Argument from brain damage VS Soul
In the traditionnal concept of the soul, the latter is immaterial and supernatural, and
the famous convoluted grey matter is a mere receptor of orders from the soul to command the physical body.
Soul ====(orders)==> brain ===(orders)==> body
But we all know that stimulating or damaging certain parts of the brain results in more or less drastic modification of personnality, memory and emotions. By definition, an immaterial soul can't be affected by physical damages.
However, supporters of such dualism claim that it's still possible the sick person, in himself, has the same soul as before
but the damaged transmitter which is his brain misinterprets the sane information and orders sent by his soul
so the change of personnality/behaviour/memories we notice in a person is somehow illusory, in fact he's still aware of himself and of his bad state but cannot intervene to make his body say "I'm fine! I didn't forget such and such things actually! i'm not the zombie-like person you see!"
So are their counter-argument against brain damage argument valid?
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You know, there is the burden of proof for those who claim anything and the fact that there is not yet definitely known answer.
My experiences and sources say, that brain is pretty much autonomous and the soul does not send every order that the brain carries out. Instead of that, people are rather soulless zombies who study schools, watch TV, work, make children, drink beer, get a midlife crisis, become senile and die.
The soul is a source of higher functions that most of people do not use in their life. For example, geniality, inspiration, intuition, creativity, personal power and charisma, higher forms of clairvoyance and so on.
The link between the person and the soul is not yet properly developed with most of people. We don't need it for survival and enjoying the world, so most of people didn't really develop it in their past incarnations. This can be done quickly only if there is an institution of experts who help each person to develop systematically and individually, according to the personal way of least resistance. That is the best replacement for religion.
To study this mysterious link of brain and soul you need ensouled people, who display some above mentioned character properties. Average person will not suffice, we need to scan the brains of people like geniuses, saints, great leaders, artists, clairvoyants and perhaps my brain would give some clues too. Geniuses use their brain in much different way than common people. Geniality must be studied and methods must be developed how to support it in ordinary people.
In particular, esoteric science of consciousness speaks of 12 brain centres, placed around it symmetrically like pieces of Union Jack. Each of these is centres (they're specified in the related literature) is connected to a "petal" in the 12fold structure of causal body. Furthermore, esoteric science describes the importance of hypophysis, epiphysis, medulla oblongata and so on up to the 12 centres, and their functions as they activate when the person progresses in personal development.
This and much more can be found in esoteric textbooks provided by Alice A. Bailey and the Tibetyan, for example. Any scientist can get them, read them and be prepared for new discoveries in the field in advance. They can know in advance the nature of consciousness. They can also read about etheric planes of matter, that are currently called dark matter. Much of the bodily vitality is determined on etheric level, not dense-material. All that is available for study. It is of course a diffcult study, because these are advanced textbooks and not Eckhart Tolle.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
So this thing that doesn't really exist is really there, and reality is an illusion ?
I'm not sure how that's even an argument.
And the practical applications of such a study would be what exactly ?
I could be totally wrong here, but if some of the attributes described above for the soul (i.e. creativity and imagination) were to be gravely affected by say, a stroke or impairment of the brain,wouldn't that imply, that if a soul exists, that there would have to be some sort of connection between the mental outlook of the brain and the person's soul ? Granted, you have a point about people not utilizing creativity, intuition and imagination, but how do you necessarily arrive at the conclusion that these particular things stem from a person's soul ? Are you saying that the brain is responsible for more base instincts and the soul is responsible for the more deeper aspects of human nature ? How do you arrive at these conclusions ?
“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno
But if an expert would devote a few years to reading these books in spare moments, then the benefit would be greater. That would be advancement in fields of medicine like neurology, psychology, and so on. Furthermore, physicists would get the answer of what the dark matter is, how it is different from normal matter and how it participates on vital processes. (very much) I have personally probed into that and found some interesting answers. For example, why is the dark matter particles have greater mass and yet weaker interaction.
Even scientists need a new ideas and inspiration to search for new discoveries. Such discoveries will necessarily have cultural impact. People's worldview will change, fear of death will be abolished, objective individual meanings of life will be known and institutions will be estabilished to help people with appropriate personal development.
An esotericist will say that alongside material brain there is the etheric counterpart of it, with channels, chakras, energy centers and etheric representations of material glands, all that underlies and controls the nerve and endocrine system. This subtle-material system is variously active, organized, synchronized, luminous and responsive to impression from the higher parts of the human being. (the soul etc) In most of people almost not at all.
A neurologist will say, that lower aspects of human nature and primitive parts of brain developed in animal evolution and the esotericist will agree.
The answer on your question is, that I am one of these people who are aware of that. I do perceive my etheric body as my second skin. You can sense beating of your heart, but I can also sense activity of my chakras. You can feel the wind, sun and external objects on your skin, I can also feel streams of etheric substances around, with clarity and precision. And I always could since very early age, much before I learned to read. Only much afterwards I got to books that told me what the chakras n' stuff are. This I take as the earliest proof I have. It is an objective thing, that should be very obvious on scans of brain activity. Fortunately I don't see anything of that, so I can take a shower in peace.
The brain is not a magical machine for creating a meaningful content. Most of people are not very creative, they prefer to follow leaders and ideologies, to watch TV shows, to read books instead of writing them. Hell, I always enjoyed writing essays and wrote them long, while other classmates had no idea what to write about. If the brain receives a content, it comes to logical conclusions according to it or repeats variations of that content. But it usually doesn't create a brand new information that is also meaningful and objectively true without prior knowledge of it.
I sometimes have the opportunity to see how people intuitively receive information that they did not know in advance, they did not think about it before, and so on. There are also historical cases, when inventors or scientists thought about a problem and the answer was given to them in some unusual way. For example, in dream. The soul is unlimited in abstract knowledge (as far as people are concerned), but it is very limited in the means of getting the message across. There are several methods of that, no time of dealing with them now.
Creative people surely know the stream of inspiration, that sometimes comes and they make art.
This may be accompanied by a strange feeling between the eyebrows, (ajna chakra active) or by feeling like having a big soft cap on the head. (sahasrara chakra active)
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Ad hoc.
Ultimately, if we don't have any ability to test for the "soul," it is simply a superfluous concept, a failure of Occam's Razor (a brain controlled by a soul is indisguishable from a brain not controlled by a soul), and like with any other positive claim, if there is no evidence for it, then we should not believe it. The brain does not require some supernatural "spirit" to control it, the same way that the sun does not need some God's hand to hold it up in the sky. We know how these things work, and there is no justification and no explantory power to positing some arbitrary intelligence.
Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare
Advancements such as ?
The idea of an immaterial 'soul' controlling the brain adds absolutely zero explanatory power to understanding the nature of the mind.
Matter has attributes that immaterial stuff, or even energy, does not have, the capability of supporting complex processes, because only matter can support persistent complex structures which can in turn support arbitrarily complex processes, such as would be capable of generating awareness and other aspects of a conscious mind.
There is absolutely no reason apart from primitive intuitions to propose that consciousness needs something other than energy flowing through very complex material structures to support it.
We already use such things to produce extremely complex computers, than can beat us at chess, and there is no reason to think that such capabilities have some inherent limit.
There is massive evidence of the intimate connection between structures in the brain and all aspects of personality and consciousness, and there is zero justification for proposing some additional, separate, 'immaterial' component such as the 'soul' being involved.
Favorite oxymorons: Gospel Truth, Rational Supernaturalist, Business Ethics, Christian Morality
"Theology is now little more than a branch of human ignorance. Indeed, it is ignorance with wings." - Sam Harris
The path to Truth lies via careful study of reality, not the dreams of our fallible minds - me
From the sublime to the ridiculous: Science -> Philosophy -> Theology
That doesn't mean they're not creative in another way. Also, what you consider "meaningful content", may be something else.
Also, the result will be cracking the case of why shit happens. The laws of the shit happening or not happening in people's lives will be known and utilized to make the shit happen as little as possible. Nobody will then say "shit happens" as a sorry excuse for everything, but "shit happens because of that and that". In past primitive people said "shit happens" when they saw lightning or solar eclipse. But later they understood the principles of that particular shit happening and so it will be in the unconquered area of human life. Art of living, it shall be called.
