of the people in our current or recent government would be absurd.
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
I've never seen signs like that in Australia!!
I don't think they would fly here, we have freedom of speech, but we also have anti-hatred/vilification laws.
They TV commercial is interesting, almost like saying that Christians can shoot athiests cos they don't matter.
It would be nice to see pro-atheism signs though
Zen-atheist wielding Occam's katana.
Jesus said, "Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division." - Luke 12:51
I just skimmed across this page and I almost threw up. First of all, it's against the law to do that; freedom of religion, remember? And seriously, who gives a flying shit about God, he killed more people than any atheist. Hell, God is an atheist; do you think God believes in a God above himself? Before you little bastards say atheism is wrong why don't you read the god damn bible you retards. Now this is a true story; my friend used to be a Christian but I told him to read the bible, after doing so he decided to become an agnostic. Pwnage with extra sauce!
These signs are racist, illegal, and overall immoral, these people need to do something good with their lives or else they'll end up in this oh-so dreaded hell they want us to perish in. Why don't you go kill yourselves you bloody extremists and go to heaven before you ruin your damn chance at it threatening us.
Man this shit really gets under my damn skin.
And here's a lil' disclaimer: I'm directing that toward the maker of the signs and the angry commenters, not towards the person posting the pictures.
Another thing I picked up on, it badly refers to the big bang theory yet posts Darwin's face up there. Darwin had nothing to do with the big bang.
"I do not think it is necessary to believe that the same God who has given us our senses, reason, and intelligence wished us to abandon their use, giving us by some other means the information that we could gain through them." ~Galileo Galilei
Wow, looking at the above billboard sure does make a valid point. Seriously, what could be more frightening than an unbelieving adolescent threatening someone with physical violence ?
Nothing .... except maybe for God-fearing Christians who threaten physical violence against someone for exercising their right to free speech.
No wonder there's global warming, all the hot air in our heads is starting to leak out...
...and, I might add...I have never encountered so many atheists as I did while I was on active duty. It is true that my faith, while apparently dying, was not quite dead while I was on either of my LHDs, (...so I can't count myself as proof that there are atheists in foxholes...) those other atheists most certainly *do* prove such a thing...and disprove the nonsense about atheists not being patriotic.