Atheism IS theism

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Atheism IS theism

To me, atheism/theism is the purvue of the childish.  It's just a weaksauce, childish claim that you can't prove.  Learn to dance the Dao, you fricking brat, or   If you want equally strong arguments on both sides, I'll go there all day.  I think everyone on this forum needs to get laid and/or try shrooms (but no hard drugs, you intellectually-lazy mofos).


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I was going to tell you fuck off


froodley wrote:

I think everyone on this forum needs to get laid and/or try shrooms (but no hard drugs).


froodley but after a few seconds consideration I realised you were probably right in some ways. In any case, if there was no secular resistance you'd not be able to spend all your time batting off over Instead you'd be living in a mud hut waiting for the carrier pigeons to arrive and praying the lord would miracle away the gangrene eating your legs.




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froodley wrote:To me,

froodley wrote:

To me, atheism/theism is the purvue of the childish.  It's just a weaksauce, childish claim that you can't prove.  Learn to dance the Dao, you fricking brat, or   If you want equally strong arguments on both sides, I'll go there all day.  I think everyone on this forum needs to get laid and/or try shrooms (but no hard drugs, you intellectually-lazy mofos).

If you want to go fry your brain, feel free. It appears it already may be...

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froodley wrote:To me,

froodley wrote:

To me, atheism/theism is the purvue of the childish.  It's just a weaksauce, childish claim that you can't prove.  Learn to dance the Dao, you fricking brat, or   If you want equally strong arguments on both sides, I'll go there all day.  I think everyone on this forum needs to get laid and/or try shrooms (but no hard drugs, you intellectually-lazy mofos).

Is it "childish" to know that the earth is a globe and not flat? Is it "childish" to tell women they don't have to dress up in tents because insecure men demand that they do? Is it "childish" to tell people that it takes two sets of DNA to make a baby?

You falsely equate the blasphemy that goes on here as the ignorant zealotry of the likes of Bin Ladin and right wingers like Pat Robertson. None of us here advocate violence. None of us here advocate a fascist state. None of us here want people arrested merely for believing things we find absurd.

"Childish" to me is setting up taboos because you don't want your beliefs challenged. Humans never would have left the caves if we always accepted social norms an popular belief.

There is no such thing as an invisible magical super brain with no brain, no neurons, no cerebellum, no material, no location. Humans, past and present, have always made gods up and they are merely a reflection of human desires. I see nothing "childish" about telling someone that Santa isn't real.

I think you might want to stay of the shrooms yourself.



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I tried shrooms. It's like a

I tried shrooms. It's like a mild beerbuzz with some pretty colors and a dash of paranoia. I want my money back.

As for getting laid, what, again ? Okay, but I'm on top this time.

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Dude, you are aware that god

Dude, you are aware that god gave rock and roll to you, right? I place my faith in a loud guitar.



NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:
Never ever did I say enything about free, I said "free."


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...but it doesn't prove there is no God, zo I Win.

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froodley wrote:...but it

froodley wrote:
...but it doesn't prove there is no God, zo I Win.

Which doesn't prove there is, so now I win. Yay ! Such fun ! Okay, your turn again.


I love this game. Everyone's a winner.

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froodley wrote:...but it

froodley wrote:
...but it doesn't prove there is no God, zo I Win.

Who wants to prove their is no god? Theists are doing that well enough on their own.

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
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froodley wrote:...but it

froodley wrote:
...but it doesn't prove there is no God, zo I Win.


Have a lollipop.

For God's sake why someone might need to prove there is no god(s)?  Who cares? 

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There is no such thing as an

There is no such thing as an invisible magical super brain with no brain, no neurons, no cerebellum, no material, no location. Humans, past and present, have always made gods up and they are merely a reflection of human desires. I see nothing "childish" about telling someone that Santa isn't real. I think you might want to stay of the shrooms yourself.


How are you so sure? There's no such thing as neutrons; prove me wrong a hundred years ago. I haven't done shrooms in years. You're like a 7-yr old to me.

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100% atheist wrote... For God's sake why someone might need to prove there is no god(s)? Who cares?
You're the one with atheist in your tag.

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Anonymouse wrote:froodley

Anonymouse wrote:

froodley wrote:
...but it doesn't prove there is no God, zo I Win.

Which doesn't prove there is, so now I win. Yay ! Such fun ! Okay, your turn again.


I love this game. Everyone's a winner.

Now I win! By replying! B/c the internet is retardo!

I am not claiming theism, so unless you can disprove agnosticism, I'll be standing here counting my money.

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Anonymouse wrote:I tried

Anonymouse wrote:

I tried shrooms. It's like a mild beerbuzz with some pretty colors and a dash of paranoia. I want my money back.

lol do MORE no offense

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Just as...

There is no such thing as an invisible magical super brain with no brain, no neurons, no cerebellum, no material, no location.

Just as a half-assed instance of open-mindedness, how do you know? B/c it's not in 3D space? All contemporary understandings are 11-dimensional at least. Prove it's not in the 11th dimension. I'll give you a dollar.

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Answers in Gene Simmons wrote:
Dude, you are aware that god gave rock and roll to you, right? I place my faith in a loud guitar.





If you're going to bring bill and ted into it, I have nothing.

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Atheistextremist wrote:


froodley wrote:

I think everyone on this forum needs to get laid and/or try shrooms (but no hard drugs).


froodley but after a few seconds consideration I realised you were probably right in some ways. In any case, if there was no secular resistance you'd not be able to spend all your time batting off over Instead you'd be living in a mud hut waiting for the carrier pigeons to arrive and praying the lord would miracle away the gangrene eating your legs.




I agree. I just favor less dualism.

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froodley wrote:Now I win!

froodley wrote:
Now I win! By replying! B/c the internet is retardo! I am not claiming theism, so unless you can disprove agnosticism, I'll be standing here counting my money.

You're an agnostic ? Okay, then me and that theist over there are gonna beat you up and split your money between us.

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Anonymouse wrote:froodley

Anonymouse wrote:

froodley wrote:
Now I win! By replying! B/c the internet is retardo! I am not claiming theism, so unless you can disprove agnosticism, I'll be standing here counting my money.

You're an agnostic ? Okay, then me and that theist over there are gonna beat you up and split your money between us.


I have a red belt in Tae Kwon Do, and a psuedonym.   Two points!

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froodley wrote:Anonymouse

froodley wrote:

Anonymouse wrote:

froodley wrote:
...but it doesn't prove there is no God, zo I Win.

Which doesn't prove there is, so now I win. Yay ! Such fun ! Okay, your turn again.


I love this game. Everyone's a winner.

Now I win! By replying! B/c the internet is retardo! I am not claiming theism, so unless you can disprove agnosticism, I'll be standing here counting my money.

You're an agnostic what? Agnosticism isn't a position. 

Oh and my middle aged crazy can likely whip your red belt.

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin

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 Quote:You're an agnostic


You're an agnostic what? Agnosticism isn't a position. 
  Yes it is.  Learn up.

Oh and my middle aged crazy can likely whip your red belt.

Yes, likely so.  Congratulations, your physical violence proves god exists/doesn't. 

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froodley wrote:


You're an agnostic what? Agnosticism isn't a position. 
  Yes it is.  Learn up.

Oh and my middle aged crazy can likely whip your red belt.

Yes, likely so.  Congratulations, your physical violence proves god exists/doesn't. 

Let me rephrase - it's a position of knowledge and says nothing of belief. Most here refer to themselves as agnostic atheists. I'm kind of in between agnostic atheist and agnostic deist.

So, we know what you don't know. What do you believe?

Oh, lest we forget, you're the one who brought up his belt in TKD. If you'd actually studied the art, would you brag?


"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin

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 I'm not complaining in the

 I'm not complaining in the getting laid department. I like to hit the hooka myself because actually it does seem to help me rationalize a lot of things. The only problem is the next day I forgot what I was thinking about unless I wrote it down lol. As far as intellect feezel even a word? K Fed, get a real job so you can pay Brittney and your ex child support mkay.

If all the Christians who have called other Christians " not really a Christian " were to vanish, there'd be no Christians left.

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ok you pushed the button

I tried to ignore this post in hopes that it would just go away, but you just keep posting these incoherent ramblings.

First off your agnostic which leads me to believe that you want religion, but none will have you.

Secondly, by you writing I can tell that you are young, or just “childish”

So here we go.

The way I see it is that you come home found your mom in bed with your brother. Seeing as you have had a longstanding sexual relationship with both, you felt double betrayed. You took this to your pastor (Baptist) only to find him with your father. This led you to repeal both your family and your religion. Neither will have you now “your damaged goods”. So you argued this out with the family, and seems you won that argument. So then it hit you, “if I can win this argument then I can win them all”.

So you fired up the old computer and googled “Rational people”, thus her you are.

Now being a rational minded person I will tell you go get help!!!

Someone out there has had the same things happen to them. That is what you need to be doing with your spare time

Throughout human history as our species has faced the frighten terrorizing fact that we do not know who we are and where we are going; it has been the authority (the political, the religious, and the educational authorities) who have attempted to comfort us. By giving us order, rules, and regulation. Informing or forming in our minds their view of reality. To think for yourself you must question these authorities. THINK FOR YOURSELF…

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froodley wrote:Quote:100%

froodley wrote:

100% atheist wrote... For God's sake why someone might need to prove there is no god(s)? Who cares?
You're the one with atheist in your tag.

You're the one who doesn't know what atheist means.  You're making yourself look like a fool as you argue something that isn't so.  Instead of making yourself look so stupid by making so many assertions try asking a question, it would save you the public embarrassment.

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froodley wrote:


You're an agnostic what? Agnosticism isn't a position. 
  Yes it is.  Learn up.

It's an epistemological position, but it says nothing about your belief.  For someone willing to admit they don't know something, you're sure making yourself look like an asshat as you assert something you don't really know about (the definition of atheism).



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Y'all are already boring me.

A bunch of ad hominems and the absurd claim that I or anyone else is confused about the meaning of 'not theist.'

I thought this would be more engaging than it has been. I'm busy.

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Btw... I read your scholarly

Btw... I read your scholarly article aboutyour definition of atheism. But you know what? Everyone else in the worlds defines atheism as disbelief in God and agnosticism as not knowing. So if you want to sit around and yank it and tell me that in your world a hat is a four-legged animal that says meow, you have fun with that. No offense.

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As far as intellect feezel even a word? K Fed, get a real job so you can pay Brittney and your ex child support mkay.

Honestly, I didn't think I should swear in my signature, so I edited it to the first thing that came to mind.  I imagine that, since you don't know me, it came across differently than intended.


And I know plenty of ppl who have sex but still "need to get laid."  Plenty of pot heads who are intellectually paranoid and uptight, too.

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jcgadfly wrote: So, we know

jcgadfly wrote:


So, we know what you don't know. What do you believe?


Honestly?  I believe that's not germaine to the current conversation, so I won't be telling you.


jcgadfly wrote:

Oh, lest we forget, you're the one who brought up his belt in TKD. If you'd actually studied the art, would you brag?


Ah, that was just a joke bc you said something or other about me getting beaten up by an atheist and a theist.  I doubt I could beat up anyone over the age of 8.

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froodley wrote:I have a red

froodley wrote:
I have a red belt in Tae Kwon Do, and a psuedonym.   Two points!


I get two inch groupings with a .357 at ten yards.  Wanna play catch?

NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:
Never ever did I say enything about free, I said "free."


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froodley wrote:Quote:As far

froodley wrote:

As far as intellect feezel even a word? K Fed, get a real job so you can pay Brittney and your ex child support mkay.

Honestly, I didn't think I should swear in my signature, so I edited it to the first thing that came to mind.  I imagine that, since you don't know me, it came across differently than intended.


And I know plenty of ppl who have sex but still "need to get laid."  Plenty of pot heads who are intellectually paranoid and uptight, too.


 Pothead I may be but I don't have anything to be paranoid about nor am I uptight cuz I share. Like I said it helps to rationalize thoughs and from what I see from all the comments you have made you apparently have some issues. You want to come on here and vent some anger you apparently have because you think you have everything figured out and you're bored because no one else will listen to you. whaaaa! That being said I hope you enjoy your time here and I hope it helps you to vent.

If all the Christians who have called other Christians " not really a Christian " were to vanish, there'd be no Christians left.

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froodley wrote:Y'all are

froodley wrote:
Y'all are already boring me. A bunch of ad hominems and the absurd claim that I or anyone else is confused about the meaning of 'not theist.' I thought this would be more engaging than it has been. I'm busy.

Then leave.  Need us to make you leave?

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froodley wrote:Btw... I read

froodley wrote:
Btw... I read your scholarly article aboutyour definition of atheism. But you know what? Everyone else in the worlds defines atheism as disbelief in God and agnosticism as not knowing. So if you want to sit around and yank it and tell me that in your world a hat is a four-legged animal that says meow, you have fun with that. No offense.


It's not an ad hom if you actually are an idiot and your arguments are addressed.  In this case I will note that you are an idiot and that you restated my own argument... however you confused me with the rest of the world.  MOST of the world understands atheism is disbelief in god, but MANY Americans do not.  Disbelief in god is the position of all babies, myself, and all agnostics who don't have a positive belief in a god (probably you) making you an atheist.  What's worse of course is you just argued my position without any fucking clue you did so, proving you can't grasp understanding of what "disbelieve" means.

As for your getting laid comment... ah fuck... everyone else here already knows.


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Sapient wrote:froodley

Sapient wrote:

froodley wrote:
Y'all are already boring me. A bunch of ad hominems and the absurd claim that I or anyone else is confused about the meaning of 'not theist.' I thought this would be more engaging than it has been. I'm busy.

Then leave.  Need us to make you leave?

Sometimes it's fun arguing with "asshats" but the fun has wore off this one. It seems this may be someone the has already been ran off once, just back tyo cause more trouble... 

Throughout human history as our species has faced the frighten terrorizing fact that we do not know who we are and where we are going; it has been the authority (the political, the religious, and the educational authorities) who have attempted to comfort us. By giving us order, rules, and regulation. Informing or forming in our minds their view of reality. To think for yourself you must question these authorities. THINK FOR YOURSELF…

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And hey, frack isn't a word

And hey, frack isn't a word either. I think he meant fuck?

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jimmy.williamson wrote:

Sapient wrote:

froodley wrote:
Y'all are already boring me. A bunch of ad hominems and the absurd claim that I or anyone else is confused about the meaning of 'not theist.' I thought this would be more engaging than it has been. I'm busy.

Then leave.  Need us to make you leave?

Sometimes it's fun arguing with "asshats" but the fun has wore off this one. It seems this may be someone the has already been ran off once, just back tyo cause more trouble... 




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 I see you guys are

 I see you guys are skeptics.  I happen to think this guy is a brand new asshat.  I didn't bother to check an ip or anything, he's not worth the effort.

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I think Frood is


rebecca.williamson wrote:

And hey, frack isn't a word either. I think he meant fuck?


channelling Dr. Evil.



"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck

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(No subject)

NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:
Never ever did I say enything about free, I said "free."


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froodley wrote:Also, by the

froodley wrote:

Also, by the way, I am an idiot.  Also, redundantly speaking I'm really fucking stupid.  I mean, you think you know dumb.  Man, you ain't seen dumb.  Honestly I'm dumber than dumb.  I make dumb people look smart.  I'm a dumbass.  I might've not written the last few sentences, it might've been put here by someone else, just getting their kicks, or maybe I did write it.  I'm so fucking stupid I wouldn't even know.


Really now?

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Sapient wrote:froodley

Sapient wrote:

froodley wrote:

Also, by the way, I am an idiot.  Also, redundantly speaking I'm really fucking stupid.  I mean, you think you know dumb.  Man, you ain't seen dumb.  Honestly I'm dumber than dumb.  I make dumb people look smart.  I'm a dumbass.  I might've not written the last few sentences, it might've been put here by someone else, just getting their kicks, or maybe I did write it.  I'm so fucking stupid I wouldn't even know.


Really now?


ah now thats funny

If all the Christians who have called other Christians " not really a Christian " were to vanish, there'd be no Christians left.

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Yeah.  Just forget the

Yeah.  Just forget the whole thing.  You think you're freethinkers; I find your world small.


It's not easy to stand up to a room full of people and tell them you think their point of view is flawed.  I'm not saying I was being really pleasant or anything, which was sort of a strategy, but if you're going to resort to calling me an idiot, I don't want to bother with you.  I was trying to have a spirited debate, but apparently you're looking to have an atheist clique.


And this silliness about what the word means... just use the words like everyone else does.  Have you ever met some guy who wanted to go on and on and on about the Illuminati or something like that?  Some conspiracy nut who thinks he's got something interesting to say, but it's all just his own obsessed little world that... you know, he might be right, but it's still just kind of sad?  Do you want to be that guy?  The guy who goes on and on about how the word atheism actually means agnosticism and everyone who uses the words to describe two different things, which is literally almost everyone except you, is in fact a complete and utter moron?  Not just wrong, which is debatable at the very least, but literally a person of low, low intelligence?



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 Later idiot, don't come

 Later idiot, don't come back.

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Sapient wrote: Later idiot,

Sapient wrote:

 Later idiot, don't come back.


You have pathetic grammar.  I wonder what that says about the way your mind works and how logical you actually are capable of being.  I wonder what it says about your ability to learn, since I know you were taught grammar.  I wonder what your inability to retain very basic information about the English language says about your theory about the meaning of these words.  It's sort of hilarious to be called an idiot in such a grammatically pathetic paragraph.  Anyway.

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 And take your asshat with

 And take your asshat with you

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froodley wrote:Sapient

froodley wrote:

Sapient wrote:

 Later idiot, don't come back.


You have pathetic grammar.  I wonder what that says about the way your mind works and how logical you actually are capable of being.  I wonder what it says about your ability to learn, since I know you were taught grammar.  I wonder what your inability to retain very basic information about the English language says about your theory about the meaning of these words.  It's sort of hilarious to be called an idiot in such a grammatically pathetic paragraph.  Anyway.


You're still here?  You are not only a stupid hypocrite, but you are a liar with no spine as well.  How pathetic.

P.S. I only read your first sentence, you're dead to me.


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I am leaving.  Please just delete this entire thread.

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froodley wrote:I am leaving.

froodley wrote:

I am leaving.

Yeah I know, I took care of that for you.


Please just delete this entire thread.

What do the participants of this thread think?  Would you delete it?  My inclination is to leave it.

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(No subject)

NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:
Never ever did I say enything about free, I said "free."
