Christians Science Magazine

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Christians Science Magazine

A couple of days ago I got a free copy of a new Dutch magazine. It's called weet or know in English. Of course it sounded interesting to me.
The first article I read was about DNA. First they explained how there were 64 possible combinations for DNA sequences (pretty easy stuff, obviously aimed at teens). Then all of a sudden it started saying things like this was proof for Intelligent Design and I was like wtf?
Turns out its a Christian magazine. On the intro page it starts with discrediting Relativity, Quantum Electro Dynamics and Feynman's particle model. Only to say that the same can be done for evolution. (of course, he doesn't say the theories just had to be adapted a little, in stead of saying that our world isn't made out of particles but out of the holy spirit or something...)
The argument goes like this: The way our DNA is transcribed/translated (with serine and argenine having 6 different combinations) is the way which prevents the most bad mutations (it says mutations, but what I think they meant is that the ones that mutate the most often, will change into a 'word' that codes for the same amino acid). And because this way is the best possible way, it must be designed.

Then there's an article about Josephus and some other historians talking about Jesus. Which were all refuted by a forum post I read an hour ago (A silence that screams by todangst).
But still. They're trying to push creationism in magazines in the Netherlands. Not very nice...

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(I don't see how I can edit

(I don't see how I can edit my post Laughing out loud Please forgive my its in stead of it's) (And to clarify a bit: he says the theories proposed by Feynman and Einstein needed additions, and therefore we mustn't believe whatever scientists say.)
One more thing. They have got an e-mail address, so I could send a mail with all my objections, but that might not be a very good idea...

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Had a look at some other

Had a look at some other articles featured in that magazine :

"Levende draken gevonden" = "Living dragons found"

Also, "10 surprising uses for coca cola", only 2 of which involve actually drinking the stuff.

They also report that staring at meat is a good cure for agression.


Yeah, I wouldn't bother mailing those people.

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Which is it? If science is

Which is it? If science is separate then don't bring it in. But once you do, don't bitch when we STATE FACTS!

"Design" is a bullshit argument.

A hurricane is COMPLEX. It starts off with smaller parts and grows into a giant. But no sane person, much less a weatherman would attribute a hurricane to Posiden or Thor.

"Design" falsely assumes a "who" as a cause. The reality of DNA and all of nature is that it is a "WHAT", not a who.

It is a process of randomness, laws of nature combined with  climate and conditions and change over time.

God belief is nothing more than humans projecting their own attributes on the world around them.

The believer FALSELY assumes an either/or choice when order and randomness co-exist.

"Laws" in science DO NOT determine absolutes. They are a label that describe tested data that follow an observable pattern that is unbreakable and consistent.

The laws of nature are HOW weathermen determine a snow storm. But no sane weatherman can telly exactly how many snowflakes will fall.

It is the absurd opposite of god belief that SHOULD claim, if the believer were being consistent , can do what they say science cant do, be more accurate by giving the exact number of snowflakes and the exact location each snowflake will fall. After all their God is all powerful. If he has no limits, then he should be more accurate than a weatherman.

Funny how this alleged god can "poof" everything into existence, but doesn't bother to warn us when a tsunami or volcano or earthquake will hit, then blames us for what he had the power to not allow to happen in the first place.

And I am so fucking sick of hearing "you hate god"

NO! I cant hate Micky Mouse. But I would hate it if someone went around claiming that Micky Mouse were real.

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To put it more

To put it more simplistically.

Think of a ruler, that you use to measure things. THAT IS THE LAW. The standard agreed universal tool. The randomness is what you measure because not everything is the same size.

We can determine to a certain degree what will happen, but not to an exact degree. God belief is merely our own selfish ego desiring an absolute answer. Nature is measured by the ruler, but like everything in life, what we measure changes.

The ruler only stipulates the standard of measurement, it DOES NOT tell us what to measure or what the outcome will be of what we measure.

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Anonymouse wrote:Had a look

Anonymouse wrote:

Had a look at some other articles featured in that magazine :

"Levende draken gevonden" = "Living dragons found"

Also, "10 surprising uses for coca cola", only 2 of which involve actually drinking the stuff.

They also report that staring at meat is a good cure for agression.

Yeah, I wouldn't bother mailing those people.

They suppose that because a lot of myths have elements of dinosaurs in them, there were dinosaurs around when people thought up these myths. This is 'evidence' that supports ID.

Bryan, I know most of the ID arguments are crap, and the whole idea is just obviously an idea trying to keep God alive. I think it's weird they jump from 'DNA works efficiently' to 'there is a designer (we are not saying God, of course, just a Designer That Can't be Anything Other Than God)'. Evolution says that things get more efficient, so it's not weird to find that efficient DNA survived and less efficient DNA didn't...

Today they also handed out copies to everybody at school, and I objected to it, but my teacher didn't want a discussion about it...
Should I mail my class mates the arguments why Josephus didn't actually write about Jesus?


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Thunderios wrote:Today they

Thunderios wrote:

Today they also handed out copies to everybody at school, and I objected to it, but my teacher didn't want a discussion about it...
Should I mail my class mates the arguments why Josephus didn't actually write about Jesus?

Your bio teacher again ? You might want to innocently suggest that it's a bit weird how he keeps discouraging scientific discussion in a school. If he's not going to allow students to use their brains, then what exactly is his job ? 

I'd mail them. Most of them won't give a damn one way or the other, but if even one of them does, it's worth the effort.

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Anonymouse wrote:Thunderios

Anonymouse wrote:

Thunderios wrote:


Today they also handed out copies to everybody at school, and I objected to it, but my teacher didn't want a discussion about it...
Should I mail my class mates the arguments why Josephus didn't actually write about Jesus?

Your bio teacher again ? You might want to innocently suggest that it's a bit weird how he keeps discouraging scientific discussion in a school. If he's not going to allow students to use their brains, then what exactly is his job ? 

I'd mail them. Most of them won't give a damn one way or the other, but if even one of them does, it's worth the effort.


Only if you are prepared with court cases citing recent rulings that ID=Creationism=religion.  The ID people hide behind the idea that they are trying to discuss science, not religion, and to the uninformed it sounds reasonable.  I wouldn't expect the average teacher to know much about the legal precedent, I'd just expect them to punish the Josephus stuff because it is blatantly religious but ignore the ID stuff because they think it is an attempt to discuss science.


That is, of course, assuming the teachers are not openly biased.

Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.

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Then there's an article

Then there's an article about Josephus and some other historians talking about screams by todangst) screams by todangst). But still.

Can someone give me the link to todangst's post on josephus

Religion Kills !!!

Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.

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Quote:Can someone give me

Can someone give me the link to todangst's post on josephus

It's still in the recent posts list: