Is there anyway to stop Islam?
First off, Hi everyone, I'm new here to the forums, so if this doesn't belong in General, forgive me.
Anyway to the point:
Although I dislike and don't agree with any religion, there is one particular group who I find to be the most concerning. Muslims.
Why? Well like the other religions, they do babble crazy things.. But unlike a lot of them, they tend to act on these beliefs to the extreme. In fact, it's hard to say if there is an "Extremist" Sect when it's almost the majority. Sure, there are rational and maybe moderate Muslims who don't follow the Qu'ran word for word, but I believe it was a once well known youtube atheist "CapnOAwesome" who said that these moderate Muslims are actually the minority.
These people are so faithful to their beliefs, they are willing to kill and die for their belief without a second thought. They are pretty much the modern "Spanish Inquisition". They are willing to kill anyone who opposes their system of belief and life. They target religion, ethnic groups, politics, economical status, gender, sexual orientation, ways of life, etc etc. In other words, if you don't follow what they do, you're in the way of their crosshair.
Now aside from them proving themselves to be faithful to their religion by killing, they are also one of the fastest growing religions in the World. From what I heard (though this is probably not a fact) "For every one Muslim who leaves his faith or dies, fifty more will take his/her place". Can you actually imagine a World where there are even MORE irrational people who are willing to die and kill for their belief? All this for the religion of "peace"? (Ironic I know).
Also, unlike many other religions, who deny being crazy or irrational, I've actually seen Muslims who ADMIT to it. Sure, there will be those who deny Islam is evil (you may remember this from watching Bill Maher's Religilous, as they denied just about everything that they have done), but I've actually seen youtube videos of Muslims putting up videos that support "Jihad" and the "Mujahideen". Supporters will openly admit in comments that they are all for Killing "infidels" westerners, homosexuals, so the World can be a better place. And they are winning because of the various US, Canadian, British (and any other Country's) troops who are fighting against them. They admit, that the killings are a good thing. So these people not only openly admit they're crazy, but they admit they are acting on them.
BUT, I'm sure a lot of you already know this. So the question is: How do we stop this religion? It's growing like a plague, and I doubt I'd ever want to see them grow to an extent where their control and influence, can infringe on your/my freedoms and beliefs.
Do we "Kill them with kindness" ? Personally, I think this is just throwing them a bone.
What about Educating them? From what it seems, attempting to educate them is like talking to a brick wall. Sure you might get one out of a hundred to be open minded enough to listen, but even if you can provide fact against their claims, they will merely call you an "Idiot" or hope for your death.
Should Soldiers in the Middle East continue to fight? Violence and killing is bad. But with that war going on, surely its thinning them out somewhat. But can this really work against people who have once said "Don't pull out of Iraq, so we can kill more of your kind" ?
I fear them for their violence, and their determination to literally silence rationality with weapons. So if you have any thoughts, please share.
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Just as an aside, I went to the cricket at the SCG with a staff member of my mate and that staff member's friend. Both these chaps are pakistani as we are playing the paks in the cricket this week and one has a big muslim beard. We were wandering along through the crowds (the SCG holds about 46,000) talking cricket - they are lovers in true - and the attention I got being with them and Naveed got for having the terrorism beard was amazing. Nice guys - I didn't get into religion with them as my views are so hostile it might have ruined the day.
What's so damn funny is that they see western liberalism as weakening family small group values - the exact same values we exalt so highly. It is fucking laughable to embrace the probable truth that we are fighting over definitions of slightly ambiguous words used to describe universal human characteristics. I'd rather we learned to get on together and I endorse vastet's earlier call. Bear in mind the only way islam is going to take over is if we all convert and as for using violence, our populations are more than capable of looking after themselves.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
So not their views....yours.....<sigh>
How can not believing in something that is backed up with no empirical evidence be less scientific than believing in something that not only has no empirical evidence but actually goes against the laws of the universe and in many cases actually contradicts itself? - Ricky Gervais
"No way to stop it because their strategy is to out breed other religions and groups. By pumping out more babies and using women as essentially sex/breeding slaves they can accomplish this."
So do the christians, and they've ground to a complete halt comparatively. The moslems will too in time.
"Poverty could stop Islam but they have oil money and the socialists of the world want to make sure all available wealth is transferred from the productive into families with irresponsible breeding. Then they use violence to intimidate anyone that stands in the way. So Europe will be first to fall then the Americas."
Absolutely ridiculous. Socialism, whether as your strawman of it OR as it would actually work would rip control of the oil fields and other resources away from every religion. It would spell doom for every religious entity overnight. Worse, poverty is why it's in control now. The poor flock to the religion out of desperate hope.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
goddamn right it would.
"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson
Bout time I got a FAIL guernsey - I don't know what they think of us as I didn't ask and my last talk with a muslim ended in a shouting match. But I think all godly people are subhumans who should be sent into outer space with only enough gas to get there. Still - this dislike of muslims and christians doesn't translate into my believing they deserve to be incinerated in a lake of fire. Maybe I'm moral or something. Bugger.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
How is genocide NOT an idea to stop a growing problem? Its worked wonderfully in the past! (talking pre-nazi's)
... or wait, would it be called religocide? Ah hell with it, MASS FUCKING MURDER!
Its an idea, proven effective in history, and i make the claim that it will work in this instance as well!
You were being serious about that?
Sounds like your own xenophobia LoL!