Is there anyway to stop Islam?

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Is there anyway to stop Islam?

First off, Hi everyone, I'm new here to the forums, so if this doesn't belong in General, forgive me.


Anyway to the point:

Although I dislike and don't agree with any religion, there is one particular group who I find to be the most concerning. Muslims.


Why? Well like the other religions, they do babble crazy things.. But unlike a lot of them, they tend to act on these beliefs to the extreme. In fact, it's hard to say if there is an "Extremist" Sect when it's almost the majority. Sure, there are rational and maybe moderate Muslims who don't follow the Qu'ran word for word, but I believe it was a once well known youtube atheist "CapnOAwesome" who said that these moderate Muslims are actually the minority.

These people are so faithful to their beliefs, they are willing to kill and die for their belief without a second thought. They are pretty much the modern "Spanish Inquisition". They are willing to kill anyone who opposes their system of belief and life. They target religion, ethnic groups, politics, economical status, gender, sexual orientation, ways of life, etc etc. In other words, if you don't follow what they do, you're in the way of their crosshair.


Now aside from them proving themselves to be faithful to their religion by killing, they are also one of the fastest growing religions in the World. From what I heard (though this is probably not a fact) "For every one Muslim who leaves his faith or dies, fifty more will take his/her place". Can you actually imagine a World where there are even MORE irrational people who are willing to die and kill for their belief? All this for the religion of "peace"? (Ironic I know).

Also, unlike many other religions, who deny being crazy or irrational, I've actually seen Muslims who ADMIT to it. Sure, there will be those who deny Islam is evil (you may remember this from watching Bill Maher's Religilous, as they denied just about everything that they have done), but I've actually seen youtube videos of Muslims putting up videos that support "Jihad" and the "Mujahideen". Supporters will openly admit in comments that they are all for Killing "infidels" westerners, homosexuals, so the World can be a better place. And they are winning because of the various US, Canadian, British (and any other Country's) troops who are fighting against them. They admit, that the killings are a good thing. So these people not only openly admit they're crazy, but they admit they are acting on them.


BUT, I'm sure a lot of you already know this. So the question is: How do we stop this religion? It's growing like a plague, and I doubt I'd ever want to see them grow to an extent where their control and influence, can infringe on your/my freedoms and beliefs.

Do we "Kill them with kindness" ? Personally, I think this is just throwing them a bone.

What about Educating them? From what it seems, attempting to educate them is like talking to a brick wall. Sure you might get one out of a hundred to be open minded enough to listen, but even if you can provide fact against their claims, they will merely call you an "Idiot" or hope for your death.

Should Soldiers in the Middle East continue to fight? Violence and killing is bad. But with that war going on, surely its thinning them out somewhat. But can this really work against people who have once said "Don't pull out of Iraq, so we can kill more of your kind" ?

I fear them for their violence, and their determination to literally silence rationality with weapons. So if you have any thoughts, please share.


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I think we'll work it out.

EXC wrote:

No way to stop it because their strategy is to out breed other religions and groups. By pumping out more babies and using women as essentially sex/breeding slaves they can accomplish this.

Poverty could stop Islam but they have oil money and the socialists of the world want to make sure all available wealth is transferred from the productive into families with irresponsible breeding. Then they use violence to intimidate anyone that stands in the way. So Europe will be first to fall then the Americas.


Just as an aside, I went to the cricket at the SCG with a staff member of my mate and that staff member's friend. Both these chaps are pakistani as we are playing the paks in the cricket this week and one has a big muslim beard. We were wandering along through the crowds (the SCG holds about 46,000) talking cricket - they are lovers in true - and the attention I got being with them and Naveed got for having the terrorism beard was amazing. Nice guys - I didn't get into religion with them as my views are so hostile it might have ruined the day.

What's so damn funny is that they see western liberalism as weakening family small group values - the exact same values we exalt so highly. It is fucking laughable to embrace the probable truth that we are fighting over definitions of slightly ambiguous words used to describe universal human characteristics. I'd rather we learned to get on together and I endorse vastet's earlier call. Bear in mind the only way islam is going to take over is if we all convert and as for using violence, our populations are more than capable of looking after themselves.






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Atheistextremist wrote:

 Nice guys - I didn't get into religion with them as my views are so hostile it might have ruined the day.

So not their views....yours.....<sigh>





How can not believing in something that is backed up with no empirical evidence be less scientific than believing in something that not only has no empirical evidence but actually goes against the laws of the universe and in many cases actually contradicts itself? - Ricky Gervais

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"No way to stop it because

"No way to stop it because their strategy is to out breed other religions and groups. By pumping out more babies and using women as essentially sex/breeding slaves they can accomplish this."

So do the christians, and they've ground to a complete halt comparatively. The moslems will too in time.

"Poverty could stop Islam but they have oil money and the socialists of the world want to make sure all available wealth is transferred from the productive into families with irresponsible breeding. Then they use violence to intimidate anyone that stands in the way. So Europe will be first to fall then the Americas."

Absolutely ridiculous. Socialism, whether as your strawman of it OR as it would actually work would rip control of the oil fields and other resources away from every religion. It would spell doom for every religious entity overnight. Worse, poverty is why it's in control now. The poor flock to the religion out of desperate hope.

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VastetSocialism, whether as

Vastet wrote:
Socialism, whether as your strawman of it OR as it would actually work would rip control of the oil fields and other resources away from every religion. It would spell doom for every religious entity overnight.

goddamn right it would.


"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson

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Abu Lahab wrote:

Atheistextremist wrote:

 Nice guys - I didn't get into religion with them as my views are so hostile it might have ruined the day.

So not their views....yours.....<sigh>






Bout time I got a FAIL guernsey - I don't know what they think of us as I didn't ask and my last talk with a muslim ended in a shouting match. But I think all godly people are subhumans who should be sent into outer space with only enough gas to get there. Still - this dislike of muslims and christians doesn't translate into my believing they deserve to be incinerated in a lake of fire. Maybe I'm moral or something. Bugger.




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 How is genocide NOT an


How is genocide NOT an idea to stop a growing problem? Its worked wonderfully in the past! (talking pre-nazi's)

... or wait, would it be called religocide? Ah hell with it, MASS FUCKING MURDER!


Its an idea, proven effective in history, and i make the claim that it will work in this instance as well!


You were being serious about that?

Sounds like your own xenophobia LoL!

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Marquis wrote:This is all

Marquis wrote:

This is all very retarded.

People are free to believe and congregate as they like.

They are even free to hate other people and yell obscenities at them at festive occasions!

Who knows (and who the fuck cares) what all the nutters in this world believe in?

I don't have a problem with any of that.

However, if they break the law - say nothing of terrorist acts - they ought to be brought to trial.

You can not insult, indignate or attack another person without repercussion.

We have this social contract we call society and it's basically about how we behave towards eachother.

I will fight for your right to party even if you won't fight for mine.

That's how much of an idiot I am.



People may be free to believe in religion, but these muslims are violent and are causing physical crimes. Car bombings, rockets, hell, just look on youtube. Same thing with crime. You stop the source of a crime, you can eliminate or lower it. Not crime as an entirety, but crime in that section. Whether it be stopping drug flow, getting rid of drug lords, gang leaders or cleaning up town, you can prevent crime in an area. If you get rid of Islam, you get rid of all the crazy men using bombs and AKs.


Also why is it that you are agreeing or omitting to these crimes muslims are doing? You've already said that you believe they are justified because of a few wars in the past. So would that mean, if your family member 200 years ago killed one fo my family members, would that give me the right to kill you today?

If that's so, you have really messed up logic.

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Dmasterman wrote: You were

Dmasterman wrote:

You were being serious about that?

Sounds like your own xenophobia LoL!


... of course i was being serious!

Im not being xenophobic... im being sociopathic

Slight difference, 1 cowers in fear of something, the other kills what the first is afraid of.

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The Doomed Soul

The Doomed Soul wrote:

Dmasterman wrote:

You were being serious about that?

Sounds like your own xenophobia LoL!


... of course i was being serious!

Im not being xenophobic... im being sociopathic

Slight difference, 1 cowers in fear of something, the other kills what the first is afraid of.


You know I think they said the same thing about Hitler. But Hitler is also considered a Xenophobe.

Smells like you're a xenophobe to me!


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Vastet wrote:Absolutely

Vastet wrote:
Absolutely ridiculous. Socialism, whether as your strawman of it OR as it would actually work would rip control of the oil fields and other resources away from every religion.

You mean like how Bush/Chenney did in Iraq? This kind of takeover requires a lot of high tech weapons, well trained armies to win a war and maintain control. Socialism doesn't produce anything, so how would socialists ever get any weapons or armies. A highly trained engineer is going to work his ass off to produce high tech weapons when you tax his ass at 80% or more to pay for healthcare and other welfare? A businessman is going to invest in weapons systems when all his profits would be taken? Someone is going to risk his life in combat when he can get freebies for doing nothing? Please, your dreaming.

What's the strawman? Is there any form of socialism out there that does not amount to a reward for a fundamentalist Muslim, Christian or Jew to have as many babies as they can and then indoctrinate them with their religion. I should should be so happy to pick up the bill for this?


Vastet wrote:
It would spell doom for every religious entity overnight. Worse, poverty is why it's in control now. The poor flock to the religion out of desperate hope.

Actually the Islamics are flocking to Europe to get the benefits of the welfare states. There are also producing babies at a much higher rate, and they can have as many as Allah tells them to have because the state picks up the tab. So just a matter of time before European Socialism will lead to Islamic domination.

Muslims in Europe

It's no strawman, the socialism in Europe you praise so much is leading to it's Islamicization.


Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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"You mean like how

"You mean like how Bush/Chenney did in Iraq? "


"This kind of takeover requires a lot of high tech weapons, blah blah blah"

Just keep proving you don't have a clue.

"What's the strawman? Is there any form of socialism out there that does not amount to a reward for a fundamentalist Muslim, Christian or Jew to have as many babies as they can and then indoctrinate them with their religion. I should should be so happy to pick up the bill for this?"

More made up problems. Fortunately everyone knows you're an irrational idiot with no argument beyond strawmen.

"Actually the Islamics are flocking to Europe to get the benefits of the welfare states."


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"There are also producing

"There are also producing babies at a much higher rate"

Than what? Your BS attempt at a point was defeated by my experience in grade 2, when I learned how advertising works.

"and they can have as many as Allah tells them to have because the state picks up the tab. blah blah blah"


"It's no strawman, the socialism in Europe you praise so much is leading to it's Islamicization."

More lies. You're too easy to make fun of. Really too bad you have no idea how politics and economics work on any scale, with any system.

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Nice try Vasset. But it's

Nice try Vasset. But it's obvious you don't have anything but ad-hominem attacks.

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Vastet wrote:"There are also

Vastet wrote:
"There are also producing babies at a much higher rate" Than what? Your BS attempt at a point was defeated by my experience in grade 2, when I learned how advertising works. "and they can have as many as Allah tells them to have because the state picks up the tab. blah blah blah" Laughable. "It's no strawman, the socialism in Europe you praise so much is leading to it's Islamicization." More lies. You're too easy to make fun of. Really too bad you have no idea how politics and economics work on any scale, with any system.

Then it should be so easy for you to tell us how an Islamic dude with 4 wives and 20 kids is discourage from having even more? Does he ever get cut off from benefits under socialism? Why not listen to the Imam when he tell you to have even more?

Here I'll make it easy on you, your reply: You're an idiot, it's a strawman.


Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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Quite the contrary. I've

Quite the contrary. I've simply already defeated EVERY argument you've ever made. I see no reason to put more effort into defeating your baseless assertions and flat out lies when everyone here can see them but you.

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Abu Lahab
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Brookings Inst.


Europe's Muslim Street - Brooking Institute

Today, the Muslim birth rate in Europe is three times higher than the non-Muslim one. If current trends continue, the Muslim population of Europe will nearly double by 2015, while the non-Muslim population will shrink by 3.5 percent.



How can not believing in something that is backed up with no empirical evidence be less scientific than believing in something that not only has no empirical evidence but actually goes against the laws of the universe and in many cases actually contradicts itself? - Ricky Gervais

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They're basically spouting

They're basically spouting out living bombs.

No wonder they're protective of their women. Those are their factories!

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EXC wrote:No way to stop it

EXC wrote:

No way to stop it because their strategy is to out breed other religions and groups. By pumping out more babies and using women as essentially sex/breeding slaves they can accomplish this.

Poverty could stop Islam but they have oil money and the socialists of the world want to make sure all available wealth is transferred from the productive into families with irresponsible breeding. Then they use violence to intimidate anyone that stands in the way. So Europe will be first to fall then the Americas.

Why don't you just go into an area full of Muslims and blow yourself up?

Talk about getting a taste of their own medicine!



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Vastet wrote:Quite the

Vastet wrote:
Quite the contrary. I've simply already defeated EVERY argument you've ever made. I see no reason to put more effort into defeating your baseless assertions and flat out lies when everyone here can see them but you.

What a lie! All you do is ad-hominem attacks. You have nothing so you all you can do is insult.

Simple question to prove you don't want a debate hold on to your irrational socialist views:

How is your brand of socialism going to do anything but enable Muhammad and his 4 wives to have even more babies they indoctrinate with Islam while there rest of society picks up the tab through welfare benefits, minimum wage and progressive income tax? If I'm such an idiot this should be no problem to refute.

Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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ThAbu Lahab


Abu Lahab wrote:




Europe's Muslim Street - Brooking Institute

Today, the Muslim birth rate in Europe is three times higher than the non-Muslim one. If current trends continue, the Muslim population of Europe will nearly double by 2015, while the non-Muslim population will shrink by 3.5 percent.



They just need to prevent them from having so many babies that's all.  Where's Hitler when you need him??

I think the English Defence League or some groups like that may have some ideas to prevent a Mulsim invasion of England.




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"What a lie! All you do is

"What a lie! All you do is ad-hominem attacks. "

Bullshit x 2. All YOU ever do is make strawmen and ad hom's. I've defeated EVERYTHING you've EVER said on politics AND economics. I'm using ad hom's NOW because you've never even addressed an actual argument I've made. On some level you know how stupid you've been, but your ego is too weak to admit making mistakes.

"How is your brand of socialism going to do anything but enable Muhammad and his 4 wives to have even more babies they indoctrinate with Islam while there rest of society picks up the tab through welfare benefits, minimum wage and progressive income tax? If I'm such an idiot this should be no problem to refute."

Oh look, another misrepresentation. You prove your idiocy yet again. I must have told you at LEAST a hundred times over how it would work, but you're irrationally stuck on your strawman of rewarding nothing and punishing success. It's really quite pathetic.

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Marquis wrote:

JesusNEVERexisted wrote:

WHY are the British being such wussies and letting foreigners trample all over them like this?


Probably because "they" did quite a lot of trampling themselves, and now the wave is coming right back at them.

Put it in a historical context and it will all make sense.


Yes, that's all very true.  We've all seen Gandhi among other movies and documentaries about the abuses of the British BUT that doesn't mean they should open the floodgates to a bunch of undesirables who seek to hurt the U.K.

England should have very strict immigration policies and should only let in mostly educated degreed people who can help society.  The Muslims who committed 7/7 were mostly people who should've never been let in the country or their parents or grandparents should've never been let in.

The U.K. does NOT need to have such lax immigration policies BUT it is VERY important that they treat ALL citizens of ALL races and ALL religions EQUALLY and never even be a hint of the colonial days where they treated people so badly.

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Dmasterman wrote:How is

Dmasterman wrote:
How is genocide NOT an idea to stop a growing problem? Its worked wonderfully in the past! (talking pre-nazi's)

... or wait, would it be called religocide? Ah hell with it, MASS FUCKING MURDER!


Its an idea, proven effective in history, and i make the claim that it will work in this instance as well!


Here you go:


NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:
Never ever did I say enything about free, I said "free."


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Dmasterman wrote:Also why is

Dmasterman wrote:

Also why is it that you are agreeing or omitting to these crimes muslims are doing?


Crimes may well be committed by some muslims, but that doesn't mean that all muslims committed the crime.

Your causality is a little lopsided here, my friend. As far as I am concerned, crimes are committed by individuals.

I also think that the individuals who committed the crime are the ones who should answer for it.

In the process of examinating how and why the crime happened, we need to look at all the known data.

What provided motivation? What provided opportunity? Who financed it? Where does the buck stop?

Where data is lacking, we will seek to find them through criminal investigation. Then we will take the case to court.

What we will NOT do, however, is to judge an entire group of people as one. They are all individuals. Are they not?

"The idea of God is the sole wrong for which I cannot forgive mankind." (Alphonse Donatien De Sade)

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Marquis wrote:Dmasterman

Marquis wrote:

Dmasterman wrote:

Also why is it that you are agreeing or omitting to these crimes muslims are doing?


Crimes may well be committed by some muslims, but that doesn't mean that all muslims committed the crime.

Your causality is a little lopsided here, my friend. As far as I am concerned, crimes are committed by individuals.

I also think that the individuals who committed the crime are the ones who should answer for it.

In the process of examinating how and why the crime happened, we need to look at all the known data.

What provided motivation? What provided opportunity? Who financed it? Where does the buck stop?

Where data is lacking, we will seek to find them through criminal investigation. Then we will take the case to court.

What we will NOT do, however, is to judge an entire group of people as one. They are all individuals. Are they not?


But there are a LOT of Muslims who are criminals in terms of extremism. How do you get rid of it? You knock out the source. After the fall of Hitler and the Nazi's in Germany, you don't see anymore giant genocides or concentration camps right? Sure nazism may still exist, but look how tiny it is now compared to the 1940's. If islam wasn't taught anymore, you'd have much lesser crimes that consisted with their extremism.  =)

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There may be some moderate Muslims out there but there is no moderate Islam.  Turn the other cheek and love thy neighbor does not exist in their holy books.

Islamic law does not allow for treaties. Islamic law does not allow for negotiated settlements between Muslim people and non-Muslim people. All it allows for is a temporary period of hudna, or what is commonly translated as truce to allow the Islamic forces to gather their strength for military conquest.

Islam not only permits but encourages Muslims to lie anytime that they perceive that their own well-being, or that of Islam, is threatened, or when lying will assist as a foundation for a strategic military maneuver.  Muslims are permitted by their religion to carefully avoid, obscure, and omit mentioning any of the negative Islamic texts and teachings in order to spread Islam.

Surah 3:28 allows a Muslim to pretend to befriend infidels (befriending unbelievers in Islam is a violation of the teachings of Islam), drink wine, abandon prayers, skip fasting on Ramadan, renounce belief in Allah, and utter insincere oaths to prevent non-Muslims from harming Islam (or by extension preventing the growth of Islam).

This is not a religion softened by a "new testament" full of charity and goodwill toward man.  It is extreme, it is insistent, and it will end up destroying our culture if we don't start taking it seriously.

