Hey Yo!

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Hey Yo!

Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.


Oh wait...


Okay seriously, any of you who are regulars to the Atheist Network already know of me. For those of you who don't, you will soon enough.


Anyway, the name is Robert. But you can call me TRBB, The Almighty Bob, or whatever. Just don't call me cab.


I am atheist. I'm also something of a writer and cartoonist. I also like Pepsi Throwback and Doritos.


Anything else you want to know, feel free to ask.


"TRBB - Changing the attitude of the forums one thread at a time." - KSti

"Relax." - Frankie

World of Fizz

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Hi and welcome What made you

Hi and welcome Smiling

What made you come here?

And I can't help but notice you've got an insane pegasus in your avatar. Could you elaborate on that?

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Welcome to the forum.Omg.

Welcome to the forum.

Omg. Kawaii!!!!

Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare

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If one studies the history

If one studies the history of the city of Khartoum, does that make them a Khartoumist?

No applause, just throw hand granades, that and welcome.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog

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Thanks y'all. Thunderios

Thanks y'all.


Thunderios wrote:

Hi and welcome Smiling

What made you come here?

Someone posted a link to RSS on Atheist Network so I thought I'd check it out.


And I can't help but notice you've got an insane pegasus in your avatar. Could you elaborate on that?

It's a character from the new My Little Pony cartoon, known by some as "Derpy Hooves".


"TRBB - Changing the attitude of the forums one thread at a time." - KSti

"Relax." - Frankie

World of Fizz

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Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.

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Welcome, Bob Almighty


We have some cartoon characters here. Jean Chauvin for instance.

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Another from the AN. Good.

Another from the AN.



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Hi there




                   All  are welcome reguardless of previous forms of servitude,  or memberships.

"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."

VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"

If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?

Answers in Gene...
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 Hello, you can call me


Hello, you can call me anything and I will probably get it. There is even one member who calls me Chaim.

NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:
Never ever did I say enything about free, I said "free."


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 I figure something out,

 I figure something out, AiG.


Hey, wait!


Anywho, thanks for the welcomes to those who welcomed me since my last post. Laughing out loud

"TRBB - Changing the attitude of the forums one thread at a time." - KSti

"Relax." - Frankie

World of Fizz

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TRBB wrote:Hello, my name is

TRBB wrote:

Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.

Hmmm, I've never heard that one before.

Can you hum a few bars?...






Oh ya, welcome, fellow atheist!

Smoke 'em if you gottem!

I keep asking myself " Are they just playin' stupid, or are they just plain stupid?..."

"To explain the unknown by the known is a logical procedure; to explain the known by the unknown is a form of theological lunacy" : David Brooks

" Only on the subject of God can smart people still imagine that they reap the fruits of human intelligence even as they plow them under." : Sam Harris

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You don't happen to have six fingers on your right hand?




welcome to the forum.


mr. O

"Whoever feels predestined to see and not to believe will find all believers too noisy and pushy: he guards against them."

Friedrich Nietzsche

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G'day, and a (belated)

G'day, and a (belated) Welcome, from Australia, AKA 'Oz'.

And my name is actually Robert, but they call me 'Bob' - damn, another one.


Favorite oxymorons: Gospel Truth, Rational Supernaturalist, Business Ethics, Christian Morality

"Theology is now little more than a branch of human ignorance. Indeed, it is ignorance with wings." - Sam Harris

The path to Truth lies via careful study of reality, not the dreams of our fallible minds - me

From the sublime to the ridiculous: Science -> Philosophy -> Theology

Jean Chauvin
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Hi Cab

Hi Cab,

Welcome. Though why are you absurd in your atheism? You need Jesus. Have you ever fried an egg. Well, you whole body is going to fry like an egg unless Jesus Rescues you from the cook.

The only reason why you can draw cartoons is because you are stealing Chrisitan intelligence. God gave you this gift, and if you crap on it, you too will be crapped on upon your death.


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).

A Rational Christian of Intelligence (rare)with a valid and sound justification for my epistemology and a logical refutation for those with logical fallacies and false worldviews upon their normative of thinking in retrospect to objective normative(s). This is only understood via the imago dei in which we all are.


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).

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Jean Chauvin wrote:Well, you

Jean Chauvin wrote:
Well, you whole body is going to fry like an egg unless Jesus Rescues you from the cook.


On first read-through I thought that last word was 'cock.'

"TRBB - Changing the attitude of the forums one thread at a time." - KSti

The Batlord
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Jean Chauvin wrote:Have you

Jean Chauvin wrote:
Have you ever fried an egg. Well, you whole body is going to fry like an egg unless Jesus Rescues you from the cook.


Well, out of the frying pan and into the fire.

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Qualinesta wrote:Jean

Qualinesta wrote:

Jean Chauvin wrote:
Well, you whole body is going to fry like an egg unless Jesus Rescues you from the cook.


On first read-through I thought that last word was 'cock.'

Freudian slip?

"Don't seek these laws to understand. Only the mad can comprehend..." -- George Cosbuc

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Jean Chauvin wrote:The only

Jean Chauvin wrote:
The only reason why you can draw cartoons is because you are stealing Chrisitan intelligence.


Christian intelligence. Now there's an oxymoron.


"TRBB - Changing the attitude of the forums one thread at a time." - KSti

"Relax." - Frankie

World of Fizz

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TRBB wrote:Anyway, the name

TRBB wrote:
Anyway, the name is Robert. But you can call me TRBB, The Almighty Bob, or whatever. Just don't call me cab.

For those who don't know - TRBB = Totally Raping Beast Boy.