Yet another multi-million dollar church goes up in the Bible Belt!
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I don't know if this is the right forum for this type of story but I'm so disgusted I felt I had to share it with someone that would understand.I live in the heart of the Bible Belt unfortunately, Alabama. And while I don't have the stats for how many churches we have per capita down here, I do know that it seems like there are two on every corner. Now if you don't already know Alabama is one of the poorest states in the union and $14 million could do any number of beneficial things for the people of this state. However, down here that kind of money is repeatedly spent on building bigger and bigger churches. I got this story from The Birmingham News site on :Church moves to 174-acre campus
Sunday, September 10, 2006
News staff writer
Word of Life Christian Center had humble beginnings on the back side of a Center Point strip mall near a burger joint."We were next to Krystal," founding Pastor Scott Webb said. "Our detractors gave us the nickname `Krystal Cathedral.'"That was December 1982. The church has come a long way since then.At 10 a.m. today, Word of Life will have its first service on its new $14 million, 174-acre campus on Derby Parkway, off Interstate 459 in northeast Birmingham. The 1,300-seat sanctuary will likely be filled, and hundreds of children will occupy the adjacent youth building.As they come in the main entrance, people will first encounter a bookstore and a coffee shop - dubbed "He-Brews" - run by a former Starbuck's manager.The nondenominational church, which has Pentecostal doctrine similar to the Assemblies of God, features a praise band and upbeat music in worship services."Our emphasis is the teaching of the word," said Webb. "The word is what changes people."Belief in gifts of the Holy Spirit, especially miraculous healing, have been a staple of the church's history."We've prayed for the sick ever since we started," Webb said. "Healing is part of the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. When people learn about the redemptive promises of Jesus - not just going to heaven, but living life more abundantly - that attracts people. That gives people hope. Redemption begins now, not when you get to heaven."Two large video screens flank the stage. There are stadium-style seats and moveable chairs on the floor. The second phase of construction calls for a 3,500-seat sanctuary to be built. The current worship center would then be for multipurpose use.Maintaining respect:Webb always wears a suit and tie while preaching and frowns on the trend toward casual dress in church."It shows a lack of respect for God," he said. "I feel you should come to God with your best. You're in the presence of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You wouldn't go meet the president in cutoffs and flip-flops."Webb, who turned 54 on Tuesday, worked in construction and as a Jefferson County sheriff's deputy before leaving Birmingham to attend Rhema Bible College in Tulsa. He graduated in 1982 and returned to start the church.Word of Life is the only church Webb's ever been pastor of, and he doesn't envision retiring."He has vision; he's a good teacher of the word," said Trussville insurance agent Dave Porter, a retired Birmingham police officer who has attended the church for nearly 24 years including its time on the back side of a strip mall."We outgrew that and we went around to the storefront," Porter said.In 1987, Word of Life bought the former Huffman Assembly of God building, which seats 1,000. Word of Life had its last services there week.At first, the congregation was dwarfed by the Huffman building. "We were like a BB in a shoe box," said executive pastor and youth pastor David Webb, son of the pastor. "Every family had their own pew."But it grew quickly and soon filled. "We've been at capacity for 10 years," the elder Webb said.Walking trails:The new campus has so much land that the church plans walking trails. "It's going to be a beautiful natural park," Webb said.The church is one exit south of the busy U.S. 11 Trussville exit on I-459."Our church has grown steadily; it hasn't been overnight," said Pat McLean, one of the original church members. "There's something about you that doesn't want to grow, because you're afraid you won't know everybody."That's being selfish," he said. "Then we would defeat our purpose and not help the people out there who need help. If you've got something good you want to share it. That's what sets people free."McLean said she started attending the church as a single mother with three sons. "I had no self-confidence. I've grown from not having anything to being able to support my family. It's just believing the word. It's such a good foundation. I'm bolder and I know that I can do anything with God's help."McLean said the new campus won't erase her memories of the first worship space Word of Life occupied."When people would come through the drive-through at Krystal, their lights would shine in our sanctuary," McLean said. "We've come a long way."E-mail: [email protected] Word of Life, Page XX -- WORD OF LIFE:Pastor was Jeffco sheriff's deputyXX© 2006 The Birmingham News
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"The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason."
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I went to that church for over 20 years...Turns out the Pastor and his son like to pad their pockets with cash tithe and the 34 year old married, son was sleeping with a 14 year old in his youth group. They are losing members by the second. I don't think they'll need a bigger sanctuary at this point...
Wow, that's like 15 minutes away from me. o.o I might have to go check it out.
I think if I was an evil person, I would also go the route of making my own non-denominational church. Just look at the piles of money those people are making. It's enough to make me sick. What's worse is that they have gotten that money by fooling rubes who think that their "giving" is going to provide them with salvation. It irks me even more that these people are exempt from paying taxes on top of all that. It just makes me so angry!![](/modules/fckeditor/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/angry_smile.gif)
After Bush's conquest of Iraq, the Muslim idiots pissed away whatever wealth they had in rebuilding mosques, shrines and madrasahs, at the expense of the infrastructure they need for life support like drinkable water and electricity. (The occupation dropped the ball in those areas as well.) The world's standard of living would probably jump noticeably if we abolished both christianity & islam and stopped wasting resources on their respective delusions.
Something similar happened here in town. My girlfriend and I were driving around the other day, and noticed that the city mission (local homeless shelter) had put up a brand new church building, and upon further investigation, we found out that it cost somewhere in the neighborhood of 2 million.
We were both fucking pissed. She worked there for years, and saw the place go from a homeless shelter that did genuinely good and practical work to a "ministry". They even changed the title of the place to "City Mission Ministries". They hold these "Lazarus conferences" with the intakes, which basically means if you go to these bullshit Bible studies and become a Christian, then you can have a bed. If you don't attend, have fun trying to comfort your screaming child while you try to sleep on the cold hard floor.
That was all bad enough, but this was just a new low. Do they not realize how much genuine good you can do for a homeless community with 2 million dollars? How many lives could you get back on track with that kind of money? But the sad thing is, people won't donate for people. People donate for God - well, not even for God per se, but for Churches. That's all people care about around here - adding an annex, building on, moving to a different building. It's like a badge of honor for a church to build a new, bigger building. I just don't fucking get it.
This is one of the many reasons I quit going to church way back when. I just don't want to be a part of something that value's property over life. I don't know why I still get shocked at things like this, though, seeing as how capitalism is the bastard child of protestantism.
It is not right to judge someone based on their past faults, it is not right to judge someone at all, unless choosing your friends, and that is based on their talk and walk with God. These things that you heard were mistakes that had been forgiven long, long ago. Until someone had brought them up again and decided to start rumors. People heard things that were not true, exagerated, or things that shouldnt have been said to begin with. Pastor David 'Dabo' Webb is and will forever remain my youth pastor. I love him and his family for everything they've taught me and the other youth at Word of Life Christian Center. Pastor has Big visions, so we all can, to be in this new building is honer, and we are not "wishing on a star" we are "reaching" for them. It is going to take faith to get the economy back at a great level, faith and work. It does not take away, or make this world any more harmful to have new buildings for ministry. When everyone here is able to stand up and say that they have been responsible for hundreds/thousands of lives through 35 years of pastoring, that is when people will notice that something must be done. God has blessed the Webbs because they choose to obey God, they choose to everyday. Look at all the people who left Pastors side? Do you think that they are all prosperous now? Dont blame pastor for finacial disastor that have been caused because God's people have not been obeying him, or praising Him, or loving Him the way we ought. I pray for the church family every single day, i miss and love them even more every single day. God knows my heart, that is why I've been more blessed then when everything seemed perfect in the church before. Seeing people leave like that, you see how strong their faith is? You could trust Pastor Webb for twenty years, but when something happens, that seems like a disaster, did you flee? Did you stand by his side and help encourage him? Did you ever think that maybe we owe our pastor something, like encouragment, or praising him for not leaving us? You were there for twenty years, surely you should still know the Word of God and what it says in Romans 14:4-11 4Who are you to judge someone else's servant? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand. 5One man considers one day more sacred than another; another man considers every day alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. 6He who regards one day as special, does so to the Lord. He who eats meat, eats to the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and he who abstains, does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God. 7For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone. 8If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. 9For this very reason, Christ died and returned to life so that he might be the Lord of both the dead and the living. 10You, then, why do you judge your brother? Or why do you look down on your brother? For we will all stand before God's judgment seat. 11It is written: "`As surely as I live,' says the Lord, `every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.'"
