File your Tax Extension - Christian Wackos claim May 21, 2011 is Judgment Day

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File your Tax Extension - Christian Wackos claim May 21, 2011 is Judgment Day

Don't want to pay your taxes? Are you a Tea Bagger Christian wacko?

Here's your chance.

Several groups are traveling around the US in RV caravans claiming Judgment Day is May 21, 2011.

When this group decided to come to Tampa and warn people attending the Gasparilla Pirate Fest they got on my radar.

See on CNN -

Highlights -

CNN article wrote:

Arianna Ramrajie, of Ocala, Florida, has one she'd like to share.

On May 21, the sun will "turn red like blood," the Earth will open up, bodies will be strewn about and "some people will die for eternity," she says.

By the way, Arianna is 7 years old.

Give away all your stuff. Follow their example. You can send all of your unwanted items you won't need to the RRS. We will see that they are properly distributed.

CNN article wrote:

"We pretty much blanket the whole world," says Camping, 89.

This degreed engineer, who calls the Bible his "university," believes the church age ended and the "Great Tribulation" (the years leading up to the end, he says) began on May 21, 1988, when Satan entered the pews. Truth, he says, can be found only in the Bible and not through the mouths of clergy.

He has dissected scripture and crunched his biblical numbers to come up with the fateful dates. He rattles off mathematical explanations of how he did this work, throwing out Bible verses and calculations that leave an outsider's head spinning.

But Camping also happens to be the man who once said September 6, 1994, would be the big day.

He explains now that he originally thought 2011 was the year, but a few verses tripped him up and he concluded that the Great Tribulation might get cut short. There was still scripture he was grappling with, end-time signs that were to come -- he points to the gay pride movement as one of them -- and truths that had yet to be revealed, "but because of the urgency of time I had to get it out quickly," he says of his previous warning.

This time around, he has no doubts.


Yeah right.


The group originated from - see their insane message here -

The group is traversing Florida, Texas and Pennsylvania.

On May 22, 2011 the parents of some of the wackos in Florida should be arrested and their children taken from them by DCF for child abuse and endangerment. That's what DCF does in Florida usually.

family wacko radio site wrote:

  The ark that Noah had built was the only place of safety from the destruction of the Flood. Likewise, God’s gracious mercy is the only place of safety from the destruction that is coming on the Day of Judgment.

      In 2 Peter 3:8, which is quoted above, Holy God reminds us that one day is as 1,000 years. Therefore, with the correct understanding that the seven days referred to in Genesis 7:4 can be understood as 7,000 years, we learn that when God told Noah there were seven days to escape worldwide destruction, He was also telling the world there would be exactly 7,000 years (one day is as 1,000 years) to escape the wrath of God that would come when He destroys the world on Judgment Day. Because Holy Infinite God is all-knowing, He knows the end from the beginning. He knew how sinful the world would become.

 Seven thousand years after 4990 B.C. (the year of the Flood) is the year 2011 A.D. (our calendar).

4990 + 2011 – 1 = 7,000

[One year must be subtracted in going from an Old Testament B.C. calendar date to a New Testament A.D. calendar date because the calendar does not have a year zero.]

Thus Holy God is showing us by the words of 2 Peter 3:8 that He wants us to know that exactly 7,000 years after He destroyed the world with water in Noah’s day, He plans to destroy the entire world forever. Because the year 2011 A.D. is exactly 7,000 years after 4990 B.C. when the flood began, the Bible has given us absolute proof that the year 2011 is the end of the world during the Day of Judgment, which will come on the last day of the Day of Judgment.

Amazingly, May 21, 2011 is the 17th day of the 2nd month of the Biblical calendar of our day. Remember, the flood waters also began on the 17th day of the 2nd month, in the year 4990 B.C.

So if you buy into this wacko scenario you have a few choices:

1- File a Tax extension because you will never have to pay your tax.

2- Send a very large donation to the RRS - you can enclose a message telling us you want us to be warned if you like.

3 - Donate all of your cash and goods to one of the homeless shelters.





"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me

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Jesus returned, he was then

Jesus returned, he was then caught trying to cross the border illegally and has since been put on a terrorist no fly list.  He's currently trying to walk across the Atlantic to Europe on his way to Jerusalem.  Tragically, all of his new disciples have drowned within 2 miles from shore.  So far pretty dull, if only he had made it to Jerusalem right away, the plot would have moved along... oh well, we're all waiting on new developments. 


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If you swabbed this person's

If you swabbed this person's mouth you'd find the sperm of Glen Beck.


Duh, and thanks for the update dip shit.

It will happen, but not for the magical superstitious bullshit comic book reasons conspiracy nuts like you put forth.

There are many ways that life could change drastically and even wipe out our species.

1.A nuclear war would by by human hands, not because of a man in a white robe vs a man with a pitchfork.

2. Disease. We could have a super bacteria evolve that could bypass all the medicine we try to develope.

3. Pollution and climate change could make it impossible for organized societies to maintain.

4. A meteor or comet could hit the planet and fry us.

5. An exploding star could fry us.

7. And even if we get lucky enough to avoid all those things, eventually our own sun will expand and fry the planet.

BUT none of these real threats are the cause of a magic man with magical super powers and no matter what we do, our species WILL go extinct and eventually all life will die on this planet.

Unfortunately because of divisive gang cheer leading like nutcases like you, humanity gets divided and distracted by this conspiracy crap when we could be looking for answers to prolong our finite stay.

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Brian37 wrote:BUT none of

Brian37 wrote:

BUT none of these real threats are the cause of a magic man with magical super powers and no matter what we do, our species WILL go extinct and eventually all life will die on this planet.

And all life will eventually go extinct on earth without an Arab mythical god, Jesus, ever appearing! It's kinda hard to return when you never existed to begin with!

I wonder what excuse that psycho Harold will give when life continues on earth as usual on May 22? 

"Jeebus told me wrong" or "I miscalculated again".  He was already wrong once in Sep.1994 when he miscalculated!

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The world isn't going to end

The world isn't going to end this year; Marty McFly has been to 2015.

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JesusNEVERexisted wrote:I've

JesusNEVERexisted wrote:

I've been gone over a month and Jesus hasn't returned!!?!? I could've SWORN he'd come this time!!  

I may be gone for a while from the forum from time to time but I always return UNLIKE Jesus!! 

Well, my information is, that he returned in 1977, but keeps a low profile. Everyone believes he wants to judge people and fight a great battle and leave the Earth in bad shape. So he can't stick out his nose, because everyone would start pointing at him and shouting "Antichrist!!!" Thanks to vague prophecies of his apostles, no religious authority today can differ Satan from the Savior. Thanks St. John, really. So the Christ went instead to economic area, where the Wall Street really waits for "the one" to make a big miracle and save everything. 


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Luminon wrote:

JesusNEVERexisted wrote:

I've been gone over a month and Jesus hasn't returned!!?!? I could've SWORN he'd come this time!!  

I may be gone for a while from the forum from time to time but I always return UNLIKE Jesus!! 

Well, my information is, that he returned in 1977, but keeps a low profile. Everyone believes he wants to judge people and fight a great battle and leave the Earth in bad shape. So he can't stick out his nose, because everyone would start pointing at him and shouting "Antichrist!!!" Thanks to vague prophecies of his apostles, no religious authority today can differ Satan from the Savior. Thanks St. John, really. So the Christ went instead to economic area, where the Wall Street really waits for "the one" to make a big miracle and save everything. 


so he's only been seen by the economic elites and those who hang out with Benjamin Creme?

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
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jcgadfly wrote:so he's only

jcgadfly wrote:

so he's only been seen by the economic elites and those who hang out with Benjamin Creme?

No, pretty much people of all professions and backgrounds. But those out of important offices are more willing to admit it, because they have nothing to lose. For example, Michail Gorbachev. That is my information. (search his name in the article) Hopefully in this way we will find in our offices a group of competent people, who will lead the world elsewhere than into the complete american insanity that everyone blindly copies.

Believers are fools to ignore the importance of economy and politics. They expect some dragons, multi-limbed beasts, riders of apocalypse, and great judgement. But at the same time, they dislike the idea of it. They have a house, car, family, job, friends, who would want it to end? Therefore, anyone who would want to change the status quo (and bring the mentioned biblical terrible prophecies) is a threat. Antichrist is a threat. Therefore, a given person X they suspect is the Antichrist. Therefore, a potential "savior" (or in today's terms world teacher and reformer) can not act as a religious leader. 

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Luminon wrote:jcgadfly

Luminon wrote:

jcgadfly wrote:

so he's only been seen by the economic elites and those who hang out with Benjamin Creme?

No, pretty much people of all professions and backgrounds. But those out of important offices are more willing to admit it, because they have nothing to lose. For example, [url=]Michail Gorbachev.[/url] That is my information. (search his name in the article) Hopefully in this way we will find in our offices a group of competent people, who will lead the world elsewhere than into the complete american insanity that everyone blindly copies.

Believers are fools to ignore the importance of economy and politics. They expect some dragons, multi-limbed beasts, riders of apocalypse, and great judgement. But at the same time, they dislike the idea of it. They have a house, car, family, job, friends, who would want it to end? Therefore, anyone who would want to change the status quo (and bring the mentioned biblical terrible prophecies) is a threat. Antichrist is a threat. Therefore, a given person X they suspect is the Antichrist. Therefore, a potential "savior" (or in today's terms world teacher and reformer) can not act as a religious leader. 

As your only source of this is connected to Creme and there aren't any sightings of Maitreya that aren't connected to Creme, it strengthens my suspicion that Creme sees Maitreya every time he looks in a mirror.

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
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He hasn't returned???

He hasn't returned??? Damn.  I had plans in May too, Guess I'll stop biding my time and get some things done. Glad you are back!

"Whoever feels predestined to see and not to believe will find all believers too noisy and pushy: he guards against them."

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jcgadfly wrote:As your only

jcgadfly wrote:

As your only source of this is connected to Creme and there aren't any sightings of Maitreya that aren't connected to Creme, it strengthens my suspicion that Creme sees Maitreya every time he looks in a mirror.

That would raise my suspicion too, but this isn't the case. One well-documented appearance was in 1988 in Nairobi, Kenya,  provided with photographs and a Times reporter.

If this is not a scene from some Bolliwood movie, then it is a piece of evidence Smiling
There is no claim of omniscience, omnipotence or omnipresence. There is no revolutionary statement, only old truths and ideals we all want to see in reality, but no-one ever manifested them yet. And of course, this man is tiptoeing around and across world religions, to NOT earn prematurely the title of Antichrist or exclusive savior of a particular religion. Anonymous apparition here and there is fine, but the main topic is the justice in economy and peace in politics. And so we can see on the media people obviously inspired by the same ideas, namely Raj Patel, Jacque Fresco and others. I think extreme caution and secrecy is the only way to avoid labelling and subsequent rejection by everyone who don't approve the label. (and with the rest relying upon the savior to do their work for them) 

Of course, many thousands of people around the world could swear that they had met Maitreya in person, some of them even recognized the photo. Sooner or later most of them therefore get interested in Creme's message. This is only expectable.

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Luminon wrote:jcgadfly

Luminon wrote:

jcgadfly wrote:

As your only source of this is connected to Creme and there aren't any sightings of Maitreya that aren't connected to Creme, it strengthens my suspicion that Creme sees Maitreya every time he looks in a mirror.

That would raise my suspicion too, but this isn't the case. One well-documented appearance was in 1988 in [url=]Nairobi, Kenya,[/url]  provided with photographs and a Times reporter.

If this is not a scene from some Bolliwood movie, then it is a piece of evidence Smiling
There is no claim of omniscience, omnipotence or omnipresence. There is no revolutionary statement, only old truths and ideals we all want to see in reality, but no-one ever manifested them yet. And of course, this man is tiptoeing around and across world religions, to NOT earn prematurely the title of Antichrist or exclusive savior of a particular religion. Anonymous apparition here and there is fine, but the main topic is the justice in economy and peace in politics. And so we can see on the media people obviously inspired by the same ideas, namely Raj Patel, Jacque Fresco and others. I think extreme caution and secrecy is the only way to avoid labelling and subsequent rejection by everyone who don't approve the label. (and with the rest relying upon the savior to do their work for them) 

Of course, many thousands of people around the world could swear that they had met Maitreya in person, some of them even recognized the photo. Sooner or later most of them therefore get interested in Creme's message. This is only expectable.

Still seems dubious.

A more likely explanation is that one of Creme's followers doing "healings" saw a guy who looked like the Maitreya that Creme says he sees, causes a small furor that makes the news and has said sighting confirmed by Creme.

It's easy to hire actors to play roles.

So we're back to your only source being connected to Creme (otherwise why would the "journalist" ask Creme to confirm the sighting?)

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
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jcgadfly wrote:Still seems

jcgadfly wrote:

Still seems dubious.

A more likely explanation is that one of Creme's followers doing "healings" saw a guy who looked like the Maitreya that Creme says he sees, causes a small furor that makes the news and has said sighting confirmed by Creme.

It's easy to hire actors to play roles.

Well, I see. Seriously, let me perform some mental gymnastics, so I try to fit myself into your worldview. No irony. It's not easy, I'm not sure if I get it right, let me try. Do you realize, how many documented phenomena you deny? You would dismiss one of them for being just one and many of them for being too numerous. You'd accuse believers of believing miracles, and then you'd accuse them of not believing, but fabricating them.
I guess you refuse to accept something that is not proven and nothing is proven, unless it is thoroughly understood. (because extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence) Until then, any conspiracy, fabrication, hallucination or perversion of anyone's character is possible, no matter how far-fetched, as long as it provides a materialistic and reductionistic version of the story. Is that correct? I hope we'll have some time before someone jumps in and starts accusing me of trolling. Really, I'd like to get that impertinent and provocative question clear. I'm not angry or anything, I just try to formulate the question, synthesizing our opposite points of view. Mental gymnastics, as I said.

From the study of physics you may realize, that overwhelming majority of the universe is extraordinary, made of highly elusive, invisible and exotic stuff. But why don't you consider, that it would have any practical role in everyday world, perhaps causing all the things otherwise unexplainable, therefore dismissed under silly  pretenses? Just asking. I think such consideration would make you more objective.

jcgadfly wrote:
 So we're back to your only source being connected to Creme (otherwise why would the "journalist" ask Creme to confirm the sighting?)

People who know about Creme's work routinely ask him for confirmation or rejection of things they think he might know about. It does not say anything whether they are connected to him or not. 

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Luminon wrote:From the study

Luminon wrote:

From the study of physics you may realize, that overwhelming majority of the universe is extraordinary, made of highly elusive, invisible and exotic stuff. But why don't you consider, that it would have any practical role in everyday world, perhaps causing all the things otherwise unexplainable, therefore dismissed under silly  pretenses? Just asking. I think such consideration would make you more objective.

You're 100% correct, the majority of the universe is made of stuff we don't fully comprehend.  As to why not considering that it would have any practical role in the everyday world?  wtf? What do you mean by practical? If you mean that it could be manipulated, or channeled or meditated or whatever the hell woo technique you prefer... then because all those... "assertions' are born out of an evolutionary overinflated sense of self worth.  What practical application would dark matter have? we can't detect it with our best experiments, yet you believe that it somehow arranges stars and planets at the time of our birth in such a way as to predict our future? A future that no two astrologers can even agree on?  Reduce what you're saying to a few sentences without the pseudo-scientific BS.

I like you luminon, but you ask someone to believe some urban myth based on some BS pictures, and provide no other evidence then a whole bunch of worshipers say so?  And then you call that someone unreasonable for saying that it is all BS?  That you couldn't fit into our paradigm? I'm not sure what world view you partake but I'm sure it involves a lot of chemicals I can't spell.

"Don't seek these laws to understand. Only the mad can comprehend..." -- George Cosbuc

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Luminon wrote:jcgadfly

Luminon wrote:

jcgadfly wrote:

Still seems dubious.

A more likely explanation is that one of Creme's followers doing "healings" saw a guy who looked like the Maitreya that Creme says he sees, causes a small furor that makes the news and has said sighting confirmed by Creme.

It's easy to hire actors to play roles.

Well, I see. Seriously, let me perform some mental gymnastics, so I try to fit myself into your worldview. No irony. It's not easy, I'm not sure if I get it right, let me try. Do you realize, how many documented phenomena you deny? You would dismiss one of them for being just one and many of them for being too numerous. You'd accuse believers of believing miracles, and then you'd accuse them of not believing, but fabricating them.
I guess you refuse to accept something that is not proven and nothing is proven, unless it is thoroughly understood. (because extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence) Until then, any conspiracy, fabrication, hallucination or perversion of anyone's character is possible, no matter how far-fetched, as long as it provides a materialistic and reductionistic version of the story. Is that correct? I hope we'll have some time before someone jumps in and starts accusing me of trolling. Really, I'd like to get that impertinent and provocative question clear. I'm not angry or anything, I just try to formulate the question, synthesizing our opposite points of view. Mental gymnastics, as I said.

From the study of physics you may realize, that overwhelming majority of the universe is extraordinary, made of highly elusive, invisible and exotic stuff. But why don't you consider, that it would have any practical role in everyday world, perhaps causing all the things otherwise unexplainable, therefore dismissed under silly  pretenses? Just asking. I think such consideration would make you more objective.

jcgadfly wrote:
 So we're back to your only source being connected to Creme (otherwise why would the "journalist" ask Creme to confirm the sighting?)

People who know about Creme's work routinely ask him for confirmation or rejection of things they think he might know about. It does not say anything whether they are connected to him or not. 

Occam's razor is not mental gymnastics. It eliminates such maneuvers.

My explanation is more parsimonious than a super being (possibly an alien) coming to earth and talking with the economic and political elite (swearing them to secrecy) whilst revealing himself to a Scottish artist of little renown until he discovered that he could market said super being.

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin

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Ktulu wrote:You're 100%

Ktulu wrote:

You're 100% correct, the majority of the universe is made of stuff we don't fully comprehend.  As to why not considering that it would have any practical role in the everyday world?  wtf? What do you mean by practical? If you mean that it could be manipulated, or channeled or meditated or whatever the hell woo technique you prefer... then because all those... "assertions' are born out of an evolutionary overinflated sense of self worth.  What practical application would dark matter have? we can't detect it with our best experiments, yet you believe that it somehow arranges stars and planets at the time of our birth in such a way as to predict our future? A future that no two astrologers can even agree on?  Reduce what you're saying to a few sentences without the pseudo-scientific BS.

Astrology is not about predicting the future. It only predicts some external influences. What actually happens depends on more factors than that. The result is interplay of four factors at least - external influences, internal state, our amount of free will and our degree of correct understanding of what's going on. Most of astrologers do not even realize that. 

Due to lack of time and interest, you don't realize how much the science must reject, to make it's notion of the world appear wholesome and therefore worthy. There are weird things happening all around the globe in countless cases every year, for all our history. Based on them, much of the culture has been founded. But you don't search for any underlying principle in that, because the brain, the most distrusted organ of all, is the machine for seeing imaginary patterns, right? (police detectives should disagree with you, they must notice patterns, to determine if multiple crimes were performed by the same criminal) People's culture readily includes any strange phenomena, so the phenomena themselves are also distrusted. So as far as you're concerned, all is OK, all gives perfect of sense, except of, let's say more than 80% of the universe and majority of human history and culture that we can not understand or pretend that there is nothing to understand.

I wonder when someone puts two and two together, that the mind or consciousness (or even life itself) is a phenomenon involving dark matter and other exotic properties of the universe. I wonder when someone (besides esotericists) starts thinking, what implications this idea has. It would explain many things. For example, why people (brains) see things like ghosts so often, but non-living, non-intelligent material instruments hardly ever detect anything. 

Ktulu wrote:
 I like you luminon, but you ask someone to believe some urban myth based on some BS pictures, and provide no other evidence then a whole bunch of worshipers say so?  And then you call that someone unreasonable for saying that it is all BS?  That you couldn't fit into our paradigm? I'm not sure what world view you partake but I'm sure it involves a lot of chemicals I can't spell.

I don't tell anyone to believe. There are reports, even evidence. Perhaps not enough for belief, but enough for serious consideration and then, for objective look on things. What I don't like is a cathegorical stance of this exists and that doesn't exist, because there is no evidence. There is so much of  evidence, that existence of certain things should be taken as a serious possibility. Isn't that open-mindedness?

I believe what we're seeing here is massive increase in so-called miracles in last several decades, specifically phenomena that involve four things: healing, change of structure, materialization and dematerialization, including, but not limited to religional objects, places, events and symbols. I believe it looks like a systematic propaganda or campaign of publicity by some unknown, non-religional source. Now, the question is, who will announce that someone is responsible for this. So far, Creme did. Now he practically works as a main global gatherer, arbiter and re-publisher of these phenomena through his magazine. After so many years of work, that's not surprising. 


jcgadfly wrote:

Occam's razor is not mental gymnastics. It eliminates such maneuvers.

My explanation is more parsimonious than a super being (possibly an alien) coming to earth and talking with the economic and political elite (swearing them to secrecy) whilst revealing himself to a Scottish artist of little renown until he discovered that he could market said super being.

No, I mean I have to perform mental gymnastics, to get your point of view. It's necessary to put myself in your shoes, walk a mile in them, and make a comparison to find out how are my shoes different and why can I walk further in them.

As for super beings coming to earth and talking to people, the mythology is full of them. They seem to appear quite often in history of various nations. I think we're long overdue for our historical super being and it's about time.
It's not surprising you didn't notice, but Creme doesn't act self-importantly. He talks about himself only as much as it's necessary. Otherwise, his job is to make public prophecies, lectures and publishing the magazine and other texts. 

As for marketing, he's not raking money, unlike such Americans. AFAIK, many of his books are free online, his magazine is also published online for free, and he gave up authorship fees for the publishing of translations of his books. You pay nothing for attending Creme's lectures or participating on his group meditations. He's doing that for more 30 years. So what is your problem, are you seeing things (marketing, greed, corruption, commercialism) that are not there? There is no worship, no organized cults, no separation from the world or its events, no communities, in fact, on Creme's lectures you can find people of all kinds and all beliefs, attracted by the message. 


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Luminon wrote:Ktulu

Luminon wrote:

Ktulu wrote:

You're 100% correct, the majority of the universe is made of stuff we don't fully comprehend.  As to why not considering that it would have any practical role in the everyday world?  wtf? What do you mean by practical? If you mean that it could be manipulated, or channeled or meditated or whatever the hell woo technique you prefer... then because all those... "assertions' are born out of an evolutionary overinflated sense of self worth.  What practical application would dark matter have? we can't detect it with our best experiments, yet you believe that it somehow arranges stars and planets at the time of our birth in such a way as to predict our future? A future that no two astrologers can even agree on?  Reduce what you're saying to a few sentences without the pseudo-scientific BS.

Astrology is not about predicting the future. It only predicts some external influences. What actually happens depends on more factors than that. The result is interplay of four factors at least - external influences, internal state, our amount of free will and our degree of correct understanding of what's going on. Most of astrologers do not even realize that. 

Due to lack of time and interest, you don't realize how much the science must reject, to make it's notion of the world appear wholesome and therefore worthy. There are weird things happening all around the globe in countless cases every year, for all our history. Based on them, much of the culture has been founded. But you don't search for any underlying principle in that, because the brain, the most distrusted organ of all, is the machine for seeing imaginary patterns, right? (police detectives should disagree with you, they must notice patterns, to determine if multiple crimes were performed by the same criminal) People's culture readily includes any strange phenomena, so the phenomena themselves are also distrusted. So as far as you're concerned, all is OK, all gives perfect of sense, except of, let's say more than 80% of the universe and majority of human history and culture that we can not understand or pretend that there is nothing to understand.

I wonder when someone puts two and two together, that the mind or consciousness (or even life itself) is a phenomenon involving dark matter and other exotic properties of the universe. I wonder when someone (besides esotericists) starts thinking, what implications this idea has. It would explain many things. For example, why people (brains) see things like ghosts so often, but non-living, non-intelligent material instruments hardly ever detect anything. 

Ktulu wrote:
 I like you luminon, but you ask someone to believe some urban myth based on some BS pictures, and provide no other evidence then a whole bunch of worshipers say so?  And then you call that someone unreasonable for saying that it is all BS?  That you couldn't fit into our paradigm? I'm not sure what world view you partake but I'm sure it involves a lot of chemicals I can't spell.

I don't tell anyone to believe. There are reports, even evidence. Perhaps not enough for belief, but enough for serious consideration and then, for objective look on things. What I don't like is a cathegorical stance of this exists and that doesn't exist, because there is no evidence. There is so much of  evidence, that existence of certain things should be taken as a serious possibility. Isn't that open-mindedness?

I believe what we're seeing here is massive increase in so-called miracles in last several decades, specifically phenomena that involve four things: healing, change of structure, materialization and dematerialization, including, but not limited to religional objects, places, events and symbols. I believe it looks like a systematic propaganda or campaign of publicity by some unknown, non-religional source. Now, the question is, who will announce that someone is responsible for this. So far, Creme did. Now he practically works as a main global gatherer, arbiter and re-publisher of these phenomena through his magazine. After so many years of work, that's not surprising. 


jcgadfly wrote:

Occam's razor is not mental gymnastics. It eliminates such maneuvers.

My explanation is more parsimonious than a super being (possibly an alien) coming to earth and talking with the economic and political elite (swearing them to secrecy) whilst revealing himself to a Scottish artist of little renown until he discovered that he could market said super being.

No, I mean I have to perform mental gymnastics, to get your point of view. It's necessary to put myself in your shoes, walk a mile in them, and make a comparison to find out how are my shoes different and why can I walk further in them.

As for super beings coming to earth and talking to people, the mythology is full of them. They seem to appear quite often in history of various nations. I think we're long overdue for our historical super being and it's about time.
It's not surprising you didn't notice, but Creme doesn't act self-importantly. He talks about himself only as much as it's necessary. Otherwise, his job is to make public prophecies, lectures and publishing the magazine and other texts. 

As for marketing, he's not raking money, unlike such Americans. AFAIK, many of his books are free online, his magazine is also published online for free, and he gave up authorship fees for the publishing of translations of his books. You pay nothing for attending Creme's lectures or participating on his group meditations. He's doing that for more 30 years. So what is your problem, are you seeing things (marketing, greed, corruption, commercialism) that are not there? There is no worship, no organized cults, no separation from the world or its events, no communities, in fact, on Creme's lectures you can find people of all kinds and all beliefs, attracted by the message. 


Indeed the mythology is full of them - why is your view NOT mythology?

So Creme aggrandizes himself by making public prophecies but since he doesn't talk about himself he's not acting self-importantly? You don't see that by setting himself up as the main connection to Maitreya and the "Exalted Masters" he's acting self-important?

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin

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jcgadfly wrote:Indeed the

jcgadfly wrote:

Indeed the mythology is full of them - why is your view NOT mythology?

