Ignorance is Bliss, and Bliss is Good

Fundies, ah fundies. Don't you just love them? What binds them to ignorant dogma? Is it the euphoria of definitive morality? The certainty of their "truths"? Or are they just plain morons?
As I see it fundies are a lost cause, they are hopeless. You see, ignorance is indeed bliss, our world is magnificent and depressive. From bright stars and the beauty of nature to the terror of war and black holes. Omnisciency is not fun. Omnipotence, however, is a blast. Ignorance is omnipotence, knowledge is mortality. Fundies, at least as I see it, are like teenage brats whom find themselves invincible, they blissfully live their sorry lives in a box of immortality. They realize and understand all there is about death but never experience it, as one who is born blind may understand all about colors but never truly experience them. Doesn't this apply to everyone? Yes and no, most-to-all fundies have an afterlife, these sorry fools don't die, they just move on.
I don't want to die, but I'm well aware that I will and that will be the end of my story. I was never consumed by the blissful ignorance of fundamentalism, as were most of you, thank goodness. Fundamentalism is an addiction, they don't care or believe in the religion as much as they WANT to care and believe aside from maybe a smidgen of belief in certain aspects. They're afraid of dying. Fundies really need to quit being pussies and grow up.
So what's my point in my wonderful, wonderful work of art up there? Don't argue with fundies, they already know. What do you think?
Mild PDD-NOS and severe undifferentiated schizophrenia.
It's people like me that should put the oh so loving Christian god to shame, but don't... These people are crazier than I am.
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These are all interesting points. I agree with you that christians are driven to live forever but they are also driven by the threat at the core of their faith. The threat of eternal torment, allied with their false sense of worthlessness - a place where the master of the universe hates their sin but loves them as his own children and is constantly thinking of them and all they do is stirred in with the alleged death of their intergalactic best friend on their tawdry behalf.
Christianity is a complex and ultimately self serving theory of mind. Once you've got all the necssary cognitive biases in place it's extremely difficult to come back from this strange place of faith and self hate fuelled by fear and the longing for eternal life that we all have plugged at the bios level.
Just read Fonzie's eternal thread elsewhere on the boards. It's been running since 4 years after jesus was born and shows no sign of slacking, nor Fonzie any sign of actual comprehension. In his mind, Fonzie is scum but jesus loves him and has saved him and he clings to that 'truth' with all his might.
Poor bloke.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
I agree, a fundie today told me all about how god flooded the earth because there was too much sin. He was trying to argue with me about why "god" flooded the earth and the whole time I am telling him there is no evidence of such a flood and there is no evidence of such a god.
They don't understand that they could tell me they went to mars and killed 5 million aliens in the jungle of pawaya using laser guns and sighted fart bombs and I don't even have to consider that because I know they didn't even go to fukin mars to begin with.
Brainwashed from birth they are the perfect machine because nothing outside their programming seems to compute.
Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin
Anyone who isn't clinically insane or retarded wouldn't believe that, I bet he just said that to make god feel good on the inside.
Edit: Lol! I accidentally put would instead of wouldn't, silly me. Fixed
Mild PDD-NOS and severe undifferentiated schizophrenia.
It's people like me that should put the oh so loving Christian god to shame, but don't... These people are crazier than I am.
The same guy called me last night around 11, sounded drunk and sputtered something about sin and moses parting the waters lol I guess I made him think at least. He had obviously been online looking up stuff.
I didn't want to discuss it over the phone with a drunk fundie though.
Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin
"Can you say hell, children?"
-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.
"We are entitled to our own opinions. We're not entitled to our own facts"- Al Franken
"If death isn't sweet oblivion, I will be severely disappointed" - Ruth M.
From a slightly different perspective. I used to be a Christian, I was never creationist as I believed that following evidence was reasonable and that God had given me a brain. The thing was the more I watched of the debates the more I saw the creationists lying, and the more it bothered me. I mean I can understand honest ignorance or mistakes, I can understand confusion or simply inaccurate data, but when corrected they still used the same falsehoods. That started a chain in my mind, I had 'converted' after a series of nightmares envisioning myself in Hell, causing me to read a bible because by that point I was so uneasy about sleeping that I was actually starting to study how long I could remain awake without permanent brain damage. I saw things in the bible that made sense, social justice, mercy, helping the poor, showing love to your enemies and those who wrong you. All things I could get behind, I felt a sort of light in me, I prayed and I felt incredible, I was on a kind of spiritual high for about three days. I say this in the first place because when I started looking at why the creationists were so hell-bent on their stance I was left with the conclusion that either they didn't believe in God and were trying to keep the gravy train rolling or that they did believe but felt that their holy text was so flimsy that a single puff of fact that didn't jive with it would destroy the faith of all believers. It made me start wondering, I ended up looking at some of the videos from guys like AronRa, Thunderf00t, DPRJones, etc. They didn't shake my faith per se, but they did bring up some questions I hadn't thought about when they pointed to moral problems within my own faith. I started thinking more about it and the more I thought about it the more problematic things became, philosophical arguments kept either saying that there was no God or that there was a God and he was a capricious cruel monster. That wasn't an easy thing to consider after a fairly powerful personal affirmation of faith, but no other options existed for me. If it was the latter then God was unworthy of my worship or anyone else's and so the results were the same. It was debate and exposure to other viewpoints that caused the change, now maybe I was unique, but the fact was that I did change my stance.
Nice few first posts. This one above rings a bell for me. I was similar. Fundy family, preacher father, tried hard to believe, multiple conversions at Billy Graham Concerts, slow realisation none of it made sense. Gradual anger building at fallacy from force perpetrated on children, brewing desire to slay jesus at battle of armageddon if the mossad doesn't get to him first, etc.
If you think about this, a mighty god would not employ these stupid means to get us to love him, to have faith he exists although he is invisible. He'd just turn up and reveal himself (hopefully not all of himself or my confidence would shatter). In any case, there are others here who share your background and your views and we have funny theists to play with and some very clever members to learn from. Stick around.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
Yep. But I'd add that this not unique to any particular ideology.
“Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.”
I never understood this attitude. Dying is horrifying and not something you can just get over or stop being afraid of. Total annihilation and no longer existing to me is the worst possible thing that could ever possibly happen to somebody. I would do anything to avoid it. Making up a false reality in which it doesn't exist however won't help me avoid it.
I Am My God
The absence of evidence IS evidence of absence
Now that is something that I can't quite grasp myself. Dying is something that happens to everyone eventually. How can it be “The worst possible thing”? Really, it is the only thing.
Not that I am in any hurry to get there.
Still, it will happen one day. Even if medical science makes some huge advances in the next 20~30 years. Perhaps that happens and I am still kicking around a couple thousand years from now. Really, I am going to die at some point.
Seriously, the worst thing that could happen to me is to get the eternal life that fundies promise so that I can be around to watch the universe die.
As far as fundies go, the don't seem to be in any hurry to die either. Which seems odd to me. Wouldn't it be perfect for a fundie to die walking out if church ten minutes after having received communion? Preferably before some hottie walks past and they “commit adultery in the heart”?