The Reason Behind Tim Tebow's Superbowl Commericial

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The Reason Behind Tim Tebow's Superbowl Commericial

You've probably already heard this by now, but Heisman trophy winner Tim Tebow will appear in a commercial during the Superbowl condemning abortion. It was paid for by Focus on the Family.

He explains in an article in Salon why he's doing this, it isn't just to get out his message about abortion, but to spread the gospel. He said you can be anywhere and preach the word and he's using his stance as a football player as a tool of conversion, a platform to preach.

Tebow grew up with this sort of nonsense. His father has a website dedicated to the "inerrancy" of the bible and ends with messages about the Apocolypse. He grew up listening to sermons about "the wolf of liberalism."

At the end of the article, the author talks about things that should be asked of Tebow.

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Yet the cowards at CBS

Yet the cowards at CBS rejected a gay dating comercial for the Super Bowl

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It's not the first time

It's not the first time they've chosen sides. I remember back in 2004 paid to run a commercial about Bush bankrupting the country. It was rejected. It didn't really bother me because I don't think Superbowl ads should make political or social statements. But I guess they do as long as it falls under the "family values" category.

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Brian37 wrote:Yet the

Brian37 wrote:

Yet the cowards at CBS rejected a gay dating comercial for the Super Bowl

Was it a matter of the money? How much were they willing to spend on their ad?

I think it all comes down to one thing, and it's money. I could be wrong.

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Of course it is about money,

Of course it is about money, they are afraid of losing viewers during that slot. The did say they would be willing to consider another add, but that is like, "Yea, we don't mind having black neighbors, until we try to sell our house".

I saw the add on the news, it is funny and the only thing I can think is that the network people are afraid of losing viewers.

It starts of with two guys(implying that they are not gay) on a couch looking like your typical married guy's with wives who are Sunday widows(people into the sport know the image I am talking about)

So anyway, the writers of the add imply that the guys are football fans and there is a bowl of chips that they both reach for and their hands touch.........Then the sound effects of the add, go from loud TV romantic music and they stare into each other's eyes and one guy thinks to himself "I really want to kiss this guy"...then they jump on each other on the couch.




"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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rab wrote:It's not the first

rab wrote:

It's not the first time they've chosen sides. I remember back in 2004 paid to run a commercial about Bush bankrupting the country. It was rejected. It didn't really bother me because I don't think Superbowl ads should make political or social statements. But I guess they do as long as it falls under the "family values" category.

I agree, but the hypocrisy of accepting the abortion add without taking the dating website add.

Well, you can expect more of this crap from big business now that the Capital Building's Native American has been removed and replaced with a "W" as in "Wal Mart".

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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StrawberryJam wrote:Brian37

StrawberryJam wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

Yet the cowards at CBS rejected a gay dating comercial for the Super Bowl

Was it a matter of the money? How much were they willing to spend on their ad?

I think it all comes down to one thing, and it's money. I could be wrong.


Nope - the gay dating site was going to pay CASH.

It was rejected on content.

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A sports writer named Mike

A sports writer named Mike Bianchi suggests that Tebow will be president some day. I think this article is tonge-in-cheek, but it expresses the views of many right wing fundamentalists and pundits in this country.,0,819881,full.column


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rab wrote:A sports writer

rab wrote:

A sports writer named Mike Bianchi suggests that Tebow will be president some day. I think this article is tonge-in-cheek, but it expresses the views of many right wing fundamentalists and pundits in this country.,0,819881,full.column



And how exactly would that work?  After all, he was born in the Phillipines.  Specifically a full 41 years after the US gave them their independence.


Seriously, it was just a year and a half ago that we had that national conversation and while nobody ever proved that Obama was born anywhere other than Hawaii, I don't seem to recall too damned many people saying that he should be allowed to run even if that crap had proved to be true.

Although I really should disclose that I was one of the few people who did advocate for letting foreigners run provided that they had lived most of their life in the US.  There are good reasons for setting up the rule the way that it was but I really don't think that the same logic must apply to this day.


NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:
Never ever did I say enything about free, I said "free."


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rab wrote:You've probably

rab wrote:

You've probably already heard this by now, but Heisman trophy winner Tim Tebow will appear in a commercial during the Superbowl condemning abortion. It was paid for by Focus on the Family.

He explains in an article in Salon why he's doing this, it isn't just to get out his message about abortion, but to spread the gospel. He said you can be anywhere and preach the word and he's using his stance as a football player as a tool of conversion, a platform to preach.

Tebow grew up with this sort of nonsense. His father has a website dedicated to the "inerrancy" of the bible and ends with messages about the Apocolypse. He grew up listening to sermons about "the wolf of liberalism."

At the end of the article, the author talks about things that should be asked of Tebow.

I feel ill at my stomach again... that's about as much of a response as this kind of news deserves.

Tebow grew up with this sort of nonsense. His father has a website dedicated to the "inerrancy" of the bible and ends with messages about the Apocolypse. He grew up listening to sermons about "the wolf of liberalism."

I've grown up listening to even DUMBER things than that (sermons that DO NOT bear repeating...) so it's no excuse.

“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)

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Attorney Gloria Allred says

Attorney Gloria Allred says she will file a complaint with the FCC is they don't disclose that abortion has been illegal in the Phillippines since 1930. It is unlikely that Tebow's mother was given the option of having an abortion in the first place.

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