North Carolina state Constitution prohibits non-believers from holding office.
A bunch of neandrothal morons seem to think that old archaic state constitutions trump the United States Constitution siting North Carolina's Constitution barring anyone not believing in "Almighty God" from holding office.
These bible thumping idiots rightfully complain about the rights of minorities in China and Iran and their inability to politically compete. I guess monopolies of power are wrong, unless you are the one holding the monopoly.
These idiots have no clue that the Constitution, especially the First Amendment, Oath of Office, AND article 6 ARE ANTI-TRUST laws keeping the political market open for competition.
I am sorry to say that I live in this ass backwards state.
PLEASE, take the time to comment at the site. Again, every voice counts.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
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I live in NC right now and am a voter. Now to figure out who to call... Also how to figure out how to talk to them without frothing like a rabid dog.
Seriously though, I fully believe we can turn this into a positive story for the nonbeliever movement. There's just so many things wrong with that and it's obvious persecution.
I never thought there were corners in my mind until I was told to stand in one.
I have learned so much, thanks for keeping it real RRS.
Edit: The comments are rather thoughtful at times regarding the story. Let's see how far this goes.
I never thought there were corners in my mind until I was told to stand in one.
I have learned so much, thanks for keeping it real RRS.
Before you go blasting people. Read the story. It merely states people are complaining and don't want him seated. I think the city council WILL seat him to avoid the attention to the State Constitution. I don't think long term that will work, and I do hope the objectors DO make a stink about it, because it will bring attention to OUR U.S. Constitution.
For them, they are shit out of luck, either way. They seat him, they will be admitting that the words in the State Constitution are hollow and do not trump the United States Constitution. If they don't seat him, it will be a great case to bring to any court and I doubt if it did, that even North Carolina's State court's can or will ignore the United States Constitution.
There is no way around, "No religious test". They are fucked no matter what they do.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at