Faithless are Coarse, Uncaring and Without Purpose

Faithless are coarse, uncaring and without purpose, says Cardinal Pell
Jacqueline Maley
November 29, 2010THE lives of people without faith have ''nothing beyond the constructs they confect to cover the abyss'', Cardinal George Pell said yesterday.
''A minority of people, usually people without religion, are frightened by the future,'' Cardinal Pell, the Archbishop of Sydney, said during his homily at the St Mary's Cathedral Mass.
''It's almost as though they've … nothing but fear to distract themselves from the fact that without God the universe has no objective purpose or meaning. Nothing beyond the constructs they confect to cover the abyss.''
Life without God was ''life without purpose, without constraints'', he said.
Cardinal Pell said education was not enough to create a civilised society, that faith was necessary too. He cited the example of 20th century Germany, which he said was the best educated society in the world when Hitler became leader.
''Australian society will become increasingly coarse and uncaring … if Christian principles are excluded from public discussion.
''The secularists pursuing this aim won't be successful.''
We should not create an ''ideological apartheid'' between faith and reason, Cardinal Pell said.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
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What a titanic dipstick Pell is. The church set up the ideological apartheid between faith and reason. Now they say we did it. Priceless.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
...just the inevitable outcome of the evil atheist conspiracy, bwah ha ha ha !
Wow, Cardinal Pell sure is making a whole lot of blind assumptions and sweeping generalizations about people that he knows absolutely nothing about.
I wonder how many Atheists that he has ever talked to ? My guess would be none. Someone couldn't possibly be able to make such naked assertions if they have interacted with any Atheist. Unless of course, he is just lying and deliberately distorting the picture. Lying is something that I have noticed is not beneath authoritarian theists.
However, it is rather sad to have come into contact with as many theists as I have, that have the exact same attitude as this moron Pell.
Of course he wants to paint us as some non-consequential minority without any influence. The fact that people like us exist is a threat to his continued job security.
Too bad the same newspaper didn't have someone to dispute all of that bunk he was spouting.
“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno
Frightened of the future? Holy shit, we're not those that find comfort in arrival of Jesus who will judge everyone and throw most of people into fiery infernal pits. The future is really scary, if governments will keep to ignore Millenium development goals, Kyoto protocol and UN resolutions like until now.
Hitler became a leader because people were desperate from economic crisis. And he was a "good Christian!"
Cardinal Pell would require a reality infusion in form of a well-aimed kick in the arse.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
So the dear cardinal has a problem with the fact that I like beer and hookers? Wow!
Dear Cardinal Pell:
I drink as I wish. Often enough, I get to splooge inside random hot chicks. Well, inside a rubber but the rubber is inside a hot chick. Of course you are probably not a huge fan of rubbers. Perhaps you prefer to splooge inside a choir boy? Well, at least I am honest enough to pay for my activity. Against that, you seem to think that you should get paid for what you do to little boys.
I know what will happen to my soul when I die. Nothing. Not a goddamned thing!
The fact of the matter is that I do not have a soul. You can call me a monster or something if you want but I get to splooge inside random hot chicks. The best that you can do is to rape children.
Which one of us has better morals?
Totally quotable Extremist.
I seriously Facebook too much, my first instinct was to click ^Like
Theist badge qualifier : Gnostic/Philosophical Panentheist