Stuck with me!!

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Stuck with me!!




            Today is my second anniversery (throws confetti)  so lets hear real big WHOOPDAH DEE!! and if your not to busy also add a DOODAH!!!!!  (Throws more confetti) and you are all stuck  with me still. { no throwing up on the side;  live with it} 



            I'm  off to a highly liquid lunch and to ogle the bartender in a really short-short skirt, if I have enough wine I might even ask the guy out {he's really cute}.  Tomorrow night I'm off to Guyana, first trip this year, last year I had four. I don't know what Guyana would do without me but I think they would like to try and find out.  I can get online in Vreed-en-Hoop so don't try anything funny thinking my back is turned.



            Maybe I'll run into some Mormans and irritate the crap out of them just for fun  in your memories.  I'm suppose to be in Washington D C after I return from S A ,  are there any DC locals who want to get together in mid-April?

"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."

VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"

If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?

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Congrats!How long has it


How long has it been for me? I forget. It'll be my anniversary on xmas though, that's what amuses me most. I might be the only one to go so far as to join during xmas. Laughing out loud

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Heh, have fun. 

Heh, have fun.


Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.

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So far........




                   ..............thanks so far, after all that 12% red wine.  My over-sized ego needed the boost.  Vastet I peg you at 3 ys & 3 mos;  are you the longest serving Canadian.  And how did those blood tests with Maury Povich go?



                   Mellested;  like a little more then  three words;  I still like you though{ shrugs}  don't know why.

"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."

VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"

If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?

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Jeffrick wrote:




                   ..............thanks so far, after all that 12% red wine.  My over-sized ego needed the boost.  Vastet I peg you at 3 ys & 3 mos;  are you the longest serving Canadian.  And how did those blood tests with Maury Povich go?



                   Mellested;  like a little more then  three words;  I still like you though{ shrugs}  don't know why.


You would like a little more than three words?  You just got them!  :P


How was the bartender?

Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.

Renee Obsidianwords
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Yeeee hawww  Happy

Yeeee hawww  Smiling

Happy Anniversary

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