Adolf Hitler, Atheist
As some of you will know all to well, there was a group of individuals called PNAC - - who sought to claim political power in the US of A some 10 years ago now. They were typically referred to as "the neocons" and they were strongly influenced by the ideas of a professor in poitical science, one Leo Strauss - - who were of the mind that society needs strong "symbols" to ensure that "values" are not lost on the great unwashed.
There is something to be said about "social design" - the act of seeking to create a utopian state which defies reality as we know it by virtue of common sense. Take for instance this unbelievable "debate" between evolutionists and creationists. Why are upstanding people even giving credence to something as retarded as creationism and/or intelligent design by engaging in a debate with them? This is the answer: Adolf Hitler. It ought to be clear that Hitler didn't just come out of nowhere to take over the German society by sheer supernatural powers of persuation. The ground was prepared for him when he arrived. He was the much coveted political leader figure that had long been sought by an informal "movement" that was based in irrational pseudo-science.
Any reasonable and sensible person will immidiately discard ideas such as those that paved the ground for Hitler. And this is the core of the problem. They didn't, back then. They ridiculed the myths that were festering in the depths of popular imagination while atending parties for the cultured elite of thinkers, artists and scientists, but they never sought to refute them by taking the problem seriously and picking their arguments apart with logic and scienetific evidence.
It may be true, as Leo Strauss said, that a people need their symbols. Well they sure got what they bargained for in Nazi Germany! They allowed ridiculous ideas to gain a solid stronghold in the imagination of "common people", and when Hitler finally arrived, the stage was set for what is arguably the craziest political adventure in modern times.
And this is why "creationism" needs to both be fought back with rational arguments and ridiculed by comedians. Because it is insane. But even more because it has mass appeal. It suggests simple solutions to complex problems. It is, in essence, a pseudo-scientific project which has the potential to become a totalitarian political movement, given the right conditions. Such as hyperinflation and economical chaos...
"The idea of God is the sole wrong for which I cannot forgive mankind." (Alphonse Donatien De Sade)
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It is often argued that Adolf Hitler was an atheist; therefore atheism promotes evil. This is a fallacy. The historical evidence suggests that AH was an utterly selfless, ascetic personality with no "life" as such, outside of that of serving the Reich. He was also a ruthless designer of ideas and beliefs, a symbol and a spokesman for an activist movement with an insane agenda. The German sin consisted by and large in following orders (as was Hannah Arendt's major point in her philosophical investigations of Adolf Eichmann's court testimony, the civil servant in charge of the Holocaust). How could they get to that point? Well, that was fairly simple. By following the same rules for mind control as Leo Strauss advocated.
Establish strong and very emotional national symbols. Flags. Anthems. Marching soldiers. Rank and file. Duty. Discipline. Destiny. Do you see where this is going? But first it is necessary to make people surrender their ability for critical thinking - and that's where religion enters the picture. But not only that, you also need a "story", a powerful myth, such as how a race of superhumans used to live in the arctic regions - or how a supernatural creator made a land of God where righteous people are supposed to live righteous lives in accordance with some arbitrary texts in some arbitrary book. Adolf Hitler was not an atheist, he was a prophet of doom, the creator of his own religion of the blood. The will to seize power and to ruthlessly wield it for the end purpose of actualizing a vision was his main characteristic. Are there people like that in the world today? Are there mentalities that facilitate such phenomenons?
"The idea of God is the sole wrong for which I cannot forgive mankind." (Alphonse Donatien De Sade)
Adolph wasn't an Atheist.
I suppose if English had been his first language he would have said "In God We Trust" on those buttons.
"The idea of God is the sole wrong for which I cannot forgive mankind." (Alphonse Donatien De Sade)
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
I get so sick of believers equating atheists to the likes of sickos like Stalin and Hitler. The concept that these dictators used was the same "appeal to authority" that the God(s) of Abraham have. This god is not subject to election or impeachment or consent of those he governs. The only difference between Stalin and the gods of Abraham is that one is worshiping a fictional being, the other is worshiping the state. But both require faith and credulity to follow.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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