It is not up to me to tell you this or let you know, or remind you of the teachings you were taught those twenty years at Word of Life, they helped you when you needed it, and even if you didnt need it, you have it instilled in you for the time of battle. Word of Life, Pastor Scott and David Webb, and the entire church family are not in a battle against you, we love and will continue to love, just as we have been taught. It is only fair that I show you the same love, that I show my pastors. And I do love you, and I pray that whoever you are, to return to your home and your place and if it is at Word of Life, that you return. Remember that no sin is greater than the other. We all have been given the opportunities to get our life RIGHT.
Hi Brittany, thanks for popping in!
I am unsure of the point to your message. Please explain how vain and greed have a place in religion.
Slowly building a blog at ~
You're also making the extremely irrational assumption that there is a god and that the Buybull is anything other than utter bullshit.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
I think the economic incentive is a big part of the reason that religion is so successful in the United States. There's a strong economic incentive to design churches that will please the customer. Fancy big churches with upbeat music and a fair helping of whatever it is that believers are seeking are a way for otherwise talentless hacks to become very wealthy. I think we're seeing competition in the salvation industry, and what an industry it is. You get to sell something you ain't got and never have to deliver and you can charge primo prices for it. There is a cutthroat competition for the religious dollar, and we're seeing the Wal-Marts of religion take down the corner Mom and Pop God Shop. They put on a great show. They offer all the amenities of Sunday Morning under one roof.
Religion is just a tax-exempt segment of the entertainment industry.
[email protected]
I find myself asking the question of why, after over 4 months of inactivity in this thread, you manage to even respond. Did it take you that long to figure out what to say, because if so, your monograph is only vaguely coherent, at least to me.
Vote for McCain... ...and he'll bring Jesus back
Quite frankly I had forgotten about my comment. I have moved on from this crap, but I will respond to your comment, because you seem like a really nice person. The reason David's house is for sale is because he moved away to avoid being arrested for a crime hedid commit. He packed up his family and home within 3 days of the story coming out. Story not rumor. If it was a rumor, why did he move? I have known the Webbs very well and they aren't what you think. There have been a lot of shady things happen at that church that have been covered up, swept under the rug. Seriously, too much to list. I know you won't believe me. I have no reason to make anything up. I will never enter that building or be around the Webbs again. My life is amazing now. I would never ever ever ever go back. I'm actually a much better person since leaving. I have NEVER been happier. There is a sense of freedom that I experience now that I never had. I am not lacking for money. I didn't get sick with some incurable disease when I left. You would have to take me back to Word of Life KICKING AND SCREAMING!!!
It took me some time to realize that I had been taught lies. The thing you may not realize is that I was once in your position. I once defended them. I once called Word of Life the greatest church in the world. But then I grew up and realized I had been tricked. Every time someone left WOL we were told about something awful they had done. It was never the Webbs fault. I never heard about the people who left losing money or dying. No more than I heard about people within the church who died of cancers and terrible car accidents. So if they were protected because they were at WOL why did they die? HMMMMM...
Lastly, do you really think I would have such a strong reaction against the church without having a good reason? Why would I leave people I had loved my entire life without a REALLY good reason?
You seem like a smart girl. So please remember there are always 2 sides to a story.
Good luck finding his address!
It is not up to me to tell you this or let you know, or remind you of the teachings you were taught those twenty years at Word of Life, they helped you when you needed it, and even if you didnt need it, you have it instilled in you for the time of battle. Word of Life, Pastor Scott and David Webb, and the entire church family are not in a battle against you, we love and will continue to love, just as we have been taught. It is only fair that I show you the same love, that I show my pastors. And I do love you, and I pray that whoever you are, to return to your home and your place and if it is at Word of Life, that you return. Remember that no sin is greater than the other. We all have been given the opportunities to get our life RIGHT.
Brittany, you've been infected with Christian memes. You might want to check into the book by Susan Blackmore called "The Meme Machine" to find out about memes and how they can make you believe and say absurd nonsense.
