Sexism in the Bible.

Yet another few examples of the sexist attitude carried by those men who wrote the Bible. I hate how women are portrayed in these examples, and until recent times, women were always second class citizens. I share these findings to let people see yet another way the bible subjugates people into stereotypes. It pains me to see the way women can sometimes still be treated all over the world by awful men, doing awful things just because they can, and because the religion they practice co-signs the atrocities they commit.
1. Poor Eve...Of course it is the woman who is tempted by Satan to take the fruit from the tree of knowledge, and then corrupt the unsuspecting Adam. From the beginning this paints the picture that all women are evil creatures hell bent on doing nothing but tempting men to do awful things.....Sad.
2. Lot's wife. Cursed for turning around and taking a look at God doing the Genocidal thing. Turned into a Pillar of Salt. Once again, a women portrayed as weak and the righteous Lot (the man) leaves in peace and saves his family.....The same two daughters that got him intoxicated and had sex with him.....Really?????? So, now it's ok for him to do that and not become a salt block.....Lot is all about incest, but that is ok, it was the women who were the culprits....
3. This woman was not named in the Bible. The one who was nearly stoned to death for committing adultery. At the time, Mosaic at the time, the penalty for such an offense was death by stoning.......So what about the guy she slept with??? Of course, the man, the second half of that scene was not held accountable for the offense.
4. In the book of Deutoronomy, it states that if a man decides that he no longer likes his wife, he can claim that she was not a virgin when they were married, and unless the father of the girl and prove it, the punishment is death. WTF, really. So a man can stick his dick in anyone else beforehand, but God forbid a woman do the same.
There are many more atrocities against women in the Bible, but I hope that I have painted a good picture on how men, who claim that what they write is the will of God, are nothing but power hungry pigs who want nothing more than to view women as awful, pitiful creatures who must be governed and killed without hesitation if they step out of line. The same holds true, even in modern times, and to extremes with other religions like Islam. It is sick and vile, and I couldnt imagine that any decent person would ever want to be a part of something so brutal.
The Bible is the ultimate referance for hypocrisy and contradiction. Yet, people still believe that the words contained within come from a "perfect" source.
Women, are everything soft and beautiful and kind in this world, they are excellent caretakers, they bear our children, and have been persecuted for thousands of years while the men get by with everything. I know that by writing this, i paint a terrible picture for men, past and present, and I want to take time to acknowledge that we live in a time where women are getting more respect and are treated better, and I hope that trend continues as we evolve into better people and get away from old traditions that have no place in modern society. Lets all hope that one day, religions that persecute and degrade anyone no matter what race or sex they are will become extinct.
"Whoever feels predestined to see and not to believe will find all believers too noisy and pushy: he guards against them."
Friedrich Nietzsche
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They still are unfortunately. Look at attitudes of people towards women in power and things such as the reduced pay women receive for the same job compared to men. Is it socially acceptable to be a stay at home dad? Not really.
You paint a terribly sexist picture of women though. They bear our children? So men make children and women are the containers that hold them? You sound like you don't like sexism, but methinks you should evaluate your words critically because some remnants of sexism still remain. Good luck.
Maybe it's just me, but the children part is kinda fact really, women bear our children, it's more of a blanket statement of facts than sexists comment. as for the soft and beautiful and kind....well fuck that part I can show you some tough and far from kind women in this world. Excellent caretakers? eh iffy on that one, more like they are expected to be better caretakers but I argue against that one, as I think its a toss up between men and women.
All sugar and spice, huh?
Sorry, I can't get on board with that.
They're every bit as human, and flawed as men.
They gestate.
So what?
Men get blue balls.
Men don't owe them anything for their physiology.
That, I can totally align with.
I keep asking myself " Are they just playin' stupid, or are they just plain stupid?..."
"To explain the unknown by the known is a logical procedure; to explain the known by the unknown is a form of theological lunacy" : David Brooks
" Only on the subject of God can smart people still imagine that they reap the fruits of human intelligence even as they plow them under." : Sam Harris
Yes, women actually carry the fetus inside them to term, but I was taking issue with the way he phrased it "women are soft and kind and bear our children" not with the accuracy of his biology. Because are the children not the mother's as well? Or are males the only considered members of our species?
