Build Up That Wall, By Brian37

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Build Up That Wall, By Brian37

This is an ode to Christopher Hitchens, currently suffering from esophageal cancer. May he get well soon.

Build Up That Wall, By Brian37

Armed with a lexicon
As sharp as a samurai sword
The sophistication of Shakespeare
And the bluntness of a bar room brawl

There are no prisoners to him
Just heads on a stake
Because of their mistake
Of uttering absurdity

Just as Flow
So told Mel
To kiss her grits
He does so with more eloquence

He'd probably read this
And call it shit
With fifty dollar words
To keep us miffed

He loves ridicule
And Jefferson
And the wall
That all should protect

The cosmic camera
In the sky
Recording everything
Until we die

Of this premise
He does despise
That such a tyrant
Earns such praise

His only wish
His only fight
Is that we think
And be not blind

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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