The Rational Response Squad is a group of atheist activists who impact society by changing the way we view god belief. This site is a haven for those who are pushing back against the norm, and a place for believers of gods to have their beliefs exposed as false should they want to try their hand at confronting us. Buy any item on AMAZON, and we'll use the small commission to help improve critical thinking. Buy a Laptop -- Apple |
Copyright Rational Response Squad 2006-2024.
Then enjoy yourself. Feel free to post though. We are only mildly radioactive (blame the potassium for that).
meh... that might lead to an accusation of trolling
Plus, that "Jake" guy might be watching.
The threads I have looked at so far make interesting reading though. Thanks!
Pleased to meet you.
Meh, don't worry about Jake. He is cool with stuff. Joe Pesci on the other hand...
Please have a seat and lurk.
Welcome to the forum.
Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare
they gave me a new avatar over at Jakes Shack.
We think we now know the atheist vs theist mystery on Lion IRC. Lion, are we correct... you are a theist?
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
Yes. Well spotted.
I'm as far as you can get on the theist end of the Dawkins scale.
Just out of curiosity, is either of the two people shown in Sapient's avatar ...actually Sapient (nick name not adjective).
The third person "we" got my attention.
The dweeb on the left is Ray Comfort's ventriloquist dummy, Kirk Cameron.
Not sure which one you think is the hot one and not sure if you mean left/right facing us or facing I will look it up on... the Oracle of Delphi / Google
Brian is the one on the right. Kirk is on Brian's right.
Favorite oxymorons: Gospel Truth, Rational Supernaturalist, Business Ethics, Christian Morality
"Theology is now little more than a branch of human ignorance. Indeed, it is ignorance with wings." - Sam Harris
The path to Truth lies via careful study of reality, not the dreams of our fallible minds - me
From the sublime to the ridiculous: Science -> Philosophy -> Theology