2011! The end (again!)

Sometimes I turn on Xtian radio for the lulz when I'm in the car. I caught a bit on Family Radio today, where Harold Camping (the old coot in the video) is predicting the END of the WORLD on October 21, 2011.
A bit from his Wiki page mentioning the same:
"Camping teaches the Bible as the sole and authoritative word of God; of the imminent end of the world (his most recent prediction has the world ending on October 21 in the year 2011); of the "end of the church age" (which asserts that churches are no longer the vehicle of God for salvation);[2] and of predestination, according to which God determined before the beginning of the world which individuals are to be saved."
Here's another site (not related to the radio station) that also is posting similar stuff: http://2011-the-end.com/
Do any of our resident theists believe any of the end of the world predictions?
Do any of you want to make financial wagers on a specific prediction?
Do these people really believe their own crap? I wonder if Harold (assuming he's not dead, given he's already 88) will cancel all his subscriptions, utilities, sell his house, give away all their stuff/cash, etc.
RRS.. Let's mark our calendars. Family Radio has a show called "Open Forum" that fields caller questions. Let's all dial in on 10/22/2011 and ask if he's had a change in worldview or if he'll suddenly find another slight "mistranslation" that pushes the date another few years.
He'd already pegged a second coming in 1994: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5vKekZOcwo
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I believe in Jesus now! I just saw a talking corpse!
Doh.. You're at least still in the return timeframe for the toaster.
LOL ~ I was going to say... hey, someone needs to tell that guy he is dead!
Slowly building a blog at ~
You know what is so fucking stupid about this shit. IT HAPPENS EVERY GENERATION. There is always some nutcase predicting the end of the world.
To them I say, "DUH AND NO SHIT" but there is no magic to it and there is no way to predict an exact date or method.
Science can say that it is not a matter of IF but when, a mega volcano will erupt. It is not a matter of if, but when a meteor WILL hit the planet. It is not a matter of if, but when, the sun expands and fries our planet.
But the crap theist sell is nothing but their own delusions. If there is anything more needless that could lead to our own self destruction NEEDLESSLY, it would be those with nuclear weapons WITH delusions like this.
HEY NUTCASE, "TALES FROM THE CRYPT" called, they want their puppet back.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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You've almost ruined jerky. Damn you.
I apologize.
This may be why no one takes me shopping. (This and the fact that I refer to milk as "bovine teat mucus".)