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Maybe they had too many crazy crazy nights, followed by mornings that required the pick-me-up of caffeinated beverages. It could be that they were made for lovin' the sweet aroma of those fresh Arabica beans. We also can't dismiss outright the possibility that god gave mochachinos to you, and put it in the soul of everyone.
There are twists of time and space, of vision and reality, which only a dreamer can divine
H.P. Lovecraft
Pardon me Mr. Answers in Gene Simmons but is it possible that you are just a bit upset at this?
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
So? Gotta make a living somehow. They haven't had a hit in freaking forever.
when was that ad made, again?
Who are those people ? They look silly.
Haha But you can get kiss stuff. That made me really want coffee too!
Probably because Kiss sucks. They were one of the first sellouts. They made a fucking disco album. DISCO! One of the fucking worst, piece of shit, hack bands ever.
"Faith, Faith is an island in the setting sun,
but proof, proof is the bottom line for everyone."
Proof, Paul Simon
Nothing this hard should taste so beefy.
Why is it when people see an opportunity to do well others condemn them? I used to think that way too. And most certainly I hate jaded people who think the middle class and poor class simply need to work 24/7 and be slaves to the rich. I do hate those people. But why should you condemn someone for wanting something other than what you would want for yourself? If we are individuals then we should treat them as such.
I like KISS's music. I even liked some DISCO. I also like Metallica, and Jazz and Weird Al and some classical.
What I hate isn't someone making a buck. I hate corporate class scripted Gestapo business where if you sneeze wrong they draw and quarter you.
Admittedly this venture described here seems a bit cheesy. But I would be more concerned with how KISS treats their employees, not the fact that they own a business. If Gene walked in and I was working there and all he did was yell and treat me like dirt and scream about a piece of lint on the floor, and didn't lift a finger to help anyone, then I'd call him a dick.
But, if, like my current boss, he gave me the freedom to set my own priorities, and didn't micromanage me, and treated me with dignity, then it would be much easier for me to go to bat for him. It is jadedness I hate, not someones wealth or personal desires. It takes business to make an economy work, but it also takes the workers to make money for the business.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Gene Simmons is an entreprenuer first, and a musician second (or maybe 3rd)... which means nothing... When it comes right down to it, the songs are still the same, whether we like his enterprising or not... He was on Opie & Anthony, and came across as quite a scumbag... but knowing him, that's the image he wanted to portray...
I also appreciate music from various genres... I remember a band of ridiculously talented musicians called The Dregs (formerly the Dixie Dregs)..... They were revered amongst musicians...and were barely putting food on their table... it all comes down to this for me... Make a song i like and I'll listen...if not I'll pass... There are tracks from artists I don't particularly care for that I like, and from artists I think are amazing that i dont...its about the music, and I don't care if they sell coffee, engage in same sex fellatio or offer unsolicted political opinions...
I know this is off topic, but still relevant.
The "American Dream" is utopia bullshit. What the dreamers will blindly sell you is that "you can be anything you want". Sure, that part is true. but there are 3 classes and without the lower two, you have nothing. Certainly everyone can try to do what they want in life and everyone can and should do the best they can at what ever they do.
But it is bullshit to sell someone pursuing an acting career or sports career that they will end up the next Tom Cruise or Tiger Woods. The odds of getting to that point are low and against you. It is not to say don't try, if that is what one wants, sure, they should try.
But lets not sugar coat reality and pretend that everyone will get that far when that is not the case.
Woopie Goldburg said it best on an episode of "Inside the Actor's Studio" when she responded to an audience member's question.
Her response, which I am paraphrasing is REALITY. She said that everyone in the audience was capable of being great actors, but most, if not all of them, would not sit where she was sitting.
We as a society do not have to give up on good work ethic, but to pretend that we can and all will live in mansions is bullshit.
Most of us in reality end up in jobs to pay our bills and few of us get lucky enough to make money off of what we really want to do. I am happy for those lucky enough to end up with something they enjoy. But I find it destructive to blindly sell utopias.
I hate hearing NFL players say, "If you work hard enough you can play in the NFL" BULLSHIT!
The only thing you can say honestly is "If you work hard enough you might get lucky enough for someone to notice you"
The reality is that their are only 45 team members on 32 teams, vs the millions of college students competing for those limited spots, It is destructive to sell them that utopia without setting them up to have something to fall back onto in the LIKELYHOOD they don't get picked by an NFL team.
The "American dream" should not be about utopias that don't exist. "Pursuit of happiness" does not equate to meaning the same thing to everyone.
I am happy with very little others want more and NEITHER are wrong. I am simply sick of the jaded thinking that a title and paycheck are the measure of work ethic or morality. I have known rich people who are lonely misserable assholes and rich people who are kind and giving. I have known lazy poor people who are assholes and hard working poor people who are not lazy and just as giving as any other class .
Happiness is what you make it, not what others tell you to be.
And the only way we can maximize the happiness of all the classes so we are not fighting with each other is to judge each other as individuals AND decrease the pay gap so that there is a way the lower two classes don''t have to depend on government.
The corporate class is great at making money, but at least in America, it has nothing to do with morality or building or valuing those in the middle or poor. It is exploitation and anarchy. Wealth that cares is ok, wealth that is slash and burn is what we have.
Back to KISS. If they want a cheesy coffee shop, and they can make a buck off of it, good for them. But like I said, what is more important to me is HOW they treat their employees, because without them, they have nothing.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Just to add to your fuck fuckery aig,
Yes now tv's, why not, people need more money and stay relevant somehow, besides you know there are a few thousand people that will buy this so why not sell it.
As for the sellout comment, someone being a sellout is a mattwr of opinion. Bob dylan was a sellout when he started to use the electric guitar, I know song writers that believe ur a sellout uif your songs have hooks or a chours. If your album sells well your a sellout, if your music happens to be produced by some of the greatest producers in the music business. In the end its just someones opinion, which just like assholes everyone has one and its usually full of shit anyways. Just my 2 cents
OK, I have no problem with the KISS TV or the KISS wine or whatever.
When it comes down to the coffee shop, this is a problem. When I go to a local starbucks or whatever, I expect to be served by some random college kid who probably thinks that the term 'barista' means something fairly pretentious (as opposed to the term 'gas station attendant' where his dorm mate happens to work).
Here, I would be asked to deal with some kid who has to show up for work half an hour before actually doing any real work while he gets made up to look like one of the members of the band. If the real Gene Simmons wants to pay kids for that time, then that much is fine by me. But facts being facts, this is going to be coffee served by the cast of GLEE.
Well if it makes you feel any better, one of my face bands (paramore) was fucking on glee last week. I was pretty upset.
If all the Christians who have called other Christians " not really a Christian " were to vanish, there'd be no Christians left.
OK, first off any time someone mentions a band that I have not heard of, that merits an automatic trip to youtube. I quite like Paramore. TYVM.
Now, when you say they were on glee, did you mean the actual band or did the cast do a couple of songs?
The KISS set was truly abysmal. They had to invent a fifth member of the band to deal with the guy in a wheel chair. Granted, KISS has had about eight members over the years, including a drummer from a KISS cover band. Even so, the basic deal is that it is a four member band.
Also, the actual music was played by some off stage musicians who were going out of their way to sound like a bunch of high school kids. Come on! If Gene will license the music, then just play the audio tracks and we are good.
But no! It gets worse. They did not even bother to move their hands up and down the necks of the instruments to simulate actual playing. Their left arms could have been made of cement for all that it mattered while they danced around.
Adding insult to injury, they performed “Beth”. A song that never should have been written in the first place but ended up as a song. They did it not because it was cool but because it made for a plot line where the father of the pregnant chick could argue for her not having an abortion on the grounds that if she has the kid and gives it up for adoption, that is somehow better.
Today I had read a good quote for this topic.
Once there was the greatest insult: He sold himself out.
Today is the greatest insult: He's unsalable.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.