The Unemployment Problem

we definently have an unemployment problem in this country, real unemployment is nearing 18%
unfortunately the politicians have no clue as to how to help the situation, they seemed to be focusing on JOBS, which is missing the mark, what they should be focusing in on, like a laser beam, is policies that promote PRODUCTION
the reason companies hire people is so that they can produce things, jobs are the means and production the end
you can have full employment but not have full production, but to have full production you need full employment
so to fix this problem, the govt should focus on policies that encourage production, taxes on production and regulation that increase the cost of overhead (and make it much harder for smaller companies to compete with larger companies) are not the way to fix the problem
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Part of the problem is that we no longer have a manufacturing base, right?
We should be making polar bears to replace the ones that are dying in droves due to global warming.
How can not believing in something that is backed up with no empirical evidence be less scientific than believing in something that not only has no empirical evidence but actually goes against the laws of the universe and in many cases actually contradicts itself? - Ricky Gervais
good news for you, the polar bear population is actually increasing
human caused global warming is bunk
Hey Joe or Tom, if you are looking for a job, look at the manufacturer signs of what you're wearing, driving, cooking and watching. You will see made in China, made in Taiwan, made in Korea, made in Germany, made in France, made in Japan, and so on.
This is utterly stupid and selfish policy - create a company, and then sell it abroad for lower productive costs. This is something like a farmer would sell his tractor to pay a debt. It will work for a while, but without a tractor he will get even more in debt. So he will sell also his harvester...
Financial speculations solely are not gonna keep economy alive. This is also why the American economy, and all global economy based on dollar will necessarily fall. America is so much in debt, than even if it would devote all of it's annual state budget on paying that debt, it wouldn't even stop growing.
The bad thing is, that this is also happening in my country. Foreigners take over local companies, squeeze them dry and throw employees out. All this with a silent and well paid approval of state. For example, whole Carlsbad belongs to Russians, and local famous pickle and match companies were sold to India.
Of course, that's not all from my head, but I have to agree. People in charge of states and corporations do stupid things on purpose, to maximalize their short-termed personal benefit. Eventually, the endless greed will devour itself.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Production of what?
(I am assuming that by "this country" you mean the Unites States; even though all statistical probability suggests that a site such as this would have more non-US citizens, so I shall chalk that up to the ever-so-amusing "Amerocentric" thinking of the average Joe.)
You are mistaken. The reason why the US has so utterly and completely painted itself into a corner of shite is precisely because there has been a long political tradition for promoting "production" with little or no political direction beyond the vulgar desire to become "rich". Even motherfucking Adam Smith foresaw that when he defined money as a product which will always out-demand all other products. (He specifically pointed out the need for strong governmental control with this dynamic, lest it would fall victim to the baser aspects of human selfishness and greed.)
Personally, I would suggest a long hard look at the existential conditions offered to small businesses and private, small scale enterprise; such as for instance family owned shops and restaurants and that sort of thing. In fact, I think I would start by ending the system of incorporation which allows corporate entities to have the legal rights of a person - without having any of the legal duties of a person. Even the ill famed "robber barons" were better than the nameless and faceless Maoist army of leering Armani suits that you have nowadays; fucking you up the ass while contemplating how much money can be saved by eliminating the lube.
"The idea of God is the sole wrong for which I cannot forgive mankind." (Alphonse Donatien De Sade)
production of stuff, of goods, we need to make shit here (the US)
the idea that there has been a political tradition of promoting production is utterly false, not even near the truth, we've had a political tradition of promoting CONSUMPTION
even to get out of this recession the idea has been to encourage spending and consumption
i would suggest you take a long hard look at the austrian school of economics, itll set you straight on how self-interest and profit lead to greater economic prosperity
but i doubt thatll change your mind, for some reason atheists tend to think they are more logical and reasonable, but all that goes out the window when it comes to politics for some reason, and they tend to believe in non-sense like keynesian economics, which is the equivolent of vodoo or magic basically, so instead ill take another approach and ask you a simple question
why is it that the only people who saw the economic problems coming, predicted it in detail and explained why it would happen, are austrian school free market capitalists (see ron paul who was warning about the housing issues years ago as well as peter schiff)
watch this video:
I got an economical degree in my twenties, so I have a reasonable degree of understanding, TYVM. (If the Austrian School is so fucking great, how come Austria is so backwards then?) Since then, I have run several businesses and had hundreds of employees and big budget operations galore, which has given me experience with the reality of business and markets. I have known about Peter Schiff for many years. It used to crack me up how he was seemingly the only sensible person in the room during a lot of financial debates on American newscasts. But the one singular thing that really told me that the US of A is heading up shit creek is a moment of clarity that happened in Oslo in 2000.
I was looking to buy a chainsaw and in doing so, I was looking at the displayed models while waiting for my turn to be served. When the clerk finally turned to me I had to ask him about a weird sticker on a chainsaw of the Swedish "Partner" brand that read DO NOT ATTEMPT TO STOP CHAIN WITH BARE HANDS. He could inform me that it was meant for the US market and that this was for legal reasons. Right there and then my intuition told me that this is it, this is the end of intelligence. I mean... FFS... you buy a device that is designed to chew through serious amounts of hardwood in a short period of time... and you would somehow think that you could brake the speed of that rotating chain-of-knives with your bare hands?!?
Any Norwegian court would not only laugh at you if you tried to sue a chainsaw manufacturer for not warning you against this hazard but they would also most likely fine you for wasting their time with idiocy. After which you would make news headlines as asshole of the year and be the laughing stock of any man, woman and child in this country for all time to come, probably also earning a mock name for yourself, such as "Charlie Chainsaw".
It has also been said that whenever a nation is producing more attorneys than engineers, the economy is heading downhill. The real problem with this is that the work of these attorneys will be to create an impossible environment of legislative labyrinths and liabilities. Of course the law is there to protect the citizens of whatever society against commercial exploitation and abuse as well as criminal acts, but it makes a mockery of the whole idea of laws and courts when the system is tweaked so that it protects morons against the consequences of stupidity on a Darwin Awards level.
"The idea of God is the sole wrong for which I cannot forgive mankind." (Alphonse Donatien De Sade)
most of its founders were austrian, thats why