My top 5 picks for most entertaining video clips of Christians acting bat shit crazy

My top 5 picks for most entertaining video clips of Christians acting bat shit crazy are:
This is a MUST SEE. Notice they sing while people twitch on the ground. The stumbly white guy kinda bonks the old lady in the head and then she falls down and can't get up, and no one tends to her. I honestly peed my pants watching this clip. I can't figure it out, are they all waisted? And if so, on what?
2)- Breakdancing for Jesus
I had no Idea how many hardcore tongue speaking Christians there were in Korea untill I was led on this infinite trail of wacky footage. This is a GREAT video. It's set to Rob Zombie and the timing of the song and the video is perfect, it goes great. The body convulsions and rolling around on the floor is some of the best I've ever seen, these guys give it 110%.
3)- The Babbeling girl
WTF??? This is so strange, notice the people just walking by as though this group of 4 little girls in the corner balling there eyes out is completely normal, just business as usuall. This clip lays the setting for the following side clip to this one:
The follow up clip is of the same chruch that night (you can see the "babbleing girl" again in the same clothing) and just watch their behavior. If this isn't getting high/intoxicated I don't know what is, this is the exact behavior exibited by people on shrooms. Any psychologists here, what do you make of this? These people ARE high, but on what, can we demonstrate which chemical is being released in the brain that would cause these people to act this way without intaking any intoxicants?
4)- Craziest Bitch that has ever lived.
No words just watch
Would you like to see more?
Well I think we now have solid evidence that zombies exist, although I wouldn't be scared, REALLY!!!
5b)- GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK MICHEAL!!! Says the christian mother.
I forgot about this one, this ones great becsue the kids secretely video tape the moms reaction to the kid coming out of the athiest closet, she just looses it.
Those were my favorites but here's some more:
Crazy kids/Child abuse/This shit just aint right. These kids are terrified!!!
Non bios education, haha
Bird lady
Turd Burgeler Alert. Preaching to bright university students, no dice moron gets demolished.
I've seen this quack before, she cewrtainly gets around.
Great video, watch the slippery slope this women takes all on her own.
Martial arts jacket wielding.
Expelling homosexual demons, colourfully!!!
This is just a good video:
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I kinda liked the one I posted on the crazy wench from MSU.
The girl that passed out, I couldn't find it.
There she is. Brilliant.
Here some more clips from the church in my first. Hillarious!!!
Makes you wonder what the f*** they're thinking. They are god's people, and he wants them to act like this? The all powerful all wise god wants them to act waisted, twitching on the ground, people screaming fire etc... I guess in situations like this they have no idea they are so stupid and primitive. Completely clueless.
Look how proud this guy is of there behavior.
If anyone needs me, I'll be on my roof flagging down passing aliens... I have to get off this planet...
"Maltz! Prisoners at beam coordinates!"
“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)
Depressing isn't it.
They just go on and on. There is definetly something not right in the head with these people. And just by the staggering number of bat shit crazy theists I have observed in a measly 200 or so videos I went over, one would calculate these types are everywhere. People you work with, teachers of your kids by day, tongue speaking floor rolling zombie wackos at night.
It really is depressing, just a bit ago my dad was talking about his parents up in heaven and how he was going to have a discussion with them when he gets there.
It's like a trap daring me to stick my foot in it, all I can do is stay quiet and let the madness rolllllll.
Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin
First off, don't knock it too much. For some of these people it looks like jumping around at church is the only exercise they get all week.
The ones laughing like crazy? That's because they have just realized how stupid everyone looks.
The children "speaking in tongues" is sick, it's child abuse.
Did you all see Eugene, OR? See all those people with umbrellas? It rains more in Portland than in Eugene. In the last two months we have had maybe five spring like days, just not all in a row. Even I am getting a little tired of being wet.
-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.
"We are entitled to our own opinions. We're not entitled to our own facts"- Al Franken
"If death isn't sweet oblivion, I will be severely disappointed" - Ruth M.
For those of you who haven't herd of this man let me introduce you to BENTLEY, the illiterate biker preacher.
more bentley
AHH! This mofo came to my neck of the woods and beat an old lady across the floor? Wtf?
Wait. Stop.
I want to make sure I have interpreted that first video correctly:
So, if I convert to Christianity, I get to sway drunkenly around like an asshole & grab girls boobs 'on accident', and nobody is going to call me on it?
BRB. Getting baptized.
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
Yea the more wacked you act, the better you are. Flopping like a fish, spitting and a little screaming would make you gods chosen or something. Then I suppose you get to have multiple sex partners. You can start your own little religious clan and Koresh it up. Awesome!
Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin
Years ago, I was a member in a Pentecostal church even though I never spoke in tongues. Anyways, I saw a few funny things there.
In one service, there were people rolling in the floor at the front of the church. There were other people running fast around the pews. The people that were running would jump over the people that were rolling. The preacher had just pointed out how everyone was "in the Spirit" and that is why no accidents happened. A couple of minutes later one of the people rolling decided to get up and didn't know that one of the runners was jumping over him. The runner tripped on that guy and did a nose dive into the floor. It was hilarious.
I also witnessed a healing at one service or at least I thought I did. A guy had just had knee surgery and was sitting in one of the front pews when the preacher was preaching about healings. The preacher got all worked up and decided to heal the guy that just had knee surgery. A bunch of other people laid hands on this guy and he was healed (supposedly). He started running around the pews. I was convinced that God had just performed a miracle for a few days until I noticed that he was still limping. He limped for about six months and had to have surgery on that knee again. I kind of felt bad for the guy but it was still funny.
Looking back on all of that now, I am embarrassed that I bought into all that bullshit. Oh well, lesson learned.
You can't convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it's based on a deep-seated need to believe. - Carl Sagan
Prayer has no place in the public schools, just like facts have no place in organized religion. - School Superintendent on "The Simpsons" episode #1