Has it yet ceased to amaze you of all the highly educated individuals dying for Allah?  Has this not been a fact of confusion to the Western world?  Why do we, as a predominately christian west find it so perplexing that Islam can make violent extremists out highly intelligent and well educated people?  Something that seems so unnatural from our sheltered experiences with how well educated christians act because of christianity?  Only the christians of small intellect or low education become extremists, Islam does not share that weakness.

Why are our news channels talking of polite, kind, well-mannered young Muslims in the west going on shooting rampages inside of our military bases, attempting suicide bombings on our planes, etc.?

Why are Muslim Malaysians killing over the use of the word Allah by Christian Malaysians even though the Christians in predominately muslim countries have always used the word Allah?  What breeds this extremism in every corner of the globe where the filth of Islam has reached?

And don't even start throwing out words like racist, genocide, etc.  Someone throws out the incorrect term for recognizing the filth of Islam, calling them racist as if it was carried in the blood, and all the well-mannered sheeple shut up like frightened rabbits.


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Mahoun wrote:Has it yet

Mahoun wrote:

Has it yet ceased to amaze you of all the highly educated individuals dying for Allah?


There is nothing particularly surprising about that.

Highly educated (and often rich) young people have less ground to stand on than anybody else. They feel less "meaning" in life. They have all that high ground to study the world from... and, unless they are liars at heart, this enables them to well see how corrupted and false our wonderful modern world is - but they cannot as easily see any way out of it. So they despair. This is the predicament of youth.

It is an impressive hate speech for a first post. Congratulations.

But you are correct in stating that this has got fuck all to do with racism. This is a cultural problem which has deep roots in old conflicts and injustice that has never been rectified, much less set right. But the fears are not justified in any other reality than that of fuelling the fire and escalating the conflict by drawing up conflict lines that cannot be bridged.

At the end of the day, we are all human beings.

With the possible exception of all you who cry out for more blood to soak those weary old stones with.

Meh. I don't like it.


"The idea of God is the sole wrong for which I cannot forgive mankind." (Alphonse Donatien De Sade)

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The fears are not

The fears are not justified?

What world have you been living on?  We can stick our fingers in our ears, shut our eyes tight, and pretend that reality isn't reality.  Let me know how that works out for you as this death cult spreads like a cancer.  You can play religious tolerance all you want, but that politically correct idiocy isn't something I'm prone to do.  I'm sure people said the same thing to Theo Van Gogh.  "How dare you make such a disrespectful movie about those poor, peaceful muslims.  tsk, tsk.  You big bully."  And those Danish cartoonists, how dare they practice free speech by drawing cartoons about Islam.  Even today they are still having Muslims trying to break into their homes to kill them.

How many people were killed when The Last Temptation of Christ was put out in the 80's?  Hrm.  I don't remember any.  Try making a movie that disrespectful about Mohammed and see how many people around the world die.

And, yes, I do hate Islam.  I don't care much for any religion, but Islam is at the top of my list for dislikes.  Christianity is castrated.  Its followers don't take it seriously.  Not when it really comes down to it.  Christians will die fighting for every last breath of life for as long as they can even when they are so old it's almost a world record for longevity.  Muslims will run screaming into a crowd in the prime of their life ready to blow themselves to bits over this shit.  And not just the occasional sociopath.  The only limits the Middle East has for suicide bombers is how many bombs they have, not how many volunteers.

Somewhat telling that all I have to do is state factual information about Islam and I'm automatically branded as making a hate speech.  I guess I should start making up hugs and cuddle stories about them.  These sickos make children programming praising the children of suicide bombers for having such oh so wonderful parents and having mickey mouse look-alikes killed by the big bad evil jews.

Now I ask you.  Am I lying about any of this?


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Mahoun wrote:Let me know how

Mahoun wrote:
Let me know how that works out for you as this death cult spreads like a cancer.


What you are doing is, ironically,  to lend credence to the scumbags who excuse their criminal activity with religion.

This is to be lead around by the nose. It is to play the terrorists' game. I myself offer them no glory of being "holy warriors". To me they are just criminals - and they deserve only to be invetigated, prosecuted and setenced as such. I am not even listening to their religious rhetorics. (I couldn't care less.)

OK, let's play it your way.

What exactly are you going to do? Cry wolf and leave it at that? Install fear into the gullible?

The purpose of terrorism is to install terror. Create fear. By any means available. Because - and this ought to be obvious to all thinking people - where there is fear there is not much room left for rational and constructive reasoning. Fear is a very strong feeling that has no match in overpowering all voices of reason. Fear begets more fear. Hatred. Violence. War. Is this what you want?

Consider this: There are about one billion Muslims in this world. How are you going to relate to them all?

Are they all terrorists and members of a death cult in your eyes?

Can you not see that the agenda of the Islamic terrorists and extremists is to play non-Muslims against Muslims so that the moderate ones will become more extreme and the extreme ones will become batshit crazy? And... exactly who benefits from this?

You Sir are indeed making a hate speech. Even if you may feel justified before... er... yourself.

Why? Because you are not being constructive. You are spreading fear. Who's side are you on anyway?

"The idea of God is the sole wrong for which I cannot forgive mankind." (Alphonse Donatien De Sade)

Abu Lahab
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If islam is the religion of peace why is there so much hatred in their doctrine?


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Abu Lahab wrote:If islam is

Abu Lahab wrote:

If islam is the religion of peace



OF COURSE it's not a religion of peace, you fucknut!!! What religion is?

That's not even the point. The point is that you have to deal with X amount of people who are infected with this mind contaminating bullshit - and who are not seeing a lot of hope and answers to the problems that torment their souls anywhere else. They look around them and they see that they are hated and despised, feared and ostracized. So what are you going to do?

What are you going to do? Drive them towards a point of no return where there is no longer any hope of reconciling your "faith" (illusory as it may be, it is still a tactical fact that a lot of people have it) with your self respect, leaving you no choice but to move towards a position of conflict? Who the fuck wants desperate people wandering around thinking it might be a good idea to blow themselves up in a public place?

What are you going to do with somebody who's willing to die right here and now, on the fucking double, just push him as little as a fraction of an inch and off he goes... What? Threaten him with punishment? Don't be ridiculous. There is a reality out there and that's what we are stuck with in the act of living our lives. You don't put out a fire by pouring kerosene on it.

Fuck all you holy warriors. Most of us just want to get on with our lives. We are not heroes.


"The idea of God is the sole wrong for which I cannot forgive mankind." (Alphonse Donatien De Sade)

Abu Lahab
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Marquis wrote:Abu Lahab

Marquis wrote:

Abu Lahab wrote:

If islam is the religion of peace

Marquis wrote:

OF COURSE it's not a religion of peace, you fucknut!!!

Uh......'fucknut'? You must be new here.

Marquis wrote:

What religion is?

Buddhism, Tao-chaio... plenty really...still brain rot in my opinion, however the general population is being told daily by MSM that islam is the ROP.

Marquis wrote:

The point is that you have to deal with X amount of people who are infected with this mind contaminating bullshit -<SNIP_hysterical_outburst>

So you're too scared to do anything?

Marquis wrote:

You don't put out a fire by pouring kerosene on it.

I have an alternative for your fire.

Explosives. Commonly available explosives such as 80% nitroglycerin grade dynamite are still used in oil well firefighting. It is believed that M. M. Kinley invented the presently used method, which was employed by experienced firefighters in the 1920s. For the mechanism, slow-speed photography indicates that the explosion acts to temporarily drive fuel away from the point where the flame develops and deprive that immediate area of oxygen to support instant reignition. Depending on fire size and prior experience, up to 500 lb of explosive may be used.

Marquis wrote:

Fuck all you holy warriors. Most of us just want to get on with our lives. We are not heroes.

Sometimes you don't get to choose when you are a hero.

How can not believing in something that is backed up with no empirical evidence be less scientific than believing in something that not only has no empirical evidence but actually goes against the laws of the universe and in many cases actually contradicts itself? - Ricky Gervais

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Abu Lahab wrote:Buddhism,

Abu Lahab wrote:

Buddhism, Tao-chaio...

mmmm...not reeeaally.  not intrinsically, at least.  if by "peace" you mean nonviolence, that is not a central tenet of either buddhism or taoism in general, though perhaps in some sects it may be, especially in the west.  the farthest you can go is perhaps nonaggression, but i wouldn't even say that that is implicit in taoism, either religious or philosophical.  taoism is basically silent about the morality of combat.  it could be argued that nonaggression is implicit in buddhism, but a buddhist monk is not forbidden to fight. 

there are holy warrior ideals widespread in both religions: shambhala, samurai, the conquering sage-king.  they do teach peace as a by-product of universal enlightenment: in buddhism, this means the whole universe realizing its buddha-nature; in taoism, a return to the mythical golden age of the yellow emperor, when everything worked in harmony with the tao.  neither religion compels its followers to practise nonviolence as a means of attaining this, however.  of course, neither religion teaches the subjugation of other religions, either.  i would argue that neither religion even conceives of this question.

there are very few religions i would call either "religions of war" or "of peace."  i think this is an oversimplification and a false dichotomy.  the only religion i can think of that i would be perhaps 90% confident in applying the label "religion of peace" to is jainism.


"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson

Abu Lahab
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iwbiek wrote:Abu Lahab

iwbiek wrote:

Abu Lahab wrote:

Buddhism, Tao-chaio...

mmmm...not reeeaally.  not intrinsically, at least.  

That's been my experience.

iwbiek wrote:

Fair enough, but my point about the MSM lying to us about islam stands. They go out of their way to continue the lie that islam means 'peace' (when it actually means submission) or that they only fight defensively. Lies.


How can not believing in something that is backed up with no empirical evidence be less scientific than believing in something that not only has no empirical evidence but actually goes against the laws of the universe and in many cases actually contradicts itself? - Ricky Gervais

A muslim (not verified)
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In Islam, if you kill your

In Islam, if you kill your self FOR ANY REASON AT ALL you go straight to Hell because it is CLEARLY FORBIDDEN TO KILL YOURSELF. Also why would you ask an Athiest about Islam? Would you ask a Jew about Hinduism? No, you would ask a Hindu! So talk to a Muslim, like me. I can tell you that there are many false rumors about Islam and the Majority of Muslims are not extremists! Most Muslims do not even consider Extremist "muslims" as part of Islam. BAsically theses bad people take the Quran and change the wording a bit or the meaning so they can use religion as a means to gain power. Please do not hate all of us for what a few bad people do Sad And no race is perfect either. Its not like white Americans never do bad things and if they do they try to cover it up. Did you know that the Taliban was created by the U.S.? America supplied them with money and weapons during the cold war and then ditched them right after and pissed them off and never said sorry for ditching them. Also if you look at the situation of the war in Iraq carefully, you will see that America only went there to get oil from them and there were never any weapons of mass destruction there! Finally, there is proof that 9/11 was set up by the government too.  There are groups doing an investigation on it and the first 40 pages of the report that the government created on 9/11 are kept secret, meaning the government is hiding something about 9/11.  Anyway, Islam tries to teach peace and we are SUPPOSE  to respect all people not matter what religion or sexual preference; however some Muslims don/t obey Islam like they should. If you ever study the Quran you will that almost all the stories in the Quran came from the Bible too the Quran just has some post-Bible stories in it. So if you think Islam preaches bad things then you must think Christianity is bad too.  Don't always believe the media either, they only say what brings them the most profit; watch international news to get a better idea of whats going on around the world too. I'm sorry if all your experiences with Muslims have been bad, but please do not think bad of us as a whole Sad