I say that the world consists of multiple configurations of matter, which are mutually almost intangible to each other. The main link that unites them together is a complex life form, human in particular. Such a life form consists of multiple living components that vary according to their degree of consciousness, maturity and autonomity. One of the highest components is here called the soul. From our point of view, it is qualitatively as far away from us as it would be on the geostationary orbit above, so its means of contact are very limited unless the person is specially trained. But instead of ordinary mind, it is a source of the most prized character qualities and personal abilities.
A good example of the "meaningful content" I think we may agree upon is a scientific discovery. A computer will not suggest new hypotheses for us, follow them, prove them and receive a Nobel prize.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
But isn't pretty much every cult in existence already selling that ?
Yeah, inferior creatures, the lot of them.
Well, if you can produce that kind of meaningful content, go right ahead.
What I propose is more than enough stuff to study for a few university degrees and it seeks to improve all areas of human activity. It's just too much to say in a few words and make it not sound like a vague cultish propaganda. When I give talks to interested friends on this subject, it usually takes a couple of several hour long sessions until they grasp the basics. It's really better to give them a book, but they're not fond of e-books and English.
By the way, I do have some scientific hypotheses. They are composed out of my experience, study and processing or comparing vast amounts of data. (the brain is a wonderful pattern-seeking machine, you know) I just learn interesting stuff until something kicks in, some pieces falls together and I stand like whacked on head by the sudden realization. Then I write it down. Furthermore, I received some data by consulting a reliable psychic - succesfully, they support the WIMP theory as I recently suddenly realized. I will probably have to ask some questions about physics, optics and so on... And hope someone will explain it in layman's words, not equations.
Getting some benefit out of this material will probably require to find a scientist who still has a gift of human speech and will be able to translate human speech into terms of physics and back - why this is or isn't possible, Sir.
Plus, I do have a thousand of other interests. I think the science will have to wait until I'm old, rich, famous and respected enough to get someone educated spare a time and lots of good will for me. I hope I won't end up like my president, a politician ridiculed for dabbling into ecology and global warming
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Well, at least you know what it sounds like. That's good, I suppose.
We all know how much vacuous pseudo-mystical mumbo-jumbo gets published each year, so it's not really surprising people aren't eager to take a chance with their free time. I would need to be both very interested and a very good friend of you to let you subject me to "several hour long sessions". Maybe you just have some very good friends.
How very generous of you. *gentle sarcasm*
It kinda was my point, but sure, okay.
Not yet. Fingers crossed, eh ?
Psychic ? Surely you mean physicist ?
*remembers who he's talking to*
....You don't, do you ? Oh dear.
Ask the science people on the forum. Most of them seem willing to dumb stuff down enough for us mere mortals.
Just try to not get ridiculed for anything else, k ?
Pseudo-mystical mumbo jumbo is usually simplistic and the text is low on definite information. It's easier to read and more popular in new age bookstores. But after reading it leaves you only some vague idea of what was going on in the text and such a warm fuzzy feeling inside, nothing more.
The limitation is, that this method of testing is rather limited, it really depends if I can ask the right question, ideally with a yes/no answer or a numeric or percentage answer. For example, I questioned a sample of etheric matter at my disposal and I let her test its element composition - according to proton numbers and number of atoms from every found element. The results were most enlightening and puzzling at the same time because of the new possibilities.
Such is the nature of highest and rarest type of clairvoyance. It gives instant answers on almost anything, whatever scientists may search for decades, I'd just need to ask the right questions someone who has a good two-way connection to the almost omniscient Soul. And get a permission for asking, of course.
The natural kingdom that human souls live in is closer than society, the souls are all interconnected. Together they form sort of an "internet" with great deal of wisdom or talents of all kinds. It's just a problem to download the wisdom and give it a concrete form. Yes, no, or numeric scale is the simpliest form, with our limited means.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Still sounds like scientologists describing their courses.
If there's ever a use for such a thing, sure.
