Any Gorillaz Fans?

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Any Gorillaz Fans?

New album out soon, and there is a video for the single:


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I'm very impressed Bruce Willis is in this video



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 I like Clint Eastwood and

 I like Clint Eastwood and Feel Good Inc.  Wasn't a huge fan of the new one you just linked, but I can listen to it and enjoy.  Maybe you can help me out though cause I've never bothered to ask anyone.  What is up with the animations?  Do they ever break cover and show themselves?  If so can you link me to a pic or an interview or something?  

But yeah... they're cool.


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I just really like the BB

I just really like the BB King-esque singing that comes in halfway


As for the band, I'm not really sure.  I've heard that it's just one guy or a small group that does the mixing, and then features different rappers/singers for various songs.  It kinda makes sense, given their songs never have the same guy rapping.  I listened to a mix of the new album, and in one song Snoop Dogg raps.  Interesting. lol   I guess all of the animations tell a story about the four characters, but I haven't paid close enough attention to the videos to actually know what it is.

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The Gorillaz is just a

The Gorillaz is just a virtual band, like the characters in the videos are only characters. Damon Albarn (the guitarist for the band Blur) is the only actual member, and he does the music and sings. They feature other artists for all of the rapping whioch is awesome because it keeps them diverse.

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I like them. I am a Del the

I like them. I am a Del the funkee Homosapien fan

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Like the latest


I'm old enough to need surprises. Love the variation on the new album.