QUT Stands by Bible, Koran Smoking Lawyer

Bible, Koran-smoking lawyer, returns to work at Queensland University
- From: The Courier-Mail
- September 22, 2010

CONTROVERSIAL ... Alex Stewart smoked pages from the Bible and Koran. Source: PerthNow
ALEX Stewart the Bible- and Koran-smoking Atheist is back from his self-imposed exile and has returned to work.
The 29-year-old, who two weeks ago courted controversy and made international headlines for posting a YouTube video of himself rolling dummy joints using pages from both holy books, went to ground and took indefinite leave from his job as an in-house lawyer with the Queensland University of Technology.
But this afternoon, QUT advised Mr Stewart had resumed his job.
In a statement, QUT said Mr Stewart had met with the university’s Vice-Chancellor Professor Peter Coaldrake.
“During a lengthy conversation, the staff member indicated he was extremely regretful and apologised unreservedly for the offence his actions and remarks had caused to people of different faiths and viewpoints,” the statement said.
“Professor Coaldrake reiterated that QUT was particularly proud of its sense of community and its welcoming and celebration of students and staff from an array of backgrounds, cultures, countries and religions.”
A QUT spokesman said there would be no further comment on the matter.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
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Ahh, makes me proud to be a part of the QUT community.
Substantially, he's done nothing wrong, and his stated intent was simply to mock the notion of war and human casualty over something so petty, not to insult any particular religious sensibility. I'd commend him for that, and I didn't need much hope to believe that the great people that QUT is would be able to see past the political jargon of religious insult to the noble idealism Alex tried to represent (only not in the most uncontroversial way). Good on him, I'm glad he's back.
Theist badge qualifier : Gnostic/Philosophical Panentheist
