4 cops murdered, child of one gives eulogy.

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4 cops murdered, child of one gives eulogy.

It's been all over the news in the states. Some dickhead shot and murdered 4 cops. Yesterday a massive funeral was held and one of the sons of the officer, 11 or 12 at the most, talked about his father "is happy watching the memorial"

Look kid, I am sorry some monster dickhead murdered your father. But he IS NOT watching you. He is dead. His brain died along with his body. His thoughts died when he died. He only exists in the memories of those who survived him.

It sucks that shit like this happens. It sucks that this kid is now without a father. But there is no after life and there is no god.

How sick is that? If his dad is happy? Then instead of shooting and killing the murderer, which is what the cops RIGHTFULLY DID, they should be happy that the cop was killed so he could be honored, the cops should also honor the killer who put the dead cop in the position of being honored? OF COURSE THAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!

How selfish of our species to think, while all other biological life is finite without an afterlife, that somehow we are so special to escape the horrors of reality. To claim that this cop, who did the brave thing in protecting society, who gave his life, is up in a fictional heaven, is to cheapen his sacrifice to Superman vs Kriptonite status.

Most people reading this now, including me, will never be brave enough to do what this cop did or take the risk he did. But his death was not the result of a man with a pitchfork manipulating the neurons in the killer's head and he is dead. Sad and horrible, but hardly magical.

If one can accept that when a tree dies, there is no after life for it, considering that we are made up of the same amino acids, why do we think we are so damned special? This cop was special, but he is no more alive now, than any human who died 10,000 years ago is floating in a fictional place.




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Quote:But as more than one

But as more than one person has pointed out, cops don't control who gets in and out of prison.  And as far as tasers go, what would you rather them use?  Guns?  Brute force?  It goes without saying that tasers are safer than guns.

As I pointed out police do have an effect on policy and they do choose to willing participate in such a system. And how much force does it really take to bring in a 72 year old woman or a 10 year old child?


You're saying what you are thinking.  No cop deserves the prejudice and stereotypes your earlier posts make clear that you have.  Yes, some are corrupt.  Yes, the system has flaws.  But even so, to actually sound pleased that 4 cops were murdered is appalling to me.

I wish I was so unique. No, other people are thinking it I assure you. If you think I take pleasure in the misfortune of others then you're wrong. I said it was a shame.

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Gauche wrote:I said it was a

Gauche wrote:

I said it was a shame.



they didn't really seem to have any problem with shoveling millions of non-violent offenders into the prison system to be brutalized or turning hardened criminals back onto the streets to brutalize the general public so I can't have too much sympathy for them.


As I pointed out police do have an effect on policy and they do choose to willing participate in such a system.


Here you falsely accuse cops of doing what legislature and judicial branches of the government do.  Also, by your standards, anyone who votes is responsible for the "brutality on the general public."  I.E. the general public is being brutal to, uh, itself.  So it's the general public's fault more so than it is the cops.  (the general public has more say on legislation than the police do)



And how much force does it really take to bring in a 72 year old woman or a 10 year old child?


Seriously?  What, do you think that those are common arrests? 

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v4ultingbassist wrote: Here

v4ultingbassist wrote:



Here you falsely accuse cops of doing what legislature and judicial branches of the government do.  Also, by your standards, anyone who votes is responsible for the "brutality on the general public."  I.E. the general public is being brutal to, uh, itself.  So it's the general public's fault more so than it is the cops.  (the general public has more say on legislation than the police do)

 I said they have no problem doing their part in it which is not an insignificant part of the process. They enforce the policy which the general public does not. They have lobbies to effect policy. The general public doesn't. If the person shot a judge or congressman I'd say the same thing.




Seriously?  What, do you think that those are common arrests? 

I don't think it matters if it's not a common arrest they pretty much shock anyone who doesn't immediately comply from what I've seen.


My question is what did they do before tasers were invented. According to you tasers are your best hope of surviving an encounter with the police. They must have really been piling up the dead bodies back then. They probably had to just murder everyone, kids, deaf people, guys who don't understand english that well. 

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Gauche wrote:Since clowns

Gauche wrote:
Since clowns are usually sad and desperate individuals I just assumed that no one would admit to being one.
Yeah, the whitecake face paint really lets a clown blend in. The lights are on but is anyone home?

Gauche wrote:
Anarchism is the conviction that the burden of proof has to be placed on authority.
Anarchy is wild abandon. It's the strong preying on the weak. It's a breeding ground for xenophobia. "Anarchism" is pretending otherwise.

Gauche wrote:
Since you believe that authority figures need only to be held to a standard of following orders I can see why you would say that.
It's so much easier to just make believe, huh? Laws are our society's method of deciding standards of behavior. We all have input into what they are, and are all expected to follow them. It's not a matter of "authority" at all.
Gauche wrote:
And the thing that you'd like desperately to omit, deal with the consequences.
How am I omitting that? Palley, they knew the risks and payed a high price.
Gauche wrote:
Are you serious? You imply that laws can't be wrong and accuse me of thinking in absolutes at the same time. That's special.
Hahaha. I implied no such thing, Mr. Blacknwhite. I said, quite outright, that laws are our society's standards of behavior and our cops the enforcers of that behavior. Laws aren't always right, but we have methods in place for changing those laws that, oddly, do not involve shooting at cops.


Big E wrote:
Why, yes, I am!

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Quote:I said they have no


I said they have no problem doing their part in it which is not an insignificant part of the process. They enforce the policy which the general public does not. They have lobbies to effect policy. The general public doesn't. If the person shot a judge or congressman I'd say the same thing.


I understand that they accept risks by doing their job.  However I have more respect for them than apparently you do, because you have been insinuating that cops are corrupt by nature and are "brutal" to the public. 



I don't think it matters if it's not a common arrest they pretty much shock anyone who doesn't immediately comply from what I've seen.


Which is an entirely subjective claim.  I doubt a cop will go trigger happy on a kid or grandma. 


It is the fact that you so readily stereotype all cops with the behaviors of corrupt ones that I take issue with. 



My question is what did they do before tasers were invented. According to you tasers are your best hope of surviving an encounter with the police. They must have really been piling up the dead bodies back then. They probably had to just murder everyone, kids, deaf people, guys who don't understand english that well.

Um, no.  According to me tasers are a safer and more effective control and subduing weapon than a gun.  It is safer for both the criminal and the cop, in most cases.  Again, you are stereotyping police officers.  Yes, there are some cops who have done these things before.  Yes, it is wrong.  But no, not every cop out there is like this.  Frankly, things like this are more attractive to news than standard police work, so while it may SEEM like this happens a lot, it doesn't.  I'm just going to assume you like to blow things way out of proportion, just as you have with the issue of using a taser on someone.

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It seems obvious to me that

It seems obvious to me that you have your mind set that cops are horrible participants in some nation wide endevor to encarcerate the world or kill them trying.


Last time I checked, cops are out there to "Protect and Serve".


Let's take a moment to define that. The job of law enforcement officers is to protect and serve the public. I believe that is what they do. They protect people from others who would cause harm to them or their property.


Are there douchebags in uniform? No doubt about it! I know a few of them personally. I also know genuinely honest and caring people, who put on the uniform and assume the risk of the job because they want to help people, they want to serve their community.


Are there laws which shouldn't be on the books? You better believe it!! The criminalization of drugs has CAUSED far more harm that their use ever has. No one would be willing to shoot up a neighborhood for a plant that anyone who wants it can legally grow in their back yard. Does that mean that cops should pick and choose the laws they want to enforce? NO!!! What if ? Perhaps, your local cops decided that it was ok for the poor to take all of your food because they were hungry.


Maybe, and I hope this never happens, some cop decided that the law against raping you analy wasn't worth enforcing because in his opinion the perpetrator had every right to your sweet ass? How would that make you feel?

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Personally I think


the poor kid shouldn't have been talking at his old man's funeral. God knows what you'd say - it'd be a reflection of what the adults around you were saying, I guess.

Ten or eleven years old you're not even a proper person yet.

Major ouch all round.




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Frankly, the majority of

Frankly, the majority of cops are arrogant pricks who think the world revolves around them and that they know better than anyone else. There are good cops, but they are few and far between. This view comes from someone who actually worked in law enforcement with them, on both sides of the border.

Also, tasers have been sufficiently proven as dangerous to force police services across all of Canada to adopt strict rules on their use by parliament.

I don't have an opinion on the funeral, it's really none of my business. But I'd extend condolences to the families if they were likely to read this. Being a self centred prick with delusions of grandeur isn't sufficiently deserving of death. And to be fair, the job itself pressures them to adopt this personality flaw.

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Vastet wrote:Frankly, the

Vastet wrote:
Frankly, the majority of cops are arrogant pricks who think the world revolves around them and that they know better than anyone else. There are good cops, but they are few and far between. This view comes from someone who actually worked in law enforcement with them, on both sides of the border. Also, tasers have been sufficiently proven as dangerous to force police services across all of Canada to adopt strict rules on their use by parliament. I don't have an opinion on the funeral, it's really none of my business. But I'd extend condolences to the families if they were likely to read this. Being a self centred prick with delusions of grandeur isn't sufficiently deserving of death. And to be fair, the job itself pressures them to adopt this personality flaw.

Vastet there is one major flaw in all of this. You say the majority of cops are arrogant pricks... well guess what most people are arrogant pricks. So yeah of course the majority of cops are that way to. Tasers are fine, better than geting hit by a rubber bullet imo. Sure if you have a heart condition you really don't want to get hit by a taser but you really shouldn't be resisting arrest as well so you bring it on your self.

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Arrogant pricks with power =

Arrogant pricks with power = difference between a cop and anyone else.

"Tasers are fine, better than geting hit by a rubber bullet imo."

A rubber bullet pretty well has to hit you in the eye to kill you. With a taser, simple psychological stress is enough to set off a heart attack. Not to mention prescriptions and narcotics. And don't tell me a mere resisting of arrest is enough to validate death. If you take that position, then I'll cheer the death of every cop ever killed.

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The police have no way of

The police have no way of knowing the person will die. And lets be honest... it isn't very likely is it? No resisting arrest isn't enough to to killed but it is enough to use a taser dispite the risks. Expesially if the person is holding a knife... hell if he is holding a gun forget the taser and just shoot a real gun. Btw rubber bullets kill as well its just not very likly much like tasers.... btw rubber bullets are also very inaccurate, they are intended for crowd control not individual suspects. They are just not practical in the situations tasers are.

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"The police have no way of

"The police have no way of knowing the person will die."

Actually, they do. Hence the strict rules on using tasers in Canada. Can they know every time? No, but they CAN know indicators that it's a bad idea.

"And lets be honest... it isn't very likely is it?"

It's a hell of a lot more likely than getting hit with a rubber bullet. Hell, even a metal one is less likely to kill you.

"No resisting arrest isn't enough to to killed but it is enough to use a taser dispite the risks."

No. If it's a 30 year old man/woman that's one thing. But kids and seniors are something else entirely.

"Expesially if the person is holding a knife... "

Unless that person is approaching the cop or someone else, it's far better to talk with them. Fortunately real cops know this. At least, the ones leaving school the last few years do.

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"hell if he is holding a gun

"hell if he is holding a gun forget the taser and just shoot a real gun."

Obviously. But we're not talking about someone pointing a gun.

"Btw rubber bullets kill as well its just not very likly much like tasers"

Only in fluke circumstances.

"btw rubber bullets are also very inaccurate, they are intended for crowd control not individual suspects. They are just not practical in the situations tasers are."

That's besides the point. Cops did perfectly well with a maglight, radio, billy club, and service revolver for many decades. The taser is too often abused and to easily abused, as well as more dangerous than you believe.

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Yeah i have no problem with

Yeah i have no problem with any of that really, I agree there should be rules you shouldn't taser a 100 year old for obvious reasons besides the fact he is likly no threat.  But rather a suspect dead than a police officer imo.

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The simple issue here is this. Tasers can be lethal. You have to be willing to kill someone to use something potentially lethal on them. Over 50 people this year have died from officer-used tasers in this country, most of which were already in handcuffed and in custody.

The question then is, what constitutes lethal force? Non-compliance? Would it be fair for an officer to shoot someone in the foot if they didn't answer a question?



In the past few years there has been an increasing amount of evidence that tasers also can cause brain damage, induce seizures, heart attacks, and a host of other problems. Long term effects of taser electrocution are unknown. Most officers only have to take a 10 hour training course to use them.




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