Directionally challenged, Wandering Desert Nomads

Rich Woods
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Directionally challenged, Wandering Desert Nomads

With all the Sensationally irrational dumb-fuckery exhibited on a regular basis by Islam and Christianity... not to mention Mormonism (I know, still christians) or Scientology.... The Jews often get overlooked as to  the aspect of "WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"... by the way, Nice hats, Douche-bags...

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Most Jews are fine (well,

Most Jews are fine (well, they don't push me into a frothing rage), but the ultra orthodox really aren't that far above orthodox Muslims in my eyes.



Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.

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Mellestad!!!!!!! Yeah!

mellestad wrote:

Most Jews are fine (well, they don't push me into a frothing rage), but the ultra orthodox really aren't that far above orthodox Muslims in my eyes.





                        Congrats on your elevation to Moderator.   I could get the promotion but I do NOT have the computoer skills to do it. Besides unlike Brian Sapient, I would be erasing &  editing far more posts then anyone else;  my behavior would not  be good for the RRS. 



                        As for your comments on Jews,  I agree 100%;  and most Jews would.   My Ancesters were D'faodricao's from Lisbon untill 1754, when  a survivor of a great earthquake in Lisbon in 1754,  boarded a ship as a cabinboy 'Jose D'faodricao'and 20 years later ended up in North America as Joseph Fredric.  That means he was a Saphardic Jew,  Mom  was Irish Catholic; I still rememer older relatives,  from dad's side, talking about "the strange Jews" who might be real But had some strange habits;  that were not 'youdich'.



                       Saphardic's  gave the world such memmorable words has  "Yid" & "Kike" ,  because they could not believe real Jews "Youdich"  could speak such a weird language as yiddish  when Ladino and Hebrew were available.   And they always wondered why East European Jews dressed liked  Morticians in stead of a normal way.    Saphardic's  could not understand  side curls-yulmakas & Talish,  when real Jews had decent hair cuts-ulemlul & sphouliahs. Go figure.



                       If you had never heard these terms before then you may realize how one culture can & does outnumber and overwhelm another culture, Jefferson, Adams, Lincoln & Grant when they interacted with and wrote about Jews, is was Saphardics.    Judah P. Benjamin,  the Secratary of War, State, & Attorney General for the Confederate States of America, was Saphardic.  D'Israeli, Spinoza, Carnagie were all Saphardic.   The Ashkenaizi  entered North America after 1880  those east European Jews are the ones  we see as 'Jewish culture";    like totally strange to us real Jews.

"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."

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@Jeffrick:  Thanks.  The

@Jeffrick:  Thanks.  The power is already rushing to my head and my plans for world domination are finally coming to fruition.


One of the things I learned during/after my deconversion is that Judaism is such a broad thing.  You can have secular Jews, atheist Jews, orthodox Jews, ultra-orthodox Jews, moderate Jews, Jews that didn't have anything to do with the Jewish stereotype, etc.  It was a pretty big eye opener to someone who never really thought much about them beyond, "Those misguided souls who were going to burn in hell, even though they used to be God's chosen people!".  

Not that most evangelicals/protestant fundamentalists really bother to learn anything that does not fit into their carefully defined intellectual boxes, but an understanding of what being a Jew even means was totally lacking among most of the laypeople I knew.


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                When you take over the world   might I be your   'umble servant    Igor   [ pronounced eye- gor,  don't like it;  well tough;  it's eye-gor]  I 've realy nothing much to do since my factory left town for parts unknown?

"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."

VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"

If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?

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Jeffrick wrote:

                When you take over the world   might I be your   'umble servant    Igor   [ pronounced eye- gor,  don't like it;  well tough;  it's eye-gor]  I 've realy nothing much to do since my factory left town for parts unknown?


Now you got me all messed up.  My next door neighbor is from Moldova and his name is Igor.  And now I can't remember how he pronounces it.  I'll have to go ask, but I though it was ee-gor.

-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.

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mellestad wrote:

@Jeffrick:  Thanks.  The power is already rushing to my head and my plans for world domination are finally coming to fruition.



-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.

"We are entitled to our own opinions. We're not entitled to our own facts"- Al Franken

"If death isn't sweet oblivion, I will be severely disappointed" - Ruth M.

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Men and women dancing

Men and women dancing together????!!!!!1111oneone. OMG, the horror!

Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare

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Hi cj .

cj wrote:

Jeffrick wrote:

                When you take over the world   might I be your   'umble servant    Igor   [ pronounced eye- gor,  don't like it;  well tough;  it's eye-gor]  I 've realy nothing much to do since my factory left town for parts unknown?


Now you got me all messed up.  My next door neighbor is from Moldova and his name is Igor.  And now I can't remember how he pronounces it.  I'll have to go ask, but I though it was ee-gor.



                      I can't draw up video clips like some users, but my line comes from the movie "Young Frankenstein" it's when Marty Feldman meets Gene Wilder.

"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."

VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"

If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?

Answers in Gene...
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(No subject)

NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:
Never ever did I say enything about free, I said "free."


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Wow! Brittney would have

Wow! Brittney would have zero chance for survival there lol.

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Jeffrick wrote:




                When you take over the world   might I be your   'umble servant    Igor   [ pronounced eye- gor,  don't like it;  well tough;  it's eye-gor]  I 've realy nothing much to do since my factory left town for parts unknown?

You'll have to submit an application like everyone else.

Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.

Rich Woods
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mellestad wrote:Most Jews

mellestad wrote:

Most Jews are fine (well, they don't push me into a frothing rage), but the ultra orthodox really aren't that far above orthodox Muslims in my eyes.



Agreed. But I figured this was the "Irrational Precepts" forum, and since these delusional, inbred, Hat wearing shmucks believe singing in front of both men and women is a crime worthy of a (symbolic) lashing... well... I just thought that I would do my part for the community and bring this to people's attention...


you know... because I am a humanitarian and all...


Oh... and Congrats....

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Rich Woods wrote:mellestad

Rich Woods wrote:

mellestad wrote:

Most Jews are fine (well, they don't push me into a frothing rage), but the ultra orthodox really aren't that far above orthodox Muslims in my eyes.



Agreed. But I figured this was the "Irrational Precepts" forum, and since these delusional, inbred, Hat wearing shmucks believe singing in front of both men and women is a crime worthy of a (symbolic) lashing... well... I just thought that I would do my part for the community and bring this to people's attention...


you know... because I am a humanitarian and all...


Oh... and Congrats....


I think it is a great idea to keep this stuff in the forefront though, just like when the crazy bastards riot in Israel because businesses are open on the Sabbath.  Praise G-d and pass me that brick!  Pricks.

Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.