a challenge to prove all aspects of evolution (a pagan religious concept) through the scientific method

- The vanguard theory of evolution has taken on an almost sacred status. The theory of ‘evolution’ that the evolutionists are really promoting, and which creationists oppose, is the idea that particles turned into people over time, without any need for an intelligent Designer.
- A common tactic, ‘bait-and-switch,’ is simply to produce examples of change over time, call this ‘evolution,’ then imply that the general theory of evolution’ is thereby proven or even essential, and creation disproved. The key issue is the type of change required—to change microbes into men requires changes that increase the genetic information content.
The three billion DNA ‘letters’ stored in each human cell nucleus convey a great deal more information (known as ‘specified complexity ) than the over half a million DNA ‘letters’ of the ‘simplest’ self-reproducing organism.
- The DNA sequences in a ‘higher’ organism, such as a human being or a horse, for instance, code for structures and functions unknown in the sort of ‘primitive first cell’ from which all other organisms are said to have evolved.
- None of the alleged proofs of ‘evolution in action’ provide a single example of functional new information being added to genes. Rather, they all involve sorting and loss of information. To claim that mere change proves that information-increasing change can occur is like saying that because a merchant can sell goods, he can sell them for a profit.
- The origin of information is a major problem for the GENERAL THEORY OF EVOLUTION
- ‘ignoring important distinctions’! It’s evolutionary propagandists who generally mix them up. Biologists frequently define evolution as ‘change in gene frequency with time’ or ‘descent with modification,’ or other such ‘microevolution’ words, and then cite insignificant examples of change within species, such as Darwin’s finches, as clinching proof of ‘evolution’ in the ‘macro’ sense and disproof of creationism!
- The scientific method is a way to ask and answer scientific questions by making observations and doing experiments.
The steps of the scientific method are to:
- Ask a Question
- Do Background Research
- Construct a Hypothesis
- Test Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment
- Analyze Your Data and Draw a Conclusion
- Communicate Your Results
- It is important for your experiment to be a fair test. A "fair test" occurs when you change only one factor (variable) and keep all other conditions the same.
1. Observation
We exist.
2. Proposal of a question or a problem
How did we get here?
3. A hypothesis or educated guess made
We evolved from nothing, to dirt, to single cells, to multiple cells, to fish, to amphibians, to reptiles, to mammals, to humans.
4. Scientific experimentation
Oh, wait a minute. Thats right, evolution can not be observed, tested, or measured. No one has ever done an experiment that made life come from non-life or a lower creature turn into a higher creature and without that empirical evidence evolution can not leave the hypothesis or model phase.
I do not need to prove the creation model true, I can simply prove the evolution model false. There are only two possibilities of how we got here, either we got here by supernatural intervention or we got here on our own, and if one of them can be proven absurd then the other has to be true. Someone that believes in atheistic evolution will never be able to disprove YAHUWAH or the creation because in order to disprove YAHUWAH you would need to be all knowing and omnipresent, in other words you have to have the attributes of YAHUWAH to disprove YAHUWAH. It would be as if you had an infinite amount of white ping pong balls and one red one. If you could never find the red one that does not disprove its existence; however, if someone found the red ball and showed it to you that would prove its existence.
Evolution is not a proven fact Evolution is not a scientific natural law Evolution is not even a scientific theory
evolution is not based in science. you think you are wise to say you know better but you are just being a smart ass belittling what I posted which is merely facts based on real science and repeating them is fair.
you and all your slapnut atheist monkey wannabes keep professing your claim to knowledge through science? I know it is a waste of my time to repeat myself to a bunch of mind bubbles in so many ways!!!
show me the origin of life and matter in space over time through the scientific method WITHOUT exposing youself in fact that you ARE of the spirit of satan as a liar and accuser:
atheist terminology falling under the stupid invented term EVOLUTION:which is being preached in maistream media
Cosmic, chemical, stellar and planetary, organic, macro and micro -------evolution. dont play stupid they are all connected under the scam of evolution even if you ignore most of them because you cannot grasp the big picture. that does NOT mean they are ALL not a part of your unoriginal pagan religion of origins.
Cosmic evolution involves the origin of the universe, time and matter itself. The Big Bang theory falls within this discipline of evolution. NOW DEMONSTRATE IT THROUGH THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD
Chemical evolution involves the origin of complex elements. This discipline also attempts to explain the process in which those elements formed.
Stellar and planetary evolution is the discipline used to explain the origin of the stars and planets. This is distinct from cosmic evolution, yet, at times, overlaps it. NOW DEMONSTRATE IT THROUGH THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD
Organic evolution attempts to explain the origin of living matter. Those in origin of life studies most often focus on this discipline of evolution.
The two final disciplines of evolution are also the most often confused by people. They are macro-evolution and micro-evolution. Micro-evolution states that all living organisms experience mutations and have the ability to develop genetic adaptations. The difference between this and macro-evolution is that micro-evolution only deals with mutations within a species.
Macro-evolution, on the other hand, states that such adaptations and mutations allow new species to form.
Also micro changes can be observed with the scientific method. While all the other terms OF EVOLUTION are imaginary and preached as religious fact without question or basis in science or common sense. ( PAGAN HUMANIST /ATHEIST/ CHUMPS WITH CHIMP ENVY/ ARE OF THE SPIRIT OF SATAN)
Evolution is an ancient pagan concept (MAN MADE RELIGION)where people worship nature / creation instead of a CREATOR or they invent idols based on nature/creation
the theory of evolution has been with us for a very, very long time. It actually comes from ancient pagan religious beliefs that continue to be reflected in many religious traditions around the globe today. It has been documented that many ancient pagan teachers and philosophers believed that the universe spontaneously evolved by itself, that the universe is millions of years old, that humans once resembled fish, and that all living things continue to evolve.
1. (noun) abiogenesis, autogenesis, autogeny, spontaneous generation
a hypothetical organic phenomenon by which living organisms are created from nonliving matter.
Abiogenesis is the idea of life originating from non-living material (non-life). (NOW DEMONSTRATE IT THROUGH THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD)
This concept has expanded a great deal as mankind’s understanding of science has grown, but
all forms of abiogenesis have one thing in common: they are all scientifically unsupportable.
There have been no experiments demonstrating abiogenesis in action.
It has never been observed in a natural or artificial environment. (NOW DEMONSTRATE IT THROUGH THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD)
Conditions believed to have existed on earth are either incapable of producing the building blocks needed, or self-contradictory.
No evidence has been found suggesting where or when such life might have generated. In fact, everything we know of science today seems to indicate that abiogenesis could not have happened under any naturally possible conditions.
look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.
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Um... no.
I would pick your post apart piece by piece, but what would be the point? Evolution wasn't just magically "thought up" one empirical step from "How did we get here?" If you don't know that, I don't know how to help you.
You know that Darwin was not an "evolutionist" before putting sole to plank on the Beagle, right? He observed empirical evidence all over the world as a practicing naturalist. He didn't know what all the evidence pointed to until later. He just made extensive notes about his observations, and then synthesized the DATA into a HYPOTHESIS, which he then subjected to significant scientific scrutiny.
By the way, you also know that Darwin didn't just magically come up with the idea himself. Alfred Russel Wallace also came up with the same idea independently. And do you want to guess how he came up with the idea? He did extensive fieldwork as a naturalist! In different parts of the world than Darwin. And came to the EXACT SAME CONCLUSION.
That's how science works, kiddo. Evidence, hypothesis, repeatability.
Furthermore, the discovery of DNA by Francis Crick and James Watson added enormous empirical support for the idea of descent with modification. Since then, the invention of supercomputers has facilitated intensive empirical study of DNA across the entire spectrum of life, from viruses to blue whales. The DNA evidence backs up the original idea. Descent with modification is not a hypothesis. It's an observed natural phenomenon, and the theory of evolution is a very well formed description of how it works.
Finally, descent with modification -- including speciation events -- has been directly observed under rigorous, repeatable scientifically controlled situations.
The resources are out there if you'd like to learn. Ask a biologist for help if you like. Or just hit your local university library. I'll warn you. It's harder than cut and pasting from ignorant internet armchair jockeys. But then, science is like that. Notice, it takes ten minutes to start a blog, but twenty years or so of intense study to get published in a peer review journal.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
Oh, yes. I forgot one thing. Evolution has nothing to do with abiogenesis. They're two separate fields of study.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
See here.
He is impervious to reason.
Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare
you are in denial and I accept your defeat.
also , Darwin was a slacker and a spoiled rich kid a degree in theology and decided to make it his personal mission in life to be the devils chaplin after the loss of his kid. He became the poster boy for the old pagan concept of origins by applying the jack ass charles lyles a lawyers imaginary geologic column and then based his whole idea of evolution of variation within a kind or as you mind bubble atheists like to term micro-evolution. being the goof he was he ignored the facts and wanted to promote the pagan concept of worshipping nature by giving all credit to non living matter for of life as we know it. the only conclusion he came to was that he rejected a supernatural creator out of bitterness not facts.
what a deusche he was and you put blind faith in his racist lies, seriously you have no clue the satanic agenda behind your little false man made religion. or perhaps you enjoy the degradation that comes with being taught to believe you are descended from non living non intelligent scum. oh thats right you do not understand abiogenesis so you are not qualified to debate evolution on all levels because you that naive to believe some jack off who told you origins does not include all aspects the bullshit term evolution. you are quick to act all knowing on the idea of decent with modification( variation within a kind-not evolution) but when someone goes a little further down to the roots of your cartoon tree of life suddenly you play stupid and say its no longer evolution because you know deep down the further you go the dumber you look. millions of years was a suggestion not a scientific law and the idea of particles to man is still a pagan concept from ancient times. if you connat observe the the first stage of evolution then there is no reason to say it is based in science but admit you believe on faith and that is a religious stand point. you hypocrite criticising theists for showing conviction admiting their faith and confirming it with science while you profess science is your faith when you have no science to justify anything you believe about evolution.
how ironic you use intelligent design to argue against the need for it! DNA proves that all the information is already written and complete nothing new is added because it is not needed and dont ask anatheist biologist for help because he is a chump just like darwin.
of course you will not prove evolution on all levels because you are not prepared to admit you are wrong because the moment you apply the scietific method you look stupid.
oh I know because it takes too long you cant see evolution happening and because you cannot predict what humans will evolve into you are again useless to your cause and because you dont have a time machine you cannot observe the millions of transitions ,.. oh wait thats right you have animation, drawings and pbs and discovery channel and national pornographic to keep you stimulated with science fiction and fantasy based programs. because you are not capable of thinking for yourself.
you do not know what science really is you just quote fools who are certied by more fools higher up in the manchurian drone ladder
and to top it off you spew Evidence, hypothesis, repeatability..... lol eveidence that supports intelligent design with prupose, ok sure you are allowed to speculate as every dumb atheist loves to thrive on,...... and then you lie about the facts regarding repeatability? you never tested a millions years you never tested the single cell to human , you have never tested the origin of life so that you can even assume evolution as a fact nor have you tested the origin of matter because it too is a form of your theory of origins because you have to keep asking what happend before that each time you think you have the answer especially when your dogma is a minority in the worlds populace of people who desire to know the supernatural CREATOR where as you desire to know the creation and ignore the creator!
simple scientific test for you ! since you know what is man made and what is not ? do know the difference between technology that is man made and technology that is not man made. and can you tell which is superior in design?
here is an example for your bubble mind, the man made pump vs. the human heart? which is a superior technology and which is man made? please answer this to demonstrate you are not dishonest and not a true fool !
look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.
Steel is stronger than a tree. A sun produces more energy than a nuclear power plant. So, which is better? Nature made, or man made?
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thats funny , me impervious to reason? you have no reason by your logic you rely on chance and thus reason disappears.
you distort reality the way a female queer distorts her gender and then tells the world she is a man because she took pills to give her masculin traits and then the world has to tolerate her reality because the atheist run media promotes same sex perversion. so now she says she is no longer a queer but now she a gay, not happy just still a queer with a new term that is easier to digest than the image of two queers trying to procreate with a dildo because they still crave the real deal but are too selfish to admit it! and then I suppose they will preach being a queer is normal right along side the class that preaches you are an animal.
why dont you just admit you are not qualified to demonstrate the principal concept of evolution ( origin from nothing to non living particle to humans) starting with the big bang up to present day humans through the scientific method? and I do not want cut and paste philosophy because you do not accept it from me. I will not hold it against you though because everything you say is based on second hand misinformation anyways.
if it supports your viewpoint use it but know that you must personally demonstrate every aspect not just the one popular macro termed chapter I want the whole story with tested repeatable facts not bullshit atheist rebuttals that do not even intimidate fly from shit.
until then I accept your defeat and I am sad that you maitain faith in your religion without conviction and then hold the tool of science as a worthless trophy
look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.
Submitted by v4ultingbassist on April 11, 2010 - 11:36pm.
Steel is stronger than a tree. A sun produces more energy than a nuclear power plant. So, which is better? Nature made, or man made?
My Website About Roller Coaster Design
So, which is better? I said which is superior in design. but like a true atheist drone you ignore reality, implying context and not over all design with purpose
a tree 's converts carbon dioxide to oxygen which sustains life, they provide food again which sustains life , trees also prvide raw materials for construction and medicine etc... whereas you comparison to steel being stronger that does not make man made steel superior in design to a tree
sun is also demonstrate what I said about technology superior to something man made ,-nuclear power plant
Nature made, or man made? lol finally antheist admits his faith in a pagan religion that worships creation ( nature) and not the CREATOR of nature
lol nature is not a person nor is it intellegent but that does not stop you from giving credit to nature in a modern indifferent form of worship which exposes you as a true pagan with nature as your creator and thus you demonstrate your idea of atheistic evolution is still based in ancient pagan concepts of origins.
I said the man made pump vs. the human heart? which is a superior technology , and you were silent on this simple test?
the human heart is obvious a superior design of a mechanical pump because it sustains life whereas the man made pump is a mere man made immitation which is inferior. never mend the fact that humans copy the intelligent designs found in creation which is what you should be calling it thus you understand the implication of a creator and give credit to the CREATOR and not the creation which is what you did in your post like a true chump who does not think for himself but allows evil people to manipulate you to accpet lies without question!
look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.
Man, you must like to listen to yourself talk.
Cell phones are better than vocal chords. A waterpark pump is significantly stronger than a human heart.
My Website About Roller Coaster Design
What factors determine how well something is designed?
Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare
away over serious and thoughtful replies to your gigantic gap god vomit stream but I just wanted to get in early and tell you to go and fuck yourself, mindless matter.
Have a nice day.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
The self righteous bigot is actually a messenger of the loving god. When the mods decide they have heard enough from you, Mindless, you pin-dick, it won't be a disappointment, I assure you.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
Oh, I see.
Submitted by Atheistextremist on April 12, 2010 - 2:54am.The self righteous bigot is actually a messenger of the loving god. When the mods decide they have heard enough from you, Mindless, you pin-dick, it won't be a disappointment, I assure you.
For god so loved the world that he sent his only begotten Satan that whosoever believeth in him should not only perish but have everlasting death...
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sliver of an atheist
you dont want compassion ?
oh yeah you think I am a bigot because of the queer analogy? was that not on your degenerate level? did it not resonate in your void?
and yet you still consider me a messenger of the CREATOR who is the ALMIGHTY EL THE ETERNAL LOVING YA ,....wow even despite my petty name calling and desire to call out all you atheist pagans in denial and expose you all as the frauds you are. Even though I do not show proper compassion for satanic fools I do give you the time of day and a fair opportunity to be civil but that wont do because the gauntlet was laid down in the beginning.
its funny you refer to the duality of evil being allowed by a loving ELOAH YA AM.
you fail to grasp the need to appreciate what is given and how to measure your gratitude
you were born into a fully functional system and you did not know to be thankful however to solve that issue you were given the gift of free will and therefore you are subject to the consequences which are to your benefit to learn from and gain the wisdom to live accordingly to serve a higher purpose where you are yet to be fully realized in creation as you are still under trial of penalty and are appointed to know the knowledge of good and evil and know suffering aging sickness and death. these things are factors to test your free will and add to your capacity for measuring good and evil by the standard set in perfection by the almighty EL THE ETERNAL LOVING YA
you must choose to be of the spirit of YAHUWAH if not there is one alternative, the spirit of the accuser and liar.
the mods ???? do they ride vespas? you are a goof! and I sense pittiful darwins chump attitude in your shallow rebuttals that do not even intimidate flies from shit!
run along or answer my challenge! otherwise I accept you defeat!
look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.
I know nice people here are going to slave
Submitted by Atheistextremist on April 12, 2010 - 2:51am.away over serious and thoughtful replies to your gigantic gap god vomit stream but I just wanted to get in early and tell you to go and fuck yourself, mindless matter.
Have a nice day.
For god so loved the world that he sent his only begotten Satan that whosoever believeth in him should not only perish but have everlasting death...
yeah lol the classic rebuttal from an atheist chump, " go fuck yourself" which obviously implies by his logic he knows how and he must be able to fuck himself in order to suggest such a task. I must conclude you are actually saying that your dick can reach your ass when you say go fuck you self and therefore you know exactly how it feels. and then you say have a nice day? as if it were a climax to your self degradation.
and finally you wrap up your petty rebbuttal with a whinning chant complaing to the creator you call god for giving you free will and the spirit of intellect to measure the difference between good and evil despite the influence of the accuser(satan) the choice to have everlasting death is yours so that means you are without excuse when your time comes and it is too late to change your mind utterly the choice is your and you do not appreciate it!
I intend to enjoy eternity and I doubt you understand how that is possible since you look forward to oblivion.
look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.
At least in oblivion we won't have to listen to you babble on and on.
My Website About Roller Coaster Design
Submitted by butterbattle on April 12, 2010 - 2:01am.
What factors determine how well something is designed? you ask. but did not answer my question which implies you are in denial of reality of the existence of a creator other than man, a CREATOR of all creation(nature)
purpose and quality of functionality are factors that determine how well something is designed now refer to my example of the human heart as an example of how well it is designed compared to the man made version which is a mere immitation in concept
Our hearts are organic pumps, far more capable and efficient than anything our man made technology can yet create.
The heart is the most important muscle in the human body. Without a heart the human body would die.The human heart is a living machine that works as a pump in distributing blood that transports oxygen and nutrients to cells throughout the body.
The heart is a mechanical marvel in that it never rests.Its purpose is to provide your body with oxygen and nutrients you need and also gets rid of waste you don't need.
It circulates the body's blood more than 1,000 times a day. It pumps 5,000 to 5,000 quarts of blood per day through 60,000 miles of blood vessels. All of this from a muscular organ the size of your fist The Human Heart.
Amazingly, as small as that may seem, the heart plays a huge and vital role to the survival of life. The human heart is part of a network of organs that keep the body oxygenated and norished with important nutrients. It also plays a role in removing cellular waste matter, and carbon dioxide, from the body's bloodstream as well as regulating blood pressure. It's a big responsibility for such a small organ, but one that a healthy heart can more than handle.
Associated with life and love, the heart is one of the most intricate and fascinating organs of the human body. the heart muscle contracts and relaxes to send fresh supplies of oxygenated blood to all parts of the body to keep it performing its miracles through out a lifetime. Without the heart, our body tissues would not get the oxygen exchange and other nutrients required to survive.What good is a circulatory system without a heart?
“nothing works until everything works.” Design is apparent in the living world. Even Richard Dawkins in his anti-creation book The Blind Watchmaker admits “Biology is the study of complicated things that give the appearance of having been designed for a purpose.”
now until you accept my challenge I accept your defeat.
look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.
At least in oblivion we won't have to listen to you babble on and on.
alas sadly that is a fact which does not bode well for you that context. you wont have that luxury in oblivion.
the choice is still yours to make
look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.
What choice?
That would be the choice between the obvious natural truth, and a comforting lie.
"Yes, I seriously believe that consciousness is a product of a natural process. I find that the neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers who proceed from that premise are the ones who are actually making useful contributions to our understanding of the mind." - PZ Myers
YHBT!!! (not by me either, unfortunately)
Umm... you do know that every heart rests eventually, right? Oh wait... you are one of those adults who are so mentally deficient that your fear of death presses you to lie to yourself about it.
Fucking crazy ass bigot!
Sorry to burst your bubble o' woo, but evolution has been proven. It's just nearly impossible to explain it to someone with your sub-standard reading comprehension.
Oh, and No-Mind, keep talking about your "science". It's just as hilarious as hearing a Muslim man describe Islam as a religion that loves and respects women!
Hey No-Mind, I found a video about your "science" and how it has been used historically.
"This may shock you, but not everything in the bible is true." The only true statement ever to be uttered by Jean Chauvinism, sociopathic emotional terrorist.
"A Boss in Heaven is the best excuse for a boss on earth, therefore If God did exist, he would have to be abolished." Mikhail Bakunin
"The means in which you take,
dictate the ends in which you find yourself."
"Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government! Supreme leadership derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony!"
No Gods, No Masters!
Okay, so how well something is designed is determined by how well it serves its purpose?
Your challenge is for anyone to "prove" evolution using the scientific method explicitly, correct? If I post a long response, are you going to actually address it?
Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare
So, everything that is complex and serves a purpose must be designed, correct?
Then who designed god?
"Yes, I seriously believe that consciousness is a product of a natural process. I find that the neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers who proceed from that premise are the ones who are actually making useful contributions to our understanding of the mind." - PZ Myers
Mind Over Matter, what if Evolution was false? Would that make the God hypothesis any more likely?
Are you really asking that question to the copy and paste bandit? Read his other posts and your question will be answered with a resounding NO!
The fucking asshat bigot will probably just call you a satanic queer fag and then say we are pagan/satan/goofs/chimp chumps. No surprises when it comes to trolls...
I found out that No-Mind has an acting career. I just can't figure out which role he plays!
He has already claimed just that. He said that there are only two possibilities to the universe's start. One is a mangled misinterpretation of evolution and the other is his insane religious kookology.
"This may shock you, but not everything in the bible is true." The only true statement ever to be uttered by Jean Chauvinism, sociopathic emotional terrorist.
"A Boss in Heaven is the best excuse for a boss on earth, therefore If God did exist, he would have to be abolished." Mikhail Bakunin
"The means in which you take,
dictate the ends in which you find yourself."
"Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government! Supreme leadership derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony!"
No Gods, No Masters!
So by point 8 it appears that you believe in microevolution that give rise to diversity within a species. Given that microevolution occurs how is it possible for macroevolution not to occur? Over a long enough timescale how is it possible to not walk a mile if you take one step at a time?
Gene mutations in themselves are random but natural selection ensures that only mutations that aid survival are carried on to the next generation giving direction to the cumulative effects of the mutations which inevitably leads to speciation.
Given our imperfect world (where everybody does not reproduce at the same rate) it would be incredibly weird if evolution did not occur. It would defy all laws of statistics if evolution weren't true.
This is the argument used by sapient in his debate with kirk cameron and that other nutter
I Am My God
The absence of evidence IS evidence of absence
The crazy creanderthal is still here I see.
Submitted by B166ER on April 12, 2010 - 11:14am.Umm... you do know that every heart rests eventually, right? Oh wait... you are one of those adults who are so mentally deficient that your fear of death presses you to lie to yourself about it.
Fucking crazy ass bigot!
bigot? because I expose people who are heterosexually challenged as perverted selfish liars.?
and the heart does not rest while you are alive as I have stated of course you ignore whole post because 1 you are a queer and you are ashamed 2you are not qualified to meet my challenge to demonstrate your pagan religion of evolution through the scientific method 3 you jump to the classic atheist retreat insults which Is expected from your kind
since you fail to meet my challenge I accept your faillure as a sign of your defeat!
now run along back to your atheist cave as an outcast
look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.
So by point 8 it appears
Submitted by liberatedatheist on April 12, 2010 - 1:15pm.So by point 8 it appears that you believe in microevolution that give rise to diversity within a species. Given that microevolution occurs how is it possible for macroevolution not to occur? Over a long enough timescale how is it possible to not walk a mile if you take one step at a time?
Gene mutations in themselves are random but natural selection ensures that only mutations that aid survival are carried on to the next generation giving direction to the cumulative effects of the mutations which inevitably leads to speciation.
Given our imperfect world (where everybody does not reproduce at the same rate) it would be incredibly weird if evolution did not occur. It would defy all laws of statistics if evolution weren't true.
humans vary in kind but they do not evolve never did and never will there fore macroevolution is still an ancient pagan religion of origins and does not occur
fruit flies can be used to demonstrate that no matter how many times you use intelligent design to add mutations to countless generations they still reproduce as fruit flies only they have been mutated and deformed like mixing up some of the peices in finished puzzle all you get is a loss of info no a demonstration of information writing itself . the fact that there is no model to show the origin of information makes macro evolution impossible to occur.
the point of walking around the earth show that the rate you choose to identifiy is not a constant and you only rely of assumotions of distance not actual measuments that can be tested so star light does not prove evolution over billions/millions of years
the law of statistics against the reality of evolution are infinity to 1. because there is no proven statistic that can be shown in reality that demonstrates your childish math fantasy on paper
the classic analogy of adding all the parts needed to make a computor into a blender and blending it for minutes days weeks months years while adding heat and energy is never going to result in a computor and we can test this repeatable test as fact in the present but to assume millions or billions of years does change the already known facts that evolution does not occur and information does not occur through random chaotic event or even in cotrolled chaotic events . a computor will never be the result of billions of years of chance and thus humans did not result from chance since we know humans are more superior in design to man made computers.
when you heat your food in a man made micro wave oven technology do you give credit to the oven as an intelligent person or do you give credit to the creator of the micro wave oven ? the truth is you give credit to the oven (creation) not the the creator of the oven because you worship in this case the oven which represents nature , case closed you are exposed as a atheist in denial of worshipping bature as your creator and not the creator of nature!
,again you fail to meet my challenge to demonstrate the pagan religion of evolution through the scientific method .
I accept your failure as a sign of defeat yet again you show your true dishonest mentality to justify your humanist worldview
look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.
The projection is strong with this one.
So you pretty much misunderstood everything i said or just denied it without any counter arguments but i'll try one more time.
Humans vary in kind because we are continually evolving. The point i was making before is that variation within a species occurs because of microevolution. That is the only way it can occur. you seem to acknowledge the existence of microevolution. Once you acknowledge the existence of microevolution it is absolutely necessary that macroevolution occurs. Macroevolution is the cumulative effect of microevolution. Mutations are random occurrences. most are harmful or do nothing but occasionally you will get ones that actually increase the survival chances of the organism. This is not a radical claim. the more often mutations occur the more likely you are going to get ones that benefit the organism. this all logically follows from microevolution. Because some aid in the survival of the organism, it is more likely that the organism will survive to pass on his genes to the next generation than the other harmful mutations. The frequency of these genes has now increased in the population! This logically follows from the fact that some mutations are harmful and some are beneficial. This means that evolution is no longer a random process meaning that it has a direction and will make the species better suited to survive in his environment. Once you acknowledge that the survival rate of the organism can be affected by mutations, it necessarily follows that evolution is not random but has direction. This is all logically necessary. Once you see that evolution has a direction it necessitates that over long enough periods of time, the positive mutations will accumulate until the resulting organisms would no longer be able to reproduce with its ancestors thus becoming its own species. The scientific definition of two organisms being of the same species is that they can produce fertile offspring. This is all logical. As i said before as long as we live in an imperfect world where some organisms reproduce at a greater rate than others then evolution is logically necessary. It would be illogical and weird if evolution did not occur.
well here you are just wrong. speciation has been shown in a laboratory setting using fruit flies. Through reproductive isolation, two populations of fruit flies that were originally able to mate lost that ability after being separated for 35 of generations. This is laboratory proof of macroevolution. This is taken from wikipedia the original link being http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speciation
The best-documented creations of new species in the laboratory were performed in the late 1980s. William Rice and G.W. Salt bred fruit flies, Drosophila melanogaster, using a maze with three different choices of habitat such as light/dark and wet/dry. Each generation was placed into the maze, and the groups of flies that came out of two of the eight exits were set apart to breed with each other in their respective groups. After thirty-five generations, the two groups and their offspring were isolated reproductively because of their strong habitat preferences: they mated only within the areas they preferred, and so did not mate with flies that preferred the other areas.[16] The history of such attempts is described in Rice and Hostert (1993).[17]
Diane Dodd was also able to show how reproductive isolation can develop from mating preferences in Drosophila pseudoobscura fruit flies after only eight generations using different food types, starch and maltose.[18]
This part just doesn't make sense
The analogy of the computer does not work because a blender is random while evolution is not. Evolution is not random because some mutations are beneficial while others are harmful. evolution is a process of chance and then refinement through natural selection. your analogy just models chance without the refinement.
Nature has not been shown to have or need a creator. i still don't worship it by i acknowledge the mechanisms that nature works by. If you believe in a creator than you are probably insulting him by not acknowledging his true creation which is evolution. its a beautiful system both in its simplicity and effectiveness.
quick outline of the scientific method
question: how did current speciations come into existence
background research: the fossil record, genetic similarities and physical similarities suggest a continuity to species
hypothesis: all species evolve from previous species with the first species coming into existence through the process of abiogenesis
experimentation: speciation can be induced in fruit flies as i have previously cited, also in bacteria http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn14094-bacteria-make-major-evolutionary-shift-in-the-lab.html genetic mapping shows that all species are related to some extent. Evolution can be produced in the lab but is also observed in nature, usually with insects that have short generational time periods: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/6896753.stm This is what i got from credible sources with a thirty second google search. There are literally hundreds upon hundreds of observations made in a scientifically rigorous fashion that can be repeated at any time.
I Am My God
The absence of evidence IS evidence of absence
personally, i think mind over matter is a queer.
once you acknowledge variation in kind you have no need to assume that is proof that humans are evolving. the fact that humans have variataion within their kind is because the information is already there to allow for the variation to occur.
like a rubiks cube having set colors which can be realinged and still remain a rubiks cube no matter what the combination of colors. you still have the same rubiks cuke nothing more.
again you rely on genes to try and imagine evolution. the changes found in genes does not demonstrate evolution. it does show how over a generations of time the written code allows for adaption to occurr because the grand design includes foreknowledge of these needs to adapt and thus the genes change according to a prewritten code not a new code never written before by noone as you like to imply with you pagan concept of evolution.
long periods of time seems to be your biggest flaw in your arguement. you assume things like millions of years which is not science but it is a faith based concept of atheist imagination.
it is stupid to say that because humans come in all shapes and sizes and colors that they are evolving as a result of this observation.
again you fail.
fruit flies not mating with fruit flies? so what ! that does not mean they stopped being fruit flies because you use stupid terminology such as species to descibe 2 kinds of fruit flies. again it is you who are wrong and desparate to show your beliefe is based in science but is not all. infact it is dishonest.
chance without refinement? lol
that is very observant but not enough to demonstrate mutations creating humans into non humans that are superior. most mutation are harmful and the odd mutation that is not does not cause evolution to occurr.
pay attention
Not once has there ever been a recorded instance of a truly beneficial mutation!
There are instances of reshuffled genes, which produced better varieties of grapes, apples, and roses. But those were normal changes within species. (They were still grapes, apples, and roses.) None of these are mutations. A true mutation is a damage factor which produces injury or death.
As a result of millions of fruit-fly experiments, under intense radiation, not one useful mutation has ever been found. Those organisms, which mutate and do not outright kill, are generally so weakened that they or their offspring tend to die out. Given enough mutations, not evolution into something better—but death—would come to everyone on earth. Organisms which have mutations are so badly weakened, that they tend to die out or are weeded out by the problems of life.
Mutagens. For decades, scientists have been warning us about the dangers of radiation. What is that danger? It is X rays, radiation, and certain chemicals which can cause mutations in our body. How can such a terrible curse benefit us or produce new species?
Dangerous accidents. It is only the rareness of mutations in the natural world (apart from X rays and atomic bombs) which protect the race from being destroyed by mutations.
Intertwined catastrophe. Each gene affects many characteristics, and each characteristic is affected by many genes. This complicated interweaving of the DNA codes means that each mutation can result in damage to many things.
There is no way that a bunch of mutations could help anyone.
Only random. People can never predict in advance when or where a mutation will occur or what type of damage will result. It is a totally random event.
Small changes cannot do it. Evolutionists say that, given enough time, a few mutations, here and there, can produce new species. Each one changes one species a little more toward another. But that is not true, for we find no halfway species anywhere! All are distinct and different
Mathematically impossible. Not enough mutations could naturally occur to accomplish any trans-species changes. Mutations usually occur only once in every ten million duplications of a DNA molecule. Assuming that all mutations were beneficial (which none are), the odds of even several mutations naturally occurring within one organism would be very unlikely. Four mutations, for example, would only occur once in a billion, billion times
Time is no solution. Evolution requires millions of beneficial mutations, all working closely together to produce delicate living systems full of fine-tuned structures, organs, hormones, and all the rest. This could not be done in a little amount of time or immense amounts of time. How long would a new type of animal last while waiting for millions of years of mutations to put it together?
Gene Stability. There is a reason we can know that mutations have been as infrequent in the past as they are now: the factor of gene stability. If mutations had been abundant earlier, then, during past centuries, our bodies would have been destroyed by them.
Syntropy. *Szent-Gyorgyi, a two-time Nobel Prize winner, pointed out that it would be impossible for any organism to survive even for a moment, unless it were already complete with all its functions and they were all working perfectly or nearly so. Everything in a species has to work right, or it becomes weak and eventually dies out. Mutations do not strengthen; they only weaken. They do not produce new, stronger species; they only injure the ones which already exist
Minor changes damage offspring the most. Most mutations are small, but it is those little changes which would hurt offspring the most. That is because major mutations kill too quickly for there to be offspring
Single generation required. Hundreds and even thousands of positive mutations, working harmoniously together would be needed—and it would all have to occur very fast. It would be impossible for mutations, strung out over centuries or ages to produce the needed changes from one species to another.
Not big enough. Most mutations are so minor that, although they are damaging or deadly, they could not possibly change one species to another. They just do not make a large enough change.
Reproductive changes too infrequent. Mutational changes in the reproductive organs occur far less often than elsewhere. Yet it is reproductive changes which would especially be needed for new species to be formed
Evolution requires increasing complexity. Evolution, by its very nature, must continually move upward. Yet mutations only tear down and disintegrate.
Evolution would require new information. Vast, new information banks in the DNA would be required, for a new species to be produced. Mutations could never accomplish that, any more than swinging a bat in a china closet would improve the glassware stored there.
Evolution requires new organs and different structures. But mutations would not provide the new physical equipment and capabilities.
Not enough visible mutations. For every visible mutation (which changes a body part in a way to be seen), there are 20 invisible ones which generally kill the organism.
Never higher vitality than the parent. Geneticists tell us that each mutation weakens the organism. Never is its offspring stronger than the damaged parent. Soon the family line ends
the classic
No evidence of species change. Mutations are not producing new species, yet we should see it occurring.Fossils and Strata there is no evidence of new species production in the past. We can know this, because we should be able to find the halfway species in between, yet they have never existed.
Gene uniqueness forbids species change. Because there are millions of factors in every DNA code, it forbids the possibility of wholesale change by mutations.
Yes, evolutionists have one beneficial mutation that they can cite—as proof that positive, helpful mutations do occasionally occur.
It is sickle-cell anemia, which is a mutation which occurred in someone in Africa centuries ago. Was that mutation beneficial? Far from it; it damaged the red blood cells so they became quarter-moon shaped instead of round. This produced a special type of anemia. The person with sickle-cell anemia cannot properly absorb food and oxygen.
How then can anyone call that mutation beneficial?
Well, the evolutionists do it—on the basis of the fact that people with sickle-cell anemia are less likely to contract malaria from mosquitoes!