Because it's happening during our lifetimes in front of people's eyes and camera objectives. The evidence was systematically mentioned at a news conference. Furthermore, if you're an American and want some tangible evidence, not just record of it, then you can drive a little south to Mexico and find the village of Tlacote. Make sure you bring a big, empty water canister with you, possibly also a copy of your medical records. There you can also go through medical records of countless people who used the water and were healed from various health problems, sometimes even quite serious. Use the water as prescribed, notice your health state and go on a medical check again.

jcgadfly wrote:
 So Creme aggrandizes himself by making public prophecies but since he doesn't talk about himself he's not acting self-importantly? You don't see that by setting himself up as the main connection to Maitreya and the "Exalted Masters" he's acting self-important?

According to esoteric teaching (Theosophy, etc, not Creme) this is a technical necessity. There are very few people who can stay in rapport with Masters permanently, even after intense training. This is not a case of mediumship. Mediumship is very common in society, but mediums' messages are never reliable. They frequently claim communicating with whoever and whatever sounds popular or powerful, but the messages are always emotionally influenced. This kind of low mediumship may eventually lead to insanity. Masters refuse to use anyone who has slightest tendency to it, which is almost all of humanity. Furthermore, I presume, they choose someone who already worked for them in his past lives. 
And obviously, it is important to choose a speaksman, who does not sit in any important office. An official with connection to Masters of wisdom is more valuable in secrecy and therefore greater freedom of work. The words are not meant to persuade and violate our free will, but to inform and let us make our opinion based on the mentioned evidence. One guy is enough for that.

Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.

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Luminon wrote:Well, I see.

Luminon wrote:

Well, I see. Seriously, let me perform some mental gymnastics, so I try to fit myself into your worldview. No irony. It's not easy, I'm not sure if I get it right, let me try. Do you realize, how many documented phenomena you deny?

Don't waste your time.

It's called the Butterfly Effect.

Luminon wrote:

I guess you refuse to accept something that is not proven...

Dude, this isn't a mass at church. Strawmen like that aren't going to get any traction.

Save everyone some time, and just admit that you believe in something, that others don't....


I keep asking myself " Are they just playin' stupid, or are they just plain stupid?..."

"To explain the unknown by the known is a logical procedure; to explain the known by the unknown is a form of theological lunacy" : David Brooks

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So if I don't pay my taxes can I sue the fundies when the world doesn't end for the resulting IRS penalties? Don't tempt me.

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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You can Sue. Win Probably not

Beyond Saving wrote:


So if I don't pay my taxes can I sue the fundies when the world doesn't end for the resulting IRS penalties? Don't tempt me.

You can sue anybody.

If the world does not end you can pay your taxes on Oct 18th without penalties.

Of course you will owe interest.

"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me

"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.

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pauljohntheskeptic wrote:

Beyond Saving wrote:


So if I don't pay my taxes can I sue the fundies when the world doesn't end for the resulting IRS penalties? Don't tempt me.

You can sue anybody.

If the world does not end you can pay your taxes on Oct 18th without penalties.

Of course you will owe interest.

I meant successfully sue. And yes, you would have to pay penalties. Unless you pay at least 90% of what you owe the penalty is 0.5% per month the payment is late past April 15th (actually April 18th this year) plus interest which is currently 4% per year calculated daily. Filing an extension does not save you from having to write a check in April.

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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And the day after when this

And the day after when this does not happen, will they sumit themselves to a dunk tank and pie in the face?

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 I just saw this crazy

 I just saw this crazy story.  Do you think they are going to kill their kids on May 22nd?


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Hey guys, I've been gone a while. How have U been? U mean Jesus

I've been gone over a month and Jesus hasn't returned!!?!? I could've SWORN he'd come this time!!

I may be gone for a while from the forum from time to time but I always return UNLIKE Jesus!!

While I've been gone I heard an interview with some Christian psycho Harold Camping who claims the world will end 5/21. This time he SWEARS it's true as he's researched it all in his book of fairy tales, the bible!

BTW, I plan on being a PAYING member as soon as I can!



Click here to find out why Christianity is the biggest fairy tale ever created!!

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Actually judgement day has

Actually judgement day has already happened. We are in the zombie war now.