The RCC has changed the bible yet again...This time with possibly unintended consequences.

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The RCC has changed the bible yet again...This time with possibly unintended consequences.


The RCC has changed the bible yet again...This time with possibly unintended consequences.


I just picked this news up today. It seems that the English language has changed so much since 1970 that a new bible is in order. Well, that sounds a bit fishy to me but what they have done was to pretty much take out the words that make school boys giggle. At least that is the gist of what I am seeing.


So pirates no longer have booty. Because we would not want people to thinks that they are after black female ass. They have also changed wife in some places to “good woman”. Fine flour is now bran flour, because all those carbs are bad for you or something.


OK, really, they are going for translational accuracy here. However, in so doing, they have discovered that “almah” Strong's H5959 does not mean “virgin”. Well, doesn't that change the whole virgin birth thing around?