J Cutler, no guts, no glory, BULLSHIT!

Everyone is jumping all over this guy and I think they are wrong.
First off, YES it is a contact sport, true. But every player at that level does not want a short career, and which is why there have been safety improvements in rules and equipment. For anyone who wants to bitch about HIS personal choice, and that of the med techs and coach. And at the coaches press conference the coach said he wanted to go back in.
REGARDLESS, he wasn't in Iraq, and since WE are not paying his bills nor getting on the field ourselves, i do not think we should be projecting our own personal desires on others. It is his life and his body and he has to live with any decisions he makes.
When someone gets to this level their bodies have taken tons of abuse beyond the average person. It has to be a personal choice for the player and we should not judge them for what they do, it is their life, not ours.
I don't think he was being a pussy nor do I think anyone has the right to call him one. I don't think there is anything wrong with thinking to oneself, "If I give myself a rest, I'll live to play another game". What right do we have to emotionally blackmail someone into possibly ending their JOB?
This is the same type of tribalism and projectionism we accuse theists of. If we are all individuals then we should be treated as such. And as much as we love to see someone hang in there, at the same time, it is not our bodies and not our living. I don't think we have the right to be that selfish about a body and living we don't own.
ANYONE who has gotten to the NFL even on the worst teams like the LIONS as a back up, HAS taken the hits, otherwise they wouldn't be on the team.
Just because you wouldn't or would do things doesn't mean others are a clone of you. J Cutler STILL got the team that far and even the guy who came in almost came back. AND if it is a team sport, then having depth helps compensate for injuries.
EVEN if Cutler had stayed in, that doesn't mean they would have won. The Saints who won the Super Bowl last year lost in the first round WITH Drew Breeze.
The reality is that this was merely a crap shoot and shit happens. I don't think the Bears or Cutler should be ashamed of a damned thing. How many teams didn't make the playoffs? Brett over stayed for 3 years and DID play through all the pain. And what did that get the Jets and Vikings? And what will Brett's body be like in 20 years?
ONLY Cutler and his doctors and the coach have any rights to say what he does, and ultimately only him. AGAIN
The NFL is not a sport for "pussies" but it is precisely because it is a rough game and any play can end your run, I don't think these decisions should be taken lightly and I don't think the fans or sports pundits have any right to judge.
How is it the left will jump all over right wingers on the issue of abortion rightfully shouting, "It isn't your body", but if you have a penis, all the sudden it isn't your own body?
if you have made it to that level, YOU HAVE already taken the hits.
SO to all the bullies and turncoat Bears fans I say STFU. It isn't your body or life.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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This just in... Jay Cutler is going to start next season on Injured reserve because of a bruised ego, and hurt feelings.
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This just in... Jay Cutler is going to start next season on Injured reserve because of a bruised ego, and hurt feelings.
I'd say they're going to bring in Carson Palmer as a backup but the Bears might want Palmer to play football.
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
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Brian37 wrote:Everyone is jumping all over this guy and I think they are wrong.
Maybe this time.
As a Denver Bronco fan I'm well aware of baby Cutler's ways.
The Bears can have him, we would have traded him for a parking lot attendant but we got a kick ass QB in Kyle Orton.
Yeah the Broncos sucked this year but it wasn't the QB.
In the case of Cutler and this game after he went out he sat on his ass on the sidelines and listened to his Ipod. He wasn't shown talking with the 2nd or 3rd string QBs just sitting on his ass. Of course that could have been all the fault of Fox Sports, not showing him helping out his teammates after he came out.
Maybe the Bears will trade him to the Redskins and you can see 1st hand what kind of erratic behavior he exhibits.
Then make it about his "erratic behavior" and not about his right to make choices about his own body. If you don't like men doing that to women then we shouldn't be sexist about our own sex either.
It is so funny how jocks will pick on nerds for being physically weak when brains outweigh physical strength, and most certainly brains take more intellect than brawn.
Make it about his ability, and cooperation with others, not about his penis. If he is inept, I am fine with that criticism. But don't project your own personal desires on others.
Otherwise why the fuck do we pull our starters out at the end of the season when we know we will make the playoffs? Why aren't the players of the Super Bowl playing in the Pro Bowl now that it is played before the Super Bowl? Are you going to call the entire league wimps because they want to save the players for the Super Bowl?
AGAIN, one player does not a team make, and that is the problem I have with the Redskins today. Danny is more concerned with buying a team with names to fill the seats than he is in developing the same type of depth and balanced game the Skins of the 80s had.
Believe me I have had players on the Skins that pissed me off too, but none of my criticism with them had anything to do with injuries and everything to do with performance and attitude.
I'd be more concerned with showboat players who think it is funny to hold the ball out teasing opponent players BEFORE they get to the end zone. I'd be more ticked off at a player that runs with bad form and doesn't tuck the ball in to prevent a turnover. I would be more concerned with bad tackling.
But I am not going to judge a player for a personal decision when it comes to injury.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
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So how serious was Crybaby's...err I mean Cutlet's injury and is he already walking around fine now or what?
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Do I have the right to ask YOU to take risks on your job that could cause you to lose it? It is his life and his career, NOT YOURS.
This is the same projectionist crap we accuse theists of.
"If you are not a clone of me, you are a piece of shit"
Have you forgotten the abuse their bodies have to take even just in practice and starting from pee wee league JUST to make it to that level? And your own selfish desire to win should cause him to "take one for the team"?
What if he had gone out on the next play and made the injury worse to the point of ending his career? You want it to be your decision and not his? He is the one on the field, not you.
AND if you read what the coach had said, HE WANTED to go back out.
NOW again, if depth matters on a team, then one player should not stop you from winning. The Redskins of the 80s were like that, and one injured player did not stop the team from winning.
If doing something is supposed to be an individual choice and to be done freely, then judging him is the LAST thing anyone of us should do.
No one wants to see the sport "pussyfied", much less me. But it is not my right to make choices for other people anymore than it is our right to tell a woman to have or not have an abortion.
Since when should what is between someone's legs determine who we have the right to project our own personal desires on others?
No one would be saying shit about him if the Bears had won. They would have thanked him for putting the team first by staying off the field. Look at the wasted years Brett gave the Jets and Vikings because of his own ego.
Life is a crap shoot and the Bears lost, and that is all there is to it. I see nothing "nobel" about giving into peer pressure. So unless you are willing to pay for his health care if he loses his job because of a career ending injury, I'd suggest you leave that up to the player, coaches and doctors.
If there is anything about our evolution that bugs the crap out of me it is the utopia idea that a penis makes someone invincible.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
This is reducto absurdum. If someone has to always "take one for the team" then grabbing the face mask should be legal and helmet to helmet contact should be legal and if someone breaks their neck and dies as a result then "oh well" they were just "taking one for the team".
And hell, why not play in a lighting storm where the fans could potentially be zapped. Hey, it's the least you could do as a fan.
Who cares if they get injured as long as we get entertained.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
Maybe this time.
As a Denver Bronco fan I'm well aware of baby Cutler's ways.
The Bears can have him, we would have traded him for a parking lot attendant but we got a kick ass QB in Kyle Orton.
Yeah the Broncos sucked this year but it wasn't the QB.
In the case of Cutler and this game after he went out he sat on his ass on the sidelines and listened to his Ipod. He wasn't shown talking with the 2nd or 3rd string QBs just sitting on his ass. Of course that could have been all the fault of Fox Sports, not showing him helping out his teammates after he came out.
Maybe the Bears will trade him to the Redskins and you can see 1st hand what kind of erratic behavior he exhibits.
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"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.