Guy chose Buddhism because it "doesnt take sides".
Why is it people think they are more moral because of a label?
Has this guy studied the entire history of Buddhism? It has had proponents of it just like any other label who have acted out in violence. Our current focus in the west is of Tibet and China's oppression of it. But that is ONE part that people see, and does not represent the entire history of Buddhism nor does it represent all Buddhists.
It is humans adapting a tactic for a movement, not the label that invents the tactic.
When will our species, if ever, have a majority that understands that HUMANS commit actions, both good and bad and those actions are a result of evolution, not the invention of a label. The label may give us a sense of worth, but it is unneeded.
Self worth is evolutionary and what drives us forward. Labels are a distraction from reality.
This guy is implying that Buddhism is the best way because it doesn't take sides on the issue of god. But it is still full of superstition, prayer and incantations and SOME Buddhists DO treat god/s as real. Just like Catholics and Baptists still have the same core belief.
Why does he think "fence sitting" is a peaceful tactic, much less an invention of his label, which plenty of secular believers of other religions adapt as well?
And why does he think we should not have this battle?
If he wants to say, "There should be less violence in the world over this issue" I WOULD AGREE, so why is it I can hold the same sentiment without calling myself a Buddhist?
And why should we not try to figure out if the "super natural" exists? What would be so horrible if what we see is all there is and there is no magic to life? Was it horrible to find out that the earth was not flat?
Just because Buddhism in it's current state proclaims "Can't we all just get along", does not make that sentiment an exclusive sentiment invented by Buddhism, nor does it help humanity discover reality. It is merely a label you have slapped on yourself that you don't need to express normal human empathy.
Buddhists DONT get a pass merely because they are a minority. Their traditions are just as rooted in myth and superstition even if they claim "we don't chose sides".
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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And to Caposkia, I really do hope you can at a minimum see that I am a fair critic to all religions and superstitions, not just yours.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
I have often wondered why so many people here in the U.S. seem to view Buddhism as so wonderful.
I think maybe, it's because the U.S. has not had the amount of exposure to it's practices that people in the East have endured. I read an article not too long ago that mentioned the serious decline of it's practices in Japan and how so much corruption within it's ranks have contributed to a large majority of the Japanese people to abandon it.
Alot of people that I encounter are largely ignorant of Buddhism other than the "Instant Karma" type stuff that so many frauds in this country push. Plus, in our pop culture there is a bit of an image of the Mr. Miyagi wise man that so many people have attached to it.
A close look at the unethical activities of the Dalai Lama and the horrifying cruelty of Tibet's theocracy before China,should give anyone pause about the "enlightenment" of Buddhism.
I am not defending Chinese communism by any means. But Tibet was no Utopia under the rule of the Lamas. In fact, it was just as bad as Europe during the Middle Ages.
The Dalai Lama, wants the Chinese government gone so he can restore the old theocracy that kept the average Tibetan enslaved.
BUT, most people see the Dalai Lama as this nice man with a whole bunch of Hallmark Card slogans. Funny, the Dalai Lama is forever speaking against materialism and selfish needs. But he certainly does not have a problem charging HUGE amounts of money to speak, buddying up with all those Hollywood celebrities and living in the lap of luxury on his speaking tours.
When I first abandoned the religion of my youth. I wasted some time on Buddhism. I even endured a couple of retreats. I found no real enlightenment or wisdom in that. Just another thought system that discourages critical thinking and individualism and talks about overcoming human desires. The "gurus" seemed to always be above reproach and placed on a pedestal to have all the answers.
So many people are undoubtedly drawn to Buddhism for the same reason that so many people are drawn to any religion in my opinion. They are hoping for some sort of "ultimate" answer to everything and it is a shame. The meaning that their looking for is right there within them and no spiritual guru, priest, pope, reverend, bishop, preacher or new age expert knows any more about life than they do.
“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno
There is absolutely NO culture in human history, or label, that hasn't been the victim at one point and the aggressor at another point. Humans when they write history gloss over the nasty shit and or justify their violence as some sort of self defense.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at