How to represent atheism.
I realize and understand that we are all different and I do not represent atheism. However, it seems that many Christians think one atheist speaks for the entire group. Having typed that, the following may be a little silly and could appear to be a childish question: Like many people today, I have a facebook account. Most (not all) of the people I have on my friends list are Christian and members of my family. There's also a chance some of my co-workers will look at the profile one day. Many of them are big time Christians too and they have their little clique. In the past, I actually have gone to their profiles before and they pretty much plaster the Jesus thing everywhere and that's fine. What they believe does not effect me.
Now, I don't want to appear to be looking too deeply into this with you guys and I'm sure it's not even slghlty as big a deal as I may be making it out to be, but under my religious belief's I jokefully have "Evil Atheist". I put that because I'm mocking Christians who believe atheists are evil, but is that really the type of joke one should make when he knows probably more Christians will be reading that then Atheists?
Forgive me also please for having to even ask such a question. I've only been an atheist for three years and I know the great thing about it is that there are no "rules" to follow, but I always welcome helpful advice. Especially when I am behind enemy lines so much. I know we're not really at war, and I don't want anyone to think I am behaving like some teenager who is just being a rebel towards his family. (I am 27 in case anyone is curious.) I truly do believe there is no God and I just think it is important to show closed-minded Christians (and I am around plenty) that we really are not "evil" and that having a belief in a higher power does not just make you into a good person.
Okay, I'm done for now.
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I go by this rule... start out Honest and rational...then let the conversation go from there...
I would agree with Mr. Woods, however, one thing that does bother me is that they can plaster propaganda about their imaginary friend, argue with you and call you evil. Meanwhile, our morals, ideas and values are not good enough, yet our atheist scientists have brought them everything in modern life that they enjoy (Long life, electricity, shelter, vehicles, etc.).
I have Atheist on my facebook page because I am proud to be a freethinking, non-believing, debate loving Atheist!
I think anyone who has cut long term ties with a church (I was a hard core god freak and church musician) should be proud of themselves for uninstalling a lifetime of flawed software from their mind.
Be proud of who you are and what you stand for..
Jimi Spier
"Christians: Prey for Atheists" -Jimi Spier (unless someone else wrote it first)
But it's only my opinion. "Atheist and no evil about it." "I'm an atheist only the religious believe in sin and evil" "Atheist here, I outgrew the fairy tales" "Sanity welcome; religions not".
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
The general rule I follow, and I'm not sure if I'm appropriating this from Bertrand Russell or not, is: around Christians, I'm an agnostic; around atheists, I'm an atheist.
This is only to avoid certain conversations with people who I may already have a "weak link" to, that are nonetheless important, e.g. a professor, colleague, work friend, love interest, etc. I've found that when a Christian, even a strong one, thinks I'm an agnostic, they say harmless but nonetheless condescending stuff like, "Well, at least you are open to the possibility of Jesus coming into your life" or some such nonsense that is a lot easier to nod along with than, "YOU ARE AN ATHEIST? BUT YOU DON'T SEEM LIKE ONE" and all the corresponding uneasiness. Although, it is really fun to talk to Bible-thumping Evangelists when you come out as an atheist to them. Then they start talking about how science is stupid and soulless, etc. Entertainment.
I've said before that I don't consider atheism a community, beyond a virtual one (like this one). I don't think the lack of something is an organizing principle. Like, I'm not going to start a club for people who haven't been raped but want to talk about it. It just doesn't make sense, and I've still got millions of things to argue about with normal atheists... I don't feel a sense of connection around a tragic event or really important belief that makes me see the world differently than others.
So, at least for the time being, I am a closeted atheist, and I only come out when the water's warm
On fb I keep it kinda low key, I post something mildly controversial now and then. I live in Texas and the bible thumpers here I know are super cereal.
IRL I'll be wearing my sunday shirt (pro evolution lol) to the disc golf course tomorrow, as I do each sunday =).
Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin
In retort to Newprince: I would think that having a place where Atheist could meet once a week (preferably Sunday) would be great. I would effectively give a base to where we could all exchange ideas and give sanctuary to those who are seeking a way out of religion or just want to learn the REAL facts of science and nature..
