Real World DC, on MTV has an atheist.

I am not a fan of reality shows, especially after hearing about Reggie's experience. BUT, it is still encouraging to know that atheists like Hitchens and others are making it into mainstream media, even if it is pop culture bubble gum garbage like this.
I went to the bio section on the official website but can figure out who the atheist is but I suspect it is Emily. I did not see the original first episode, but I am going to have to watch the show now that I know.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Ty the black guy in the first episode said, "Call me agnostic, whatever". I cant judge because it is "reality TV" which isn't real. But he is young and most people dont think about why they hold a position. So he did say at a dinner in the first episode, "There is no god", so he cant really say agnostic. But again, he is young so it is not a surprise that many young people who hod positions, either way, simply hold them without thinking about them.
You can say, "There is no god" or "There is a god" and not think through the logic you use to come to that position. But it is good to not only see someone on MTV that young, saying "There is no god" which at least gives the youth watching an option other than what their parents have sold them.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Just watched it. It's the most antagonistic event about god ever on the series. I've seen almost every year of the show, and I can't recall someone so abruptly pointing out that "there is no god" to a Christian. He went on to call Christians narrow minded. He opened by stating he went to a Church of Christ and that he's grateful for what he was taught there. A girl who grew up in a religious cult said she related to him because she was oppressed as a child and is not religious at all anymore. They've also got a right wing vegan, an episcopalian religious girl who is a huge Obama supporter, and... the Christian who "Ty" argued with is bisexual who the other religious girl seemed to have a problem with. Clearly they're going to argue both religion and politics quite a bit.
The argument got very heated and I felt Ty argued his point poorly. He got to the point where he said to the Christian "Say there is no God" the Christian said "no" and Ty said "well see, you're narrow minded." Not exactly Ty... but keep at it. From the sounds of it "Ty" will be keeping at it. He was asked to not confront them about religion and he said "I can't promise that, but I'll try."
I typed this while listening to the end of the show, so if it seems disjointed that is why.
You can follow along starting at 26 minutes into the episode with commercials removed here: It goes on for about 5 minutes. I was able to skim to it fast after watching the 15 second commercial.
I'm reaching the end of the episode now. The Christian came to Ty and apologized for bringing up religion, Ty said he wants to be more open minded but that he's rebellious against religion. The episcopalian then started more shit with Ty, reaching the conclusion that she didn't want to talk about it. I didn't like what I had to see in the previews. Looks like Ty turns violent in future episodes. Fucking atheists.
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Never heard that quote. He was very very clearly an atheist.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
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Brian, through the magic of editing, as Reggie can tell you, they can slice anything to make you look the way they want. Of course it is edited this way, because atheists are the new bad guy in America.
If you go through the history of movies and TV in America, it starts out that way for every minority. You cant make deep arguments on TV. Tv's goal is not pragmatic problem solving for humanity, it is for selling add space.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Interesting. Was this filmed recently? About a year ago MTV contacted many of us in DC (i.e. local atheist leaders) looking for a young atheist to be in a reality program... although some of the specific qualifications were strange and we weren't able to come up with a candidate from among our members. IIRC one of the qualifications was an ongoing substantial conflict with a family member in regards to religion.
If you remember Brian, my return from a 2 year hiatus at work was a result of the editing job I saw the fuckfaces at wifeswap pulled on Reggie. I came back and vowed to make up for their transgressions against atheists 100 times over. Two years later I was on the same network making a fool of Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort, a victory. I have experience in the TV/Film realm. I can state that Nightline edited fairly, and I can also state that "The Real World" on MTV is abundantly more accurate than Wifeswap. The people on Wifeswap have the sole purpose of creating a dramatic show even if it doesn't portray reality. "The Real World" producers have the job of creating a dramatic show only if it portrays reality. I've been watching the show since it's inception and have heard and seen excessive amounts of follow up interviews/conversations/appearances from the shows participants.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
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I just watched the newest episode earlier tonight - and they seem to be treating him pretty fairly.
There is a lot of drama going on with the girls, but they portray him as a very laid back and cool guy. He seems to be the voice of reason/rationality so far.