This weeks call/sounding to the Wild... [trollville]

What some minds and souls need is shocked into waking, please do so with the proofs/truths now exposed of how Gods Science has proven His mystery by His command...listed proofs below in the sounding call letter Rev:10:7 ---
Mon, February 28, 2011 4:04:03 PM
Subject: SCIENCE, The Postulate, the Postulation of a Theorem is what Science needs, Yet God commanded it centuries ago! SO Proof Below that Science, The Word Creation of God has finished His Mystery Rev:10:7 -- {{ A MIGHTY HOLY MAN PASSED OVER THE WEEKEND }} -- He prepares His Crushing of Many around earth by shifting His north and South poles/nations --- BRING HOME YOUR MISSIONS AND RESEARCHERS THERE IS MUCH WE MUST DO FOR THE NOW COMING OF THE GREAT "I AM" -- DEATH AND SICKNESS AND DISEASE EVEN AGING NOW SOON END BY THE COMMAND OF GOD LONG AGO REV:21:4 --- Sun Storms and Explosions of Flares still taking place due to Gods Mighty Hand and Anger against satan whom some say God has surrendered too --- "i" gather the 144,000 and more Inheritors of the Promised land / Paradise Called earth Revelation 7:3-4 Revelation 14:1-3....It has Begun...
I am sent by God, the Scientific soul His Son JESUS to awake those on the highways and byways who have been lost due to the many infected souls controlling Gods Word here on earth! It has begun..
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Wait, did you just post your phone number and address to solicite donations?
Jesus Christ.
Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.
Seriously mods, I think this person is missing a couple of screws. Most of our hit and run posters just hate us and run. I think this person needs a stay at the rubber room Hilton.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
What "i" posted here is this weeks sounding letter that go's out around earth too 1000's, "i" am asking them for money you "i" ask for rational response! Now do not get me wrong, if you or the chief sent us some wompum we would except but no its not a special request for this particular blog/forum! Read the entire letter, how can any give a rational respnse too anything they have not read, exposes the control satan has taken over you through society and the world as well as its subliminal attempts at controlling you and the chief...Much respect to all of Gods book of Life......all others prepare to burn...
I am sent by God, the Scientific soul His Son JESUS to awake those on the highways and byways who have been lost due to the many infected souls controlling Gods Word here on earth! It has begun..
Get lost nut job.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
How can you continue to show contemptuousness towards others? There comes a point where you have to tell us what you mean by Satan and especially what you mean when using the word "bacteria" This particular use of the term is not widely held. If you are to continue, you owe us all a MORE satisfactory explanation of the bacteria That is very reasonable to ask for an explanation of all the data. You've mentioned it over and over and over. You have NOT conveyed anywhere near enough about the Scriptural references you are using. Some of the members think you are being indulged beyond others in Trollville. Actually , Your postings, as is, can get you banned. No Joke! What can you say? Please DON'T give into the temptation to lash out. You will end up paying the price.
Dana esq; you try to humble me, and do as usual, "i" am not contemptuous, "i" am responsive, always Rationally yet very responsive! So when you see men calling me draught hands/dung hands, and nut job, and the like, my responses are generally enough to allow them to know, that "i" see their weakness and give them the opportunity to feel the pricks of pens they normally like giving out, yet so often are not strong enough to endure! You on the other hand are very Rational very observant and very aware, so you receive awareness where others receive draught hands... Yes Dana it is the most Amazing thing, the Lord sent us keys/codes Rev:1:18 now being exposed by Science which is leading us right where He declared long ago, too Glorified bodies, and the soon reign here on earth with God Rev:21:3 - 4 The end of aging and sickness and premature death is so very near, where people such as yourself who are of Gods book of Life, if of Adam and Eve unmarred Ezra 9:1-2 that when the Lord arrives Life abundant will have already began John10:10 where our Lord doesnot speak in symbolism as so many believe, yet speaks in absolutes! He was speaking in definite terms, not as so many declare that He meant merely Life with riches and good foods, He meant in this now Epic generation of Increased Knowledge that He would again be causing us to live Centuries instead of Decades! {{As in the days of Noah}} In the Old testament as in the new He our Lord gave us in parable and in verse clues to the symptoms of the sickness we all contracted when our Father and Mother of the Garden ate the contaimnated fruit! And since we began to die younger and younger, but that now soon ends for Many who can believe and gather for the now Inheritance of the promised land called earth Rev:21:3 - Matthew 25:34 - Matthew 5:5 and many more! One of our Brothers has found one of the 8 fungal toxins which death/satan the principalities of the air/bacteria begin putting into our system at birth literally attacking us with death not at the end of our Life, but at the beginning, and slowly drain our strength until we pass in old age, when in reality as in the days of Noah, we should live 100's of years and then God call us into heaven as Enoch! So dear beloved peace maker, Blessed are the peace makers for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven..."i" pray in this rational response, that it awakens you and sends you with an examining eye to the Lords website.....It has begun for easy excess so you donot have to go to another screen or post... much respect r.p.berry / Elijah paul Moses has Begun
I am sent by God, the Scientific soul His Son JESUS to awake those on the highways and byways who have been lost due to the many infected souls controlling Gods Word here on earth! It has begun..
.You are absolutely not responsive. No one has yet to pin you down on anything. To listen to you, You've a little wonky inverse take on the nature of disease. I am away for a few days but before then 'you' need to clarify some things for the sake of the forum. That means 'clarify', clarify you must . .
Work on a general idea of HOW to use the word "bacterial' (as in the infection of the 'bacterial fifth ' ) ?
Where in the bible does it allude to this "bacterial menace" within the Scriptures ?
Define some words Also, Can you define Satan ? If you can, Do you make a distinction between "old age unto the grave" and "Satan" ???
"What are your views on disease in general" ?
When will there be an eternal state ?