A Thorough Examination of the Evidence for Jesus

NEEDS REVISIONS! This will be a huge resource of information on the evidences given for the existence of a historical Jesus. I will work on it more later, but for now I'll post what most people have already seen. (It will be a good starting point for me as well to continually revise what I already have)
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists. Books by Rook Hawkins (Thomas Verenna)
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This is a pseudo-translation. The real (And FULL) translation is as follows:
More on this below.
Lucian does not name specifically the crucified figure as Jesus Christ. This whole argument is now bunk because it depends on Special Pleading. The plea is that we accept that Lucian is talking about Jesus of Nazareth, but clearly it isn’t certain.
He does speak a LOT about Christians, in fact he ridicules them! He believes rather thoroughly that Christianity is a scam. Lucian satirized the Christians in his Passing of Peregrines (From which your quote derives) a story of a philosopher sage who at one point becomes a leader of the Christians to take advantage of their gullibility. His last statement says it all, “So any adroit, unscrupulous fellow, who knows the world, has only to get among these simple souls and his fortune is quickly made; he plays with them.”
In fact, when he states, “It was then that he learned the wondrous lore of the Christians, by associating with their priests and scribes in Palestine. And—how else could it be?—in a trice he made them all look like children, for he was prophet, cult-leader, head of the synagogue, and everything, all by himself. He interpreted and explained some of their books and even composed many, and they revered him as a god, made use of him as a lawgiver, and set him down as a protector….” He is speaking of his character he concocted, the sage philosopher, who the Christians worshiped and took on as their God, and who was better then all their (the Christians) scribes and priests.
What is more amusing about your non-researched speculation is that you seem to think Lucian has some sort of knowledge concerning the existence of Jesus, where in fact it’s just not true. Even other Christian’s admit to such.
As Jeffery Jay Lowder, author of Josh McDowell’s “Evidence” for Jesus: Is It Reliable?, writes concerning Lucian, “Nevertheless, given that Lucian's statement was written near the end of the second century, it seems rather unlikely that he had independent sources of information concerning the historicity of Jesus. Lucian may have relied upon Christian sources, common knowledge, or even an earlier pagan reference (e.g., Tacitus); since Lucian does not specify his sources, we will never know. Just as is the case with Tacitus, it is quite plausible that Lucian would have simply accepted the Christian claim that their founder had been crucified. (Take into account that Lowder is making the same plea. He also believes in the historicity of Christ)
He states, in his conclusion as well, “Pliny the Younger, Tacitus, and Lucian are not independent witnesses to the historicity of Jesus.” Regardless of what references are made AFTER the fact, he’s not an eye-witness ergo he CANNOT be used to prove the existence of Jesus. He wasn’t even a CONTEMPORARY!
So we have two main problems associated with Lucian:
The whole argument for Lucian is bunk. And the fact that it’s only a slight mention, if but two sentences, really doesn’t help your case.
So it proved the Christians worshipped somebody. Who’s arguing that point? This is irrelevant.
This is as I stated above Lucian’s reference to the Christians reaction to HIS CHARACTER, Peregrines! This is a failure on your part, because you probably just went to some Christian site, copied the butchered text, and pasted it as if that was all Lucian wrote in his entire life. Where in fact these statements you claim are applied to Jesus are actually about a man named Peregrines who, “for a time in his early life went over to Christianity, practicing it to the point of imprisonment under a very tolerant administration, and after returning to Cynicism became in his old age so enamoured of Indic ideas and precedents that he cremated himself at Olympia, just after the games of A.D. 165, even as Calanus had done at Susa in the presence of Alexander the Great and as Zarmarus had done at Athens, after initiation into the mysteries, in the presence of Augustus.” - H.M. Harmon (Lucian of Samosata : The Passing of Peregrines)
It should be noted too, that Josephus talks a lot about crucifixion in his works. In the 120 years that passed between Jesus' supposed existence and Lucian, thousands upon thousands were crucified in Palestine. In fact, in just one year, multitudes numbering 500 in one day, sometimes more, were sent to be crucified during the seige in 70 CE.
"...before they died, and were then crucified before the wall of the city. This miserable procedure made Titus greatly to pity them, while they caught every day five hundred Jews; nay, some days they caught more: yet it did not appear to be safe for him to let those that were taken by force go their way, and to set a guard over so many he saw would be to make such as great deal them useless to him. The main reason why he did not forbid that cruelty was this, that he hoped the Jews might perhaps yield at that sight, out of fear lest they might themselves afterwards be liable to the same cruel treatment. So the soldiers, out of the wrath and hatred they bore the Jews, nailed those they caught, one after one way, and another after another, to the crosses, by way of jest, when their multitude was so great, that room was wanting for the crosses, and crosses wanting for the bodies." (War 5: Chapter 11)
To claim that the one man who was crucified is your savior is incredulous. So many myth's were flying around the time of Lucian it is impossible really to name them all. So many "saviors" crucified. And since Christ more have followed. Whether they be of the Chrestians and Christians, or of false prophets that are known to us such as Alexander and his followers (Also written by Lucian).
Incidentally...Alexander was claiming to be the son of Zeus (hm) and he was a sage, and an oracle. He preformed miracles that Lucian mocked.
"As a matter of fact, this trick, to a man like you, and if it is not out of place to say so, like myself also, was obvious and easy to see through, but to those drivelling idiots it was miraculous and almost as good as incredible."
"Well, as I say, Alexander made predictions and gave oracles, employing great shrewdness in it and combining guesswork with his trickery. He gave responses that were sometimes obscure and ambiguous, sometimes downright unintelligible, for this seemed to him in the oracular manner. Some people he dissuaded or encouraged as seemed best to him at a guess. To others he prescribed medical treatments and diets, knowing, as I said in the beginning, many useful remedies."
"By now he was even sending men abroad to create rumours in the different nations in regard to the oracle and to say that he made predictions, discovered fugitive slaves, detected thieves and robbers, caused treasures to be dug up, healed the sick, and in some cases had actually raised the dead. " (sound familiar yet?)
Lets take a look at some of the most commonly quoted. (Thanks to Dennis McKinsey)
The first comment worthy of note is found in Sanhedrin 43a of the Talmud, which states,
Another passage relied upon is found in section 55b of the Sanhedrin in the Talmud and states, "The blasphemer is punished only if he utters [the Divine] name.... The whole day [of the trial] the witnesses are examined by means of a substitute for the divine name, Thus, 'May Jose smite Jose.'" This is vagueness at its worse. The suggestion is made that the first "Jose" represents God. But it is unlikely that even for illustrative purposes the rabbis would allude to Jesus as a divinity. And did God ever smite Jesus?
A footnote to Sanhedrin 67a says, "In the uncensored editions of the Talmud there follows this passage.... 'And thus they did to Ben Strada in Lydda, and they hung him on the eve of Passover." Although cited by apologetic sources, this clearly isn't much to go on either. As we all know, according to the biblical account Jesus was crucified, not hanged, and he was killed in Jerusalem, not in Lydda, near the coast. The names aren't even the same.
Another passage that is sometimes cited is found in Sanhedrin 106b and is interpreted by some apologists in such a manner as to equate Balaam with Jesus of Nazareth. It says,
- (a) Balaam was slain with a sword, while Jesus died by crucifixion.
- (b) The father of Jesus was not named Beor, nor was he a soothsayer.
- (c) One would be hard pressed to find biblical support for allegations that Jesus died by stoning, burning, decapitation and strangulation. Incidentally, how could he have died by all four methods? In order to make sense, "and" should have been translated as "or".
- (d) If "she" is referring to the mother of Jesus, this passage is saying she was a harlot with many carpenters (plural).
- (e) If Jesus is Balaam, then the passage is implying Jesus is bloody and deceitful.
- (f) When did Jesus keep a chronicle, especially one relating his age or death?
- (g) Jesus was never lame, and certainly not for thirty years.
- (h) The names Jesus and Balaam are quite different.
- (i) And finally, Jesus was not killed by someone named Phinehas the Robber.
It doesn't take a great deal of wisdom to see that apologists are stretching interpretation to the limits on these.A short little comment found in the footnotes of Sanhedrin 107b says, "In the uncensored editions there follows here, 'and not like R. Joshua b. Perahjah, who repulsed Jesus (the Nazarene) with both hands." The problem with this sentence is that only the Munich manuscript adds (the Nazarene).
Another footnote in Sanhedrin 107b says, .
- (a) Jesus was not a rabbi when he fled to Egypt.
- (b) The New Testament says nothing about Jesus fleeing to Alexandria, Egypt.
- (c) When did Jesus ever worship a brick? The worship of bricks is known in the Hermes cult, and is not Christian.
- (d) According to apologetic theology, Jesus neither sinned nor caused others to sin.
- (e) Jesus was not a contemporary of King Jannai.
- (f) while the Munich, Florence, and Karlsruhe manuscripts and the early printed editions of the Talmud mention Yeshu, only the Munich text adds "the Nazarene."
That's about as coherent as these passages can be rendered.And
Another passage of equal clarity is found in Abodah Zarah 17a which says,
A final passage from the Mishnah itself, as opposed to the Gemara, is found in Yebamoth 49a, which says,
Some people actually see Jesus in this. The problems are:
To skirt this difficulty some writings say, "A certain person was illegitimately born of a married woman." The word "illegitimate" is a euphemism. In addition, "a certain person" could apply to thousands of Middle Eastern people, and Mary was not married.
In summary, the Talmud has no independent tradition about Jesus; all that it says of him is merely an echo of Christian and Pagan legends, which it reproduces according to the impressions of the second and later centuries. The Talmud has "borrowed" its knowledge of Jesus from the Gospels. When Josephus is excluded from the Jewish witnesses to the historicity of Jesus, there remains only the question of whether or not there may be some other evidence in the other Jewish literature of the time, in the Talmud, for instance. The answer is no.
Pliny: "I have laid down this rule in dealing with those who were brought before me for being Christians. I asked whether they were Christians; if they confessed, I asked them a second and a third time, threatening them with punishment; if they persevered, I ordered them to be executed.... They assured me that their only crime or error was this, that they were wont to come together on a certain day before it was light, and to sing in turn, among themselves, a hymn to Christ, as to a god, and to bind themselves by an oath--not to do anything that was wicked, that they would commit no theft, robbery, or adultery, nor break their word, nor deny that anything had been entrusted to them when called upon to restore it.... I therefore deemed it the more necessary to extract the truth by torture from two slave women whom they call deaconesses. But I found it was nothing but a bad and excessive superstition.... the sacred rites which had been allowed to lapse (by them--Ed.) are being performed again, and flesh of sacrificed victims is on sale everywhere, though up till recently scarcely anyone could be found to buy it."
Why anyone would quote this passage is hard to understand:
Both F.Jacoby and R.T.France note that this does NOT in any way prove Thallus mentioned Jesus at all - it seems that it was Julius, nearly 2 centuries after Thallus alleged wrote about it, who made the connection.
Remember that we are looking for historians who mention Jesus to confirm that a historical personage existed BUT:
Thallus provides no evidence of anything about Jesus.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists. Books by Rook Hawkins (Thomas Verenna)
Tacitus (A.D. c.55-A.D. c.117, Roman historian) mentions "christus" who is Jesus
Tacitus: "But neither the aid of man, nor the liberality of the prince, nor the propitiations of the gods succeeded in destroying the belief that the fire had been purposely lit. In order to put an end to this rumor, therefore, Nero laid the blame on and visited with severe punishment those men, hateful for their crimes, whom the people called Christians. He from whom the name was derived, Christus, was put to death by the procurator Pontius Pilate in the reign of Tiberius. But the pernicious superstition, checked for a moment, broke out again, not only in Judea, the native land of the monstrosity, but also in Rome, to which all conceivable horrors and abominations flow from every side, and find supporters. First, therefore, those were arrested who openly confessed; then, on their information, a great number, who were not so much convicted of the fire as of hatred of the human race. Ridicule was passed on them as they died; so that, clothed in skins of beasts, they were torn to pieces by dogs, or crucified, or committed to the flames, and when the sun had gone down they were burned to light up the night. Nero had lent his garden for this spectacle, and gave games in the Circus, mixing with the people in the dress of a charioteer or standing in the chariot. Hence there was a strong sympathy for them, though they might have been guilty enough to deserve the severest punishment, on the ground that they were sacrificed, not to the general good, but to the cruelty of one man." (Annals XV, 44)
It would be utterly ridiculous to use this, but still, some do.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists. Books by Rook Hawkins (Thomas Verenna)
"At this time there was a wise man called Jesus, and his conduct was good, and he was known to be virtuous. Many people among the Jews and the other nations became his disciples. Pilate condemned him to be crucified, and to die. But those who had become his disciples did not abandon his discipleship. They reported that he had appeared to them three days after his crucifixion, and that he was alive. Accordingly, he was perhaps the Messiah, concerning whom the prophets have reported wonders. And the tribe of the Christians, so named after him, has not disappeared to this day" (Antiquities 20:200)
The text Gibbon speaks of is as follows:
"But even if the case were not such as our argument has now proved it to be, if a lawgiver, who is to be of ever so little use, could have ventured to tell any falsehood at all to the young
(Chp. 31, Book 12 of Prae Paratio Evangelica).for their good, is there any falsehood that he could have told more beneficial than this, and better able to make them all do everything that is just, not by compulsion but willingly?
'Truth, O Stranger, is a noble and an enduring thing; it seems, however, not easy to persuade men of it.' - d PLATO
Now you may find in the Hebrew Scriptures also
thousands of such passages concerning God as though He were jealous, or sleeping, or angry, or subject to any other human passions, which passages are adopted for the benefit of those who need this mode of instruction."
I would like to say to Celsus, who represents the Jew as accepting somehow John as a Baptist, who baptized Jesus, that the existence of John the Baptist, baptizing for the remission of sins, is related by one who lived no great length of time after John and Jesus. For in the 18th book of his Antiquities of the Jews, Josephus bears witness to John as having been a Baptist, and as promising purification to those who underwent the rite. Now this writer, although not believing in Jesus as the Christ, in seeking after the cause of the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the temple, whereas he ought to have said that the conspiracy against Jesus was the cause of these calamities befalling the people[...]
(The following is from a debate)
"Festus was now dead, and Albinius was but upon the road; so he assembled the sanhedrim of judges, and brought before them the brother of Jesus, who was called Christ, whose name was James, and some other, and when he had formed an accusation against them as breakers of the law, he delivered them to be stoned" (Ant., Bk. 20.9).
Also what about Josephus account of John the Baptist?
Please, you honestly think this is something new? You can see where imaginations fly here, just like when reading the Talmud, one looks and see "Jesus" and immediately thinks it must be Jesus of Nazareth. (A very blind assertion as Jesus and James were very common names, as I showed above) Allow me to put you in your place once again.
And please, if you're going to quote Josephus get the quote right, "...Astherefore Ananus was of such a disposition, he thought he had now a good opportunity, as Festus was not dead, and Albinus was still on the road; so he assembled a council of judges, and brought before it the brother of Jesus the so-called Christ, whose name was James, together with some others, and having accused them as law-breakers, he delivered them over to be stoned" (Antiquities, Josephus, 20.9).
With respect to the "James, the brother of Jesus, the Christ" in Antiquities...
James as a Forgery
Who Was James?
Which James?
The Eastern Theory vs The Western Theory
Naming the Jameses
Josephus on Jesus
There is also this to consider concerning the "James" Passage: (From another debate)
For starters...I can read. It doesn't take a genius to read Josephus and see the conflicts. It doesn't take a scholar to read through Clement and others to see the errors and fallaices, contradictions and problems.
gdon wrote: I'm replying here to a thread that Rook made in the Gnostics thread here.
Rook_Hawkins wrote: Your arguments are as follows as far as I can see:
Secondly, you haven't shown (or even partially addressed) which source is more reliable...but rather what some people feel would be most reliable. This doesn't clear up the problems within the sources. You completely skipped over all of my post and merely addressed this one point as if you could prove something. Once again, stating peoples opinions will get you nowhere in this debate. Clearing up the confusion will.
I do not care what Lowder says, nor anybody else. You still have contradictions to mass through, and this is a huge error on your part. You ignored the problems at hand and tried to deceptively skip over them and rush into a topic you thought would better suit your needs. Unfortunately, things don't work like that. Here is my whole post again for you:
1. Paul believed in a historical Christ yet is only said to have met James later in life, several years after his conversion. Further, ths passage on James has been disputed here, so it is hardly non-vague as to a literal or metaphorical reading (especially depending on which versions you use...only the Darby and one other version have it stated as "the Brother of Christ" while all others have it as "the lords brother" which can be taken more metaphorically. And the darby translation sucks when it comes to translations - atleast this is what McDowell and Stuart declare, as well as other apologetics and such.)
Error: This is non-sequitor. Simply put: Paul never met Jesus so Paul can never be used as evidence for a Jesus as he is hearsay. The only passage which might oppose the hearsay is James, but as I discussed it;s shadowy and quite frankly if Paul met James he would not have disagreed with his teachings, as James was supposedly Jesus' brother! So if James had been the brother of Christ, and the apostle, Paul should have taken James' word for it directly. It would make more sense that James was NOT the brother of Jesus, and just another James (there are 60 James in the NT together, 59 minus this one. Which one was it?) after all it was a common name. And brother is used quite a lot to refer to a metaphorical brother. So no evidence here. Sorry.
According to Josephus, James "the brother of Jesus, him called Christ". As Kirby says, if the reference is valid, it is enough to establish a prima facie case for the existence of a historical Jesus. Of course, this doesn't PROVE there was a historical Jesus, but, as Kirby says, it is reasonable evidence in terms of normal historical inquiry.
We know THAT Josephus claims this to be the brother of Jesus, but how this relates to the Gospels is really vital here. If there were no NT then there would be no argument here about a historical Jesus. You want to prove that this proto-Jesus factor existed but ALL your sources are claiming a supernatural Gospel Jesus...and not this proto-Jesus who was just a man.
You irrationally are trying to seek a Jesus that does not exist in literature by using the mythos of Jesus as a basis while pulling from sources that claim a mythos of Jesus existed. Celsus is the only one that has NOT seemed to use the mythos in his works, and Celsus wrote several decades AFTER Jesus' mythos was already construed emensely. So his construction of a proto-Jesus is merely that of decades of exaggeration and plays on words and hearsay and oral tradition. That's it. Lots of people alive today - intelligent people - think Jesus was real, and do so simply because the majority thinks so.
Apparently mainstream thinking at the time of Celsus was that he was a real person, and Celsus would have felt no reason to debate that fact as his attacks on jesus lay squarely on the mythos personae which whether a proto-Jesus existed or not mattered little. HIS intent was not to disprove a proto-Jesus but instead to disprove the mythos that was erringly applied to this figure named Jesus.
Once again...opinions do not push facts, merely push opinions.
Further, the key phrasing in your statement is "IF." Quite frankly I don't see this vague reference that is still somewhat disputed as conclusive of anything. And I hope you agree.
However if we're going to speculate, such as you are doing, lets look at the entire segment and do some constructive speculating.
