If ideas exist and are not material than a non-material/spiritual world may also exist, right?
I have heard that most atheists are materialists in that they believe the universe consists of a material realm only and that therefore there are no realms beyond matter that one could label as potentially supernatural or spiritual. But ideas exist and are beyond the material realm. In fact ideas seem to be more real, or at least more powerful, than the material realm in that they control and manipulate the material realm. Since ideas exist beyond the material realm doesn't that suggest the likelihood of a spiritual/non-material realm of existence and very possibly the existence of an omnipotent Creator who is also beyond the material realm of existence?
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and they can even be seen using scanning devices to the point its possible to watch a movie being viewed by a subject. When a lion looks at a gazelle and thinks: "Yum", I think we would agree the creature is having an idea not much different from the idea in the mind of a salivating dog. Most higher animals seem to have ideas and seem to be able to plan in order to hunt, pick up animal chicks and dudes, tend to their young and just generally operate in the world. Is this brain stuff mysterious and inadequately explained at present? Yes - sure it is. But installing magic as a creative force for this all this seems to me more mysterious still.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
umm no, see the issue lies is that ideas don't exist by themselves, ideas are thoughts concepts, created by the humans, who use their brain (a material organ) and their experiences and abstract thinking to create ideas, but without a material organ to do the thinking (the brain) then ideas don't exist. Until you can somehow prove the immaterial can exist without the material then your concept goes out the door.
Ideas don't control the material realm, the material realm is what creates the ideas.
If all brains cease to exist, then do ideas exist?
“Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.”
Are ideas really beyond the material realm? We know they come from our brain which is a mysterious but very physical organ in our body. When the physical body dies, ideas stop, they don't continue. If they were somehow beyond the physical realm how can someone lose their ability to create ideas by being brain damaged? So no, you have shown no evidence of sky daddy.
Even if you could prove there is something beyond our material realm you certainly don't have evidence of an "omnipotent creator". You have simply found a brand new area of study for scientists to have fun in.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
Why all the variations on the transcendental argument? Why aren't you sticking around to actually engage in conversation?
Are, they, now?
Tell me: where do ideas exist? How do they exist? What is the nature of an idea?
There are perfectly naturalistic explanations. I'm just curious why you believe ideas are beyond the material realm, and what evidence you have to support it. This is critical to support your assertion, as so far, all the evidence points to naturalistic causes.
"Yes, I seriously believe that consciousness is a product of a natural process. I find that the neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers who proceed from that premise are the ones who are actually making useful contributions to our understanding of the mind." - PZ Myers
Here we go again.....
This gets into the holographic theory of mind.
Ideas, are pretty much directly related to memory; past experiences. Your ideas are influenced by your past, your actions are influenced by your past. So memories are the key, but how does memory work?
Previously memory was thought to be localized in the brain in cells called engrams. Scientists never found such engrams and were completely ignorant as to what they could be made of. Brain surgery is great stuff, most neurosurgery is done in conscious patients so doctors can stimulate their brain and check to see if everything is all good to go. One thing that neurosurgeons have noticed that that people would recollect on past events when their brain was stimulated. And not just any random memory, it would be something very simple and it would always be the same when they stimulate that same spot. Not to mention it would be a seemingly random spot in the brain each time such phenomena happened. These memories were also incredibly vivid, patients could recall entire conversations! This proposed the idea that memory permeated the entire brain.
Obviously some grotesque animal testing would be done in order to test this. There were experiments done in lab mice, in which they had to travel through a maze and then remember the path when parts of their brains were taken out. After failed attempts to get the mice to forget the path after cutting virtually every portion of different mice brains blood started to boil. Frustration led to even larger chunks of brain being taken out. Yet the mice still clumsily stumbled to their destination without fail.
Ok, so memory is pervasive what do holograms have to do with this? What is a hologram anyway? Holograms are interesting, they are images that change orientation depending on the angle you view it. In simpler terms, it appears to be a 3D image, but it really isn't. Actually, they hardly exist at all, you can touch a hologram and your hand would pass right through. Holography is possible through interference and diffraction, what exactly is interference and diffraction? Interference occurs when two waves overlap. Picture a lake, if you have two stones and drop them both in the ripples will cause interference. Diffraction is when a wave hits and object. Light is a collection of waves. You don't see objects, you just see the light reflected off of objects.
How does this tie into memory? Well, when your brain functions, it emits waves. These waves are bound to overlap and cause interference. So it's possible that our brains create sort of holograms, and these holograms are memories.
Isn't the world interesting? What I do find interesting is that this actually tends to deny free will, how unsettling. In other words I may be able to calculate your thoughts.
If you're in for more of a mystical point of view I could also get into novelty theory and the fractal time software.
This is silly to me, but here it is anyway.
Novelty is the measurement of uniqueness in the universe. Novelty fluctuates throughout time. In other words, novelty can be described almost as free thought; free will, and how much of it there is. The fractal time software is a chart of novelty throughout a selected period of time. One way of thinking of this is that your thoughts and ideas have already been thought and contemplated before in concept throughout time.
Mild PDD-NOS and severe undifferentiated schizophrenia.
It's people like me that should put the oh so loving Christian god to shame, but don't... These people are crazier than I am.
No, I don't believe that. There could be realms beyond ours. You just have to show evidence.
No, I don't agree with that. I do not even agree that they 'exist' in the sense that you are implying.
More real?
More powerful?
Material beings with ideas manipulate the material realm. Without material beings, there are no ideas.
No, you can't assume that. I don't agree.
Edit: Welcome to the forum.![](/sites/www.rationalresponders.com/modules/fckeditor/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/001.gif)
Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare
Where do these ideas come from? Are they independent of the mind? How are thoughts independent of Matter?
What do you mean?
I can think and generate the idea that I have a million dollars in the bank, I can think that as hard as I can it's just not going to happen. Can you explain this phrase further?
Whoa there, that is a huge logical jump. You just posited the idea of an immaterial realm and somehow that equals deity? Please check your logic with that one. And no, the fact that ideas spawn from matter is proof that ideas remain part of the material 'realm'.
Since there is already a good dozen of comments like "the ideas are in brains", I will try to be a bit more original.
Green color does not exist as green without some help of our imagination. When we read books, for us they are more than sheets of paper with some particles on them. Electrons that store information in computer memory can do it in trillions of way, but only a few orders of electrons will "make sense" for the computer and for us.
Although it is not possible to physically separate the world of ideas from the world of matter, it should be correct to say that there is the world of physical matter and the world of information, and the two are very distinct worlds. Information world exist only due to biological life forms. It does not necessarily require brain or human consciousness. The deities belong to this information world along with IPU, FSM, and this forum. Isn't it SUPERNATURAL that we write here and understand what we write (sometimes
)? /here, by natural, I mean the physical world as opposite to information world/
Matter isn't ALL there is in the universe.
You have energies:
Rest (Matter/Antimatter)
The four forces:
Strong Nuclear
Weak Nuclear
And wonderful wonderful antimatter.
Ideas are electric energy and electromagnetism. So you are right, ideas aren't matter per se, but you need a brain for ideas, and brains are made up of matter.
Mild PDD-NOS and severe undifferentiated schizophrenia.
It's people like me that should put the oh so loving Christian god to shame, but don't... These people are crazier than I am.