Imago Dei

reading some of the posts from that nut' christian trained in logic and you are going to hell dude', where he mentioned Imago Dei, being not trained in logic, the classics or any bible to speak of, I had no idea what he was on about, so I consulted my All knowing, all seeing, all powerful invisible friend...ALL PRAISE TO THE GOOGLE!!!!! and found out what it meant.
Image of God apparently, so ok got it now, but it begged one question that perhaps someone can answer for me. If we are made in Gods image, how come we aren't invisible?
respectfully.(that cracks me up)
And if I can take part in it by transforming my own consciousness, then someone else's, I'm happy to do it.
Bill Hicks
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Good point. I think that's quite true. We should be invisible, ethereal, undetectable. Instead we are made of up all the most common elements found in the earth's crust (with the exception of aluminium). That means instead of being fundamentally comprised of Higgs Bosons, which can only be detected (maybe) at vast expense and complexity, we are made up of yucky old oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus. What a swizz. I guess if we are made in the image of god, so are monkeys. A monkey god.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
yeah, that has always bugged me.
I knew he meant 'Image of God', but I always wonder just in what sense that phrase is meant.
Obviously not the physical appearance, as pointed out here.
Modelled after some aspect of the mental or moral nature of God? Can't see it, myself.
Seems to me just one of those magic phrases that are part of the 'meme', that don't quite make sense, but that very opaqueness adds to the mystical appeal of the doctrine.
Favorite oxymorons: Gospel Truth, Rational Supernaturalist, Business Ethics, Christian Morality
"Theology is now little more than a branch of human ignorance. Indeed, it is ignorance with wings." - Sam Harris
The path to Truth lies via careful study of reality, not the dreams of our fallible minds - me
From the sublime to the ridiculous: Science -> Philosophy -> Theology
I have always maintained that if man is created in the image of god, then the omnipotent creator of the universe must have an enormous penis.
Think about it... what Guy would ever create an entire race in their own image and endow anyone with a bigger hog than they have, given male insecurity and all that... So I am thinking a few inches better than Milton Berle...which might be the only plausible thing I have ever heard about theism, because That would indeed qualify god as "Almighty"
Good point.
Another one that gets me is that if we are "just like" god, then everything that we are about should be an aspect of god. So does god have a butt hole? Well, according to genesis 18:1, got is capable of appearing in human form and sitting down, therefore god must have a butt. If he has a butt, then how hard can it be to think that god has a butt hole?
Some thoughts on god are very deep, some not so much... "I wonder if god prefers 2 ply toilette paper?"...
"Don't seek these laws to understand. Only the mad can comprehend..." -- George Cosbuc
I have to confess I always wondered whether Jesus had wet dreams. Given his power they must have been cataclysmic experiences.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
My information is, that imago dei refers to the triple human structure, the monad, soul and personality, which is in various traditions a reflection of the Father (Shiva the destroyer, Will principle, strong nuclear force, etc), Son (Vishnu the preserver, Love-Wisdom principle, gravity force, etc) and Holy Spirit (Brahma the creator, Active Intelligence principle, electro-weak-nuclear force, etc)
Equivalents of this triple structure are further embedded into human personality, as the physical, astral and mental body, or approximately, Id, ego and superego, if you prefer. Basic relationships between energetic centers also reflect this triplicity in threefold connections, or "triangles". Obviously, these structures are mostly invisible to most of people and only few yet learned to utilize them for their benefit and benefit or mankind. So much for the invisible part, the visible part of us is of course a product of animal evolution. And Rich, coincidentially, men have much bigger penis than any other species of primates, bigger than gorilla, etc. That truly sets us apart from animals, doesn't it?
When Jesus spoke about his "father in Heaven", he meant the highest (monadic) part of his being which he seeked to unite with his personality into one interconnected being and thereby achieve a greater degree of perfection. He achieved that on the cross, and the shift of consciousness occured. What was to him previously a Father in heaven, turned out as a higher part of his own consciousness, and so the Lord "abandoned" him.
There are many lost references to this teaching in Christianity, that do not give sense anymore in contemporary language and religions. Only esotericists can decipher them in retrospective. The greatest flaw of Christianity is, that the described process of self-perfection is so slow, that it takes many lifetimes to finish. And because Christianity does not include reincarnation since early 6th century, it gives no sense since then. It has no purpose but to flock people. Even the process of being "born again" has an occult function that is not fulfilled by superficial Christian ritual, it is a change on subtle bodies that occurs by it's own laws and dunking people in water will not help it. This is why Christianity is a scam, offering the "born again" initiation without really delivering it.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
OK, I would bet that he did. However, since he clearly had powers beyond the ken of mortal men, clearly he was not one of us. More likely, he was an extraterrestrial being sort of like superman. Granted, not a Kryptoninan because he did not have that specific set of powers. Still, an ET from wherever his set of powers obtains.
So first off, while he certainly had sexual urges, he would not have been attracted to human females. While he looked like us due to parallel evolution (similar environmental niche would mean similar body structure), I see no reason why human chicks would have the exact right mating cues.
That much would explain why he never bothered to get laid. Seriously, I don't really care how hot she is, if she is the wrong species, that would be sodomy both biologically and under church law. Even if we go with the whole half god/half man thing, Paris Hilton would still be 50% sodomy. God does not like any sodomy so no, jesus can't get laid...ever.
Now, what other powers of jesus might be relevant here? He can see into your soul, so something along the lines of superman's x-ray vision obtains. So let's not pretend that clothing is even relevant here. Jesus would have to willfully suppress his innate biological ability in order to even see all humans as stark naked. If the visual clues are enough to make jesus sport wood, then sure, he is going to present with the holy Louisville Slugger.
But let's get past that. What would happen if jesus did get laid?
Even if his holy hug did not crush er ribs, it must have suffocated her like a python taking it's prey. That and his need to go ever deeper would rip the chick open all the way from the crotch to the throat.
What about the god sperm? I would tend to think that the hydraulic pressure would blow the top of her head off.
Against that, even if the godsperm managed to make the target, we need to remember that normal sperm hit the ovum by the millions. They all bang away until one gets through. Then the ovum becomes impenetrable. Godsperm would render the ovum as hamburger or even worse pretty much instantly.
Here I would have to assume that such a sex act would have to happen in a place where there was a bit of green kryptonite near by but not so close that jesus simply can't sport wood.
This makes me wonder what type of spam jesus gets in his email. Sure, we get crap about the secrets of winning the lottery. I assume that he get spam about how he can make everyone else win the lottery. Still, since we get spam about having a huge boner, does jesus get spam from someone who claims that he can place a small amount of green kryptonite about twenty feet away so that he can get properly laid?
Now, the thing is that we don't even know if a god/ET would use the same genetic code as we do. If not then fertilization would not be possible. Well, hold the phone here. God's mom got knocked up without having sex. So the code must be a reasonably close match.
Of course in that case, there is no reason why god had to actually be present to do the job. Godsperm can fly faster than light and cross thousands of light years. If there is only one planet in the whole galaxy wih god beings, then the odds would tend to support that very few human chicks would get preggers that way. Perhaps a whole dozen in all of human history. That would explain Horus, Mithras and...well we all know that list.
Jesus is just the last one to have happened. Even so, this does not mean that it cannot happen again.
Just for shits and giggles, let's say that the planet of godlike being with sufficiently similar genetic code actually exists. Being under the wrong color sun means that normally, they reproduce as any other people would. However, the astronauts from that planet might get far enough away that they could rub one off and spread god sperm around the galaxy.
OK, perhaps the planet exploded a few thousand years ago. How does that modify the idea that there are a brazillion godsperm running around the galaxy? Any time that a single one of then finds a compatible ovum, a half god/half whatever species will be born.
Now, thermodynamics are relevant here. Everything eventually finds the lowest energy path possible. So there must be currents of godsperm in the galaxy. At any given moment, the earth may well intesect a current of godsperm. Since godsperm clearly prefers virgins, that must mean that at some point, there may well come a time where thousands of fourteen year old girls become preggers with godsperm.
The theists say that god is coming. I say that god came a million years ago. We are waiting for him to show up. When he does, he will show up not once but rather, we will have lots of god kids at the same time.
There will be gods from all over the planet. There will be Aussie god and American god. There will be Russian god and China god. Indian god. Maori god. Baklavian god. Poutine god.
What are they going to tell us? Well, the last time this happened, the whole bunch of various gods had it in mind that we should try to be nice to each other. I am not sure how we need god to figure that one out. However, considering the crap that has been stuck on god over the centuries, perhaps people in general really are fucked up and we need to be reminded about what gof really wants every few centuries.
This is the reason I joined this site, to read posts like this from educated people, that has just blown me away. I take it you have more on this, references selected reading perhaps.
I would appreciate it.
And if I can take part in it by transforming my own consciousness, then someone else's, I'm happy to do it.
Bill Hicks
Hanuman is the monkey god and a most loyal companion of Rama and Sita.
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
Ageless Wisdom is vast, I recommend introductory book by Benjamin Creme, then something from Annie Besant - this book about the Masters or Mahatmas goes right to the topic of Christian mysteries that interests you, and this is the comprehensive overview of Ancient Wisdom teaching as a whole. Then besides the other 35 books on that website there are books of Alice A. Bailey, (about 26 books) which are rather advanced reading for those who already know the technical terms and are willing to exercise their intuition when reading. These books are the key to the main books of H. P. Blavatsky. In my opinion, Bailey is extremely precise, even infallible, but it's a serious and diffcult reading. Besant and Leadbetter are not so trustworthy, but they make a good job of softening down some topics from Bailey's textbooks into enjoyable and mundane form.
It is also true that the universe as Theosophists present it since mid-1800's has a striking resemblance to 11-dimensional notion of world described by string theory and M-theory. Theosophic drawings describe particle as a set of strings, inner structure of atoms, and certain cultural goings on, which makes Theosophic authors popular even even in light of newest science and history. This teaching has something to say on almost every topic conceivable, not only on the ancient history and origins of religions.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Considering all of the shit that theists like to spout out at the slightest provocation, I'd have to assume that their god does, indeed, have a butt hole.
That's a lot of Trinities, they can't possibly be a coincidence. That's why when I do the sign of the cross I do an inverted T, skipping the Amen all together, I mean what's the point? Also triple fudge icecream is considered holy in some cultures. And I'm not sure where you get your information but I'm sure there have to be primates out there walking around with a bigger shlong then my three inches of steel (see, three again, wow).
"Don't seek these laws to understand. Only the mad can comprehend..." -- George Cosbuc
I am surprised that Jean has not shown up on this thread, to remind all of us that since he has refuted empiricism and since we can not form a valid epistemology of what meaning is without the Imago Dei, then we logically can not determine the existences of wet dreams, penises and other parts of the anatomy in a derogatory manner.
After all, if all I have is empricism, then I can formulate the opinion that god is a hot gothic looking chick named Alice and no one can refute that unless they have the epistemology to do so.
Respectfully (with some elements of sarcasm)
“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno
Esotericists readily associate these forces and their characteristic properties with various phenomena in nature. They say, that these forces interact with each other in every possible way, on every possible level, and thereby create all that exists. But in some materials, life forms, institutions or history phases one, or rarely two or three forces are dominant. They also say, that these forces ( called 'rays' by esotericists) alternate in intensity in various intervals. There are always some active, inactive, waxing and waning. That produces the "quality of time", the present and past cultures and also the general future that awaits us. There is an incredible amount of important, unimportant, interesting and uninteresting information in esoteric books on effects and natural domains of every ray. Besides history, esoteric psychology is also based on it.
So you see, except of religious people (6th ray people naturally incline to religion) these basic natural forces are not objects of worship. I only make a cross sign before I start some electric appliance that I've been repairing just out of habit
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.