Frosty's coming back someday. Will you be ready?
close, but wrong way around.
"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson
It wasn't founded by Pastor Scott Webb. It was founded by David Norton and David Porter. Do the research.
He has never forsaken me, has always loved me and knows the plans He's made for my future.
For I know the plans I have for you, "declares the LORD," plans to proper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
No sweeter name than the name of JESUS
No sweeter name have I ever known
No sweeter name than the name of JESUS
He is the light of my heart and my soul
He gives life to the hopeless and broken
JESUS you are the TRUTH and THE WAY
I LOVE JESUS AND BEING HIS SERVANT. Although this page seems to be focused on the faults of people, Jesus does not judge a man based on only that. God is the ultimate Judge...leave it up to Him in the end. Jesus is love, and all those who love Him and His people are love. Even if you don't believe in God, you do believe in love. And, in the love that you share and feel, do you truely love? Do you truely and completely commit yourself to loving that person in all of their faults and achievemnets. Even the people who are closest to you hurt you and do things that aren't something to be proud of...everyone is a sinner. I am a sinner, but it is by JESUS' GRACE AND LOVE THAT I AM FREE.. free from judgement, free from bondage, free from being hated, free from being chained to this world, free to be all that I am...a servant and lover of Jesus Christ. Even now I am so excited to share this with you because you will see the face of God and be humbled by His presence in you lives. I just invite you to go Humbly to the thrown and feet of Jesus and just ask for His presence, His peace, His forgiveness and fulfilling LOVE in your life...because then you will be able to Love everyone as yourself.
JESUS is the VICTORY over being chained to this world and the hatred it shares..forever and ever. AMEN
in Jesus Precious, GLORIOUS, Holy name,
What was that?
It's like someone just exploded stupid all over the post above me.
Theism is why we can't have nice things.
For a while now this thread has been a fundie magnet. They're googling something that somehow brings this ancient, dead-ass thread up (or it would be, if they weren't googling) and they're surprised to see that someone has a different opinion than they do and consequently feel the need to enlighten us and vanish into the night, much like the urine bandit of Moravian folklore. Just read the earlier posts and you'll see exactly how irrelevant and weird the previous replies have been and you'll understand.
"The whole conception of God is a conception derived from ancient Oriental despotisms. It is a conception quite unworthy of free men."
--Bertrand Russell
I'm happy that you enjoy being Jesus' slave. Really.
Just don't start enslaving others so they can share your fun.
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
DamnDirtyApe. You are correct. William David Webb who is quoted in the above article and is the pastors son, was arrested on rape of a minor charges. The church people are in a tizzy!
Funny thread, certainly has attracted some fundienuts. I was googling about any biblical instruction regarding blowing large amounts of cash on churches. As an atheist, it seems absurd that we have all these tax exempt churches raking in the dough building gaudy structures when there's so much suffering in the world. And to go political about it, I find it alarming that it's the republicans who are generally truly angry when they hear about someone getting "handouts"... as if that's what jesus would've done. They only have interest in helping and promoting themselves, apparently.
Just popped into mind because Arizona morons (mormons) are in the process of planning a new temple and not only will it be a huge waste of money, it seems they may be pulling some unethical strings to get it. Keep in mind most mormons pay a full 10% tithe and those books that are kept are kept strictly. Nice to see that money going to things like political issues such as prop 8 (banning gay marriage in California which has zero to do with a mormon who is not gay or willing to suppress it) and giant buildings. Imagine the difference they could make if all that money was spent on helping people.
Religion is truly pathetic.
I googled and got here looking for some biblical instruction regarding the building of expensive church structures to point out christian hypocrisy.
As an atheist, I'm appalled too.
Arizona is having similar problems with their mormons:
Especially pathetic when you consider how much poverty there is in Arizona - and that most mormons (and there are many out here) pay a full 10% tithe.
Also explains the constant resurrection of the 2012 thread.
At least that one will die in four years, when it's 2013.
On the other hand, this topic being resurrected every few months at least serves the purpose of reminding us of the disgusting excesses of theists who don't really care about people, but like to pretend they do.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.