My wife is a christian, not out of love for jesus but out of fear of hell or not going to heaven. She has been willing and gracious to watch hours of Atheist related videos with me (Including Jesus Camp, which shook her to her core) but she still feels "trapped" in this mindset. I'm hoping that I can have her meet other Atheist that may have shared similar life experiences that she had to endure. Until then she will continue to be a prisoner of a fairy tale with an imaginary friend..
Jimi Spier
"Christians: Prey for Atheists" -Jimi Spier (unless someone else wrote it first)
Rich - Yeah, that's pretty much how I do it and that's only if they bring it up first. One of the first things I learned is debunking Jesus is easy. Sometimes I feel bad and don't want to go off on them because I've silenced plenty of Christians where they are left with this expression that I can't describe. So I actually try not to go too off on them out of pure pity. Many have said "I need to be a Christian because it helps me." And I can see it does help so instead of being cruel, I leave them alone. Even if they do start it. Again, if they want to be Christian, what do I care.
In regards of me, I'd like to say I was fully happy as a Christian all the time and that I wished I never researched on this on the web, but I wasn't happy as a Christian and my anger at "God" was formed longed before I even got on the internet. There were good and bad times and mostly bad times. Bad stuff would happen and I'd be so confused as to why God allowed it. Now I understand. There was no God from the start! And since becoming an atheist, good and bad things STILL happen to me. That has not changed at all, only now I don't get as upset because I realize that's just life. I feel I'm better off as an atheist. Hell, I think I always thought God was an asshole and lied to myself about liking him. I just kissed his ass because I thought he had a nice place.
And I really wanted in.
Jim - Great read. Very well typed!
Jeff - lol. Those are funny. I think I may borrow one of those if you don't mind.
Prince - I understand. I use to be a little on the passive side too but it was mainly for reasons like I was telling Rich. Only these days, Christians have honestly pissed me off to the point that I'm tired of all this BS. If these assholes have no problem being dicks to me and spewing their bullshit, I'm gonna spew some of my own. Seriously, they don't feel awkward about it and truth be told, most of the Christians that I am thinking about right now probably wouldn't like me even if I was still Christian.
So therefore, I shouldn't really care how I come across. I am a big Bill Maher fan and I pretty much try to use sarcasm if I feel things get too tense. In my view, it's the person laughing that wins the battle and the person who leaves angry that loses. Even if you are really angry, you can't ever let them know. lol.
And you know Prince, we already have plenty of excuses to laugh at them....I mean, a talking snake!? And these nutjobs wanna judge us and say we don't seem like the type who'd be "atheists" all because we don't believe in a talking snake?
In regards of what I call myself in real life, like you....I called myself agnostic. Now I call myself agnostic-atheist. Cause it really is the truth. Even though I don't think there is a higher power.....I don't totally rule out I could be wrong. However, at this time....I have no belief in a God. Which is where the atheist comes in.
Really Prince....I try not to put myself in the spotlight to be judged. Instead I go into it with the mind set of putting *them* into a spotlight. If I feel these pricks are starting to judge me, or stare at me in shock or angry or some other bullshit. I throw on my cocky smirk and stare right back at them and just WAIT for them to be rude and sometimes just their stare or the awkard silence is enough for me to go....." really believe in a talking snake....." *tries not to laugh*
Make THEM feel stupid for actually admitting to being a Jesus-freak, Prince. You don't feel ashamed for what you believe. If they give you that kinda crap, you give it right back to them and if it's more then one person....hey....all the more fun to fuck with cause you can mock them all.
Sorry for kinda going on a rant, Prince. I'm actually not just talking to you....I'm talking to myself too.
I'm not kidding. Cause like I said, I sometimes misplace my balls and gotta find em'. For a while, I refused to argue much because I figure.....why should I care what they think? And what do I get out of it? Now I figure.....okay, no....I don't care what they think and what do I get out of it? Well, if I'm bored....I get to have fun! I get to take these closed-minded snobs who think they are so much better then everyone and I get to humble their asses.
Also, I have this problem where I can't be a dick to someone unless they start off being dicks first. I can't be an asshole on my own. They have to actually be rude before I can really upload on the fuckers. I've gotten MUCH better over the years and oddly enough, it was when I dumped Jesus that things got better. I mean, are what you believe and all Jesus did to get famous was get his ass kicked. So if you believe that, then you go through life getting your ass kicked!
Now that I'm down with the Devil, I get to do some evil instead of being a victim to it.
If these people think we're evil, then hey....I'm gonna play the part. Hell, when I was a Christian, atheists use to make me feel uneasy and atheists still make Christians nervous. They think Satan has us. All you can do is use this to your advantage. They wanna see a bad guy, then give them a bad guy and mix in some truth while you're at it. And by doing so, at least most of them will leave you alone more. Seriously, most Christians rub me the wrong way. Seeking their friendship is not on a "to do" list for me anymore.
Another problem I sometimes had was making a big production out of things. I realize now there is no need for the intensity. That made talking about this stuff much easier. Just breath, relax and if they wanna talk God, talk God. Be nice about it and put out the sarcasm if you have to. Only I have never needed to resort to sarcasm much. All I need is my brain to outsmart them. Whenever I've done this before, most Christians go limp very, VERY quickly. That's another thing we have on our side: We have all the best weapons that they probably have never heard of.
Rob - I live in Texas too, I hear ya bro. It's a freakin' jungle here sometimes. I've always been a Yankee at heart. Always. I love Austin though and even though the area I am in has Jesus-lovers, the overall town is decent enough where I'll stick around for a while but I do wish sometimes I lived in NYC or Philly or L.A.....course, it could be a case of the grass being greener on the other side.
But Austin is like any other big city and it's hip enough for a man to live and stay sane in and I think in due time, we heathens will run the old folks and their kinfolk back to the small Texas towns where they belong.
No, I hear you Zee.
You'd be surprised to see the stuff that goes on here in L.A., the porn capital of the world, the "godless" country that that is next to "godless Hollywood" that the Right loves to pretend exists (or haha how about "San Francisco values" hahaha). Yea, tons of believers here, tons of Evangelists, tons of signs out in front of Churches about men and monkeys and Hell, tons of people on campuses with pictures of aborted fetuses and everything else. THOSE people I have no qualms about laying into, full force, but I usually don't have to, as their douche-y nature forces them to confront me first. I have had truly epic conversations with them, and their incredulous faces are nothing short of priceless. I seriously had one guy resort to saying, "Yea, but scientists have measured that when you die, you lose 70 oz. (he seriously said 70, no ****) or something. Science has no answers."
It's more about context, I suppose. I was referring mainly to acquaintances, and people I know but don't really know, if that makes any sense. Firstly, atheism is not a core part of me, so putting it out there to casual associates or on Facebook seems... a tad shrill? If someone's obviously an atheist, or obviously a believer (these cases are pretty easy), or just a Facebook friend, there's no point in me being an open book about that. It's not my gender identity, it's not my sexual preference... it's not something that defines me, or puts me in a category.
I could easily be with someone who is a believer. Under certain circumstances, of course.
Once someone gets to know me, they can easily find out I am an atheist, at which point they either take it or leave it.
Actually this "pride" thing is something I see all humans doing and to outsiders of any given group it is seen as hubris.
There is nothing wrong with being comfortable in one's own skin. But the position of "atheist" is nothing to be proud of anymore than being proud that you can add 1+1. It is merely a position we hold, it is not physically us.
I would put it like this for myself. I feel lucky that I was exposed to things that lead me to my position. In the end our positions we take as individuals do not change the fact that we are all human and we are all capable of the same range of human emotions and actions, both good and bad.
The world is full of pride and that is how lines in the sand lead to death. Our actions are what matter, our positions are merely what we hold.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
I like to use stealth tactics by pointing out fun muslim activities and ideas to christians, they get all worked up about muslims.
It doesn't seem to occur to most of them that their own religion is pushing bs on everyone else as well, but I like to think it could help the little spark of realization along.
Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin
L.A.? Really? Well, I shouldn't be surprised. I go to Vegas all the time and I see plenty of Christians out in the streets praying for us heathens. But that's cool Prince. It sounds like you're probably more mature then me. lol. Hopefully, I'll reach that point one day and I have before, but every now and then, I get in these vendetta kind of moods and I know that really is not the type of mindset I should get in because I don't want to appear angry. I guess there's still a lot of bitterness on my end.
I am unabashedly and unapologetically atheist. Anyone who doesn't like it can fuck themselves. Friends, family, coworkers, everyone. I'll tolerate you just as much as you tolerate me. Someone brings up religion at work and I'll be there making fun of it. Family member wants to say grace, and I won't wait for them before I start eating. Friend preaches to me about gods and I'll show them the door, permanently.
Keep your mouth shut and we'll have a good time. Otherwise I'm ready, willing, and able to make you look like an idiot.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
How atheism is represented is obviously an important issue.
One needs to be able to debunk theism, but once that is sorted, the real work of politics begins.
And because it is a political issue it becomes very complicated.
After all, dirty tricks, kissing babies and using weasel words probably don't come easily to your average atheist, but that is how politics works.
Throbbing Gristle has an angle on this in 'Convincing People'.
I agree with Jimi that atheists could benefit from a common meeting ground. I am endlessly frustrated with being smothered in theism and having not one person to talk to about it. Realistically though, Here in West Texas it would be very risky to ones career and possibly health. Austin, I believe, has a strong Atheist core. Want to move there but it is not feasible at this time...
tell them to scram on facebook. the founder is an atheist and facebook is evillll
Well, like I've typed before: I'm from Austin and I'm sure in some parts of Austin...I am guessing downtown or South Austin, I'm sure there are plenty of atheists. However, the area I am in....there are too many Christians. At my job, there are mostly old timers who have always been Christian.
What annoys me about these people is how they always ask you for your prayers for something. For example, in my very own apartment complex, there was this small dog attacked by a big dog. Well, this city and this complex loves dogs and that's great. I love dogs too. The complex set up this little donation deal to help the dog's recovery. The apartment people also e-mailed everyone who lives here to give us updates about the dog. In several of the e-mails I read...."Thank you for your prayers".
I mean, what the hell man? Why not just thank the people who donated?
I mentioned in another thread from a while back how a co-worker asked another co-worker and myself to please pray for some kid who was in the ER. I want so badly to sometimes say...."Uh, did I ever tell you I believed in God?"
Who are these people to just assume this stuff? Closed-minded hicks is what they are.
The kid turned out fine by the way and I didn't pray once. Infact, I was the only one who openly had high hopes for the kid and believed he would recover because he's a tough kid....while everyone else was preparing themselves for his death. That's another thing I deal with....I come from not only a family of people that have no hope but also work with people who also assume the worst. I find that interesting how me....the atheist has more hope for people then the God Squads of America.
That is one of the first things I loved about being an atheist since becoming once. I appreciate PEOPLE more. I am more grateful towards THEM for their kindess and believe in them and have faith in them to do good instead of expecting some God to do it and thinking a human being is worthless without God. Instead of thanking God for saving someone's about giving all the praise to the doctors and nurses who worked hard to do it? Oh, I'm sure they get some thanks but I am guessing most Christians save all the ass-kissing for Jesus.
Zeeboe there is hope for you and other rational minded Texans in Austin. It is called 'The atheist experience' they podcast every Sunday from the local cabel access channel between 4:30 and 6:00 your time zone. After the show they have a get together at a local restauraunt. Watch the show they will tell you within the first five minutes. They also organize other get togethers and events in the Austin area. Take part!!!!!
Matt Delahannty and Jeff Dees are the main organizers, and you can see their videos on youtube any time you want. It"s called "The Atheist Experience" so do not feel sad; take part!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
I actually recently saw one of their clips on youtube, but thank you for telling me about that and for the time they come as I was unaware.
I'll check it out sometime.
This is exactly right. I get so sick of people saying, "God gave me the strength to get through those tough times." Bullshit! You had the strength to get through it. That was all you.
They don't give credit where credit is due. All glory to God, and whatnot. Fuck that. Give the glory to the people who earned it.
"Yes, I seriously believe that consciousness is a product of a natural process. I find that the neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers who proceed from that premise are the ones who are actually making useful contributions to our understanding of the mind." - PZ Myers
Amen ! I totally agree with what you posted nigel. ( sorry, that just slipped out, I did used to be a Christian you know.