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I am a non religious person by nature, i had no religion forced upon me like much of the world. I feel no connection to any higher being or unified life force. I tolerate most religions simply because their foolishness only affects me beneficially such as the christmas sales in stores. With that said I came upon this site because I have become infuriated with Islams hostile take over of the world. I hope to find an intelligent base here to converse with and even debate.

One nation under Allah....start practicing it now the day is upon us.

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Where ya from? I don't know

Where ya from? I don't know of many places where religion is not practicaly shoved down your throat.


Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin

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I have been raised in many

I have been raised in many parts of America. Most of my family is pretty non religious, some pay lip service or go through the motions of the holidays but i dont think any of them truly believe.

One nation under Allah....start practicing it now the day is upon us.

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Hey, welcome.Or should I say

Hey, welcome.

Or should I say "G'day", from Australia.

I too was never inclined to religion.

I too am very anti-Islam, although I recognize a lot of people of that faith had little choice in being raised in it, and have mainly sympathy for them, as long as they don't try to defend the nastier aspects of it.

I have a number of islamic refugees living close to me here, and I am still disturbed  to encounter burkha-clad women at the local super-market. To me that symbolizes one seriously objectionable aspect, the attitude to women.

Favorite oxymorons: Gospel Truth, Rational Supernaturalist, Business Ethics, Christian Morality

"Theology is now little more than a branch of human ignorance. Indeed, it is ignorance with wings." - Sam Harris

The path to Truth lies via careful study of reality, not the dreams of our fallible minds - me

From the sublime to the ridiculous: Science -> Philosophy -> Theology

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Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.

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There are many ninjas in my


There are many ninjas in my local shoping mall aswel im afraid.



islam isn't so bad, well the moderates anyway. its just there extremists that are crappier than normal extremists.


i only call them ninjas meaning the very best


btw welcome


congrats on 1000 posts mellestad

Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
No animal shall wear clothes.
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No animal shall drink alcohol.
No animal shall kill any other animal.
All animals are equal.

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Hi OneShot, I envie you. I

Hi OneShot, I envie you. I unfortunetly have been fed religious lies since I was born. As you can probably tell, I believe none of it. Welcome to the community.

You cannot disprove the existance of God, but you also cannot disprove the existance of an all powerfull, incomprehesible, pink elephant that lives in the boot of my car.

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  Theirs not many frequent

  Theirs not many frequent muslim visitors on here from what I have seen.  I know alote of great muslims, all the muslims I know are loose muslims like most christians I know who have barely read their holy book.  Just a couple weeks ago I read the first 5 books of the Quaran and parroused the rest, its pretty fucked up.  The book is definetly more specific (Fight/convert non-believers! Join or die!) than the bible.  Anyone taking the book literally can only really come to that one conclusion.  

  I took some of the verses into a muslim guy at work (who is one of the nicest guys I've ever met couldn't hurt a fly) and read them outload at lunch.  He was troubled by the verses, he'd never read the hole book.  He quickly agreed that these verses are primitive, immoral, and shouldn't be taken literally.  "So what's the problem? I agree these verses are terrible but there are also beutiful passages aswell, I don't take the book to seriously, so how is it so bad"  he says.  "Well what would happen if I went to your neighbours on your street, in your home in Afghanistan and simply asked them extremely politelly if they could explain some fo the things I find objectionaable in the Quaran?"  I replied.  He made a funny face because he knew his neighbours and he knew what would happen.  "I would probably quickly get dragged into the street and beat, right?"  I asked.  He smiled again because he knew it would probably be much much worse than that.  "Who knows what would happen if the mob mentality kicked in, I could be stroned, beat to death, trampled on, correct?"  As he nodded, "That's the fucking problem."

   So how the hell do you get rid of something people are literally willing to die today for? Are constantly recruiting others who are willing to do the same?  And even if you just blow em all up, the words that inspired them would still exist.  It would only offer more incentive for new recruits to join up and believe they are the "chosen ones," the righteuos underdogs in their holy war. 




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NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote: 

NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:

  Theirs not many frequent muslim visitors on here from what I have seen.  I know alote of great muslims, all the muslims I know are loose muslims like most christians I know who have barely read their holy book.  Just a couple weeks ago I read the first 5 books of the Quaran and parroused the rest, its pretty fucked up.  The book is definetly more specific (Fight/convert non-believers! Join or die!) than the bible.  Anyone taking the book literally can only really come to that one conclusion.  

  I took some of the verses into a muslim guy at work (who is one of the nicest guys I've ever met couldn't hurt a fly) and read them outload at lunch.  He was troubled by the verses, he'd never read the hole book.  He quickly agreed that these verses are primitive, immoral, and shouldn't be taken literally.  "So what's the problem? I agree these verses are terrible but there are also beutiful passages aswell, I don't take the book to seriously, so how is it so bad"  he says.  "Well what would happen if I went to your neighbours on your street, in your home in Afghanistan and simply asked them extremely politelly if they could explain some fo the things I find objectionaable in the Quaran?"  I replied.  He made a funny face because he knew his neighbours and he knew what would happen.  "I would probably quickly get dragged into the street and beat, right?"  I asked.  He smiled again because he knew it would probably be much much worse than that.  "Who knows what would happen if the mob mentality kicked in, I could be stroned, beat to death, trampled on, correct?"  As he nodded, "That's the fucking problem."

   So how the hell do you get rid of something people are literally willing to die today for? Are constantly recruiting others who are willing to do the same?  And even if you just blow em all up, the words that inspired them would still exist.  It would only offer more incentive for new recruits to join up and believe they are the "chosen ones," the righteuos underdogs in their holy war. 





My pet theory is that the only way to get away from large scale religious violence is to make people fat, happy, educated and lazy.  Most people don't want to kill anyone for any reason once they reach that point.  McDonalds and Coca-Cola are probably the worlds only hope.

Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.

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(Can someone one make this video on the page and delete this quote, I clicked source, I can't get it to work)




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how to deal with islam

As you have just said Islam has gone beyond what is in the book, it has been perverted by warlords and politics. As much as I cherish life I feel the only way the world will be safe is for every Islamic extremist to be killed with extreme prejudice. There should be no show trial or vacation at club gitmo.

I wouldnt be surprised if your friend did know every word of the koran and was not hearing those passages for the first time.  I don't think I will ever be able to trust a muslim again, anyone willing to die for a god is not to be trusted because they do not have youre well being in mind. As for moderate muslims, they dont exsist. Islam is a relgion of war and has been at war since it was founded. I can only hope that their barbaric crusades end soon and they can exsist peacefully with the rest of the world like most christians do.

I think the most effective and non violent way to deal with the non radicals and future generations is capitalism and democracy. These people live in nations in which they can not rise up in economic ranks. They can grow opium and butcher goats their whole life and never be known; or they can fight the great demon and die with honor. Sadly they dont have the choice to fight often times, the warlords come to their village and kill all the women and force the men and young boys to join the fight. I feel we should build permanent bases in all major theatres of war and open up on base jobs to locals. Once they have experienced the American way of life it will spread like wildfire.

One nation under Allah....start practicing it now the day is upon us.

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OneShotKillShot wrote: Once

OneShotKillShot wrote:

 Once they have experienced the American way of life it will spread like wildfire.

Hey, I wonder if this guy's American! 

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NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:

OneShotKillShot wrote:

 Once they have experienced the American way of life it will spread like wildfire.

Hey, I wonder if this guy's American! 

I bleed red white and blue, everyone else only bleeds red.

One nation under Allah....start practicing it now the day is upon us.

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OneShotKillShot wrote:

NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:

OneShotKillShot wrote:

 Once they have experienced the American way of life it will spread like wildfire.

Hey, I wonder if this guy's American! 

I bleed red white and blue, everyone else only bleeds red.


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OneShotKillShot wrote:

NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:

OneShotKillShot wrote:

 Once they have experienced the American way of life it will spread like wildfire.

Hey, I wonder if this guy's American! 

I bleed red white and blue, everyone else only bleeds red.

strange i bleed red, white, blue, black, green and gold

Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
No animal shall wear clothes.
No animal shall sleep in a bed.
No animal shall drink alcohol.
No animal shall kill any other animal.
All animals are equal.

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Tapey wrote:OneShotKillShot

Tapey wrote:

OneShotKillShot wrote:

NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:

OneShotKillShot wrote:

 Once they have experienced the American way of life it will spread like wildfire.

Hey, I wonder if this guy's American! 

I bleed red white and blue, everyone else only bleeds red.

strange i bleed red, white, blue, black, green and gold

ooooohhh gold...you just might have become really valuable especially at $1100 US the ounce of blood then Sticking out tongue