Is it a contradiction for atheists to practice yoga if it is inherently religious?

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Is it a contradiction for atheists to practice yoga if it is inherently religious?

Al Mohler thinks yoga is non-Christian and inherently inseparable from its roots in Hinduism... While I think the article is complete B.S. full of half truths and unsubstantiated claims, suppose he's right. Would it then be a contradiction for atheists to practice yoga if it is inherently religious?


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Beyond Saving
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 I wouldn't think so. I

 I wouldn't think so. I don't consider it a contradiction for an atheist to go to church. When I was married, I attended several religious ceremonies and worships because of my wife. Now if you go to church and claim to be religious and then claim to be an atheist it is a contradiction. But it is infinitely more fun to tell the pastor that you are an atheist and they look at you like you took a dump on the altar. So I don't see why Yoga would be any different even if it was inseparable from Hinduism which is a premise that I believe is absurd. It is at least as separable from Hinduism as Christmas is from Christianity and I love to celebrate Christmas in an ultra commercialized sense. 

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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It all depends on your

It all depends on your reason for doing it. If you are doing it for a religious reason then yes  but if you just like it then no.

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You can seperate the two.

You can seperate the two. Yoga is glorified stretching along with other exercises. 

Haven't you see those hot chicks do yoga on Lifetime Real Women or Fit TV? Anyone could walk in there and do yoga as long as you're hot!

It's not surprising that a Christian lunatic would harbor such hatred and intolerance towards another art form.  The crazy middle eastern trio of religions are the most HATEFUL and INTOLERANT on earth so I've always wondered WHAT THE HELL are they doing in the western world that respects people of ALL backgrounds?

Those crazy arab religions sure as hell don't respect people of all backgrounds!! Read their insane scripture if you don't believe me!

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Just because you engage in

Just because you engage in some religious ritual doesn't necessarily mean you believe that. You might be doing it for fun. For example, I will engage in any religious ritual that involves eating tasty food.

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  There are atheists with


 There are atheists with Hindu influenced beliefs who do practice it. Personally, I think all supernatural beliefs are ultimately faith based so I don't think they are better than theistic beliefs.  With that said, I wouldn't mind doing the physical stuff, as long as I don't have to do chanting to a 6 armed god or whatever spirit they use.


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no, i do it purely for the

no, i do it purely for the benefits to my flexibility and such

as a rockclimber thats important

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There are many kinds of

There are many kinds of yoga. The least religious would be Karma yoga - doing charity to earn good points, and Hatha yoga, which is doing some diffcult and sometimes disgusting things with your body, surprisingly leading to physical fitness and unmatched flexibility of muscles. Pilates exercise is reputedly based on westernized Hatha yoga.

All of local intellectuals practically do Jnana yoga, yoga of the knowledge. Some local theists do Bhakti yoga, yoga of the heart, love, etc...

What you'll probably want to avoid is Kriya yoga, Raja yoga, and Laya yoga. These are quite spiritual. I've done a form of Laya yoga for a couple of years and it made me... well, spiritually cleaner and more open, but I'd rather need bhakti and hatha yoga, to move my lazy and emotionally cold ass.

The meaning of the "yoga" word is simply "union". Practically it means exercise, because as is the saying, no work, no cake.

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Luminon, that is very

Luminon, that is very impressive. Are you a Hindu or a fan of it or something?

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  Just because I do a

  Just because I do a little tai chi sometimes doesn't mean I believe I can live 400 years and lift buildings with my powers. 

  Just because I do a little muay thai doesn't mean I'm a buddhist. 



This is an easy one.

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NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote: 

NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:

  Just because I do a little tai chi sometimes doesn't mean I believe I can live 400 years and lift buildings with my powers. 

  Just because I do a little muay thai doesn't mean I'm a buddhist. 



This is an easy one.

You can say the same thing about Kung Fu and Ninjitsui since those started in Buddhist temples too.  The Shaolin Monks train in an age old Buddhist temple to this day.

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JesusNEVERexisted wrote:

Luminon, that is very impressive. Are you a Hindu or a fan of it or something?

Not quite, but close. I study the esoteric teaching of a few of Theosophy founders and successors. Theosophy took a lot from Hinduism, brahmanism, tibetyan Buddhism, and so on. It also agrees with many mystical and occult western traditions. These several people wrote tenths of books, that are basically a spiritual theory of everything. Of course it's neither mathemathical nor complete, but it's a framework which gives order and structure to muddy waters of religions and New Age and should not be contradictory with what science already discovered. 

I'm a part of a group. Our people been through a lot, practically everything that religion and New Age movement can offer. We found all this of only temporary value or none at all. So we arrived at this post-Theosophic esoteric teaching and found it finally comprehensible and surprisingly explaining everything we encounter. This esoteric teaching is so complex, that it has something to say about almost every area of life. Particularly about the body, emotions and mind, and how to make them work together for a greater purpose. If I remember, kinds of Yoga were mentioned in relation to esoteric psychology and what type of yoga is natural for what type of a person.

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It seems the general

It seems the general consensus is that just because one practices something does NOT mean that one believes whatever underpens that practice.

I think otherwise Mohler is appealing to tradition as the justification for his position.

In any case, one could argue that Christmas lights, trees, wreaths, gift giving, yule logs, Easter eggs, bunnies, etc. are pagan and thereby not compatible with the Christian faith.


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Studies show yoga to

Studies show yoga to accomplish nothing more than taking 30 seconds to stretch. But atheist does not necessarily mean rationalist or scientist. I've seen atheists claim alien abductions and conspiracy theories. There's one on this site who has deluded himself on the subject of socialism, and despite being conclusively proven wrong thousands if not millions of times over the years, still spews the EXACT SAME bullshit he did the first time. Atheists aren't really necessarily any more logical than theists except in one, and only one, topic. That topic being religion, of course.
If yoga is practiced in a religious fashion, then noone practicing it in that fashion can be described as atheist, by definition.

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