Why are all transhumanists mentally retarded ?

This is something that comes up again and again and again transhumanism requires 2 things that you are ignorant of all technical subject and completely childlike in your understanding of every subject.
Lets analyze some transhumanists here :
This is priceless
skip to 16:00
Brilliant we don’t use empirical criteria to determine what deserves rights (the question then is how she knows something to be a AI if she uses empiricism to determine it ? Or dose she ? Maybe she determines that AI is everything that her subjective emotions tell her HAHAHAHA) and what dose not ? This is priceless I especially like how utterly mentally challenged this whore is and I especially like the fact that she dose not bring up the obvious solution to the problem humans are defined to be the species homo sapience that is characterized by the genetic code <insert DNA>.
I especially like how reductionisms she is and her straw man are brilliant for instance instead of using a composite argument of mental capability and other characteristics (made of carbon ) she brings up the most silly definition of personhood everyone ever invented.
UPEDATE : She contradicts herself later in 17:00 with 15:00 saying being human is biological making her even more of a stupid bubbling whore since before she asserted that the definition of humanity is impossible since it would exclude humans by definition.
Yes she thinks there are people who think that the ability to smell constitutes personhood !
Wow this is ether the biggest straw men I have ever seen or she is retarded.
Besides she immediately dismisses the notion of cognitive personhood ! And a lot of philosophers would disagree with her for instance my self where I actually argue that the ability to think makes someone a person and if they are retarded or a child then they are not a person.
BTW she babbles on that we should allow society to determine personhood and this is so funny since most if not all of society would use empirical means of determining this ! If we used emotions then how exactly is this accomplished ? Would we bring things hidden in a box to a personhood determining dictator that without knowing what is in the box or even having the possibility for ever getting any empirical data from it determine if that what is in the box is a person or not ? This would lead to random judgments and eventually the declaration of most humans for non persons and the declaration of rocks , air or fire to be persons since they where determined non empirically to be persons.
how exactly would a non empirical measure be conducted ? Really I don’t won’t to make a straw man however how the fuck do you even construct a non empirical criteria for personhood ?
This is even the most insane thing I have ever seen ! If she takes the ability to move even unconsciously to mean that this thing is a person then she is using a empirical criteria !
If she wants society to make the decision then it is completely illogical ! Since people subconsciously would make empirical measurements ! For a empiricists like my self this is absolutely the most ridicules thing I have ever heard of !
And the dude is even better see how before this he argues that bombs and rockets explode do to their own will and after he tells that calculators have intelligence despite the fact that they have no empirical or physical way of doing any real life tasks for being intelligent just blows my mind ! What then do we put the exploded bomb shells on trial ? Do we trial nonfunctioning PC ? Despite the fact that we perfectly know why they are not functioning since we have designed them and their working is exactly determined by the arrangement of atoms in them and every deviation is simply do to a different arrangement of atoms and the result follows logically from the lows of physics ?!
Even more silly if this would not be true then we could not possibly build computers based on the lows of physics. however we do and it works therefore he is so insane that it is not even funny.
Thereby every change in the atomic structure can be traced to a manufacturing error , damage in transportation or the assembly or use in a way that would create this.
Ageing these people are clearly insane and the word intelligence in their definition is completely mingles.
I even don’t know how to express my thoughts their "thinking" and "arguments" are so wrong its even impossible to begin to count their errors.
Well what are your thoughts on this ? Lets remember that Practically every argument from transhumanist is idiotic and they actually require to believe in some super crazy creationism like believe system about biology and the universe to actually accept the singularity.
Warning I’m not a native English speaker.
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First what is "your" definition of a transhumanist ?
im Transhumanist and i dont believe in most of those things
just like you cant get all atheist's to agree to the same thing, its the same for Transhumanists
OK, I am certain that you did not understand what was going on there.
Just for shits and giggles, do please tell me what the definition of “human” is. Be very specific and make it clear just where the line is drawn.
An IQ of, say, 95? Well, he mows the neighborhood lawns. However, he used to be the captain of the foot ball team.
What if nano machines were to assemble a baby one atom at a time? Just for point of discussion, let's say that it has no human parentage directly in the assembled genome. Rather, the genetic structure is built based on the rules for a healthy human.
I could give you other examples, but that should be enough for now.
Because when you're too dense to understand something you label it retarded? The definition of human, and life, is a far more complicated one than your rather juvenile reaction suggests you subscribe to.
I have met some people who don't really understand transhumanism, and think it's 'cool' in some way and thus pretend to subscribe to it- that would probably qualify even most, since most people are idiots- but I haven't met any serious transhumanists who were mentally retarded.
"When" the singularity will occur is questionable- it's something educated and intelligent people discuss.
Whether humans will or will not kill themselves off first- that's also something educated people discuss.
Given the simple premise that technological advancement doesn't come to a halt, and there aren't any external forces inhibiting it, whether or not the singularity is inevitable- that is not something that any educated and intelligent people are questioning.
Transhumanism is one philosophical reaction to the coming singularity- not one I necessarily subscribe to (I'd rather not get into what I personally believe on the matter)- but it isn't 'retarded'; particularly not any more so than the lack of reaction or denial of the coming singularity.
FYI OP i did not watch the whole vid
First of I like to thank you for engaging in this discussion.
Next I like to remind you that the discussion is about transhumanists most notably the examples I have shown in the first post.
In summery this is :
The Female assumed ludicrous criteria for defining personality that ultimately are self contradictory or so insane that practicable no one will agree with them.
I'm still waiting to see a non empirical criteria for personhod that is not so bizarre that it would be a parody.
Lets remember that even common sense and society or other nonsense would ultimately rest on empirical criteria of analysis be it the simple fact that something is moving or wagley humanoid.
The man has given even more ridicules assumptions that require a complete mis understanding of physics and everything about engineering or computers.
The man assumed that bombs should be put on trails for murder , yes modern bombs and yes exploded ones apparently see the parts of the clip I'm referencing. I'm not making this up.
Do we all agree that these positions are ridicules and wrong ?
My position is that it is so absurd that it can be classified for being retarded do you agree with this classification or is the position that bombs should be put on trail for murder not the most retarded thing you ever heard in your entire life ?
Yes ? NO ? Maybe ? Maybe Not ? Somehow ?
I promise to answer all of your questions after you answer my question.
Warning I’m not a native English speaker.
http://downloads.khinsider.com/?u=281515 DDR and game sound track download
As you have phrased them, some of the comments sound strange. It's possible that they were just not expressed well, though, or that you misunderstood.
I can't really comment on the transhumanists in that video, because I can't see it; my objection was primarily to the qualifier of "all" of them being "retarded"; even "most" would earn an objection, as most I have met have not been. "Some", though, I will not dispute.
In reference to the bomb trial. The computer tracking systems use in new technology can malfunction. The bomb can not be put on trail. True. Niether the computer system used to control it, however is it the persons fault that enter the target. If a target is entered correctly, and the bomb let say hit a crowded market three blocks away. The technician that entered the target would be to blame. No that is obsered. So how would we or they settle this. Maybe reprogram the machine. It's not on trial, however it can be corrected. The more we rely on computers to do our work the more this type of thing will happen.
Throughout human history as our species has faced the frighten terrorizing fact that we do not know who we are and where we are going; it has been the authority (the political, the religious, and the educational authorities) who have attempted to comfort us. By giving us order, rules, and regulation. Informing or forming in our minds their view of reality. To think for yourself you must question these authorities. THINK FOR YOURSELF…