about my personal experience. anyone knowledgeable in this
dont know where to put this to, but i guess it is an irrational precept. I had these recent dream, in which i was with my mother. and she is conversing with me. first off, i moderately dream about my mom. but the recent one was fairly unique. since i can really say that i have felt it as real. this is the very first time that this has happened to me besides lucid dreaming. my mom is deceased for 3 years and i am relatively young to not give a damn about it. it lasted only for seconds and i cried the shit out of myself when i woke up realizing it was only a dream and i really was not with my mom.
why was and how come this recent dream felt so real? i missed my mother so much.
the only explanation my aunt can give to this is god did it. any other explanations? anyone?
Not only can water float a boat, It can sink it also.
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Well, remember Occam's razor directs us to not needlessly add entities. I am going to go with “your brain did it”.
As a fellow lucid dreamer, you should know quite well that your brain is capable of bringing up items into a dream that are not easily categorized in the real world. One that I remember from a while back had me walking across a room but for some reason, my right arm seemed to not want to move with me, as if it was pinned to a certain location.
Well, when the lucidity began, I was able to open my eyes and look over at my real right arm. Then I knew why I could not move it. It had a rather large Bengal cat curled up on it!
wow. your lucid dream was good. my last lucid dream was the creepiest and probably the most frightening experience i had ever had. (besides flying roaches to straight to my face) and it was on an afternoon and not on a normal evening sleep. it goes like this: i was sleeping facefirst from the bed and i cannot move a single muscle. i perfectly remember what was holding me paralyzed, it was some form of human/goat like figure well built and muscular. he was stepping on my back and holding my two arms at place. it was funny because the place of my dream was specifically the place where i was sleeping. my bedroom. you can probably tell it looks like a devil of sorts, and i can perfectly remember he was grayish in color and damn right he was smiling while staring at me. i was already conscious at the time but i am already screaming in my mind to move a damn muscle and open my set of eyes.
i did with a really hard time and a lot of sweat. though it gave me shock i was quite happy it happened to me. for experience purposes L O L.
thats why i found it confusing since my dream about my mom definitely is not lucid. i guess id have to stick with the my brain did it answer. that i would like to happen frequently. but not to a point of delusion. i just am too attached at my mom.
Not only can water float a boat, It can sink it also.
I've had 4 lucid dreams that I can remember clearly in my life. The last of which I was in a hostil in australia. I had a dream where I met my little sister (died 20 years ago) on the beach. This dream felt like it lasted about an hour, although it probably only lasted a few seconds as I can't remeber much real diealogue we had. She was fully grown instead of 3 years old and had brown hair instead of her childhood blonde, she was healthy and free of her handicapps. This dream was so real when I woke up I was in a truly emotional state for hours, and it took days for the feeling to go away. It was so powerful I wrote a short story about it to get it out of me, a story about a man who meets his deseased sister in his dreams, and begins to over sleep so he can go back, and eventually goes nuts in the real world and finally falls asleep forever to stay in dreamworld to find her. Although this was honestly on of the most poweful dreams/feelings I had ever had never once did I believe this was anything more than a dream, and a construct of my imagination. My mind adressing it's most powerful and oppressed emotions subconsciously.
The feeling this gave me, and the feeling this gave you seems to be the same kind of feeling people explain when they speak of feeling god. It usually centers around something this powerful (death of a loved one) these feelings are so powerful they can literally f*** with your head. We love and miss our passed loved ones so much the emotions surrounding such things in life are almost beyond our abilities to deal with. They can come out in many ways, like such a dream. Everyone deals with them different. The best most of us can do is hide them in the "wont go there now" part of our brain as to go on with our day to day lives and avoid the massive rush of emotions felt when thinking about them. But they can't stay there forever, they will bleed out.
that was what i felt exactly. i even screamed when i woke up. my screaming woke my aunt. i was so angry for waking up. i just had arguably the happiest moment of my life; meeting my mom again. and for naught.
that was a good one. when i was still a believer ( though definitely going downhill ) i had a dengue fever. often times i hallucinate of vivid white places and the view (lets say camera view) keeps circling round and round then run staight up like a fast car. lol that was off, but i agree to your statement that this is probably why some people attribute this feelings with god.
Not only can water float a boat, It can sink it also.
I have so many lucid dreams that disturb me and wake me constantly, and all of my doctors have wanted me on medication for it for a long time (as an adult now, I'm very heavily considering it since sleep seems much more valuable these days). It's always different, and sometimes it feels like a full day of dreaming, sometimes it feels like I was dreaming for weeks. It's always some elaborate story, and so detailed and full of life and color so vivid that, upon waking, I can remember textures and smells, not just images. Generally, I will feel an emotion very strongly by the end of the dream from the events that had taken place, and those emotions can carry through me for hours during my day. I've felt extreme sadness and fear and joy resulting from lucid dreams for over a week before.