Really now, that is begging the question! If I had bulbar polio, I would be less likely to be killed in an auto accident—because I would be paralyzed on a bed and less likely to be riding in a car. But one would not say that polio was, for that reason, beneficial!
In return for the advantage of being 25 percent less likely to contract malaria, 25 percent of the children of people, in Africa, with sickle-cell anemia—will die! What advantage is that?
so stop trying in vain and start doing what I asked in my challenge to demonstrate you pagan concept of evolution.
look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.
Nature has not been shown to have or need a creator.---->YES IT HAS
i still don't worship it by i acknowledge the mechanisms that nature works by------>YES YOU DO BY YOU GIVING CREDIT TO NATURE WHICH IS IN FACT A CREATION NOT A CREATOR
. If_ you believe in a creator than you are _probably_ insulting _him_ by not acknowledging _his_ true creation which is evolution. its a beautiful system both in its simplicity and effectiveness. ----------------->IF- PROBABLY- HIM HIS evolution is not a part of creation and it has no association with the record account of CREATION. evolution is not real not beautiful and using it to promote your pagan concept is pathetic.it not simple and effective because it doesnot exist.
quick outline of the scientific method---->you should admit you dont know what a complete outline of the scientific method is
question: how did current speciations come into existence----->-they were created and the diferences in kind we see are still the result of A CREATOR
background research: the fossil record, genetic similarities and physical similarities suggest a continuity to species----->SUGGESTING FACTS IS NOT PROVING THEM and seeing is not believing since you misinterpret data
hypothesis: all species evolve from previous species with the first species coming into existence through the process of abiogenesis-------.>again you should admit you dont know what a complete outline of the scientific method is, you atheists are a mutated gene pool
again you fail to meet my challenge
I accept your failure as a sign of defeat
look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.
So, everything that is
Submitted by nigelTheBold on April 12, 2010 - 11:54am.So, everything that is complex and serves a purpose must be designed, correct?
Then who designed god?
"Yes, I seriously believe that consciousness is a product of a natural process. I find that the neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers who proceed from that premise are the ones who are actually making useful contributions to our understanding of the mind." - PZ Mye
there is only one true source you do not start with nothing or no source, all life comes from life all things come FROM being created
when you count to ten do you start with 0 ? the name above all names IS YAHUWAH which means I AM HE WHO IS SELF EXISTETENT/EXISTS/ETERNAL
thus for thousands of years in every culture you can hear the universal expression PRAISE TO YOU YAH (HALLELU YAH) which is also a preveration of the true name YAHUWAH in the original royal ABRAHUW language
your question is a fallacy like asking a trick question, "where is the starting point on a circle?" which means you are a bitter person who rejects reality of a supernatural CREATOR who IDENTIFIES HIMSELF and you show that you resent people of FAITH IN A CREATOR and the fact that they reject your faith in worshipping creation which is an ancient pagan concept still used today by atheists etc.....
look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.
The flawgic is strong with this one.
"Yes, I seriously believe that consciousness is a product of a natural process. I find that the neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers who proceed from that premise are the ones who are actually making useful contributions to our understanding of the mind." - PZ Myers
What a stupid question. I am a C programmer. Of course I start with 0.
"Yes, I seriously believe that consciousness is a product of a natural process. I find that the neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers who proceed from that premise are the ones who are actually making useful contributions to our understanding of the mind." - PZ Myers
Whatever floats your boat, Kiddo.
A circle starts at its center.
As far as the "which means you are a bitter person," all I can say is: Bwaaahhh? Where did you get that from my frivolous little question? All my question did was point out that your premise is self-contradictory. Obviously, everything that is complex or appears designed does not need a designer, as you say nothing designed god. So your premise is logically incorrect. That's all I did. No trick -- I thought the whole thing was crystal clear. Your conclusions about my bitterness are quite... surreal, in a kind of charming, nutjob way.
I don't worship reality, or anything else. I reserve my worship for my wife. Her, and my Turtle god.
"Yes, I seriously believe that consciousness is a product of a natural process. I find that the neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers who proceed from that premise are the ones who are actually making useful contributions to our understanding of the mind." - PZ Myers
"Not once has there ever been a recorded instance of a truly beneficial mutation!"
Let me cite a couple: http://english.pravda.ru/main/18/90/360/15843_AIDS.html AIDS is a terrible disease that has killed thousands. Fortunately for some, a MUTATION in their genetic code prevents the virus from entering their cells providing them with immunity to the disease.
now lets see how evolution necessarily follows from this beneficial mutation. If we select a random population of one hundred people it is likely that one person has the mutation as the mutation has a frequency of 1%. If everyone in the population reproduces at the same rate, then the frequency of the gene according to the laws of statistics will still be one percent. now lets add the selecting factor of aids. This will kill a few people but none of those people will have the mutation b/c the mutation protects you from the disease. Now the remaining people reproduce all at the same rate. But because there were fewer people reproducing that didn't have the mutation, then necessarily the frequency of the mutation within the population will increase. Each generation will yield a higher frequency of the gene until soon 5% or 10% of the people have the mutated gene. The frequency will continue to increase until the aids virus vanishes as it can't sustain itself. That is evolution of one trait and it necessarily happens as long as aids selects the people without the mutation to die at a higher rate. Macroevolution is just the cumulative effect of multiple traits evolving in response to selecting agents. Because the frequency of the gene is very low and aids isn't overwhelmingly common in russia, the increase in this genes frequency will be slow. Check back in sixty or seventy years are so and the frequency of his gene will undoubtedly be a few percentage points higher.
this website provides examples of about 15 other examples of beneficial mutations http://www.gate.net/~rwms/EvoMutations.html
Never say that "there ever been a recorded instance of a truly beneficial mutation" again because that is absolutely not true.
I Am My God
The absence of evidence IS evidence of absence
personally, i think mind
Submitted by iwbiek on April 13, 2010 - 8:22am.personally, i think mind over matter is a queer.
NOR IS BEING HETEROSEXUALLY CHALLENGED SELFISH LIARS AND PERVERTS AN EXCUSE TO TO CALL THEM NORMAL OR USE TERMS LIKE GAY AND BI AND EQUAL they are less than equal they are not gay they are queers who reject the principal of man and woman in love and marriage and sickness and health
the image of 2 men or 2 women procreating is a perversion nothing is sacred about it
it is a choice they make with the free will that is given to them by YAHUWAH. I believe they deserve their freedom to choose not to impose their distorted reality on me or anyone I care about. they parade down public streets demanding equal rights to man and women relationships.
that is wrong they know it and dont care because they are delusional.
along with the practice of the concept evolution homosexuals are a pagan culture from ancient times
again you fail to meet my challenge
I accept your failure as a sign of defeat
now run along you atheist chump with ass fucking chimp envy
run along back up to your broken branch high up way up where the fall will knock some sense into you before die.
look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.
(btw, here's that damned Monty Python video again. I can't seem to make it disappear completely.)
If it's a perversion, why do other animals practice homosexuality? It seems like god wouldn't've made it natural if he didn't expect humans to practice it, too.
EDIT: You do realize 2 men can't procreate by themselves, right? You also realize 2 women can't procreate by themselves, right? I think you meant "the image of 2 men or 2 women fucking."
"Yes, I seriously believe that consciousness is a product of a natural process. I find that the neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers who proceed from that premise are the ones who are actually making useful contributions to our understanding of the mind." - PZ Myers
Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare
You know, I wish I could meet these people in person and have a chat, just to see if they are able to rattle off such a giant stream of nonsense off the cuff. Well, I guess maybe they can.
Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.
not only a fag, but a fag-enabler!
PROVE to me you're not a sodomite! i know your kind, you fudge-packing, shit-eating closet FAG! YOUR KIND MAKE ME FUCKING SICK!!!! you DARE to proclaim Our Lord and Saviour when in fact YOU lay with man as with woman! YOU offer strange fire! HOW DARE YOU PROCLAIM THE HOLY ONE!!!
"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson
So, what you're saying is we can write a few lines, and you'll return with a few paragraphs? Knock yourself out kiddo.
My Website About Roller Coaster Design
I actually start at 1. Can't index with a 0 in MatLab.
My Website About Roller Coaster Design
Submitted by nigelTheBold on April 13, 2010 - 4:17pm.
why do other animals practice homosexuality?...........> "There is documented proof of cannibalism and rape in the animal kingdom,
but that doesnt make it right for humans.
humans are not animals and when humans act like animals we put them in cages like animals!!!!
The homosexuality in animals myth refers to the current interest on whether homosexual behavior is or is not zoologically "natural."
This is largely a sterile debate because behavior is not necessarily moral even if "natural;" because the nature of human beings is not necessarily the same as the nature of other life forms reffering to the animal kingdom, and because it is not at all clear when an observed behavior can be counted as "sexual," or as implying a sexual "orientation." Examples such as one male mounting another have been used as evidence in the argument that homosexuality is natural and therefore should be permitted in human beings. QUEER/hetero sexually challenged groups argue that if homosexual behavior occurs in animals, it is natural, and therefore the rights of homosexuals should be protected
It seems like god wouldn't've made it natural if he didn't expect humans to practice it, too.----------->While some animals ( like the lion ) eat their young, neither supporters or opponents of "queer rights" have used this as an argument in favor of infanticide or cannibalism.
EDIT: You do realize 2 men can't procreate by themselves, right? You also realize 2 women can't procreate by themselves, right? I think you meant "the image of 2 men or 2 women fucking."--------------->by the word fucking you mean hetero sexual intercourse which is procreation which is what I said.
men do not fuck men even though they may tell you it is called fucking and women do not fuck women even though they may use dildos as proof they miss the real deal. it is not natural and it is not something to teach to kids in sex education as normal.
"Yes, I seriously believe that consciousness is a product of a natural process. I find that the neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers who proceed from that premise are the ones who are actually making useful contributions to our understanding of the mind." - PZ Myers-------->copy and paste
you sound like a person who also supports dogs fucking humans because some dogs have been observed mounting humans out of stupidity. I mean by what you are saying and if you are are a dog lover and have a pet dog that loves you,... do want equals rights for you and your dog partner? lol so in that case the question I have to ask is who plays the role of the bitch , you or you dog? seriously you sound like the bitch in heat!
tell me is that your other reason to support queers? you want to act as a dog or just make excuses for your selfish queer pride.
whats wrong with a man and a woman combo that you need to justify being perverted.
look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.
What counts as acting like animals?
Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare
First off, about the humans heart. You state that without it we die but you never state that it rests when we die. You never mentioned it. You are wrong.
Now, on to the other problems with your fascist ramblings. Dude, you just showed your full blown bigotry right there.
1.stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own. 2.the actions, beliefs, prejudices, etc., of a bigot. So yeah, calling you a bigot is fully justified. Just to let you know, I'm not "queer", but I don't take it as an insult and if I was "queer" I see no reason why I would be ashamed of it. You can call me a man who is attracted to men all day long, it doesn't matter, my feelings are not hurt as I'm not a fascist who is offended by diversity. You are the fascist who thinks differences in people is wrong. There was another person who hated "queers" as much as you and wanted them all to be punished by your mutual "god". I think you guys would have gotten along quite well. His name was Adolf Hitler.HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
You really believe that? Then why are we so similar to OTHER animals? Why do humans have mammary glands like other mammals? Why do we have sweat glands like other animals? Why do we need to eat and shit and mate like other animals?
That's because we ARE animals and it's not a bad thing at all.
Our reason to not hate homosexuals is that they are human as well as we are and we are not fascist fucks like you. Seriously, you are a fascist. You are saying that just because you hear voices in your head that you claim is the creator of the universe, you have the right to kill everyone who isn't like you.
Fuck you you fascist piece of shit!
"This may shock you, but not everything in the bible is true." The only true statement ever to be uttered by Jean Chauvinism, sociopathic emotional terrorist.
"A Boss in Heaven is the best excuse for a boss on earth, therefore If God did exist, he would have to be abolished." Mikhail Bakunin
"The means in which you take,
dictate the ends in which you find yourself."
"Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government! Supreme leadership derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony!"
No Gods, No Masters!