Another beauty queen says gays should be executed. Sigh.

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 Siiiiigh. Always one or

 Siiiiigh. Always one or the other. Why can't more people be both incredibly attractive AND ridiculously intelligent like myself?

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"I have a lot of friends

"I have a lot of friends that are gay"...."There's no hate between me and anyone"....

Oh for fuck's sake.


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Bah...   Nothing a gang

Bah...   Nothing a gang bang on a pinball machine couldn't take care of...

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Anonymouse wrote:"I have a

Anonymouse wrote:

"I have a lot of friends that are gay"...."There's no hate between me and anyone"....

Oh for fuck's sake.


I found that particularly delightful, as well.

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smartypants wrote:

Anonymouse wrote:

"I have a lot of friends that are gay"...."There's no hate between me and anyone"....

Oh for fuck's sake.


I found that particularly delightful, as well.


She doesn't hate them. She just thinks they should all die.



She sounds like the best person to have a dinner conversation with. Laughing out loud

Theism is why we can't have nice things.

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ClockCat wrote:smartypants

ClockCat wrote:

smartypants wrote:

Anonymouse wrote:

"I have a lot of friends that are gay"...."There's no hate between me and anyone"....

Oh for fuck's sake.


I found that particularly delightful, as well.


She doesn't hate them. She just thinks they should all die.



She sounds like the best person to have a dinner conversation with. Laughing out loud

If digestion isn't your end goal. Smiling

Dolt:"Evolution is just a theory."
Me:"Yes, so is light and gravity. Pardon me while I flash this strobe while dropping a bowling ball on your head. This shouldn't bother you; after all, these are just theories."

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i would really like to

i would really like to follow this stupid cunt around for a week with a bible in hand and point out all of the levitical injunctions she breaks that merit the death penalty.  i mean, if she really has been in pornography as the article says, that's enough right there.  regardless, i would be waiting with baited breath for everytime she mouthed off to her mother, picked something up off the ground on a saturday, or failed to stay shut up in the house while she was on the rag, and say, "you're dead, bitch!"

what a fucking waste of amino acids.

"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson

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Well, there you have it.

Well, there you have it. "The bible says".

It also says that the earth was made in 6 days. It also treats the sun and moon as separate sources of light. It also makes claims of virgin births via ghost sperm. It also makes claims about zombie god super heros surviving rigior mortis.

And if this stupid bitch had bothered to read further in Leviticus she would also know that eating shellfish is an abomination as well.

I don't care how hot someone is. If they are this credulous I wouldn't stick my dick in her if you stuck a gun to my head.

Poor persicuted heterosexual. My heart bleeds. If anyone should be prevented from breeding, it would be idiots like this.

I bet if you checked the back of her neck, you'd find a plastic inflation tube and the words "inflate to 32PSI"

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Did anyone catch the tibit

Did anyone catch the tibit about the girl from last year?

Her statements mirror former Miss California Carrie Prejean's answer to a question about same-sex marriage in last year's Miss USA pageant.
After the controversy, it emerged that Ms Prejean had made several solo sex tapes and posed for racy pictures that now circulate the internet.

Um... well...
(To be fair, perhaps as no specific Bible verses literally meantion pornography, perhaps she isn't being so inconsistent after all! Eye-wink )

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OK, technically, I would not

OK, technically, I would not go with the whole porno thing. There were only stills of her with her back to the camera and the camera did not show any butt cleavage. So apart from her and the photographer saying otherwise, she could have been wearing a backless dress. Also, she was underage at the time of the photo shoot so if we call that much actual porn, then her parents really ought to be prosecuted for allowing her to do that.


As far as the sex tapes go, they were her diddling her fiddle in private and given to her boyfriend. So it is not like she did them under contract to Vivid Video. Although I will note that Vivid Video did try to buy the tapes from the boyfriend once the existence of them became known. However, under USC Title 17, they are a “performance created privately, not for hire” so she owns the copyright and she used that to squash the boyfriend from selling them. I would imagine that they are probably on bittorrent though.


Brian37 wrote:
I bet if you checked the back of her neck, you'd find a plastic inflation tube and the words "inflate to 32PSI"


Oddly enough, miss Prejean was sued by the producer to recover the money that he paid for her fake boobs. Now normally I prefer to reserve judgment but this one bugs me. Sure, I have no problem with someone winning a beauty contest with fake baby bags. However, if the producer is handing out the rubber melons like candy to potential contestants, then he really ought to accept the issue with a little bit of humility.

NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:
Never ever did I say enything about free, I said "free."


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Answers in Gene Simmons

Answers in Gene Simmons wrote:

OK, technically, I would not go with the whole porno thing. There were only stills of her with her back to the camera and the camera did not show any butt cleavage. So apart from her and the photographer saying otherwise, she could have been wearing a backless dress. Also, she was underage at the time of the photo shoot so if we call that much actual porn, then her parents really ought to be prosecuted for allowing her to do that.


As far as the sex tapes go, they were her diddling her fiddle in private and given to her boyfriend. So it is not like she did them under contract to Vivid Video. Although I will note that Vivid Video did try to buy the tapes from the boyfriend once the existence of them became known. However, under USC Title 17, they are a “performance created privately, not for hire” so she owns the copyright and she used that to squash the boyfriend from selling them. I would imagine that they are probably on bittorrent though.


Brian37 wrote:
I bet if you checked the back of her neck, you'd find a plastic inflation tube and the words "inflate to 32PSI"


Oddly enough, miss Prejean was sued by the producer to recover the money that he paid for her fake boobs. Now normally I prefer to reserve judgment but this one bugs me. Sure, I have no problem with someone winning a beauty contest with fake baby bags. However, if the producer is handing out the rubber melons like candy to potential contestants, then he really ought to accept the issue with a little bit of humility.


If you own and run a contest you can do what you want with it. I don't see what fake boobs have to do with a boob making asinine comments about gays.


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Um Brian, I really don't

Um Brian, I really don't give a shit that SHE has fake tits. I don't even give a shit that the producer paid for her to have artificial melons. Hell, he probably paid for several of the contestants to get rubber pillows.


However, any time that you hand a microphone to a hot chick, you are exposing yourself to the risk of intellectual vacuity. Which is not to say that all hot chicks are dumb (just lots of them are). If you also make a known gay activist one of the judges, then you are also taking a risk that the question will be asked that she messed up over.


The fact is that the producer spent many millions of dollars to broadcast the show all over the state of California, sold as much and a good deal more advertising to support the broadcast and then got tripped up. He spent his money, he took his chance. He got what came of it. He had crocodile tears over the matter. Sucks to be him. Promote miss runner-up and move on.


Apparently, that is not enough. He then decided to tell the world about her pretend funions. Hey! He should know, after all, he paid for them and now he wants his five grand back. That is not dealing with an uncomfortable situation. That is just pulling a dick move.

NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:
Never ever did I say enything about free, I said "free."