Dream interpretation has been practiced for a long, long time - it's closely associated with mysticism and the supernatural, since our explanations outside of the chemical reactions that do take place while dreaming are mostly unproven theories at best. The fact that our individual perception is the most important notion in dreams, and this is largely immeasurable (or, at least, can't be measured accurately), it's a very interesting branch of Psychology that will likely still hold some unknowns before my lifetime comes to an end.
I've never associated the way I feel after dreaming with anything god-like or magical. These dreams make me feel like I've lived them completely - perhaps I just naturally default to Occam's Razor, but, after waking and realizing that it wasn't "real", I still feel "real" emotions from it having happened. It's kind of like reading a really great book, and when you walk away from the book, you still reflect on the events that happened and feel the suspense or the agony or the surprise or whatever you may have for some time afterwards.
My parents always said this is just a result of a very creative person.
For the record, I don't see it as having been for naught. You felt great in the dream because you got to see her again, and that's where she will continue to 'live', for lack of better terminology. No matter what, you'll always have the memory of her to comfort you, and you can be a better person for it.
'Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition. God wants you to go to war.'
I'm going with the theory that dreaming is a natural..weird learning tool. But most of the time it just makes me think "wtf was that all about".
Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin
Ya I'd say 99.9% of my dreams make absolutely no sense and I have no control over them. They just change and morph and go no where.
I have actually solved real life programming problems in my dreams.
I have had 2 nightmares... When I say nightmare it really had nothing to do with what visual imagery I was getting. It was more just a sensation of fear. In the first one all I could see was the game tetris. The second dream was a grass field in the middle of the night with footballs spread about 5 feet apart from each other with a light casting shadows to the of my perspective. No idea why terror and fear were the feeling I felt or why I woke up from them.
I sometimes have dreams where I am in a fight, but when I try to punch or kick it moves really slow and when I manage to hit it seems weak. All the dreams I remember felt pretty real, maybe that is part of memory the feeling real.
To me dreams are like looking through a photobook, but instead of photos they are memories, and instead of having an entire scene in our memories all we are looking at are the parts. Our brain takes those parts and interpolates the memories as if they were connected. Like a Vertex Buffer Animation between key frames. That is what I think.
Sounds made up...
Agnostic Atheist
No, I am not angry at your imaginary friends or enemies.
i always remember the last parts of my dream. the people, the places, it sometimes affect what i would then do on a given day. recently i dreamed of a musician named la roux during my sleep. i ended up purchasing her album.
Not only can water float a boat, It can sink it also.
thats what my psychology professor said. oftentimes its the eccentric individuals that almost always experience these kind of things. because they are creative enough, and are able enough.
i dedicate all my future accomplishments to my mom. she meant more than life it self to me. everyone gets a second chance but where was hers? i was still a believer when she died. i cursed life and him in general. i had a conversation with my grandpa about it about a month ago. for unknown reasons my grandpa seemed to be also an atheist like i am. he was angry for the fact that his children died before him.
Not only can water float a boat, It can sink it also.
ive had these too. then it teleports me in the middle of an ocean where i was dropping from air staright to the deep blue. i remember the nightmares more than the pleasant ones. i think most of my dreams happen when i am half conscious and half asleep. that may be why i sometimes feel it as real.
Not only can water float a boat, It can sink it also.
My dreams seem to be a mix of people I know and current events and things I've recently observed. But the way it all comes together usually makes absolutely no sense, but when I'm in the dream all the non-sense seems completely normal. So mine would go something like:
I'm watching a movie with my girlfriend but her face is a banana, but I know it's her, this seems completely normal to me at the time. Then seemingly without transition my banana headed girlfriend becomes Oprah, this aswell seems completely normal at the time. I look at oprah thinking "this is a little wierd" then look back at the tv, but it's not a tv it's a waterfall. I look back and we're sitting on her set with an audience and I'm a guest expert on waterfalls. I don't know why my boss is in the crowd, I wonder how he got here. Uhoh work, MONDAY MORNING AHHHH!!!!!
And I wake up.
Something like that...
I had a similar experience years ago. My best friend, when I was 15, had just died. For one month after his death, I would dream that we were hanging out like we always had. Every morning before I would wake up, he would tell me that it was time for me to get up and that he would see me the next night when I went to sleep. Then, I would wake up. It wasn't until those dreams ended that I fully accepted that he was really gone.