1. AND now Caesar, upon hearing the death of Festus, sent Albinus into Judea, as procurator. But the king deprived Joseph of the high priesthood, and bestowed the succession to that dignity on the son of Ananus, who was also himself called Ananus. Now the report goes that this eldest Ananus proved a most fortunate man; for he had five sons who had all performed the office of a high priest to God, and who had himself enjoyed that dignity a long time formerly, which had never happened to any other of our high priests. But this younger Ananus, who, as we have told you already, took the high priesthood, was a bold man in his temper, and very insolent; he was also of the sect of the Sadducees, (23) who are very rigid in judging offenders, above all the rest of the Jews, as we have already observed; when, therefore, Ananus was of this disposition, he thought he had now a proper opportunity [to exercise his authority]. Festus was now dead, and Albinus was but upon the road; so he assembled the sanhedrim of judges, and brought before them the brother of Jesus, who was called Christ, whose name was James, and some others, [or, some of his companions]; and when he had formed an accusation against them as breakers of the law, he delivered them to be stoned: but as for those who seemed the most equitable of the citizens, and such as were the most uneasy at the breach of the laws, they disliked what was done; they also sent to the king [Agrippa], desiring him to send to Ananus that he should act so no more, for that what he had already done was not to be justified; nay, some of them went also to meet Albinus, as he was upon his journey from Alexandria, and informed him that it was not lawful for Ananus to assemble a sanhedrim without his consent. (24) Whereupon Albinus complied with what they said, and wrote in anger to Ananus, and threatened that he would bring him to punishment for what he had done; on which king Agrippa took the high priesthood from him, when he had ruled but three months, and made Jesus, the son of Damneus, high priest.
Would it not also be reasonable to assume that Jesus, son of Damneus, was given the High Priesthood because his brother James was killed unlawfully by Ananus? James and Jesus in the bolded passage are not known as to where they come from, what laws were broken, nor does it discribe who they were fathered by. In Jewish tradition and law, and as is common in Josephus' works, the fathers name is always mentioned to establish geneology, in fact, it also establishes bloodline. The very issue that it does not establish it at that particular point might be because he establishes later in the underlined text.
It would also explain why the king replaces him a few years later due to the suspicious nature of the other preists in the Sanhedrin and what's this? He replaces him with another Jesus, son of Gamaliel. It woulkd seem almost as if the Jesus before was not as qualified as the other preists started distructing each other even to the point where they threw stones at one another.
Further the statement in this translation, done by a Christian source, as it stated as "who was called Christ" instead of "who was called THE Christ." The absense of such a word bothers me, as if Josephus had felt people were talking about their savior, he might have considered to make this Christ stand out a bit more using "the" to accentuate oneness. Unfortunately that isn't implied so I have to go about reasonably to assume this Jesus, perhaps the son of Damneus, was called "the annoited" as he was given the High-Preisthood.
MORESO, Josephus described Ananus, the High Priest responsible for the death of James in the Antiquities, as the following: "...a bold man in his temper, and very insolent."
What's also worthy of note is that Josephus did not mention the death of James in his Jewish Wars, if he felt they were so important to mention them at all – and his description of Ananus in Wars is rather different to what is found in Antiquities of the Jews, describing him as: "...a venerable, and a very just man; and besides the grandeur of that nobility, and dignity, and honour, of which he possessed, he had been a lover of a kind of parity, even with regard to the meanest of the people; he was a prodigious lover of liberty, and an admirer of democracy in government; and did ever prefer the public welfare before his own advantage, and preferred peace above all things; he was thoroughly sensible that the Romans were not to be conquered."
In fact, Josephus also wrote the following about Ananus in Wars: "I should not mistake if I said that the death of Ananus was the beginning of the destruction of the city (Jerusalem), and that from this very day may be dated the overthrow of her wall, and the ruin of her affairs, whereon they saw their high priest, and the procurer of their preservation, slain in the midst of their city."
He seems to completely forget that the whole reason Ananus was removed from power was because James was supposedly slaughtered unjustly, and that was why Jesus, son of Damneus replaced him. To me this smacks of foul play. Now we have another question...why would such an important moment to whom Josephus considers to be a "venerable and very just man" be excluded from the another book with contents concerning the same man? This is not only a question, it's a refutation.
It seems rather odd that as in one book he claims that Ananus was insolent, yet in another he attributes the very fall of the city to the death of Ananus. This should raise a few red flags as to something being "rotten in the state of Denmark." If not I would re-adjust your honesty measurement readings.
To complete this point Ananus is said to have stolen the position as High-Preist and did things against the will of the people in the disputed passage, where in Wars he makes it quite clear his intent was to do nothing but the will of the people he cared about. Another glaring contradiction between these two accounts.
It would also be noteworthy of the other forgery in Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History, passage 2:10 that was made into some sort of relevance to Acts 12:23. The authentic passage is in Antiquities 19:346.
As for the other accounts of James' death, Eusebius' (260-340) History of the Church preserved the accounts of two early church fathers on the death of James:
Clement of Alexandria (150-215) History of the Church 2:1:3-4
"For they say that Peter and James and John after the ascension of our Savior, as if also preferred by our Lord, strove not after honor, but chose James the Just bishop of Jerusalem." But the same writer, in the seventh book of the same work, relates also the following things concerning him: "The Lord after his resurrection imparted knowledge to James the Just and to John and Peter, and they imparted it to the rest of the apostles, and the rest of the apostles to the seventy, of whom Barnabas was one. But there were two Jameses: one called the Just, who was thrown from the pinnacle of the temple and was beaten to death with a club by a fuller, and another who was beheaded."
Hegesippus (110-180) History of the Church 2:23:4-18
"The manner of James' death has been already indicated by the above-quoted words of Clement, who records that he was thrown from the pinnacle of the temple, and was beaten to death with a club. But Hegesippus, who lived immediately after the apostles, gives the most accurate account in the fifth book of his Memoirs. He writes as follows: "James, the brother of the Lord, succeeded to the government of the Church in conjunction with the apostles. He has been called the Just by all from the time of our Savior to the present day; for there were many that bore the name of James...[W]hen many even of the rulers believed, there was a commotion among the Jews and Scribes and Pharisees, who said that there was danger that the whole people would be looking for Jesus as the Christ. Coming therefore in a body to James they said, 'We entreat thee, restrain the people; for they are gone astray in regard to Jesus, as if he were the Christy We entreat thee to persuade all that have come to the feast of the Passover concerning Jesus; for we all have confidence in thee. For we bear thee witness, as do all the people, that thou art just, and dost not respect per sons. Do thou therefore persuade the multitude not to be led astray concerning Jesus. For the whole people, and all of us also, have confidence in thee. Stand therefore upon the pinnacle of the temple, that from that high position thou mayest be clearly seen, and that thy words may be readily heard by all the people. For all the tribes, with the Gentiles also, are come together on account of the Passover.' The aforesaid Scribes and Pharisees therefore placed James upon the pinnacle of the temple, and cried out to him and said: Thou just one, in whom we ought all to have: confidence, forasmuch as the people are led, astray after Jesus, the crucified one, declare to us, what is the gate of Jesus.' And he answered with a loud voice,' Why do ye ask me concerning Jesus, the Son of Man ? He himself sitteth in heaven at the right hand of the great Power, and is about to come upon the clouds of heaven.' And when many were fully convinced and gloried in the testimony of James, and said, 'Hosanna to the Son of David,' these same Scribes and Pharisees said again to one another,' We have done badly in supplying such testimony to Jesus. But let us go up and throw him down, in order that they may be afraid to believe him.' And they cried out, saying, 'Oh! oh! the just man is also in error.' And they fulfilled the Scripture written in Isaiah, ' Let us take away the just man, because he is troublesome to us: therefore they shall eat the fruit of their doings.' So they went up and threw down the just man, and said to each other, 'Let us stone James the Just.' And they began to stone him, for he was not killed by the fall; but he turned and knelt down and said, 'I entreat thee, Lord God our Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.' And while they were thus stoning him one of the priests of the sons of Rechab, the son of the Rechabites, who are mentioned by Jeremiah the prophet, cried out, saying, 'Cease, what do ye? The just one prayeth for you. And one of them, who was a fuller, took the club with which he beat out clothes and struck the just man on the head. And thus he suffered martyrdom. And they buried him on the spot, by the temple, and his monument still remains by the temple. He became a true witness, both to Jews and Greeks, that Jesus is the Christ. And immediately Vespasian besieged them."
Does anybody notice any discrepencies in the commentaries on James' death? Go ahead...you can say it...we know. The problem many people take here is that A says one thing...B says two things, the one that matetrs contradicts A...and C says all three in one while contradicting both A and B in the process. The problem MOST people will make ehre to assume that C is the most correct as it incorporates all three supposed incidents into one. The problem is this is just unreasonable.
The association to this could be made while using the "witness to a car accident" analogy. Person A says two people were in the car while person B says they say 3. If an officer were to go by the logic implied being used earlier, he would have to go with 3, because 3 is a higher variable, and therefore probably the most right. Right? Wrong. What if person B saw a shadow? Or what if they were just lying? What if Person A and B were both lying, or both miscounted? It's hard to say, and thus we have to rely on outside sources to verify the claims. Unfortunately, the officer has the ability to actually count heads of the cars involved in the accident, and we do not get that luxery. So we are greatly dependant on reliable sources for which none exist, leaving this scenario of ours - James' death - a complete and utter bag of vagueness and inconsistency.
Some people might take Josephus' account to be the more accurate, as the dating of the siege in Josephus is more accurate historically. The problem here is just because historical information is reliable in the same section as one that is being tested does not make the tested subject any more reliable. It just makes things more complicated. And complication is something you don't want nor need when trying to acquire the validity of a source. Especially a source which, as stated earlier, had trends that include sloppyness, vagueness and a faulty distribution of names, numbers and data. Especially when we have another factor involved - copiest errors - which throws the whole schmeal into a larger pile of complicated ooze that has to be sifted through, and for which no sifting materials exist.
So here we are. Which account is most accurate and which account is most likely?
Personally, it would seem more likely that the error in all this is the person who copied the texts. It is easy, when the works were included in the TF, and when Eusebius already had the works of Clement and Hegesippus around to snippit in a few works here and there that made their accounts appeal more to tradition. Why not, when the man himself had already done so earlier? Once more...vagueness. Uncertainty. Contradiction. Misinterpretation. Reformulation. Words that devise and detail the flaws in using the TF, or any references from Josephus to a proto-Jesus simply do not work out well for those using them.
With regard to the mentions by Josephus of John the Baptist. How is this evidence for Jesus? This is evidence for the existence of John the Baptist.
Suetonius: "Since the Jews constantly made disturbances at the instigation of Chrestus, he (the emperor, Claudius) expelled them from Rome" (The Life of Claudius, Sec. 25.4).
Many people will assert to no end the people that are listed are all that is needed to prove the existence of Jesus. In fact, like GO, many hold on for dear life to the very people who have been shown time and time again to be false witnesses.
NONE are contemporary accounts, all are at least second or third hand accounts, MOST are more. None depict Jesus as the man mentioned in the Bible.
The most damning evidence against Jesus is not what WAS said, but what WASN'T said. No contemporary source ever wrote or mentioned Jesus.
Justus of Tiberius was a native of Christ's own country, Galilee. He wrote a history covering the time of Christ's reputed existence. This work perished, but Photius, a Christian scholar and critic of the 9th century, was acquainted with it and said, "He (Justus) makes not the least mention of the appearance of Christ, of what things happened to him, or of the wonderful works that he did." (Photius, Bibliotheca, Code 33).
Further in later Codices, Photius had to add in bits of information into Antiquities, since both he and Origen were stoutly against Eusebius' tampering with the documentation. He does not add in the Jesus passage from Testimonium, and in fact makes an effort to state that his mentions of Jesus are interjections just so the reader knows of the time frame from which Josephus speaks and that he is discussing.
Philo was born before the beginning of the Christian era and lived until long after the reputed death of Christ. He wrote an account of the Jews covering the entire time that Christ is said to have existed on earth. He was living in or near Jerusalem when Christ's miraculous birth and the Herodian massacre occurred. He was there when Christ made his triumphal entry in Jerusalem. He was there when the Crucifixion with its attendant earthquake, supernatural darkness, and resurrection of the dead took place--when Christ himself rose from the dead. Yet, these events were not mentioned by him.
Under the reign of Tiberius the whole earth, or at least a celebrated province of the Roman empire, was allegedly involved in a preternatural darkness of three hours. Yet, Seneca and Pliny the Elder, who recorded all the great earthquakes, meteors, comets, and elipses they could find and who lived during the period of Jesus, failed to mention the event.
Paul shows absolutely no knowledge of Jesus of Nazareth or the Gospel events. G.A. Wells notes : "These letters have no allusion to the parents of Jesus, let alone to the virgin birth. They never refer to a place of birth (for example, by calling him 'of Nazareth'
As Dennis McKinsey, author of The Encyclopedia of Biblical Errancy, wrote once, "Many writers, such as Renan, have attempted to write his biography but failed, failed because no materials for such a work exist. If Jesus was an historical person, how is it that not only does the Talmud never mention him but Paul's Epistles do not tell a single special fact about the life of Jesus? Read the other Epistles of the NT. Nowhere in any of the early Christian documents do we find even the slenderest reference to the mere man Jesus, the historical personality as such, from which we might infer that the author had a close acquaintance with him. His life, as described in the gospels, seems to have been entirely unknown to the authors. His speeches and sayings are hardly ever quoted and where this is done, as in the Epistle of James or the Book of Acts, they are not quoted as sayings of Jesus."
And lastly, Christians contend all of the following pre-Christian sun-gods are mythological: Hercules, Osiris, Bacchus, Mithra, Hermes, Prometheus, Perseus, and Horus. Yet, all: (1) allegedly had gods for fathers and virgins for mothers; (2) had their births announced by stars and celestial music; (3) were born on the 25th of December (Solstice); (4) had tyrants trying to kill them when they were infants; (5) met with violent deaths; and (6) rose from the dead.
In the end, any reasonable person has to look at the evidence against Jesus, in fact, in light of him, and see that he could not possibly have existed. No contemporary evidence, no mention of him except in forgeries so obvious only those ignorant to the facts will use them as some sort of evidence, and what is there is lacking anything substantial, only blind assertions, rationalizations and outstretched hands grasping for straws; can even barely twist them to mean Jesus.
As Celsus stated, "I could continue along these lines, suggesting a good deal about the affairs of Jesus' life that does not appear in your own records. Indeed, what I know to be the case and what the disciples tell are two very different stories... [for example] the nonsensical idea that Jesus foresaw everything that was to happen to him (an obvious attempt to conceal the humiliating facts)." (62).
"The men who fabricated this geneaology [of Jesus] were insistent on on the point that Jesus was descended from the first man and from the king of the Jews [David]. The poor carpenter's wife seems not to have known she had such a distinguished bunch of ancestors." (64).
"What an absurdity! Clearly the christians have used the myths of Danae and the Melanippe, or of the Auge and the Antiope in fabricating the story of Jesus' virgin birth." (57).
"After all, the old myths of the greeks that attribute a divine birth to Perseus, Amphion, Aeacus and Minos are equally good evidence of their wondrous works on behalf of mankind- and are certainly no less lacking in plausibility than the stories of your followers." (59).
And lastly, one of my favorites: "One ought first to follow reason as a guide before accepting any belief, since anyone who believes without testing a doctrine is certain to be deceived." (54).
Indeed...and here we witness the most deceptive...as the only evidence he can bring up is mentioned ONLY in Eusebius' work, and as Gibbon states, "In this general view of the persecution which was first authorised by the edicts of Diocletian, I have purposely refrained from describing the particular sufferings and deaths of the Christian martyrs. It would have been an easy task. From the history of Eusebius, from the declamations of Lactantius, to collect a long series of horrid and disgusting pictures ...[snip] But I cannot determine what I ought to transcribe, till I am satisfied how much I ought to believe. The gravest of the ecclesiastical historians, Eusebius himself, indirectly confesses that he has related whatever might redound to the glory, and that he has suppressed all that could tend to the disgrace, of religion. (178) Such an acknowledgement will naturally excite a suspicion that a writer who has so openly violated one of the fundamental laws of history has not paid a very strict regard to the observance of the other; and the suspicion will derive additional credit from the character of Eusebius, which was less tinctured with credulity, and more practised in the arts of courts, than that of almost any of his contemporaries. [etc]." (Gibbon, Edward, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Encyclopedia Britannica reprint, 1990, ISBN 0-85229-531-6. Volume I, chapter 16, p.232.)
On Josephus, we have the following:
Since Eusebius, everybody quotes the Josephus passage as though it were actual, but before, not one church father or scribe or even a monk mentions this passage in ANY form, not even those who used Josephus' works frequently! It smells of something...rotten in Denmark.
And after 2,000 years, with all the research and field time, no evidence physical or otherwise can be brought up to effectively prove the existence of Jesus. Not even a slipper, or a cup...only a forged passage, a few references to Chrestians and Christians in later centuries, and the Bible which has enough holes to make a back door screen jealous.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists. Books by Rook Hawkins (Thomas Verenna)
This still needs to undergo some revisions, however there is some quick notes on the above. I am now skeptical of the forgery issue on Pliny. It is probably authentic, although it still proves nothing. I've left the forgery issue in, just to give some more perspective on the letter, but truthfully it is most probably accurate.
Otherwise, the revisions I will be making are minor.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists. Books by Rook Hawkins (Thomas Verenna)
A fair collection of quotes, but the biggest reason why I find the mythicist position unconvincing is that we have no complete record of any writers work from this period. Entire volumes of some of them are missing.
And we certainly don't have the Roman records from that area in any substantial form.
Futher, such writings of these historians as we do have are dated HUNDREDS of years after the originals.
Which raises a secondary question; if the Christians were so busy interpolating these works, why didn't they do a lot more of it? I mean, in the subsequent centuries they supposedly had control of the manuscripts and the copying process...shouldn't have been too hard to pull off.
That's just it. There is obvious evidence they did more and more as the years went on. Keep in mind there wasn't ONE unified Christianity until truthfully, after the Inquisition when the Cathars were extinquished. Prior to this event, Christianity was split amongst itself, with as Celsus recounts, were in the thousands of various sects each disagreeing with each other (On the True Doctrine, Celsus, J. Hoffman).
Various sects did various things, although there was no guarentee that any sect would win out among the slander wars and infighting, the apologies and the persecutions. What you have is basic melting pot of ideas left today in the Catholic Church. Further, there is evidence of not only redactions made to extrabiblical work but also biblical works. The LXX is a clear example of positive-Christian interpolations, as well as every Gospel (although Luke was just one big redaction of all the Gospels, and Acts was also one large redaction of Paul), several Pauline Epistles were also forged in their entirety!
The bottom line is this - we do have Tacitus, Seutonius, Philo and Josephus, at the very bare minimum, and one can simply READ them to see that there are obvious issues within them. Had there been a historical jesus, there is no way we could ever know and is lost to us. One thing is for sure, however, that there is a very strong argument from Silence on it.
But to clarify, the Mythicist position is not JUST formated based on the silence. There is also a more valid, more probable explanation for the origins of Christianity in which can be seen in two of my videos. One is called "On The Existence of Nazareth" which is in this thread.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists. Books by Rook Hawkins (Thomas Verenna)
What are the odds that a god-man would stride the earth and either go completely unnoticed, or, following your line of thought, what are the odds that numerous people would take note of this jesus and write a good deal upon him, only to have all their works completely lost, without even references to them?
I think that solution is even worse than conceding that the Jesus of the gospels somehow went unnoticed.
The only solution to the problem is a 'historical' jesus that rewrites the gospels in their entirety, a solution that reduces christianity to a mistake.
No doubt they did. Even your 'bible' has interpolations in it.... some don't appear until the 14th century, such as the bible passage that backs trinitarianism.
So there were plenty of interpolations, in scripture and perhaps other works, usually to advance a particular theology.
However, my question to you is: why would they bother with numerous interpolations into historical accounts? What possible motivation woudl there be? Christianity was already the dominate religion in their region, people accepted the jesus claim as historical fact by the time of Eusebius. And then there's only a small "problem window" to begin with... from the time of 30 AD to about the second century AD.
At the same time, there's plenty to lose by being caught with a fraud, and little to gain. So we'd not expect interpolations unless there was a driving need for one. We'd only expect frauds to show up in order to cover up great embarrassments....
Actually it would be... after all, we've exposed Eusebius, haven't we? Anyone attempting to create a fraud would have to do so in the face of other monks who would recognize the fraud, and also face the problem of a competing copy, sitting in some other far off monastery. And then there's again the question of what possible motive would be served? To convert 95% of the people of that time, you'd only have to use Ray Comfort level apologetics....
Matters such as the works of Josephus were matters for a select few elites. The small intellectual class of those times.
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
Todangst, that brings up another great point I forgot to add to the list of them which you and I brought up already. During that small window from the early 1st century to the 2nd, most of the information was transmitted orally. It was, after all, a mystery cult! Nothing was written down until people started to actually believe it was a historical event. When you go through two generations of people from the time the event was allegorized, people felt a need to write things down. But what were the first written documents related to jesus? They weren't Gospels! They were letters! The Gospels came years later, some three - five generations removed from the supposed time of when Christ was said to have lived! But letters were a common place, not as theological tools but rather as gestures of apologies or notations on how to carry on the church, mainly written to other members of the initiation. Look at Clement! Where are the Gospels in Clement? Or even the works of Paul? It is more or less that these things were not considered because they did not exist in the extent that they do today - they weren't considered historical accounts so their mentions wouldn't really matter, or the author wasn't aware of them at all!
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists. Books by Rook Hawkins (Thomas Verenna)
I have one book that completely and utterly refutes your assertions. I call them assertions because they don't qualify as arguments. But first I want to say that I don't know of any present day historian or scholar that denies the historical existence of Christ. The leading authorities from the LIBERAL (skeptical) side, the Jesus Seminar, founded by Dominic Crossan, admit that Jesus was a real historical person. The leading authorities from the conservative side make the same claim. There are many good books on this subject, by some of the finest historians of our time. But this book completely refutes your assertions. I HIGHLY suggest you read it.
Banned for lying - was warned twice.
No offense, but I've read habermas, and personally I find his conclusions ad hoc and ridiculous all around. He's also been refuted by modern scholarship, like that of Richard Carrier and Bart Ehrman. My suggestion to you is to start your studies. You're not critically minded enough to discuss this subject with me. But thanks for your note.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists. Books by Rook Hawkins (Thomas Verenna)
Thanks for this interesting information, Rook. I was wondering what your source is for this 'real and full' translation, could you please provide me with the name of the book or a link if it's on the web somewhere? Thanks!
"This is the real world, stupid." - Charlie Brooker
"It is necessary to be bold. Some people can be reasoned into sense, and others must be shocked into it. Say a bold thing that will stagger them, and they will begin to think." - Thomas Paine
Any full translation of Lucian is adequate, honestly. You want to get an actual book version of it however, as an online version may not be as accurate. The translation by Fowler and Fowler isn't inaccurate, rather I have an issue with the manner in which Lowder presents it.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists. Books by Rook Hawkins (Thomas Verenna)
MOD EDIT: This is your third post in this thread with nothing but ridicules. Keep it up and you won't be here long. If you have something against my arguments, respond to my arguments, otherwise keep out of this forum.
Banned for lying - was warned twice.
Actually, I agree (kind of) with the guy who posted. I've heard Habermas talk to Carrier on Infidelguy's show, and Carrier basically came up with nothing by the end except doubting what Habermas said. Let me ask you something, Rook. What would it take for you to believe in Christianity? More "reliable" sources (though I've heard some of the reasons you dismiss sources and must say that they weren't very good. For example, "people quote [such and such] but [some other guy] said he's a friggin idiot so he's not reliable." That's not the reasoning of a critical scholar.)? More explanations for Biblical troubles? If the answer's yes, then how many more sources or answers to Biblical problems would suffice for you to become a Christian? I ask these questions only because I want to see whether you reject God on philosophical grounds or emperical grounds.
2 Kings 2:23-24
"Then he went up from there to Bethel; and as he was going up the road, some youths came from the city and mocked him, and said to him, “Go up, you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead!” So he turned around and looked at them, and pronoun
No, actually, this is a lie. You haven't heard Carrier debate Habermas, you've heard nothing of the sort. Because such a debate never took place.
Second, you are thinking of the Carrier-Licona-Habermas incident in which basically IG and James LIED to Carrier about the way the show was supposed to go. It was not supposed to be a debate at all, rather a discussion to get different perspectives.
Third, if you want to see Carrier destroy Licona, pick up the DVD of the debate between them at UCLA. It's worth the money, and since Licona is basically a Habermas clone it's really not that different in therms of arguments.
Finally, there is a great peer reviewed article on the Secular Web that Carrier revised in 2006, called Why I Don't Buy The Resurrection Story. He does an excellent job refuting popular apologetic perspectives like those put out by NT Wright and Habermas/Licona.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists. Books by Rook Hawkins (Thomas Verenna)
Have you ever read Sir William Ramsay's work on Luke/Acts? probably because you seem very well informed as far as historical sources are concerned. Could you provide refutations on any of his work? He provides a pretty firm argument for the historical accuracy of at least, Luke and Acts. Thanks-Bonzo430
actually . . . Though Dom Crossan served as co-chair for a while, the Jesus Seminar was founded by the late Robert Funk.
"Theology is that science which treats of the unknowable with infinitesimal exactitude." - Anatole France
Actually it was founded by Crossan and Funk. You may consult the local Wikipedia under Jesus Seminar if you don't believe me.
God exists or nothing exists --- Greg Bahnsen
Are you kidding me?
Go to the Westar Institute's homepage and search their list of fellows. There, you will find the profile of John Dominic Crossan. It reads (in its entirety):
When you look at Robert Funk's profile, it reads:
If you keep searching you'll find Crossan's CV. It says "former co-chair".
It's an easy-enough mistake to make - remembering "co-chair" as "co-founder" - but it's incorrect, nonetheless.
Whoever typed that in Wikipedia is incorrect on that but I hear that Wikipedia is an open-source-type thing, where anyone can post and edit, so it wouldn't surprise me if it contained errors like this one. I never use it but I notice that people seem to rely on it in these forum contexts. Maybe it's because it's easier than consulting cumbersome books. Maybe it's because it's a free service? Hmm ... Any thoughts on why Wikipedia is a primary source of information for so many? . . . anyone?
"Theology is that science which treats of the unknowable with infinitesimal exactitude." - Anatole France
Because they're lazy and not intelligent enough to use a valid source for reference. Also, because they can find erronious things that support their position.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
True, but Crossan was involved in founding the Institute. But the point is irrelevant. Crossan is the greatest Jesus historian they have ever had, and they consider him to be the greatest Jesus historian in the world. He is the greatest liberal Jesus historian, while Gary Habermas is the greatest conservative Jesus historian in the world. William Craig is another great conservative Jesus historian. He debated Crossan in 1997 and made a fool out of him. Crossan and Funk accept the historicity of Christ, but they deny the miraculous elements of the New Testament because they are liberals.
God exists or nothing exists --- Greg Bahnsen
Rook, I'm not trying to say that the Talmud should be used to prove the existence of Jesus, but there are some points here I want to refute.
1) Yeshu could be the Hebrew name for Jesus. Just because Yeshu was a common name does not mean that the Talmud was not referring to Jesus in this case.
2) When it says that Yeshu was hanged, that could be referring to a crucifixion. The phrase "hanged on a tree," was used to refer to someone being crucified. (See Acts 5:30)
3) When Jesus was accused of sorcery; that has a connection to the gospels. Jesus was accused multiple times of gaining his power to do miracles from the devil. That charge was not mentioned in your list. The first record of this can be found in Mark 3:20-30.
"A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell." (CS Lewis)
"A young man who wishes to remain a sound atheist cannot be too careful of his reading." (CS Lewis)
Jesus was hanged. The NT speaks of crucifixtion in the same way. Jesus is said to have been "hanged" (kremamenos) in Gal.3:13, as were the two men killed at the same time (Greek kremasthenton in Luke 23:39). The term "hanged" is simply a variant expression of the same fate.
God exists or nothing exists --- Greg Bahnsen
Actually, I have the debate between Crossan and Craig and only an idiot who wasn't paying attention could come to the conclusion that Dr. Craig made anyone look like a fool (except maybe himself by repeatedly trying to use empirical methodology to prove a myth's veracity). Funny how wearing blinders affects one's peripheral vision.
Funny also that you should bring up Wm.Craig like this at this time . . . as I just wrote an essay refuting pretty much all of his tired arguments. It's actually not hard to do once you look at the texts devoid of any emotional attachment to them.
read it here:
(how's that for shameless self-promotion? - smiles )
AL500's determination to divide people into "conservative" and "liberal" camps, with its accompanying insistent implication that they are compelled by their adopted label to blindly follow a prescribed position determined by their choice of label reveals an immature understanding of not only the dynamics of social groups, but also of simple cause and affect. You have it backwards, sir. People don't hold to positions because they adopt a partisan identity; people are labelled a partisan when they hold to positions that reveal them to be so.
You remind me of a joke I heard recently:
Also, let me close by repeating myself:
Funk was the founder of the JS, not Crossan. If you can't even bring yourself to concede when you have been corrected (and instead throw up semantic smoke screens to divert the issue), how can you expect to ever be taken seriously in public discourse?
"Theology is that science which treats of the unknowable with infinitesimal exactitude." - Anatole France
Funny you said that because Crossan himself was humble enough to admit that he didn't debate the subject, but only expressed his views. The man doesn't know how to debate.
Ha ha ha ha! Yeah riiiight! The worlds greatest atheistic philosophers can't even refute him. What makes you think you can?
No, the fellows of the JS opperate under the presuppostion that the miraculous does not exist. THAT is their premise. They have no evidence to support their butchering of the NT. Their approach is based on ideological biases to begin with.
As I stated earlier, Crossan had a large part in founding the JS. I know this because I called the Westar Institute today and they told me this. You can call them also if you like. It's a toll free call. Let me know if you want the number. You can also get it from their own website.
God exists or nothing exists --- Greg Bahnsen
Listen to Gary Habermas debate some infidels on the resurrection. Those guys didn't have a chance. And they have no business even debating someone of Habermas' level of scholarship.
God exists or nothing exists --- Greg Bahnsen
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I could grab a random 12 year old off the street, give him or her a 4 hour briefing(tops, probably take a lot less than that), and he or she would own William the fool into oblivion. There isn't a single rational person on this planet who looks at his arguments and thinks "gee, he's right!". No. Unfortunately for you, everyone knows William Lane Craig is a qualified fool who couldn't defeat a rock in debate. Let alone someone who actually knows what they're talking about.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
The fact that I just did.
It's actually quite easy to do, but then you won't read it anyway, will you?
At this point I bid you adieu.
I wish you luck on your journey.
Peace be with you.
"Theology is that science which treats of the unknowable with infinitesimal exactitude." - Anatole France
I have a theory: AL500 is someone from Way of the Master, possibly Todd Friel. Anyone agree?
Rooks essay was anything but thorough. There's alot he didn't even address, and what he did address he got totally wrong. One example is his treatement on the Talmud. That was a desperate attempt. All scholars and even the Encyclopedia Britanica acknowledge that the passage is refering to Christ. The Jews even admit it. But I don't think Rook even wrote that.
God exists or nothing exists --- Greg Bahnsen
I Quixie, stick around. If you can refute Dr. Craig as you claim, then you should have no problem refuting me. Let's debate the historical Jesus.
God exists or nothing exists --- Greg Bahnsen
If you read my posts, you will surely realize that I lean toward the possibility that Jesus actually existed (though it makes no difference to me either way, as Jesus is not my focus, but the movement that bears his title).
You don't really pay attention very well, do you?
However, I'll humor you for an instant. What does your little heart desire to debate about? Tell old Quixie.
I'll discuss anything you want (i prefer discussions to debates, debating being such an insufferable form of masturbation around these parts - I'll mention no names
). I'll discuss whatever you want with you, but only if you actually read the refutation of Craig that I posted, seeing as you are a great fan of his.
Otherwise . . . shoo! . . . fly! . . .. shoo!
Them's my terms. Take it or leave it - it's all the same to me.
"Theology is that science which treats of the unknowable with infinitesimal exactitude." - Anatole France
Quixie, you can't honestly believe that your essay constitites a refutation. I would call it a response, but no refutation. Since you accept the historicity of Jesus, I guess we have nothing to debate.
God exists or nothing exists --- Greg Bahnsen
I would never presume to "constitite" anything.
However, unless you have your own definiton of "refutation" that you'd like to share with us, I stand by mine.
You are adorable.
To others in this forum: Am I allowed to kiss this guy?
"Theology is that science which treats of the unknowable with infinitesimal exactitude." - Anatole France
Rooks Article Stated: Pliny says they sing a hymn to Christ as to God which Christians in Pliny's time would consider blasphemous since Jesus was no more than a man to them. His divinity was not established until 325 A.D.
God exists or nothing exists --- Greg Bahnsen
I don't want to engage AL500 at ALL (please don't answer me AL, ok? thanks buddy
), but I'd like to know what article or post he is refering to . . . . or if AL is making it up. I wouldn't put it past him.
I would certainly hope that Rook didn't say this, at any rate.
"Theology is that science which treats of the unknowable with infinitesimal exactitude." - Anatole France
Obviously you haven't read the "thorough Examination of the Evidence for Jesus." I have two problems with his examination.
1. It was not thorough. There's alot of extra-biblcal data he didn't even mention.
2. What he did mention he got totally wrong.
I was speaking about a comment he made about Suetonius.
God exists or nothing exists --- Greg Bahnsen
Yo Rook . . . are you there? . . . i want to hear this from YOU.
Not from Al.
LUCIANIT WAS SAID: Lucian was NOT a contemporary or eye-witness. MY RESPONSE: That's a poor argument. Plutarch was not an eye-witness to Alexander the Great when he wrote about him 400 years after his death yet you accept his historicity. Greco-Roman historian Michel Grant has stated that what we know about Alexander fits on only a few sheets of paper, yet no one doubts he existed. (see Meier, A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus, p.23).You are guilty of the special pleading (double standard) fallacy. By what law of logic and historical methodology do you permit the one (Alex) and reject the other (Christ)? Contemporary writers has never been a criterian for historians. Historians will take anything they can get. It's irrelevant though because Jesus' 12 apostles were contemporaries. There are a number of ancient personages who did not have contemporary writers yet their historicity is accepted. Here is a partial list:Gamaliel Honi the Circle-Drawer
as evidence from a non-Christian source. Had Christ been unknown, it would have been meaningless for Lucian to say "the man who was crucified in Palestine." It must have been common knowledge. It has been established that Lucian did mention Christ and the Christians.TALMUDIT WAS SAID: The Talmud has "borrowed" its knowledge of Jesus from the Gospels.MY RESPONSE: You offered no proof of that. That's an interesting claim since prior to it you asserted that the Talmud did not corroberate the New Testament. What is your proof that the Talmud borrowed from the NT? The Talmud speaks of Jesus and your information is false. The author of that essay really has no idea what he is talking about. All modern encyclopedias ascribe the Talmudic reference to Jesus Christ. For one example, see the Encyclopedia Britanica. (EB, Section on Jesus, 1990). The most reliable information about Jesus from the Talmud comes from the earliest period of compilation --- AD 70 to 200. This was known as the Tannaitic period. The passage about Jesus is found in "Sanhedrin" 43a. We learn some very important facts from this section.IT WAS SAID: It says Yeshu, not Jesus. MY RESPONSE: Probably because Jesus is an English translation. Did you ever think of that? Yeshua was Jesus Hebrew name.IT WAS SAID: Jesus was crucified, not hanged. MY RESPONSE: Fallacy of false dichotomy. The NT speaks of crucifiction and hanging in the same way. Jesus is said to have been "hanged" (kremamenos) in Gal.3:13, as were the two men killed at the same time (Greek "kremasthenton" in Luke 23:39). The term "hanged" is simply a variant expression of the same fate.IT WAS SAID: Jesus was not stoned, at least not according to the biblical record. MY RESPONSE: The Talmud never says he was stoned. Sanhedrin 43a states that since nothing was brought forward in his favor, he was hanged instead of stoned.IT WAS SAID: The New Testament says nothing about a herald going forth for forty days before the execution occurred. MY RESPONSE: That's an argument from silence. The NT also says nothing in reference to him being potty-trained. Can we therefore conclude that he wasn't? While this "herald" is not specifically stated in the NT (many things were not written. see John 21:5), such is perfectly consistent with both Jewish practice and with the report that this had also been threatened on other occasions. (see John 8:58-58; 10:31-33; 39).IT WAS SAID: Jesus had no connection with the government. At least nothing within the Gospels would lead one to believe that he lived among royalty or the influential class. MY RESPONSE: Sanhedrin 43a, which has the oldest section on Christ in the Talmud, says nothing of Yeshu having connection with the government. The portion on the alleged connection to the government is of later formulation and not as historically certain as the first portion.IT WAS SAID: Nowhere in the New Testament was Jesus charged with sorcery or leading Israel astray. The New Testament record tells of three accusations against Jesus:MY RESPONSE: Argumentum a silentio (argument from silence). And you are wrong again. In Jewish eyes, Jesus would have been accused of sorcery. We find this perfectly consistent with such passages as Matt. 12 and Luke 11 where they accused him of casting out devils through the power of Beelzebub. In the Jewish mind, sorcery and working through Beelzebub were identical things. All of these facts corroberate the biblical data.Another early reference in the Talmud speaks of five of Jesus' disciples. (Sanhedrin 43a).Another reference to Jesus states that he was either 33 or 34 years old when he died. (Sanhedrin 106b). This too corroberates the biblical data. Many other allusions and possible connections could be mentioned, such as derision of the Christian doctrine of the virgin birth. (Yeb. IV: 3 49a).And references to Mary, Jesus mother. (Hagigah 4b; Sanhedrin 106a). The latter references are later in composition, but the first two references are the oldest. Keep in mind also that the Talmud never denies the existence of Jesus. Remember, every encyclopedia including Encyclopedia Britanica states that the Talmud is referring to Christ.To sum-up this section on the Talmud, here is a quote from the greatest Aramaic scholar of his day, Gustav Dalman:"Jesus is commonly referred to in the Talmud and in Talmudic literature by the expressions "Son of Stada (Satda)" and "Son of "Pandera" These are so accepted that they appear constantly in the Babylonian Talmud (cp. Targum Sheni on Esther VII 9) even without the name Jesus. It might seem to be a question as to who it is that is to be understood by these. But in the Jerusalem Talmud (Avodah Zarah II. 40d), the full name is given as Yeshu ben Pandera, and in Tosephta on Hullin II, the full name is given as Yeshu ben Pandera and Yeshu ben Pantere. So then Ben Pandera or ben Pantere also bears the name Yeshu. Further, the Jesus the Nazarene who is "hanged on the evening before Passover" (Sanhedrin 43a) is on the other hand (Sanhedrin 67a) also called the "son of Stada (Satda)." It is evident that in both these places the same person is spoken of. Here these two passages may be considered conclusive, since they repeat each other using the similar language, and in a section of the text which is chiefly concerned about Jesus; and so we see that Jesus was also referred to as Ben Stada." (Jesus Christ in the Talmud, Midrash and the Zohar).PLINY THE YOUNGERIT WAS SAID: Why anyone would quote this passage is hard to understand.MY RESPONSE: Hard for you perhaps but not for the historian, because it clearly speaks of Christ, his deity and crucifiction.
Hanina ben dosaJohn the Baptist (However he is mentioned in the Gospels and Josephus)Appolonius of Tyana (his life written 100 years after death).The Four Maccabees:Mattathias Judas Jonathan Simon Judas the Galilean Rabbi Akiva TheudasSimon MagusHannibalClement of RomeMany Jewish Rebels IT WAS SAID: Lucian does NOT mention Jesus OR the cult this man who was crucified in Palestine started.MY RESPONSE: That statement is false and an argument from silence. Here is what Lucian stated:"The Christian's, you know, worship a man to this day.....and worship the crucified sage....." (Lucian, The Death of Peregrine, 11-13). IT WAS SAID: He does speak a LOT about Christians, in fact he ridicules them! MY RESPONSE: You just said above that he does "NOT" mention the cult. You have clearly contradicted yourself.From the words of Lucian, of which I have only quoted partially, we see that Jesus was worshipped by Christians (in corroberation with the biblical data) that he introduced new teachings in Palestine. In another passage from Lucian, he states that these Christian's had "sacred writings," and that the Christian's were easily taken advantage of. (12-13). He also alludes to Christ's miracles. (Philopseudes, nn. 13, 16; De Morte Pereg).Meier [Meie.MarJ, 92] indicates common knowledge as the source of Lucian's statement. Allinson [Alli.Luc, 95] states that Lucian was acquainted with some of the facts of his crucifiction. Evan's [ChilEv.Stud, 461-2] regards "Lucian's word to describe crucifiction ("to impale"
IT WAS SAID: It proves nothing in regard to the existence of Jesus, but only affirms the existence of Christians. MY RESPONSE: The relevant section states: "They (the Christians) were in the habit of meeting on a certain fixed day before it was light, when they sang in alternate verses a hymn to Christ, as to a god..." (Pliny, Letters X96).The same passage that mentions the Christians, also mentions Christ. I agree that Pliny's reference does not establish the historicity of Christ, but it is a non-biblical referrence to Christ nonetheless.IT WAS SAID: Pliny says they sing a hymn to Christ as to God which Christians in Pliny's time would consider blasphemous since Jesus was no more than a man to them. His divinity was not established until 325 A.D. MY RESPONSE: THAT IS TOTALLY INCORRECT! The NT CLEARLY established the deity of Christ! And this passage supports the Christian position, not yours. How could his divinity be established in 325 AD, when Pope Victor [189-198] condemned the teaching that Jesus was just an ordinary man in the second century? (see Eusebius, HE V, 8). The earliest Christian writers (Clement, Irenaus, Ignatius, Justin, Hypolitus, etc) affirmed the deity of Christ, as did Jesus himself, Paul and the apostles. Your statement is circular and 100% false. Nicea in 325 only affirmed what was always believed. Jesus was always believed to be God from the very beginning. TACITUSIT WAS SAID: It is extremely improbable that a special report found by Tacitus had been sent earlier to Rome and incorporated into the records of the Senate, in regard to the death of a Jewish provincial, Jesus. MY RESPONSE: Notice he gave no evidence for that assertion. I contrast what he said with Tacitus' historian, F.F. Bruce who stated that Tacitus probably received his report from an official record, and may have been contained in one of Pilate's reports to the emperor to which Tacitus would have access because of his standing with the Roman givernment. ( see Christian Origins, p.23).It is also interesting that Tacitus mentioned Jesus death in the historical context of Pilate and Tiberius.IT WAS SAID: The execution of a Nazareth carpenter would have been one of the most insignificant events conceivable among the movements of Roman history in those decades; it would have completely disappeared beneath the innumerable executions inflicted by Roman provincial authorities. For it to have been kept in any report would have been a most remarkable instance of chance. MY RESPONSE: Notice the double standard going on here. The "Jesus Myther's complain that if Jesus did all the things the NT claims he did, then there would have been knowledge of him everywhere. Than when we give them knowledge of Jesus, they want to conveniently dismiss it. This is a very important contradiction in their methodology.IT WAS SAID: The phrase "multitudo ingens" which means "a great number" is opposed to all that we know of the spread of the new faith in Rome at the time. A vast multitude in 64 A.D.? There were not more than a few thousand Christians 200 years later. The idea of so many just 30 years after his supposed death is just a falsehood. MY RESPONSE: Another unproven assertion on his part. What is your evidence/proof it is a falsehood? The fact of the resurrection would account for the quick growth of the faith within the first century. And the phrase "great number" is entirely subjective.IT WAS SAID: The use of the Christians as "living torches," as Tacitus describes, and all the other atrocities that were committed against them, have little title to credence, and suggest an imagination exalted by reading stories of the later Christian martyrs. Death by fire was not a punishment inflicted at Rome in the time of Nero. It is opposed to the moderate principles on which the accused were then dealt with by the State. MY RESPONSE: Again, he gives no evidence for that assertion. The burning of Christians by Nero is well documented by historians. ( see Carrington, The Early Christian Church; Davis, and Stearns, Readings In Ancient History; Duruy, History of Rome and the Roman People, vol V ). This just shows how desperate the "Jesus Mythers" are in their arguments to eliminate as much as they possibly can to the detriment of history.IT WAS SAID: The Roman authorities can have had no reason to inflict special punishment on the new faith. How could the non-initiated Romans know what were the concerns of a comparatively small religious sect, which was connected with Judaism and must have seemed to the impartial observer wholly identical with it. MY RESPONSE: But we're not talking about what you think or don't think should or should not occur. We are talking about what history tells us. Nero blamed the fire on the Christians. The rest of your arguments on Tacitus are so unwarranted and speculative on your part that I'm not going to waste my time and space on them.JOSEPHUSIT WAS SAID: Many problems abound here. Firstly, this is the Arabic translation of the text. Many consider this a more accurate translation, it does not in anyway change the fact that it is an interpolation. I'm using it to show that even if we ignore that faulty greek translation which is not as accurately translated, this passage STILL does not appear until 300 years later when Eusebius, in the 4th century, cited all the "evidences" of Christianity obtained from Jewish and pagan sources. MY RESPONSE: That statement is the premise of your section on Josephus, and it is totally wrong. In logic, a false premise produces a false conclusion. Dr's Flusser and Pines of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem have confirmed the fact that the Arabic version of Tacitus is the oldest version, and that this oldest version is authentic and does not contain an interpolation. Flusser and Pines are the greatest Josephus historians alive. See their commentary on this in their work "New Evidence on Jesus' Life Reported, pp.1, 24, by Flusser. Charlesworth is another leading Josephus scholar and he has come to the same conclusion. See "Jesus Within Judaism." Modern Josephus scholars now accept the fact that Josephus did make reference to Christ, so the rest of your arguments are nullified.EXTRA-BIBLICAL DATA ROOK DID NOT MENTION:Rook, or whoever wrote that essay has engaged in the fallacy of supressing evidence. There is a lot more ancient material on Jesus Christ that is outside the Bible. The Gnostics were heretics because of their erroneous views of Christ. But several Gnostic source affirm Jesus' historicity. EMPEROR TRAJAN (PLINY, LETTERS, X:97)EMPEROR HADRIAN (EUSEBIUS, ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, IV, IX)MARA BAR SERAPION (TEXT DATES TO LATE FIRST TO THIRD CENTURIES)He mentions many facts about Christ and how he was executed unjustly.GNOSTIC SOURCES:THE GOSPEL OF TRUTH (135-160)"the Word came into the midst...it became a body." (26:4-8)."For when they had seen him and had heard him, he granted them to taste him and to smell him and to touch the beloved Son. When he had appeared instructing them about the Father....For he came by means of fleshly appearance." (30:27-33; 31:4-6).The Gospel of Truth also affirms that Jesus was persecuted, suffered, was nailed to a tree. It also claims that Jesus was raised in an eternal body. (30:37; 31:12-20).THE APOCRYPHON OF JOHN (120-130)This text speaks of John and James the sons of Zebedee, and their Master Jesus the Nazarene.(1:5-7).THE GOSPEL OF THOMAS (140-200)While it is dated to 140-200, it reflects thoughts of an earlier period. (Koester, Introduction in James Robinson, The Nag Hammadi Library, p. 117; Baur, p. 310; Pagels, Gnostic Gospels, XV-XVI).The Gospel of Thomas speaks of Jesus, his disciples, his designation "Son of Man", Son of His Father., his death, his exaltation, and many other things that corroberate the biblical data. (Gospel of Thomas, 32:10-11 34:30-35:4; 43:28-30; 44:34-35; 45:11-15; 49:21-26; 46:23-28).THE TREATISE ON RESURRECTION (2 nd century)The book is addressed to an individual named Rheginos."The Lord....existed in the flesh and ....revealed himself as Son of God....Now the Son of God, Rheginos, was Son of Man. He embraced them both, posessing the humanity and the divinity......" (44:13-36).It also speaks more on Jesus' resurrection. (45:14-23)."Do not think the resurrection is an illusion. It is no illusion, but is truth. Indeed, it is more fitting to say that the world is an illusion, rather than the resurrection which has come into being through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ." (48:10-19).LOST WORKSACTS OF PONTIUS PILATEThis text was an ancient and official document of RomeIt refers to Jesus crucifiction, that lots were cast upon his vesture (in corroberation with the NT). (Justin Martyr, First Apology, XXXV).It also speaks of several healing miracles. (ibid, XLVIII).Tertullian from around 200, reports that Tiberius acted on this report. (Apology, V).PHLEGON (80)His work no longer exists, and we depend on others for our information. Origen states that in Phlegon's book "Chronicles," that the latter ascribed to Jesus a knowledge of future events, and to Peter the apostle. (Origen, Contra Celsum, XIV in the Ante-Nicene Fathers).Origen also stated that Phlegon made mention of Jesus, Tiberius Caesar, the eclipse, Jesus crucifiction, and the great earthquakes at Jesus crucifiction. (Ibid., XXXIII).Julias Africanus agrees on the last reference to Phlegon, adding a bit more information:"Phlegon records that, in the time of Tiberius Caesar, at full moon, there was a full eclipse of the sun from the sixth to the ninth hour." (Julius Africanus, XVIII). These facts totally corroberate the Gospel account!Origen even quotes Phlegon's admission to Jesus resurrection. (Origen, LIX).ANCIENT CHRISTIAN SOURCES (NON-NEW TESTAMENT)CLEMENT OF ROME (90-125)Eusebius, the first Christian historian, states that Clement knew the apostles personally. (Church History, III, 2). Clement's text is considered to be the earliest non-New Testament writing. He refers to the apostles, Jesus and many other facts. (Clement, Corinthians, 42).IGNATIUS (wrote between 110-115)He refers to Jesus Christ, Mary his mother, that Jesus was descended from David, that he was persecuted by Pilate, crucified, died, and rose from the dead. (Trallians, 9). He also affirms the virgin birth of Christ, that Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, and mentions King Herod. (Smyrnaeans, 1). Another passage affirming Jesus resurrection is found here. (Ibid., 3). Ignatius more about Jesus death, resurrection and Pilate. (Magnesians, 11).QUADRATUS (wrote in 125)He talks about Jesus the Savior, and how he raised the dead and healed people. And that how some of the people who Jesus healed, had lived up to Quadratus own time. (Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History IV: III).BARNABAS (126-155)He states that Jesus became a man. He preached in Israel, performed miracles, expressed love for the people, that Jesus chose disciples to proclaim the message of the gospel, and that it was necessary for Jesus to suffer on a tree [crucifiction]. (Barnabas, 5).JUSTIN MARTYR (wrote around 150)He talks about Jesus Christ and his place of birth, that he was born of a virgin, that he was a physical descendant of Jesse, of the tribe of Judah. And that Jesus was born in Bethlehem. And that the record of Jesus birth could be verified by by consulting the records of Cyrenius, the first procurator of Judea. (First Apology, XL VII).Justin Martyr says so much about Jesus, that space and time prevent me from listing all his references.OTHER JEWISH SOURCES HE DID NOT MENTIONPHILO (DIED AFTER 40 AD)Eusebius (Hist. Eccl., II, iv) preserves a history that Philo had met St. Peter in Rome.TOLEDOTH JESU (5th century)This is an anti-Christian document that was compiled in the 5th century, but it reflects early Jewish tradition.The Jewish enemies of Christ wrote about him. Jesus birth is spoken of in:ACTA PILATI IN THILO, CODEX APOCRYPHA. N.T., I, 526; CF. JUSTIN, APOL, I, 35).Jesus parents are spoken of in:ORIGEN CONTRA CELS., I, 28, 32). Jesus father mentioned:GEMERA SANHEDRIN, VIII; SCHABBATH, XII, CF.EISENMENGER, ENTDECKTES JUDENTHUM, I, 109; SCHOTTGEN, HORAE HEBRAICAE, II, 696; BUXTORF, LEXCHAD.BASLE, 1639, 1459, HULDREICH, SEPHER TOLEDHOTH YESHUA HANNACERI, LEYDEN, 1705Other Jewish references:Murder of the Innocents:WAGENSEIL, CONFUT. LIBR. TOLDOTH, 15EISENMENGER OP. CIT., I 116; SCHOTTGEN, OP. CIT., II, 667Jesus flight into Egypt as a child:JOSEPHUS, ANT. XIII, XIII.Jesus in the Temple at age 12:SCHOTTGEN, OP. CIT. II, 696Jesus calling his disciples:SANHEDRIN, 43A; WAGENSEIL, OP. CIT., 17; SCHOTTGEN, LOC. CIT., 713Jesus' miracles:ORIGEN, CONTRA CELS, II, 48; WAGENSEIL, OP. CIT., 150There are many more. But space does not permit me.CONCLUSION: I want to conclude by stating two facts.1. The ancient enemies of Christianity never argued that Jesus never existed. In fact, no one ever argued it until the 19th century. But the "Jesus is Myth" theory has always been criticized by scholars and historians.2. The majority of Jesus historians and scholars today from conservative, moderate and liberal camps, agree to the historicity of Jesus Christ. This was not an exhaustive list or treatement at all. And I also did not even get into the archaeology of the NT.
God exists or nothing exists --- Greg Bahnsen
Here is what leading Jesus scholars have to say about the "Jesus is myth" theory. But first I want to invite you to read every encyclopedia under the section of "Jesus."
This is a partial list
"Of course the doubt as to whether Jesus really existed is unfounded and not worth refutation. No sane person can doubt that Jesus stands as founder behind the historical movement whose first distinct stage is represented by the Palestinian community" (Bultmann, Jesus and the Word, p.13).
The modern Father of the "Jesus is myth" theory is G.A. Wells who himself was not an NT scholar. But he also came to his senses and changed his position.
"G.A. Wells has now abandoned the Christ-Myth hypothesis and has accepted the historicity of Jesus on the basis of the "Q" document" (The Jesus Myth, 1999).
Van Voorst: "Although Wells has been probably the most able advocate of the nonhistoricity theory, he has not been pursuasive and is now almost a lone voice for it. The theory of Jesus nonexistence is now effectively dead as a scholarly question" (Jesus Outside the New Testament,, p.14).
F.F. Bruce: "The historicity of Christ is axiomatic for an unbiased historian as the historicity of Julius Caesar. It is not historians who propagate the "Christ-myth' theories"(The New Testament Documents: Are they Reliable", 1972).
Otto Betz: "No serious scholar has ventured to postulate the non-historicity of Jesus" (What do We Know about Jesus," p.9).
E.P. Sanders: "We know a lot about Jesus, vastly more than about John the Baptist, Theudas, Judas the Galilean, or any of the other figures whose names we have from approximately the same date and place" (The Historical Figure of Jesus, 1993).
A.E. Harvey: It would be no exaggeration to say that this event [the Crucifixtion] is better attested, and supported by a more impressive array of evidence, than any other event of comparable importance of which we have knowledge from the ancient world" (Jesus and the Constraints of History,"1982).
Morton Smith: "I don't think the arguments from in (Wells) book deserve detailed refutation.....he argues mostly from silence...many of his arguments are incorrect, far too many to discuss in this space".
R.J. Hoffmann: "Wells presents us with a piece of private mythology that I find incredible beyond anything in the Gospels," (Jesus in History and Myth), pp.47-48).
Werner Kummel: "The denial of the existence of Jesus. [is] arbitrary and ill-founded" (The New Testament: The History of the Investigation of its Problems, p.447, n. 367).
Gunter Bornkamm: "To doubt the historical existence of Jesus at all, was reserved for an unrestrained, tendentious criticism of modern times into which it is not worth while to enter here" (Jesus of Nazareth, p.28).
Van Voorst (referring to the mythicists) states: "Contemporary New Testament scholars have typically viewed their arguments as so weak or bizarre that they relegate them to footnotes, or often ignore them completely" (Jesus Outside the New Testament, p.6).
James Charlesworth: "Jesus did exist; and we know more about him than about almost any Palestinian Jew before 70 C.E." (Jesus Within Judaism, pp.168-169).
Dominic Crossan: "That he was crucified, is as sure as anything historical can ever be" (Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography, p.145)
Note: Crossan is considered by the liberal school of scholars to be the greatest Jesus historian in the world.
God exists or nothing exists --- Greg Bahnsen
I think I said in one of my posts that Rudolf Bultmann denied the historicity of Christ. I was wrong. He didn't. He only denied the resurrection.
God exists or nothing exists --- Greg Bahnsen
Is there really any point in presenting a list of putative supports for Jesus that Rook already refuted on page 1? I mean, other than assuaging your raging doubts?
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
Please stop lying. You wrote this in the other thread:
You declared that arguments from silence are NEVER valid.
You've been exposed as a liar.
No, your point was that arguments from silence are always invalid. Stop lying. You never even attempted to demonstrate how my 'arguments from silence were invalid. Never. You just argued that 1) my arguments were arguments from silence, and then declared them necessarily invalid.
And you did this because you didn't even know that there were valid arguments from silence.
Please don't lie. If you lie about this again, I'll lock this thread. We don't have time or space for people who will simply lie when refuted.
You were warned to stop repeating your lie about this. But you repeated it again!
http://www.rationalresponders.com/forum/rook_hawkins/the_jesus_mythicist_campaign/7500?page=0#comment-85110 I'm warning you: I see no reason why the people on this site should tolerate your lying.
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
If there are arguments from silence that are valid, then believing that the references to Christus, the guy that was crucified and started a cult, and the refrernces of "Yeshu" in the Talmud, and the other references to followers of Jesus that went to their deaths as martyrs (which are not disputed by historians), bears witness that a Jesus that caused these people to be mentioned as followers really existed.
And also, the writings of the disciples are reliable historical documents.
Studying the efforts that Christians then, and of this modern era, have done to present their case solidly, one should come to a logical conclusion that Jesus of Nazereth, Jesus the Christ, Jesus Christ, was a real person, that real people considered to be the messiah.
Rook, you have asked us to weigh your evidence that the references of and to Jesus are weak at best should be seen as proof that Jesus never existed.
I think the references you offered give credence to the logical assertion that the Jesus of the Christians, is the person being referenced by your offerings. And of course theirs.
0 x 0 = Atheism. Something from nothing? Ahhh no.
And Karl, religion is not the opiate of the people, opium is. Visit any modern city in the western world and see.
The writings of the disciples? I'm assuming you mean the Gospels here. So you know who actually wrote them, eh? Or are you just going by "The Gospel According to..." titles that Catholicism attached?
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
Thx Rook!!
I offered to debate Rook in the chat room. He asked for evidence, but when I pressed him on the question as to what he would consider evidence, he never answered. So, I have come here to debate him on the Jesus subject. But I see someone already has succeeded in refuting his claims. But we can start afresh if you want.
The more I study nature, the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator -- Louis Pasteur
Be careful about debating Rook
He is a member of the SBL.
It is hightly selective, and you must past 65 dollars to join.
Few men, or women, can attain this goal.
Am I missing something or is this veiled ad hom accusing Rook of buying his credentials?
Do you, perchance, believe Kent Hovind earned his by sheer educational prowess?
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin