Islam offends me!

Have you heard that you are a bad human if you offend Islam?
The Taliban cuts the nose of an innocent lady, and you cannot call them Allah bastards!!
Is it too offensive to expose Radical Islam as EVIL we could eliminate sometime?
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You know what really offends me? Cats. Hate those little bastards we should send all of them to mecca (wrapped in bacon of course).
You just did call them Allah bastards so I suppose you can. Although I thought it was not offensive enough and you will never be able to eliminate evil.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
I know I should be the pure atheist humanitarian but I fail where fundamentalist nutbags are concerned.
There's a naughty part of me that would love to tow the middle east out to sea and sink it with gunfire.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
Allah also offends me big time!
It is a god which has had 14 centuries to prove its worth and nothing good came about.
I will shout it from the rooftops that I am terribly offended by this horror idol of Islam.
It is a god that avoids doing good to protect women from bastards in islamic fundamentalism.
Yes, sinking this idol in the flames of the sun would not be enough.
Time Magazine and that poor afghan girl with her nose and ears cut off to be this upset.
To be honest if there was a robust and outpsoken islamic moderate majority my position would be greatly softened.
It's women like this, who allowed the cover to expose the taliban, who we should be vigorously supporting.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
Yes, I did.
Revolting and terribly EVIL ,like only religion can be!!
How can we ELIMINATE this Allah of Taliban?
Nuclear bombs?!...
And then the bastards do it in the name of the "Most Benevolent" Allah!!!
I would prefer to worship scorpions!!!
This Allah god should resign from the Pantheon, or he will be expelled with no pension grant, the bastard!
How can he observe his deranged worshipers beat up a lady and cut her nose without reacting in revulsion?!!!...
We are so offended with Allah that we will appeal to the Cosmic Tribunal to have him arrested and sent to the deepest Bottomless Pit to be found in the Universes!
I hate labels being used as a projection of morality to claim to others to be good or bad. Labels don't make an atheist or Muslim or Christian automatically good or bad. Human morality is solely and will forever be based on one thing and one thing only, OUTSIDE OF LABELS, an that can only be the ACTIONS of the individual.
Islam as a construct and claim is like any other label invented by humans and can and far to often makes the same mistake of presuming absolute morality as being an invention of their super hero. BUT in no way does that absolve the skeptic of seeing other humans who do buy claims of the super natural, of seeing them as human.
What can only be attacked, through blasphemy and debate and even ridicule is the inhuman behavior of violence over mere disagreement. What cannot be done is to try to force, via law, taboos on others to placate ones own emotions. ALL OF US, as individuals MUST remember, that even atheists ARE 1 of 6 billion on this planet. Any criticism or blasphemy of others MUST take this into account, lest we treat our fellow human as a sub species.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
By the way, what would be a suitable punishment for the bastard that did this barbaric act to the lady?
My suggestion is that he is arrested and put in prison with the knife he used in the brutal act, with instructions that if he does it to himself he can go free, the son of a bitch!!
And how can we put an effective END to Islam & Allah without causing much evil ourselves?
The best solution I have heard of was by Sheri Tepper in The Fresco. Too bad it is not possible with our current technology. What is possible would be to develop and introduce a virus that permanently reduces human fertility to the replacement level or lower. As I envision it, by the time the human race recovered (developed immunity) the population would have dropped (a lot), maybe the environment would have recovered for the survivors to have a long term chance and (just possibly) we would have learned to cherish every new child.
Maladaptive and self destructive cultures would just die out. No pain and good riddance.
Like Christianity, Islam developed out the culture and environment present at the time. Unfortunately, it must have been a dirty, hard scrabble, violent culture and environment. So, the religion incorporated those qualities as virtues. Not a pretty sight.
Ibn Sina.
People offend me. It is good I don't consider Asians or atheists people.
“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)
Not even me? I'm crushed.
-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.
"We are entitled to our own opinions. We're not entitled to our own facts"- Al Franken
"If death isn't sweet oblivion, I will be severely disappointed" - Ruth M.
The Omnipotent Virus is a brilliant idea!
Let's go for it!
Let's spread it over the Middle East first to see how it does!
Brilliant the most!
The magical reproductive suppression virus is not within the reach of our technology, unless you're alright with it also being highly lethal, and with those it doesn't kill having a pretty good chance of reproducing- with the second generation being entirely immune. There's also the extremely difficult problem of distribution.
Give it a couple decades of research and development and something like that might be conceivable, but it's a very fine line to walk.
Viruses rarely attack only one cell type, and if you got it to only attack reproductive cells, it will be nearly impossible to get the virus all of the way to those cells.
Immune reactions can be severe, and a virus that is stealth to the immune system could also easily mutate to become a deadly plague.
The immunological response could be lethal itself, if it wasn't stealth. And if not lethal, the immune system could overcome the virus in most cases before it did lasting damage.
The cell damage could trigger autoimmune responses, and the body could end up attacking itself.
There are so many reasons- particularly with such a large gene pool with varied immune systems- that walking that fine line would be nearly impossible.
Biological weaponry is also banned, and would be equivalent to a nuclear attack, with the spread of anything virulent being impossible to stop reliably at the borders.
If not virulent, something like this would be very easily traceable back to the source due to the distribution efforts that would be needed (and even relatively easy to trace if virulent). Really, one might as well just nuke the country if one is going to do that- one would get about the same international response.
See your point.
But how will we get Allah gone forever from OUR planet, then?
Where there is room for a particular kind of meme for lack of critical thinking, and for social strife, that meme will persist or another will evolve to fill that niche.
If you want to remove Allah, something else will take it's place that is more or less the same. You need to change the conditions which permit it if you want to stop it all; that means critical thinking education and correction of the social problems that encourage religious thinking...
Otherwise, if you just want people to stop saying "Allah"; that's easier. Just displace it with another misogynistic cult. Islam does have some pretty powerful defense mechanisms, though, to establish its dominance, as does Christianity. All major religions have memetic immune systems to make difficult their internal displacement. You just need to find loop-holes in those immune systems.
The arguments made against the proposed virus are all valid. I think where I was coming from was a way to drastically reduce fertility without directly killing anyone. It might not be necessary to attack the reproductive system directly. Perhaps something that causes very early onset of impotence? Or kicks in after the second pregnancy? Allowing for the occasional twin birth and infant mortality, it should round out to just under two.
Best approach is education (esp. of women), patience and time. Belief in Allah - like belief in God, will eventually die out on their own. I expect that the survival of human life over the last half of the century will become problematic at best. Survival will depend on many factors - technology being one of the most important. Belief in Allah or God is delusional. If reality becomes sufficiently unforgiving, the delusional memes may die out on their own.
James Lovelock (Gaia hypothesis) recently made the prediction that sometime after the middle of this century, the global (human) population will crash to about 20% of today's levels. The Islamic culture may survive, and Islam may even survive in some form, but if we are all reduced to living in domed cities, the wackier ones may find it a touch difficult to gain admittance.
Surgery for woman mutilated by Taliban
A HORRIFICALLY mutilated Afghan woman who appeared on a controversial Time magazine cover is to undergo surgery in the United States to rebuild her face, officials said overnight.
The 18-year-old youngster - identified in media reports only by her first name Aisha - will meet with surgeons to discuss how to replace her nose, which was sliced off by the Taliban after she fled her abusive in-laws.
The Afghan teenager has become a symbol of a debate amongst commentators over the nature of the US mission in Afghanistan, with Time arguing Aisha's case demonstrates why the Taliban should never be allowed to return to power.
"Aisha posed for the picture and says she wants the world to see the effect a Taliban resurgence would have on the women of Afghanistan, many of whom have flourished in the past few years," Time's managing editor Richard Stengel wrote in an editorial accompanying the August 9 edition of the magazine.
Aisha, whose ears were also hacked off in the attack in 2009 in the southern Afghan province of Oruzgan, was taken in by the American Provincial Reconstruction Team for Oruzgan and the Women for Afghan Women (WAW) non-governmental organisation after being left for dead.The Grossman Burn Foundation, a non-profit humanitarian hospital in California which provides surgical procedures to victims of serious injuries worldwide, said Aisha would be treated for free.
"The surgery is being donated by plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr Peter Grossman and the team at The Grossman Burn Center," foundation chairwoman Rebecca Grossman told AFP. "The Grossman Burn Foundation is covering additional cost related to Bibi Aisha."
The foundation cited a United Nations report which estimated nearly 90 per cent of Afghan women suffered from domestic violence.
"Bibi Aisha is only one example of thousands of girls and women in Afghanistan and throughout the world who are treated this way," the foundation said.
The foundation did not confirm the date of Aisha's surgery.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
On what basis? Heck thats only 50 years. Even if someone was crazy and stupid enough to make a super virus the human population isn't getting cut that much. Certainly not in the next 50 years.
Alright just looked up the crazy guy. Yeah I know it has been hot the last couple of weeks but even IF global warming is real, it isn't going to kill everyone.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
You know, if the Taliban were confronted with Afghan women armed with knives of their own and full iron pots of boiling soup - the better to pour over some guy's head - maybe they would think twice of returning to Afghan. The women already have knives - nice sharp kitchen knives. Why aren't they using them? Gangs of women should be able to reduce gangs of men to little puddles of goo in no time.
I have every sympathy for a woman who finds herself in an abusive situation - I was in one for a brief time. But I left it and the bastard did not come back to harass me as he had already learned I was capable of and willing to defend myself. All women should be taught that self defense is not all that difficult and you are NOT helpless nor do you deserve the abuse.
And don't bother commenting, Billy Bob. You would wear my cast iron skillet as a permanent head adornment after I was through with you. And I'll be glad to be in hell without you.
-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.
"We are entitled to our own opinions. We're not entitled to our own facts"- Al Franken
"If death isn't sweet oblivion, I will be severely disappointed" - Ruth M.
Pretty well all us godless boys are totally on your side and on the side of the ladies we love who give our lives meaning. And that includes our billy bob. Don't mistake him for what he's not.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
People offend me...
“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)
-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.
"We are entitled to our own opinions. We're not entitled to our own facts"- Al Franken
"If death isn't sweet oblivion, I will be severely disappointed" - Ruth M.
Even crazy people can produce good work. That being said, even granting that global warming is happening it isn't going to kill billions. First of all, higher average temperatures cause BETTER and LONGER growing seasons for farms. It has been a really hot summer here in Ohio and we are growing record level crops. Since starvation is a major world issue, more growth = fewer people starving to death. I never really understood the rise in sea levels. Yes the glaciers are melting. They have been melting for tens of thousands of years. Compared to the size of the oceans, there simply isn't that much ice left. Remember ice EXPANDS when it freezes, so after it melts it will take up far less space than it does now. Spread that out over the ocean and you do not have even a modest rise.
People have been predicting stronger hurricanes for years yet they have not appeared.
Tropical disease? Ok, I'll grant you that one. Warmer temps do tend to increase disease, you know why? More life. Warm temps lead to more insects to transmit disease. We have vaccines, so your not dealing with anywhere near 80% casualties.
Fewer trees? Trees grow better in the rainforest where you have high temperatures year round and a lot of moisture (which might come from those storms if they ever come) Have you ever visited the rainforest? There is more plant life than you can imagine. It is hot, humid and full of thousands of different species of plants and animals. If the tropics expand because of warmer temps you have more trees not less.
So what is going to kill all of us?
I hate to break it to you, but this is not the first time the Earth has warmed up. And It will probably cool down eventually (which will cause a lot more human death) It is called weather. It changes.
I'm so sure, I will bet you any amount of money you want at 5 to 1 odds (since if 80% do die you only have a 1 in 5 chance of collecting) that the human population will be more than 50% (30% off your wonderful prediction) of its current population in the year 2075. I'm dead serious, we can get a lawyer to draw up legal paperwork and set up an escrow and everything. If you are wealthy enough to name a number I can't match I will find people to make up the difference. I could use more money in my retirement anyway.
Believing that the world warming a few degrees will kill most of us might be even more ridiculous than believing in sky daddy.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
Okay, I'll let Skyzersdad respond if he wants to the rest of your post, but this one really bugs me.
Apples - you have to have a certain number of frost days to have any apples at all. In fact, that is how you purchase your apple trees is by the average number of frost days per year. No reliable frost days, no apples.
Tomatoes - if the temperature gets below 12 C or above 33 C (54 F to 91 F) they will not set. I think it was last year (the year before?) that they had hardly any tomatoes in one of the California towns that usually has tons of tomatoes. Warmer temperatures will not get us more tomatoes.
There are other crops that are temperature sensitive and may not make it if temperatures rise far enough. I had an ethnobotany class in Hawaii - no seasons you would think. Wrong. Our professor explained that as little as 1/2 degree F will trigger a fall or spring response in tropical plants. Temperate plants can be as sensitive.
Another issue is consistency. Apples? This year you have 10 frost days, next year none, the year after 2 --- how do you plan your orchard? It takes at least 2 years for the fastest growing varieties to be harvest ready - and 5 for more traditional varieties. How do you plan what to plant?
Warm wet spring, warm dry spring, cool wet spring, cool dry spring - all influence what crops you can raise that year. Some years, the weather is great. But if the weather is changing yearly, it gets real hard to guess what to plant. And it is the destabilizing of weather that makes global warming an issue. The prediction for the Pacific NW is generally cooler and wetter as ocean temperatures rise. We just had the third coolest and wettest June ever recorded. And the corn crop rotted in the ground.
Saying warmer = more crops - I don't know, haven't you ever been to southern Arizona? Or similar deserts. Plenty warm - very few types of crops. They harvest melons and lettuce in the spring/early summer. Nothing during the summer months. Citrus fruit in the "winter". (60 F is winter in Yuma.) Medjool dates - September to November, the only truly desert crop grown in Yuma. The prediction is not for wetter weather in most areas - where is all the irrigation water going to come from in Ohio?
There are good years and bad years - just ask any farmer/orchardist/rancher. A concern would be if the average number of years we have bad weather increases. I don't know enough to predict that for Ohio or Oregon. I do know how hard it is to grow tomatoes in Tucson. And in Yuma, they are strictly an indoor plant.
-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.
"We are entitled to our own opinions. We're not entitled to our own facts"- Al Franken
"If death isn't sweet oblivion, I will be severely disappointed" - Ruth M.
You are right, not all crops respond well to warmer temps especially when you are talking fruits. Fruits always have really good years and really bad years. It is only through modern agriculture that they are available year round. We can grow tomatoes anywhere by growing them inside if we want. Regardless, fruit doesn't feed the world. It is extremely hard to transport and goes bad quickly. Which is why it is relatively expensive unless you buy locally. Some fruits do well in warmer temps others don't. There is plenty of fruit on the equator, just different fruits and growing most fruits indoors is quite easy. Apples are kind of tough because trees don't really fit inside.
Corn, soy beans and wheat are the crops I am talking about. They make up a massive amount of our diet and also feed the animals we eat for protein. Corn and soy especially grow great in warm years. These crops also have the advantage of being easy to ship and prevent from spoiling. Thats why serious efforts to feed 3rd world countries with starvation problems focus on corn.
The reason there isn't much farming in Arizona is not because of the temperature, it is because of the lack of water. The reason the midwest is the bread bowl of America is because there are many rivers and lakes. Even in the driest years it isn't that difficult to water crops. Corn farmers actually prefer to have really warm dry weather in September and October because it dries out the corn before they pick it. If it rains they have to put it in large driers and pay a fortune to dry out the corn so it doesn't spoil.
Yeah, the weather changes. It did before I was born, it did before you were born and it will long after we are both worm food. Farmers deal with it (and bitch about it). A few hundred years ago people used to die if crops had a really bad year or were infested by bugs. Now all we have is slightly higher prices at the market in a bad year and food that doesn't quite taste as good. The idea that somehow the weather is going to get so bad that no one will be able to figure out how to grow a crop anywhere is absurd. Every single year, there are areas where crops fail from hail, early freezing, flooding, drought, pests etc. Now if you were reliant on food only from that local area you have a problem. And many human civilizations in the past have died out from precisely those problems. However, every year there are also areas where crops flourish. Since we invented nifty things like trucks, railroads, ships and airplanes we can move excess food from an area that had great growing weather to places that didn't fair so well. So the idea that somehow global warming is going to make us unable to feed ourselves is utterly ridiculous. Especially when you put a timeline on it like the next 50 years.
I just get so sick of these people who call themselves "scientists" making these absurd doomsday predictions. When we know for a fact that the Earth has gone through several ice ages and has been warming for the last 20000 years. Now if we go into another ice age, then farming becomes a real challenge. It is really difficult to grow anything through ice and snow. As long as we can touch the ground we can water the crops and make them grow.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
Depends on where you are. Lived in Tucson. It has two growing seasons -spring and fall - both too short to grow any commercial crops. Some crops will not produce unless it freezes hard for long enough to tell the crops there has been a winter. Some crops won't pollinate unless it stays below a certain temp at night , cj has said more. Good that you are having a great year in Ohio. Heard the other day that Russia has cancelled all grain exports this year because of severe drought. Major upset to the NGOs in Asia. American grain is more expensive and costs more to ship. Storm damage to ports will do as much to disrupt food shipments.
Rise in sea level - three points. 1. Glaciers/ice caps melting. No change from sea ice, rise comes from melting of land ice. I cannot remember how many feet (3 I think) from simple loss from land ice alone. 2. Bigger change from the oceans warming. Water expands as it warms up. A one degree (celsius) change produces a large change in sea level. The greater the volume of water warmed, the greater the rise. Water is at its densest at 2 degrees C. it expands again above that. 3. Ice weighs a lot. As the ice comes off of Greenland and Antarctica, the land mass rises - along with the adjacent sea floor - which displaces ocean water. Total expansion is the sum of all three.
Actually they have been getting both a combination of stronger and more frequent over the last 100 years. Total amount of energy transferred is way up. See The Weather Makers by Tim Flannery published 2006. And just wait until all of the ice is gone from the poles. Melting that ice requires a huge amount of energy. No more ice to melt, and the temperature rises faster yet.
Don't need 80% casualties from disease - Make people sick, they become more susceptible to other killers. Tropical diseases are controlled by temperature, either directly or through their intermediate hosts. And there are no vaccines for stuff like Malaria. Loss of vitality and productiveness can be as big a killer over time as any disease.
And we people have been mining the rain forests for decades. They are down to something like 20% of their historic size. Species look to be disappearing faster than we can discover them. Photosynthetic production falls off over about 25 degrees celsius. Rainfall is the driver for rain forests. And rain forests alter their local weather to produce that heavy daily rainfall. What is expanding are the deserts.
War/violence + breakdown in infrastructure +famine/malnutrition + habitat destruction + illness +etc. All play a part.
The numbers I have seen indicate that we are running up on the highest annual temperatures in human history. They are being driven up by the highest global atmospheric levels since the last ice age. Because of the lag in the system, we have not even seen what is already in the pipeline. Unless you have some magic in your pocket, it will not get cooler very soon.
Not much point. If I live the normal span for my family, I will die around 2050 if not earlier. Maybe you can work a deal with my grandson. He is the one I am worried about.
I don't think anyone truly grasps how dependent we are on our infrastructure or how little it will take to trip it up. I think it was first brought home to me by the first of the "Connections" series by James Burke. I think it was the last video in the first series. You are right, few will die from the warming alone. How many will die in Pakistan when the glaciers are gone from the Himalayas? Pakistan has no fresh water of its own. It depends on what India chooses to send it. When the rivers flowing into India begin to fail, what is the likelihood India will continue to send water to Pakistan? And remember both parties have nukes. Even a limited exchange between the two would have large effects. I think it was Scientific American recently had an article about that.
“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)
Skyzersdad, I have moved my response to your post to the Green Religion thread because we have gotten way off topic here.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X