Oh good. *full-blown sarcasm*
Uhm.....*bites tongue*
You did what now ?
But WIMP theory was already there. The only question that got answered is that you agree with it. So what ?
That kinda stops people asking for next week's lotto numbers, I guess.
I don't know what aspect would interest you the most... For example, when interpreted by the esoteric theory, the world suddenly starts giving a sense, much of the hidden sense is revealed in obscure religious statements, in evolution, in coming and going of civilizations, in cultural tendencies, in national mentalities, in personal virtues and vices, and so on. As I said, it's pretty much about everything
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
You are now entering a sarcasm free zone.
Honest injun.
Sciencey, as in not actual science ? Science light ? Typo ?
Well, what would interest me is if you could make something work, like science can.
But that's just another way of selling the same hot air that religion, cult or mainstream, has been peddling for ages. I am seriously doing my best here, but I still see no way to distinguish you from your competition.
Maybe your brand is simply less succesful ?
This specific etheric substance, does it actually exist ?
How hard is it to be correct about a theory that already exists, or about your regular customers for that matter ?
If you're suggesting you've made some kind of far-reaching scientific discovery, then come right out and say it.
And yet that happens quite a lot. What's the problem there ? Faulty soul ? Esoteric interference ?
I too have seen coincidence in practice. I have yet to see a "soul" or "divine providence", but I can find plenty of people trying to sell those ideas, and making a good living of it. "Coincidence" doesn't seem to be very marketable.
And I too have heard many stories no-one could possibly ever verify.
When I was a theist it was not this order. it was
Body/Brain -> Soul.
The Soul was more like a copy of the experience and information that when into the body. Thus preventing this sort of problem as the soul has no impact on the physical person. Once the body does the connect between the body and soul is removed that connection being the aware part of the process would then only be attached to the soul.
I know pretty crazy huh.
Sounds made up...
Agnostic Atheist
No, I am not angry at your imaginary friends or enemies.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
So not science then. Ok.
Oh come on. There are plenty of impressive science experiments you can do for no money at all, the results of which can be seen by anyone, not just people with "special powers".
Got anything like that ?
So if this entire book is a load of bull, so be it ? Anyone who keeps reading after that is kind of asking for it.
Which doesn't prove a blessed thing, as I'm sure you're aware. And I'm guessing that any kind of proof outside your little circle of believers is even harder to come by.
Not hard at all then ? Good to hear.
That would help, yeah. Let us know when that happens.
It is if you think you need this whole "soul" concept to explain anything at all.
I can do all that with my brain, so why keep bringing up that "soul" thing ?
Anonymouse, it looks like you're not really interested in the discussion. You don't argue seriously, you don't stick with the point, and you don't try to learn more about the subject.
You're an American, I guess. In that case you live closer to James DeMeo and Orgone biophysical research lab in Oregon. You could arrange a meeting and see the evidence of biologic dark matter for yourself. You could even possibly attend an Orgonomy conference in 2011.
This of course does not prove the soul. This only proves the existence of etheric double, an etheric-physical counterpart of our body that usually does not move around much. But it is a beginning, a proof that *something* like that exists and that this line of research is correct.
But you won't see the evidence by asking an unemployed student from post-Soviet country across the sea. If a professional researcher would hire me for 3 months in the summer to research such phenomena, I'd be glad to help.
Anyway, you can not be sure of the soul's existence, until you experience it. That is a very impressive, mystical experience. If some scientists would have this, I'm sure they would search for the cause. This is not what people normally have. Science does not yet know of the soul, because people contacting it are so few. And yet, in there is probably the ancient reason why people start mystical sects, why they meditate and write obscure texts with hidden meaning which is decipherable only by those with a particular experience.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
I'm just trying to find out if there's a subject here at all. There are way too many fields of psuedo-science out there, and I'm not too smart to fall for one of them, so it pays to be careful.
So if me being careful gets on your nerves, well....that just makes me even more careful.
Science is supposed to work for everybody. Nobody needs special training to watch an electric lightsource.
Now who's not arguing seriously ? I just specifically asked you for a cheap experiment to demonstrate any of the things you were talking about. Not just your black matter ideas. Anything you ever talked about here. Are you telling me there's no way ?
And are you now going to blame me for finding that very convenient indeed ?
You guess wrong. So much for sensitivity. (Okay, that's a cheap shot. Apologies. )
And yet with all the tech at their disposal, only orgonomists can detect a bion. And only "trained professionals" can use an E-meter. Same problem.
Find something everybody can detect, and it may be worth your while.
I never said he wasn't being fair. I said anyone reading on after that introduction can't complain if there's nothing there. Which is pretty darn clever.
Then why not share that evidence with people outside the group ?
Neither of us helped with the discovery of electricity, and yet we still get to use it, do experiments with it, etc..
But you want "extra pay" ?
Again, you still don't need a "soul" for that. Everybody studies psychology, body language and so on, in so far as it's part of everyday life.
You want evidence of me visualising something and then doing it ? I guess I can draw you a picture if you want.
How does an impressive, mystical experience equal a "soul" ? Could just be some really good peyote. Could be any number of things that actually exist.
edit : hey look, if you're getting sarcastic vibes again, you're not getting them from me. I'm just trying to cut to the chase as fast as possible.
The problem involves falifiability. Instead of asking yourself "how could I observe X assuming souls exist?" and then coming up with some post-hoc explanation about why souls are plausible, you need to ask yourself "what conceivable observation would demonstrate that souls do not exist?"
Unless you can answer this question, your notion of a soul is equally compatible with all conceivable observations. This means you can't use the concept of a soul when making any predictions, because you can't use "soul" to rule anything out. At this point, the concept of a soul becomes useless because saying "I have a soul" doesn't allow me to determine anything more than the statement "If A then A." It doesn't give me any new information about the world around me.
Also, don't use existence as a predicate. Before claiming that souls exist, determine the necessary and sufficient conditions for existence. Only after you have determined these conditions can you assess the existence/nonexistence of souls.
Questions for Theists:
I'm a bit of a lurker. Every now and then I will come out of my cave with a flurry of activity. Then the Ph.D. program calls and I must fall back to the shadows.
Now, let's consider there is a new discovery which requires to start that cycle completely anew.
And I could go on, because my perception of the world is strange, therefore my perception of mystical experiences is more intense. The basics are not different with less sensitive people, but I can follow many more aspects of such experience. All that, without any pathologic, annoying or restricting side effects. Without any drugs. I have nothing I'd need a psychiatric science to cure me from, but a lot of things worthy of study. Some day I'd like to have my brain checked, you know, stuff like neuron activity in various areas, levels of dopamine, acetylcholine and other juices in there. I am pretty sure that it would give many clues on how the soul and subtle bodies interact with the brain. There are of course more people like that, but unlike them I am young but adult, english speaking and curious.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
“Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.”
*sigh* indeed. You seem to be missing my point by several miles. You can't just presume this soul thing into existence.
I'm not treating you like an idiot, I'm trying to avoid needless, confusing explanations.
I'll consider it when there's an "observed natural principle" anyone can observe. I don't need Galvani's permission to see a lightning bolt.
Didn't Einstein debunk that stuff ?
Central europe isn't far from my reach.
Missing the point again : Something anyone can do. Not just you. So the answer is no ?
Where I will have to take an orgonomist's word for it that something's being detected.
Because there actually is an easy "experiment" based on Reich's machines that anyone can do. And guess what ? It doesn't work.
And then there's this :
Reich's theory was quickly discredited and dismissed.[7] The current consensus of the scientific community is that orgone theory is pseudoscience.[8][9][10]
And if you buy one now, you get some aura-glasses for free.
$149.99 $97.49
Huh ? It doesn't matter where you live. Everybody picks up those skills to a certain degree. You'd have to go out of your way to avoid it.
Sure, do that. And make sure you have the required medical knowledge to interpret the results correctly.
But to prove it to everyone would require to record changes in the activity of brain and endocrine glands. There should be a measurable difference between normal and ensouled person, in this respect.
If central Europe isn't from your reach, I'd like you to visit a Energy company representative. These people diagnose you with a woo method better than a laboratory blood test. I'd recommend you to have a blood test before you get diagnosed like that. I once did it and the results were very nice, they said the same things as the blood test and more. But even more impressive is the method of prescription. Just hold a bottle of pills and it measures how much that particular substance in that bottle will help you.
These herbal pills have quite a high quality, they are used by sportsmen like our national hockey club trainer, J. Ruzicka.
The best thing on it is the price. The diagnosis costs just about 2,5 dollars. AFAIK, there are two practitioners I know of in my region.
If I could just put my hand in front of a cloudbuster, I should be able to tell whether it is working or not, if it works at all. But my sources say that Reich's orgone battery or chamber does work. It simply takes advantage of the effect, that orgone tends to get caught up by a material of certain alternating metal and plastic or organic layers.
According to scientific community the orgone is a pseudoscience, but they approve dark matter and cosmic background radiation so excessively strong, that there is no noticeable source of it. These things are also here on Earth, they just get detected in space because there is easier to find things. On Earth there is too much interference unless you know exactly what you're looking for. My information is, that Reich detected parts of that which is called etheric world and parts of which are today known to astrophysics. Of course, Reich's observations are simplistic, he discovered mostly the basic properties and functions of orgone, not what it is exactly made of.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Nobody can presume something into existence.
"Ensouled" person ? You're doing it again !
Right. So there is nothing in what you're talking about that can actually be observed.
I mean he debunked Reich's machine. The guy actually sent him one. Big mistake.
Thanks, but I don't even have to go that far to find people peddling that stuff.
Which doesn't actually work, btw.
So no. Thanks for the clear answer.
I still have to take their word for it that it's detecting what they say it is. There's no sensible reason for me to do that.
And I'd also have to ignore the fact that the whole thing is considered pseudo-science to begin with.
I believe it's called "orgonomy"
If you take a look at the rest of that site, you'll find the necessary instructions for making one.
Don't bother.
It doesn't work.
There's instructions for making an orgone battery as well.
Which also doesn't work.
Yes, I already figured out you disagree with the scientific community. And we've already established that you can't go beyond assertions unless you get lots of funding to do research.
Which is all rather convenient and depressingly familiar.
Sorry, but that was a licensed product, based on their actual "orgone technology".
Could you please stop doing that ? Just using the word "soul" doesn't mean it actually exists.
Nope, the skills you think are somehow connected to a "soul" are pretty easily learned and quite basic social skills.
I don't know anything about temperature-raising properties of orgone. When it comes to sources on it, I'd rather stick with modern sources on this technology.
Hell, I would love to become a politician or high level administrator (in any case) - and divert a little stream of scientific funding in the way of this research, with me unofficially participating and counseling the group. (preferably some non-cynical enthusiasts just out of the university)
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Then we agree that "souls" don't exist. Good.
Which makes the rest of this post kinda irrelevant, but sure, okay...
Right, so if you can't see the emperor's clothes, it's cause you don't put in the necessary effort, or you lack the time or the talent. Again, these excuses sound depressingly familiar. "You didn't pray hard enough !", "You're not a real christian !", etc..
But the modern consensus also says it's hokum.
Actually, thanks to the internet, you can get any kind of alternative medicine sent to your doorstep, for no effort and time at all.
As for money, well, that's always wasted, of course. Because, as we all know, there's only one thing anyone needs to know about "alternative medicine" : If it actually works, it's just called "medicine".
There's no double standard. There's just science and pseudo-science, and that's putting it mildly.
No, you can't. You need to let a physicist crack that thing open and see what's going on there. That already happened.
(Btw, if you buy one, you'll find that it doesn't come with a schematic, and you lose your warranty if you open it)
Yeah, fuck the experts, what the heck do they know. Who needs 'em.
No, they don't. You disagree ? Then you have my permission to fondle my chakras and give my etheric body a wedgie. I won't feel a thing.
No kidding.
I'm afraid you have no choice. You simply can't check the whole of science for yourself.
Knock yourself out :
Education ? But people can be so blind , no matter of their education.
....I'm sorry, not sure where I picked that up.
Sounds like you'd be happier as a lobbyist.
Does too. It opens. Doesn't do much else, though.
Now you're talking about genetic traits. And there have been studies on "genius" brains. Saw a program on that not so long ago...lemme look....ah yes, here it is :
Let's imagine that you're the guy that sits in the chair left by Bill Gates and you say "All working computers are PCs, all working operation systems are Microsoft Windows. The open-source community does not exist and their code does not compute."
And by the way, the most profitable medicines are these that will never cure anyone. Pills to decrease cholesterol, blood clotting or long-term gastritic acid creations, pills to suppress epilepsy (doesn't work, I had an epileptic roommate once and he had a seizure like every week), and of course "medicine" against asthma and allergy. None of that brings any cure and most of it has nasty side effects. That is not how I imagine "working". (Lipitor, Nexium, Plavix, Advair Diskus, Seroquel, and so on)
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
We both agree you can't presume anything into existence, and since you can only presume a soul exists, nuff said.
The guys who sold nothing to the emperor, later made a killing selling nothing to everyone else, using the same "you're stupid/not worthy, etc if you can't see it" trick.
Oldest con trick in the book, but it apparently still works.
But that's how they all talk about the competition.
Nope, medicine is what works.
Why would I imagine that ?
Some medicine only alleviates symptoms. Sez so on the box. And when there's only a 60-40 chance of it working, they're also obliged to tell you.
No, what it requires first, is an actual discovery.
Sure. And when I'm trained and I still can't feel it, then I just lack the "soul" for it, right ? Always an excuse.
I was straight in a past life ? Eww !!!
You know, I'm going to assume you're satirizing yourself here. The alternative would be too depressing.
Right. So it's not always a bad idea to let other people think and investigate for you, it turns out. Yay !
Battery schematics and metric measurements should be in that pdf as well, I'm told.
Enemy ? Geez, lighten up.
It was pretty interesting. And there was more research, but I don't remember enough names and details to google it. It's would be rather strange if that particular field isn't being studied.
It's all quite a lot about mystical experiences. Standing in a buss or shopping, there I am, having a mystical experience. I am more inclined to occultism, but an occultist understands the way of heart (mysticism) as one of steps on the path. Yes, I know the world is yucky, I'm no hippie, but that strange inner state of unconditional love is in there anyway pretty often. Completely God-free, suitable even for Jesus-allergics and people who's metabolism is incapable of digesting belief. It is quite weird to feel like that and to play a tactical strategy shooter computer game at the same time.
Most of people buys into stuff to get a feeling and thrill out of it. So they don't care if their guru changes opinion or is wrong, or is a complete dick. Our people have distanced themselves from such people. We sometimes deliver them certain tasks so there is at least some benefit out of them, but we don't support them.
Each of us is supposed to be an autonomous thinker who looks out for the bullshit and if sees one, doesn't send it further to other group members. People get into or out of the inner group core depending on how much work they can do and how much bullshit they send through.
Pharmacologic corporations should be paid the most when we are healthy, you'd see how the invisible hand of market would finally start working in our favor.
It's quite a weird feeling to see James Randi proclaim what everything doesn't exist, while etheric materia swirls between my fingers and my forehead chakra vibrates and hisses.
Basically, I visit local Christian youth group often with my younger bro' and his gal, so these brainwashed and isolated kids would see what people from the outer world look like, how they think, speak and act. Here among many things I also represent something, but it is fortunately not so important. Locals are great people, smart, fun to read and discuss, they know English and something from most of sciences. Hanging out here is fun, with Christians it's a chore.
All right, I have the document downloaded from Youtube, hopefully the winter exams will be over soon and there will be lots of time during winter solstice holiday season.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
So you have feelings, and you consider them extraordinary. So what ? That still doesn't constitute a "soul".
Whatever happened to naming something after you've actually discovered it ?
"Buy brand X invisible robes ! Don't buy brand Y ! We have quality control !"
We agree again. Goody.
It's not an ideal, it's common sense. If it doesn't work, stop taking it. And don't complain to me about the marketing tactics of your competitors, and certainly not about US regulations cuz I don't actually live there.
Ooo, bad metaphor !!
I have yet to come across a case where it's not. I'm sure you've personally witnessed many, right ?
As opposed to the warm fuzzies you get from knowing you have supernatural powers ?
Sucks, doesn't it ?
And when one of your group's enlightened brains starts detecting little green men all over the place, then what ? You're not going to ask them for proof ?
Like golf ? You mean it's useless and you look silly doing it ? Again, bad metaphor.
Being a critical thinker is what makes me reject that sort of thing in the first place.
Saves us the trouble, I guess.
Uhm....yeah....I suppose that's weird....
(Was that esoteric humor again, or were you being serious ? )
Seriously, how can think it's weird that people don't believe in your chackras and stuff if there's no way for them to detect it ? What observable difference is there between you and someone who just makes stuff up ?
I had nothing against you to start with. It's only when you or one of your troop try to sell anything to a sick relative or friend of mine, then you and me are gonna have words. Then you'll have an enemy.
Meh, I'm pretty sure some form of christianity is compatible with your brand of woo.
Still, I'd love to see how you do on a christian forum. You should really give that a go.
Well, have a look-see and tell me what you think.
It's easier for me to visit certain well-tried healer or psychic and have prescribed exactly what I need, how much I need, in a moment and without risk. I regret that in other regions and countries people get ripped off by amateurs, but here I have found a quality service.
The weird thing is, that 99,9% of skeptics are sitting on their connection and they consider it a belief and me therefore closed-minded believer. No, it is not a belief, it is a million times repeated physically realistic observation of not quite physical phenomenon. I guess that people like James Randi are too old to understand the difference.
Organized religion is an institution made to protect immature people from dangerous knowledge and emotional and mental insecurity. The problem is, that in 533 CE a byzantine emperor added the doctrine of eternal damnation into Bible and made it a cult of fear. Nowadays even people who could be something more get trapped in this spiritual nursery school.
I found out that with Christians its the best to stick with the basics, which are the simpliest Atheistic arguments and very down-to-earth logic of everyday life. For example, I explain justice on the example of scales (Justitia) where on both sides there must be an equal weight. This is to break their notion of understanding justice as the divine infinite punishment bullshittery.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Holy word salad, Batman. What the heck is that ?
Figures. I have to read a magic book to get it. Still no "soul". Just words.
Doesn't matter. The robes are still invisible and intangible.
No. Opting for "alternative medicine" when you have cancer can kill you. It doesn't get more fucked up than that.
Well, yeah, mistaking something that actually works for something else, is probably a lot more serious than mistaking one useless and ineffective bit of woo for another.
Of course there's no risk. None of it actually does anything.
And yet they provide exactly the same stuff. Go figure.
Funny how all those crystals and etheric energies suddenly stop working when there's someone bleeding to death.
Oh really ? What's the "alternative" way of treating cystic fibrosis for example ?
And why not simply go to a better doctor ? At least with those guys you can tell the difference between a "blunder" and the desired effect of the treatment.
For something you're not exited about, you sure do talk about it a lot.
Well, I guess you have no choice.
If you didn't talk about them, how would anyone even know you had them ?
The point was, if you're all just taking each other's word for it, then where do you draw the line ? Anyone in your group whom you consider to be more skilled at those "powers", could basically make any kind of absurd claim and you'd just believe him ? I mean, at what point would you go : "Dude, you're just making that shit up" ?
Your own judge ? Okay, nothing like golf or any sport at all then. More like writing fiction and never letting anyone else read it.
Which is exactly how our esteemed christian friends on this forum describe their faith.
A physically realistic observation of not quite physical phenomenon ? Which only you can see ?
Maybe James Randi just isn't stupid.
I would make you eat it. Nothing personal. A traditional psychologist once tried to sell me a book full of crap, and I told him the same thing.
Uhm...yeah, I think I can guess how that went.
Oh, if only they knew how much you guys have in common.
Actually, there seem to be quite a lot of christians who claim to dislike organised religion.
And does that work ?