Pro Muslim rally in NY protests Rep.King's Muslim Terror hearings(link)

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Pro Muslim rally in NY protests Rep.King's Muslim Terror hearings(link)

On the news they said it drew 300 people. would you like to be part of THAT group??  Take the bag off your head lady!!!


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I just wish the hearings had been on the radicalizing of RELIGIOUS groups, and not singling out Islam as the "ONE AND ONLY" violent religion, since to me that sounds like a person from a different religion trying to get the attention away from the violent nutters in their own camp. I do have to side with some (and only SOME) Muslim voices on this one and say this isn't about Islam and all about scapegoating. Not that I don't think that there are many insane Muslims out there willing to torture and kill other people to spread their disgusting little doctrine, but it's not like Islam has a monopoly on religiously motivated violence.

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I started another thread

I started another thread about this, yours has a link, maybe they could be combined in this one since you made a link, if a mod wants to do that.

I already made the point that we have non-Muslim hate groups like the Phelps and Neo Nazis and anti-abortion nuts who are, at a minimum, willing to goad others into violence.

AND the number of murders do to street gangs is a much bigger problem than worrying about someone blowing something up.

Instead of focusing on a label, I think it would be important to tell people to keep an eye out for any disturbed person who thinks violence is a solution to political problems.

I bet the right wingers are pissed that a Muslim is in our Congress (Keith Elleson) and if they had their way, they would make an amendment that non-Christians cant serve in government.

Should we watch out for Muslims? Yea, but it isn't the only threat we suffer from when it comes to violence nor is it the biggest.

Personally I think simply calling Allah a dick if he commands his followers to harm dissenters, at least in America, is enough to produce those in that camp to speak out.

Many of the resent spoilers of attempts were caused by Muslims reporting their own to law enforcement.

This is just fear mongering. You have more chance of being harmed by drug attic or family member than you do being blown up by a Muslim terrorist.



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I agree with what both of

I agree with what both of you guys say but let's face it--99% of religious violence does come from Islam. 

As much as I can't stand Christianity and how it's based TOTALLY on myth and NOT reality you gotta at least say they've given up their violent ways for the MOST part.  Remember less than 300 years ago Christians used VIOLENCE and THREATS to force people to believe in their MYTHICAL god.  Before that the Pope actually gave knights permission to rape and murder!!

But in a very secular America Christians now have no choice but to turn their collective cheeks. 

Brian37, I TOTALLY agree with what you said about it's ONLY the secular nature of America that prevents Christianity from turning into Islam and FORCING their myth on us!! Crazy Christnuts like Robertson, Fawell, Phelps, etc. would definitely use some type of force if they could.  You mentioned Neo-Nazis but as far as what I've read they are not really Christian since the Nazis weren't.

Christian violence is limited to mostly abortion violence like the murder of the aboriton doctor a couple years ago.  I really can't think of anything else in America or even in other western countries can you?

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ummm one thing...

JesusNEVERexisted wrote:
You mentioned Neo-Nazis but as far as what I've read they are not really Christian since the Nazis weren't.

I don't know where you got that information, since everything I've read about the Nazi's, and their rise to power in a country with a 90% Christian population at the time, points to them being mostly populated by Christians and based on many Christian principles. Most modern neo-nazis are also Christian, with a small smattering of Odinists (yes you heard me correctly). I do a lot of anti-fascist work, so I have to keep up on what the enemy is doing, and I can tell you that many would want you dead for saying that they are not a Christian movement.

"This may shock you, but not everything in the bible is true." The only true statement ever to be uttered by Jean Chauvinism, sociopathic emotional terrorist.
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B166ER wrote:

JesusNEVERexisted wrote:
You mentioned Neo-Nazis but as far as what I've read they are not really Christian since the Nazis weren't.

I don't know where you got that information, since everything I've read about the Nazi's, and their rise to power in a country with a 90% Christian population at the time, points to them being mostly populated by Christians and based on many Christian principles. Most modern neo-nazis are also Christian, with a small smattering of Odinists (yes you heard me correctly). I do a lot of anti-fascist work, so I have to keep up on what the enemy is doing, and I can tell you that many would want you dead for saying that they are not a Christian movement.

Ok, I stand corrected.  I was basing that on the Nazis who definitely had a lot of Native European/Germanic aspects to their religion. In Nazi Germany the spirit of the old religion and the heroic attributes of the Germanic gods were revived as part of the propaganda program of the Nazi party.

Read more: Germanic religion —

It's funny they say propaganda because Christianity and the chruch is 100% propaganda.  They can't show they have an ounce more truth than any other god/goddess or religion.

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