Return Troops Face Both Physical and Mental Challenges: Women Suffer from More Conditions Than Men, Study Finds

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Return Troops Face Both Physical and Mental Challenges: Women Suffer from More Conditions Than Men, Study Finds

Is the US health system comprehensively meeting the needs of returning veterans? With the recent attention to mental illness in returning soldiers, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in particular, little research has focused on the medical care needs of those returning from Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom, according to Dr. Susan Frayne, from the VA Palo Alto Health Care System and Stanford University, and colleagues.


Their research highlights that veterans suffering from PTSD also suffer more medical illnesses than do those with no mental health condition. This effect is even more pronounced in women than in men. The findings, published online in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, suggest that medical treatments may need to be closely integrated with mental health services for this special population just returning from military service.