Who is listed right along side Noah and Job in the Old Testament ???

A reference in the bible? It sound as if a "Baal worshiper" is right along side 'righteous ones' listed like Job and Noah, in-the OT book of "Ezekiel-Fourteenish" ezekiel Fourteenish:12-21 ? In all fairness, it could be a transcription error . Has anyone ever heard about this?
Please tell me something about this if you can. A little out of my depth.
FYI this is not a bible lesson, forum Ref in : "The Ancient Near East: An Anthology of Texts and Pictures"
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Do you mean Daniel?
Ezekiel 14:19
Daniel was not a Baal worshiper
Are you perhaps thinking of the tribe of Dan? You may need to elaborate on the OP
"Don't seek these laws to understand. Only the mad can comprehend..." -- George Cosbuc
Insanely few even know about the alleged "Transcription" error. Critics suggest it "might' be an obscure reference to a Ugartic tale and not the "biblical" Daniel at all.
You might want to reflect that in a direct answer to-this. A very serious question. If this is a matter of an accusation of academic dishonesty. I m willing to except your take.
I'm going to look this up tomorrow, getting very late now, sleepy.
Wrong Daniel apparently. Ezekiel supposedly lived about 400 years before the biblical Daniel, so he is probably referring to the Ugaritic Dnil. Either that or he was dropping the name of someone not yet born in with two old guys, both of whom were not Jewish. Dnil of Ugarit was a Baal worshipper.
This is a distraction and completely misses reality.
The reason polytheists are mentioned in the bible is because this start up rival had to find a way to market their wears while demonizing the competition. So you incorporate old ideas, change names and characters. Yahweh started out as one god in the divine family of the Ugartic texts along with Baal.
This is no different when Pepsi comes out with a new soda and Coke looks at it and says, "we need to come up with a competing product.
Religions are successful, not because their traditions, superstitions or god/s. Religions are successful because of humans marketing them.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Depending on what classification you are talking about. You might be confusing the nitty gritty with the 'biz' . . . I am finding christians keep side~stepping important issues, because of a real lack of historical knowledge. Plus, ANYTHING that makes christians get up and crack OPEN a book. Should NOT be considered at all worthless :~