Sometimes its very hard to convey things with any type of sincerity on a forum, or thru texting. The bits highlighted by a few, haha, once I re-read them, yah, im sure it could be taken badly. But to clear things up, I am not a hypocrite in any way, I just found it odd that women do an awful lot in this world that men don't, childbirth especially. Granted, there are a few women who don't measure up to the caretaker bit, but I won't label all women as bad just because a few don't excel on it. If ONE woman treated YOU badly, Im sorry, it happens to us all. and yes, you had it right "OUR", plural, as in WE, as a human race, woman carry the babies...If you seriously take issue to how people "word" things, then you missed the point entirely, the entire motivation of that paragraph. Christianity and many other world religions degrade women, we all know this. Just citing some examples for women to see just in case theism was in there plans, they will take a hard look at what they would sacrifice and suffer through to be a believer.
"Whoever feels predestined to see and not to believe will find all believers too noisy and pushy: he guards against them."
Friedrich Nietzsche
You must not have children. Or a woman in your life. Woman hold positions of power and authority in this world. You contadict yourself so badly, it is quite socially acceptable for a man to be at home raising his children. Due mainly in part with divorce rates being so high. So by saying that is isnt acceptable, are you trying to say that we look down on women who are stay at home moms?? Wow. Thank you for totally disecting every sentance and missing the true nature of the article. I will certainly make it a point to write, read, and proofread anything I put down for fear of scrutiny...........not.
"Whoever feels predestined to see and not to believe will find all believers too noisy and pushy: he guards against them."
Friedrich Nietzsche
Lol, welcome to a mostly atheistic forum. Critical thinkers everywhere. You really need to word your points clearly, even so they will be dissected.
"Don't seek these laws to understand. Only the mad can comprehend..." -- George Cosbuc
mrOriginal, you have scratched the surface but have correctly summed up that the Bible is by men and for men. Women are no better than property. What amazes me is you have so many fundie women believing in it. I have to assume they just don't understand it. Why would they want to buy they are the cause of sin and subject to men? They are such a footnote in Buybull. They are the cause of all problems and men (Jesus) have to save them. Doesn't that sound like "I Love Lucy". Oh Ricky...I mean oh Jesus. have some 'splainin' to do. Ricky has to save her from her own stupidity and teach her a lesson as well.
The 2nd Genesis story of creation also has another lesson revealing its attitude in how second class women are. God created man and all was happy in this homosexual world. Adam would have a penis and gonads right? But God saw man was lonely (was he checking out the sheep? there were females already except for humans? doh) and said, oh bother, all right I will create a woman for him, a helper. As a kid I was a brick layer's helper, not a brick layer. I was paid significantly less and did all the crappy jobs.
We today are more moral than the primitives who wrote the Bible. That is a fact and it shows the Bible is not *the* source of morality.
Religion Kills !!!
Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
Really? I don't know which society you live in, but in America people tend to look down on stay-at-home dads.
Depends. In Portland, OR among the professional class - and the professional-want-o-be's - it is expected for dad to contribute and it is considered kind of weird if he does not. We also have a lot of same sex couples with children and both partners are expected to contribute. The working class generally do not follow this with it being typical for mom to work, care for children, and house and .... while dad drinks beer and has a part time job.
I would just as soon not get into this discussion as I am a woman with a technical degree and have worked in technology for over 20 years. I have been the only woman in a technical position at a company, the first woman in a technical position at a company, and I am sick to death of the arguing.
All I know for sure is it is much easier now than it was even 10 years ago. People (men and women) are much less likely to carry on like you have 3 heads if you are female and an engineer or IT. At least, it has been that long since I heard the inane "why aren't you at home raising your children?" Though it may have something to do with - I don't have any children at home any more to raise and I moved to Portland about 10 years ago and got away from most of the rural red necks.
(Yes, there are red necks in the Portland area, but they are easy to avoid.)
-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.
"We are entitled to our own opinions. We're not entitled to our own facts"- Al Franken
"If death isn't sweet oblivion, I will be severely disappointed" - Ruth M.
Sure, I think the trend has been improving over the years. I would agree.
ugh, I hate the assumption people make that it is the woman's 'duty' to stay home and raise children.