For the past couple of weeks I've seen a big advertisement along the Interstate and it has this guy who looks like the typical "jesus". On the bottom of the picture it says IAMSECOND.COM.
I finally went out to Google and found it is the former lead singer of Korn (Brian Welch).
He has a video on Google which talks about accepting jesus and how he quit drugs.
While I'm all for the "quitting of drugs", his story is scary because it was obviously drug induced. He claims he was assisted by god/jesus in stopping his addiction. In one portion of the video he actually claims he snorted a "really big line of crystal meth" and then proceeded to have a conversation with "god".
Through out history medicine men have used drugs to induce this "cosmic" connection with "god" and even in the 60's tests were done with LSD to create a religious experience with people who were one form or another christians.
Again, I'm all for his quitting of drugs, but I think the result is only going from one extreme to the other. He's gone from "drugs, sex and rock-n-roll" to "religion, sex? and rock-n-roll".
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Yea I saw that a while back, they had it on Really sad he is not smart enough to figure it all out but he acts as if he did figure it out he would simply go back to drugs.
Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin
So this dopey jizzbucket did what so many in his position do... Traded one adiction for another... Which would be fine except for the side effects of his new mental disorder... which are self righteousness, indignation, and lack of humor... or as I like to call them, Fun Vaccuums...
As bad as Born again Christians are... the ones who arrived at their delusion through substance abuse are particularly unbearable to be around... Since they no longer are permitted by god to have any fun that doesn't involve ginger ale and a bingo card... anyone with a beer in their hands or who exhibits any form of sexuality are subject to a lecture as to the the "road" they are heading down....
being the asshole I am, I revel with delight at these moments...
I think he would be a candidate for suicide if the whole religion thing didn't work for him or he'd go back to drugs and then OD while trying to "reconnect" with god
I grew up on this band, the mix of rap, funk, and heavy metal really appealed to me. I still listen to them alot now. Their early music is intensely personal.
Having said that, I was glad to see Brian leave. He was addicted to meth and many other substances, and his performance suffered for it. The thing that greatly angered me as a fan, was that when he left, he tried to get all the Korn fans to show up to his church and convert them. He then started saying that he couldn't be in the group because his young daughter was singing the lyrics to A.D.I.D.A.S.(Play on the old saying all day I dream about sex). He wanted to leave because the rest of the band was just not godly enough(cussing, talking about personal demons, even a song called Hypocrites that slams organized religion and televangelist types).
Watching the whole episode as a fan disgusted me. Then he was on CNN, CBN, and a whole bunch of other outlets slamming the band. He even put out a book about his turn to god(which I read because I'm a fan). All the book was was a excuse to evangelise some more. Then he put out a solo record that sounded exactly like Korn(even though he stated he hated the sound).
Brian 'Head' Welch has seriously lost his mind. He went from selling out arenas and being part of a band that has sold 30 millions records, to not being able to fill up a small stage set for a free show.
He also started a record label with Stephen Baldwin, so he is completely insane.
All that I know, there was no god for me - Fear Factory - Resurrection
I drove past the sign again this morning. I would have to agree with you about him being insane. The ad appears to be him as a "second" christ, as if we should follow him because he knows what to do and that he can help us all.
I watched part of the video by him. I suspect he will be poor, alone and in a deep state of depression when he OD's on heron.
"Before I found the Lord, I was all messed up on drugs.
Then I found the Lord and now I'm all messed up on the Lord." --Cheech and Chong
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin