Jump! Its the devil!

Eleven people were injured when they jumped out a second-story window near Paris early Saturday, thinking a naked man looking after his crying baby in the night was the devil, the local prosecutor said.
"Thirteen people were in an apartment on the second floor when, around 3.00 am, one of the occupants heard his child crying," said Odile Faivre, the deputy prosecutor in Versailles. "The man in question, of African origin, who was completely naked, got up to feed his child, at which point the other occupants took him for the devil. He was seriously wounded in the hand after being stabbed with a knife before he was thrown out of the apartment, via the door."
The naked man then tried to get back into the flat in the town of La Verriere, west of Paris.
"That's when the other occupants tried to escape by jumping out of the window, panicked by a fear of the devil," said Faivre.
Police questioned the would-be devil, aged 30, and another man who jumped from the window with a two-year-old girl in his arms.
Seven of those injured were taken to the hospital for emergency treatment.
Investigators were trying to clarify a number of issues surrounding the case, including whether everyone jumped voluntarily or if some were forced to do so, Faivre said.
While we are on the subject of morality, is it attempted murder to run around naked in really tall buildings causing Christians to jump to their death? Would it be wrong for all atheists to start taking off their clothes before walking around tall buildings?
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
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OK, I am only guessing on this one but I would bet that they were all recent African immigrants.
I say that because my executive director spent a couple of years in Zimbabwe handing out grant money. One of the stories he tells is about some dude who stepped out of his grass hut in the middle of the night to go weewee. When he did so, he saw an ugly old woman and killed her. The real government convicted him of murder. However, the final arbiter there is the tribal court and they let him off on the grounds that she was so hideous that it was reasonably possible to mistake her for a demon.
OK, what part of “forced to jump” am I missing here?
I can pity the Africans for their utter stupidity. But the police of a nation that led the Enlightenment can't figure out if a two year old in her father's arms can voluntarily jump off a roof?
The humans have no hope. One day when we go the way of the mayans, the numbats who fill the space behind us will no doubt worship a god who punished empires past with wormwood and oceans of blood.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
I still don't understand, were they all sharing the same apartment? If not, is it one of those places with a common kitchen and common bathroom? And that still would not explain why the naked guy was in view of others. Wouldn't the baby and father be in the same room, or adjoining rooms separate from the others?
Or maybe this guy was simply nuts. But that still doesn't excuse the other nuts from claiming that he was the devil. Being mentally ill is often, by believers, mistaken for the devil.
HEY DIPSHITS, there is no such thing as a devil. This guy was merely nuts, not possessed by your stupid superstitious fictional super villain.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
A wee baby died in the fall. From what I have read the guy was just nursing a crying baby.
He was in his own flat. These folks crowd in. Pretty normal way for an extended african family to live.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
Ok, in this case these superstitious idiots had no right invading his flat and it is their own stupidity that caused this. Even when I was a kid I showered with my dad. He didn't molest me any more than a mother molests their kid when giving them a bath.
What a bunch of fucking morons. I could see some sort of panic if this guy was running around naked in a common area, but even then, it would be because of mental defect, not some superstitious bullshit. But if what you say is the case, and he was minding his own business, those morons should be institutionalized.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
??? Those people are nuts!
Baby dies after hysterical people jump from Paris flat to 'escape the devil'
Oct 25 2010 By Ian Sparks
A BABY boy was killed when 12 people leapt off a second-floor balcony - to "get away from the Devil".
Eight people, including several children, were hurt, some seriously. Police are trying to get to the bottom of the bizarre tragedy.
Survivors of the mass plunge from a flat in a Paris suburb said the incident began in the early hours of the morning when a dad got out of bed naked to feed his crying baby.
They said the man's wife saw him moving around and started screaming that she had seen the Devil.
The man was then stabbed in the hand by his wife's sister and thrown out through the door of the flat.
But when he tried to get back in, the other people inside grabbed their children and jumped off the 20-foot balcony.
A spokeswoman for the local prosecutor's office said: "Panic erupted."
The family involved are of African origin, possibly from Angola. Police found no evidence of drug use or religious rituals at the flat.
One of the children, a four-month-old baby boy, died in hospital several hours after the incident.
Several of those hurt in the jump have multiple injuries.
Detectives are questioning the man who sparked the incident, and another male who jumped from the balcony with a two-year-old girl in his arms.
The prosecutor's office spokeswoman said: "A number of points remain to be cleared up."
Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.