Looking back on that now, I think that I didn't know how to deal with the death of someone close to me (at that time) because that was my first experience in dealing with the death of someone that I was around almost every day.
You can't convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it's based on a deep-seated need to believe. - Carl Sagan
Prayer has no place in the public schools, just like facts have no place in organized religion. - School Superintendent on "The Simpsons" episode #1
Yea I think dreams are partly a mish mash of what ever has been on the back burner.
I like when I have a crazy dream, and in that same dream I say or think "wtf is this about". Cars driving without wheels, purchasing small nuclear powered jets, friends being eaten by sharks and you can't save them and other more disturbing things I wont mention.
Sometimes it's as if I know I'm dreaming but can't stop it, there have been a few times I think I was able to alter it though.
I have mentioned this before, do not go to bed with one of those nicotine patches on, you will have dreams that seem way too real.
Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin
You can say whatever you want about creative imagination, feelings for the passed away people, brain chemistry and so on, but that can't explain everything.
Our friends have a big family. The oldest member of that family, the old housewife died recently and left a big farmsteading full of their stuff. Her husband was already long dead. One her daughter moved away from there recently, she is married to a wealthy businessman. The other daughter should care for the old housewife, even have a contract that she is her legitimate caretaker at home. But the death occured too soon and the caretaker daughter had no contract. They never really got along with the old mother anyway. And so the unpopular daughter moved in to the estate with her two sons without any contract, approval or previous knowledge of the now dead old mother.
Things should be fine, if we would live in a simple, 3 dimensional world. But it seems we don't.
Now, the woman with her sons can't live comfortably in the farmsteading. They moved very often all their life, from apartment to apartment, and quickly found their comfort everywhere. But not in that house. They feel cold in there all the time, hear random noises in the house (like footsteps) and feel depressed for no reason. The other daughter started having regular dreams with her old mother in them. Complaining, "they didn't even light me up a candle!"
Needless to say, both the old housekeepers now dead were farmers, materialists, and their farmsteading, cows and bulls was all that mattered to them, although younger generations don't give shit. It seems logical that their dead-handed ways of thinking (joke intended) make them bothersome dwellers in a house that is not theirs anymore.
Of course, I don't believe that god did it or whatever. But I'm well aware that scientific theories say, we live in a multi-dimensional world, that is invisible for the most part, and detectable only as dark matter. Therefore it's possible that even life itself is multi-dimensional. Death of bodily component doesn't have to be fatal, if there are multiple components, that together form personality. It's logical that people over many aeons would notice it and form a colourful mythology of ancestor spirits, spiritual dimensions, and so on. But it's actually not all that far-fetched.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
How can a republican state such a true answer? I thought "republican atheists" was like unicorns and the 1969 Mets. I have been proven wrong.
In all seriousness to the OP,
Humans like neat packaging and answers to the unexplained. Can you literally trace every neuron in your brain during that dream to know why certain stimuli lead to it? No.
But we do know that humans, because they want answers, will try to read something into a situation that isn't there. Gene is right, it was your brain. There are countless factors going into that dream, and none of them have to do with a god or anything superstitious. It was a combo of your memories being fired off subconsiously, your emotional experiences, environmental stimuli you are unaware of.
You answered part of your own question about why you had your dream. "I miss her so much".
When I was a kid, I had a repeating dream that felt real. It used to scare the shit out of me. It was a dream based on a movie I watched called "Escape From Witch Mountain". I used to wake up in a cold sweat crying.
I also had "outer body" dreams.
I also saw my dead grandmother at the foot of my bed. I saw my dead father at the foot of my bed. And my live mother at the foot of my bed, when I was a kid. ALL OF THEM felt real at the time.
But in reality there was no magic to any of those. Even to this day I wake up after leaving the tv on during a "Girls Gone Wild" infomercial with a smile on my face.
Your sleep state is kinda like teenagers having a party when the parents go on vacation for the weekend.
We don't remember most of our dreams, but we do tend to remember the "shocking" ones. This was merely a product of normal brain function and it was not real no matter how intense it was.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
Ever been to a Halloween party where someone puts you in a dark room and says stick your hand into this covered bowl of eyeballs? Of course it is nothing more than olives. Your brain in a sleep state can fool you in the same way. It is not that your brain is a god itself screwing with you. It is just your biology and chemistry and environment and stimuli you might not be aware of.
We all have had dreams that felt real and were intense. But from a neurological level are the same as phantom pains an amputee might feel. It is simply brain activity during sleep. Like shuffling cards blindfolded.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog