Ken wrote about Social Security shutdown at Republican hands?
I'm watching MSNBC "The ED Show" and he just said that the Republicans might shut down the Goverment soon, and nobody will get a Refund and Social Security checks (which I count on every month)
What to do ?
I hope that soon there will be a revolution
, that will give us more of a choose ( third partys ) etc.
Signature ? How ?
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I think Ed might be getting a little alarmist. Of course I've seen the Republicans pull off some mind numbing shit in the last few years, I would imagine this is part of a political ploy. Let's move this to a new thread.
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Signature ? How ?
Ed is a dumb ass and a liar. No politician is going to stop the SS from going out. During the last shutdown they went out and if the Republicans find their balls they will go out during this one. The only way you will stop getting your SS check is if the government literally runs out of money. SS is considered essential spending (along with the military and a few other things) a government "shutdown" will only cut non-essential spending.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X