Sad news. Jose Saramago has died.

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Ken G.
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100percentAtheist wrote: Jose Saramago has died .

   Well,I can say that I've never heard of him,I haven't read any work of fiction in over 20 years,but I did however read the link ,just being a militant Atheist ,and a leftist  who spoke his mind about the Palestinians being treated as non-humans by Israel.He sounded like a very interesting person.

Signature ? How ?

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  Well you are obviously much more well-read than myself as I had never heard of Saramago until now.  I read the article though and he seemed to be an interesting and articulate fellow and certainly noteworthy.

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Ken G. wrote:   Well,I can

Ken G. wrote:

   Well,I can say that I've never heard of him,I haven't read any work of fiction in over 20 years,but I did however read the link ,just being a militant Atheist ,and a leftist  who spoke his mind about the Palestinians being treated as non-humans by Israel.He sounded like a very interesting person.

qft, but I have read plenty of fiction.

Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin

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This is the only gospel I

This is the only gospel I have fully read and enjoyed, it makes my disbelief in little omnipotent monster stronger.



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100percentAtheist wrote:This

100percentAtheist wrote:

This is the only gospel I have fully read and enjoyed, it makes my disbelief in little omnipotent monster stronger.



Yea I looked up that book when you mentioned it on an earlier post. I'll pick it up if I see it at the book store sometime.


Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin